A Whole New Multiverse: Arrow

By Lauriver1fanboy

3.9K 100 7

Explanation for rewrite in first chapter. My name is Oliver Queen. After failing to stop a crisis unlike anyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Up for Adoption

Chapter 10

245 5 0
By Lauriver1fanboy

That night, Laurel smiled as she walked into her bedroom to find Oliver once again waiting for her.

"I could really get used to this." Laurel said with a smile as she slid into bed next to him.

"Good. Because I'm not going anywhere." Oliver said as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Why do I sense a but coming?" Laurel asked.

"It's nothing bad. I was just thinking that while your place is nice, maybe we could look for a place together. Like, as a real family." Oliver said and Laurel smiled.

"You sure you're ready for that kind of commitment?" Laurel asked.

"I'm not proposing or anything, but this place is barely big enough for you and Jasmine and while I've learned to be pretty low maintenance over the past few years, you know that there isn't enough room here for all the things my mom is going to want me to bring." Oliver said, since really, while he'd already moved his clothes to Laurel's place, a lot of them were still boxes, since there wasn't enough room in the closet for his stuff. and Laurel kissed him.

"I agree. Honestly, the only reason I bought this place is because I refuse to take your mother's charity, so this was the best I could afford. But now that it's not charity, but simply you paying child support, now we can afford to move into a nicer apartment." Laurel said and Oliver smiled.

"So, you wanna start looking tomorrow?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah I do. So speaking of tomorrow, are you nervous for your meeting with the Palmer Tech board?" Laurel asked.

"A little. I mean Ray Palmer and I have never really gotten along, but still, since I doubt I can convince Malcolm to back my plan to start a security company to help the glades, the Palmer Tech is my best bet." Oliver said.

"Hey, maybe this will give you and Ray a chance to start over. I mean really, who can stay mad at a castaway." Laurel said.

"Your father." Oliver said and Laurel sighed.

"I think he might be coming around. He's agreed to come to dinner tomorrow night and since I know that he adores Jasmine, he won't make a scene in front of her." Laurel said and Oliver sighed.

"I hope so." Oliver said.

"Come on, since we're not jumping off rooftops tonight, we need to get to bed." Laurel said and Oliver nodded as they laid down and tried to fall asleep.

"Oliver, it's good to see you." Ray Palmer said as Oliver entered his office next day at Palmer Tech and got up to shake his hand.

"It is?" Oliver asked him.

"I say this is an opportunity to put the past behind us and start over." Ray said positively and Oliver smield, since it seemed like some things never changed. Ray was ever the optimist.

"I couldn't agree more." Oliver said.

"I have to ask though, your family owns Palmer Tech's biggest competitor. Why not just have Queen-Merlyn fund your proposal?" Ray asked.

"You and I both know that my stepfather despises the Glades. Malcolm and the board would never agree to back me. So, it seemed like a faster solution to just come to you instead of trying to convince Malcolm." Oliver said and Ray nodded.

"Well, I can tell you now that will already have my vote on this matter, since I think that helping the Glades and the rest of the city is not only a good way to get Palmer Tech some good PR, but more importantly, we'll be helping our city." Ray said.

"Thank you Ray." Oliver said.

"It's my pleasure. I lost my fiance to the crime in the Glades and I want to make sure that other people don't have to go through that as well." Ray said and Oliver nodded in agreement.

"Let's get to the meeting." Oliver said.

When Oliver returned home that evening, he was feeling good, since the Palmer Tech board had agreed to back him.

"So, how'd it go?" Laurel asked with a smile as she saw her boyfriend walk in.

"It went great. I may not be a businessman, but I do know how to appeal to people who are." Oliver said.

"Really, how?" Laurel asked him amused.

"It's simple. Tell them what they want to hear. Good PR for Palmer Tech and guarantee them a discounted price for the best security in the city, since like I said, while my agency will mainly patrol the Glades and the other lower income parts of the city, we'll also take on contract work and use the money from the one percenters to help fund the agency." Oliver said.

"Have you given any thought on what you're going to name your agency?" Laurel asked.

"I was thinking Knightwatch." Oliver said.

"I like it. Now anyways, my dad will be here soon for dinner, so please, do not mention Knightwatch to him unless he brings it up." Laurel said.

"Won't he already be in a bad mood if he has to eat your cooking?" Oliver asked.

"Oh ha ha. You just talked yourself out of dessert later. But for the record, I have gotten better at cooking. My dad insisted on teaching me after he found out I was keeping Jasmine, since his exact words were his granddaughter would be able to love a home cooked meal every once and awhile." Laurel said.

"Really. Well, considering the fact that she hasn't gotten food poisoning from eating your cooking, I guess that's true." Oliver said as Laurel smacked him.

"Let's not ruin the mood. Now, go say hello to your daughter. She's currently having a tea party in her room." Laurel said with a smile.

"Copy that. And he's cool with watching her this weekend?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, he is. Especially since our trip to Gotham has a dual purpose. First is to get you a suit, but the second is to check out whether or not this Batwoman is the real deal." Laurel said.

"I'm pretty sure she is." Oliver said, since he'd not only met Batwoman, but he knew who she was under that mask.

"I hope so. Because Gotham fell apart after Batman left and hopefully she's real so she can start helping the police and the Crows put it back together." Laurel said.

"We can only hope." Oliver agreed, though he was getting very anxious to get his own suit back, since he was going a little stir crazy not being able to help his city the way he'd prefer to.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't take Luke very long to make your suit, so you can get in the game soon." Laurel said.

"Hope so. I know you can handle yourself Laurel, but I'd still feel better if you actually someone out there watching your back with you." Oliver said and Laurel smiled.

"Soon you will." Laurel said confidently.

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