eve and the servamp (editing...

By bloomingnymph

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KUROxREADER walking down the street lead her to cross paths with a black cat, who is also a vampire. trouble... More

1. Kuro the Cat (story in the process of being edited!)
2. the contract
3. the wanted servamp
4. your lead
5. unexpected meeting
6. productive day
7. greed pair
8. closure
9. the outfit
10. meeting time
11. the spark
12. returning past
13. choice
14. kuro's choice
15. mikuni's way
16. HER way
17. it's time

18. emotions

433 19 2
By bloomingnymph

"You love me?" Kuro's heart was skipping beats and he couldn't understand exactly what was going on inside that immortal body of his. His hand right on his heart, he needed to understand how can a human cause this.

"Ahhh, what did I just say?!" You covered the redness of your face. Those sweet 3 words just came out your mouth so effortlessly.
"Kuro." You needed to own up to everything. It would be messed up to tell him you love him then take it back. However, you couldn't take it back.
"I mean every word I said to you."
You slowly removed your hands of your face. You had to own up to your feelings, not only for Kuro but for you.
"I don't know how or when it happened. As I struggle to find who I truly am after this whole brainwashing mess. You are the only person that I've truly felt myself with. You've seen me on my good days, even on the worst days. When I wake up in the morning looking like if a train hit me towards days where I get all fixed up and feel really confident. You've never judged me harshly, and you chose to stick around me despite the mess. Despite being the slothful vampire that you are."

Vampire. vampire. vampire.

"I know that me falling for you means digging up my own hole and falling into it. But call me stupid, I fell for your butt! You're a vampire that is going to live forever, and I'm just another human. Compared to how much longer you live, I'm only a simple, slight moment of that eternal life of yours." You heart ache at the same time while these words came out. Expressing your emotions as raw as possible.

"Yes Kuro, I really do love you." You softly smiled, eyes starting to gloss of how overwhelming yet relieving it all felt.
"You don't have to love me back like I do Kuro. I don't expect it to go any farther than Servamp and Eve. And im okay with that!! As long as im by your side one way or another, fighting and laughing by your side. I will be okay."

"I don't understand f/n" He let go of his hands that were gripping his chest.
"What is this feeling I feel? I can't explain it. I don't know how to demonstrate it."

"And that's okay Kuro,"

"I don't know what to do with what I feel but you are special to me. That's all I understand so far f/n. I am sorry that I can't reciprocate all those words you told me, because I don't even know what they mean. I don't know what it means to love someone f/n.. When you asked me if I would ever fall for a human, my response was half-assed because I don't know how it feels to be in love with someone." Kuro was really doubtful of his own emotions. Unfamiliar to what he is experiencing at the moment, there was so much he didn't know. He made it fairly obvious to you as well.

"I don't even know exactly how you feel but I'm right by your side in hopes that you or we could maybe figure it out one day, together. Whether I'm just a special eve, a special friend, or a special human, it all comes in different forms Kuro. I just know that I want to be by your side!"

"So take your time figuring yourself out, no matter what happens I will be okay and so will you! I am strong remember?" You winked.
"But for now, how about we worry about these damn doors so we can kick some butt??" You extended your hand for Kuro.

"I'm right by your side f/n!" He accepted your hand pulling you towards him to embrace you into a hug. He held you tightly in his arms, and you dug your head on his chest. You could feel the beat of his heart that was in sync with the beat of yours. This is the first time you both shared an intimate moment and it was one that will reside in Kuro's and in your heart forever.

a/n hi!! Thank you for keeping up with my story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter  <3

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