Always (1, 2, 3 sezonai)

By wekillpeople

131K 3.3K 43

"Mano veidu bėgo vis daugiau ašarų, plaukai buvo susivėlę ir šaltis kandžiojo mano odą. Trumpam užsimerkiau į... More

"If I could fly..."
"...I'd be coming right back home to you..."
"...I think I might give up everything..."
"...just ask me to..."
" attention, I hope that you listen..."
"...'cause I let my guard down..."
"...right now I'm completely defenseless..."
"...for your eyes only, I'll show you my heart..."
"...for when you're lonely and forget who you are..."
"... I'm missing half of me when we're apart..."
" you know me, for your eyes only..."
"... I've got scars even though they can't always be seen..."
"...and pain gets hard..."
"... but now you're here and I don't feel a thing..."
" attention, I hope that you listen, 'cause I let my guard down..."
"...right now I'm completely defenseless..."
"...for your eyes only, I'll show you my heart..."
"...for when you're lonely and forget who you are..."
"... I'm missing half of me when we're apart..."
"... now you know me, for your eyes only..."
"... I can feel your heart inside of mine..."
"...I've been going out of my mind..."
"... know that I'm just wasting time..."
"... and I hope that you don't run from me..."
"... for your eyes only, I'll show you my heart..."
"... for when you're lonely and forget who you are..."
"...I'm missing half for me when we're apart..."
" you know me, for your eyes only..."
Louis, Liam, Niall.
Danielle ir Eleanor.
"Now's all we got..."
"...and time can't be bought..."
"...I know it inside my heart..."
"...forever will forever be ours..."
"...even if we try to forget..."
" will remember..."
" said you love me..."
"...I said I loved you back..."
"...what happened to that, what happened to that..."
"...all your promises..."
"...and all them plans we had..."
"...what happened to that, what happened to that..."
"...boom gone..."
"...yeah, we move on..."
"...even if we try to forget..."
" will remember you..."
"...and love will remember you..."
"...I know it inside of my heart..."
"...forever will forever be ours..."
"...even if try to forget..."
" will remember..."
"...the trips we dreamed of taking..."
"...the tacks left on the map..."
"...what happened to that, what happened to that..."
"...when all you had was nothing..."
"...and all we did was laugh..."
"...what happened to that, what happened, what happened to that..."
"...boom gone..."
"...yeah, we move on..."
"...even if we try to forget..."
" will remember you..."
"...and love will remember me..."
"...I know it inside my heart..."
"...forever will forever be ours..."
"...even if we tried to forget..."
" will remember..."
"...break down the walls..."
"...let heaven in..."
"...somewhere in forever we'll dance again..."
"...we used to be inseparable..."
"...I used to think that I was irreplaceable..."
"...we lit the whole world up..."
"...before we blew it up..."
"...I still don't know just how we screwed it up..."
" will remember you..."
"...and love will remember me..."
"...I know it inside my heart..."
"...forever will forever be ours..."
"...even if we tried to forget..."
" will remember"
"Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?..."
"...who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?..."
"...who's gonna be the last one to forget this place?..."
"...we keep taking turns..."
"...will we ever learn?..."
"...oh spaces between us..."
"...keep getting deeper..."
"'s harder to reach you..."
"...even though I try..."
"...spaces between us..."
"...hold all our secrets..."
"...leaving us speechless..."
"...and I don't know why..."
"...who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?..."
"...who's gonna be the first one to compromise?..."
"...who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire?..."
"...who's gonna be the last one to drive away?..."
"...forgetting every single promise we ever made?..."
"...oh spaces between us..."
"...keep getting deeper..."
"'s harder to reach you..."
"...even though I try..."
"...spaces between us..."
"...hold all our secrets..."
"...leaving us speechless..."
"...and I don't know why..."
"...who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?"
Kiti mano darbai

"...who's gonna be the last one to drive away..."

786 19 0
By wekillpeople

-Gerai, baigiam.-pasakė garso operatorius.

-Turi tris valandas, gali papietauti, grįšti į viešbutį jei nori. Septintą turi būti čia, prasidės pasiruošimas.-išdėstė vadybininkas.

-Supratau.-pasakiau ir atidaviau mikrofoną kažkokiam vaikinukui.

Išėjau iš arenos ir apsauginis mane palydėjo į automobilį. Grįžusi į viešbutį užsisakiau maisto ir belaukdama nuprendžiau paskambinti Harry. Paspaudžiau skambučio su vaizdu mygtuką ir laukiau kol jis atsilieps.

-Labas, mama.-pamačiau Troy veidą.

-Sveikas, mažyli. Kaip laikaisi?-paklausiau.

-Gerai, su tėčiu važiuosime tvarkyti kažkokių reikalų.-pasakė.

-O kur tėtis?-paklausiau nematydama Harry aplink.

-Jis duše.-pasakė.-Ar jau baigėsi koncertas?

-Ne, jis bus tik vakare.-nusijuokiau.-Dabar patikrino aparatūrą, mikrofonus ir taip toliau.

-Ar parveši lauktuvių?-mielai pažiūrėjo.

-Jei būsi geras.-mirktelėjau.

-Aš visada geras, mama.-nusišypsojo.

-Taip, tu teisus.-nusijuokiau.

-Troy, su kuo kalbi?-pasigirdo Harry balsas.

-Su mama!-atsakė jis.

-Labas.-į ekraną įlindo Harry, nuo kurio varvėjo vanduo.

-Prisiekiu, Harry, jei prilašinsi ant grindų, rytojaus gali ir nesulaukti.-rimtai pasakiau ir jis prunkštelėjo.

-Man taip pat malonu tave matyti, mieloji.-pasakė jis.

-Atleisk.-atsidusau.-Man taip pat. Kokių reikalų važiuosite tvarkyti?

-Tai dėl vestuvių. Merginos su vaikinais važiuoja nusipirkti kostiumus, todėl El liepė važiuoti ir mums su Troy.-pavartė akis.

-Oh. Atsiūsi nuotraukų.-nusišypsojau.

-Na jau ne. Tu man nerodei savo suknelės, todėl mūsų taip pat nepamatysi.-pasimaivė.

-Gerai, gerai.-nusijuokiau.

Į duris kažkas pabeldė ir liepusi Harry palaukti nuėjau atidaryti durų. Maistas. Grįžau atgal atsidarydama dėžutę su salotomis.

-Ruošiesi koncertui?-paklausė Harry kai su Troy ėjo pro duris.

-Yeah.-nusijuokiau.-Susiskambinsime vakare jei dar nemiegosit, gero apsipirkinėjimo.

-Sėkmės koncerte.-pamojavo man abu.

-Ačiū, mielieji. Myliu, bučkis ir iki!-pasakiau ir mes pabaigėme pokalbį.

Pavalgiusi šiek tiek patinginiavau, perklausiau savo dainas, kurias šiandien dainuosiu, įsitikinau, jog prisimenu visus žodžius ir peržvelgiau repertuarą. Atrodo viskas gerai.

Išsimaudžiusi ir išsiplovusi galvą apsirengiau. Vėliau idsidžiovinau plaukus ir susinkusi daiktus išvažiavau į areną. Susiradau persirengimo ir grimo kambarius. Čia mane padažė, sušukavo bei aprengė.

Pasigirdus pirmies dainoms akordams minia susirinkusi arenoje ėmė ūžti, nors net nebuvau išėjusi į sceną. Pasirodžius dūmams po truputį ėjau į priekį ir galiausiai stovėjau ant scenos priešais visus. Giliai įkvėpiah ir pridėjau mikrofoną prie lūpų.

The world can be a nasty place
You know it, I know it, yeah
We don't have to fall from grace
Put down the weapons you fight with

And kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now

We're running out of time
Chasing our lies
Every day a small piece of you dies
Always somebody
You're willing to fight, to be right

Your lies are bullets
Your mouth's a gun
And no war in anger
Was ever won
Put out the fire before igniting
Next time you're fighting

Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now

Go ahead, go ahead now
Go ahead, go ahead now

Your lies are bullets
Your mouth's a gun
And no war in anger
Was ever won
Put out the fire before igniting
Next time you're fighting

Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Kill 'em with kindness
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now

Go ahead, go ahead now
Go ahead, go ahead now
Go ahead, go ahead now

-Sveiki atvykę!-sušukau dainai pasibaigus.-Labai smagu matyti jūsų tiek daug ir labai gera čia būti.-atsikvėpiau.-Į šį albumą įdėjau ypatingai daug savęs, todėl tikiuosi, kad jis jums patinka taip pat kaip ir man. Pradėkim!-sušukau ir visi vėl ėmė rėkti, klykti ir šokinėti.-Nors jų šį vakarą čia nėra, skiriu šią dainą savo ištimiausioms ir geriausioms pasaulyje draugėms.-nusišypsojau ir pasigirdo muzika.

Drop down on a desert ride
Just outside the 95
Never felt more, more alive
I got my chicas by my side

And if we want it, we take it
If we need money, we make it
Nobody knows if we fake it
You like to watch while we shake it
I know we're making you thirsty
You want us all in the worst way
But you don't understand
I don't need a man

Me and my girls, me and my girls
Me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my girls
Me and my girls, me and my girls
No jodas, nosotras
Me and my girls
Me and my girls

The night is dark but the moon is bright
We're staring at this summer night
Tan skin looks damn good in white
Stripping down by the Hollywood sign

And if we want it, we take it
If we need money, we make it
Nobody knows if we fake it
You like to watch while we shake it
I know we're making you thirsty
You want us all in the worst way
But you don't understand
I don't need a man

Me and my girls, me and my girls
Me and my, me and my, me and my, me and my girls
Me and my girls, me and my girls
No jodas, nosotras
Me and my girls
Me and my girls

I'm going home with who I came with
And who I came with's not you
I'm going home with who I came with
And who I came with's not you
I'm going home with who I came with
And who I came with's not you
I'm going home with who I came with
And who I came with's
Me and my girls, me and my girls
You can look, but don't touch
I'm not here to hook up
I'm just here to turn up
Tonight is just us

Me and my girls
Me and my girls
Me and my girls
No jodas, nosotras
Me and my girls

Buvo neįtikėtina matyti visus dainuojančius mano dainas. Šypsojausi kiekvieną koncerto sekundę, nes tai nuvo įspūdinga. Atlikau visas planuotas dainas ir koncertas privalėjo baigtis. Kad ir kaip bebūtų liūdna, pabaigiau paskutinę dainą ir atsistojau prieš visus.

-Ačiū, kad šiandien buvot su manim ir iki kitų kartų! Myliu jus!-nusunčiau oro bučinį ir nubėgau atgal į užkulsius.

-Kaip jautiesi?-paklausė vadybininkas.


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