Sanders Sides One-Shots

بواسطة Jalaforlife

19.2K 670 227

Just a bunch of random one-shots. I take requests. So request away! You can message me personally or just lea... المزيد



506 24 16
بواسطة Jalaforlife

Hey FandomsUnited_Always, I did it! I wrote ya a proposal fic!

As always, if ya find any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out!

TW: None!

Logan sat curled up on the couch, watching Sherlock, his boyfriend Virgil tucked beneath his chin, with his back to Logan's chest. They both had work off, and took advantage of it by having a lazy day. Logan looked down at his boyfriend's face. He hadn't put on his usual makeup today so Logan could clearly see the freckles that were scattered across his nose and cheeks. Logan always loved looking at Virgil's face. With or without makeup, Logan thought he was beautiful and it never failed to brighten his day. 

Virgil tilted his head up towards Logan, smiling when their eyes met. He sat up straighter and twisted around slightly, pressing his lips to Logan's.  There weren't any sparks, instead Logan felt his heart surge with love for the other man. Logan pulls away earning a small pout from Virgil.

"I will be right back, love, I just need to go acquire something." Logan said leaning in for another quick kiss before he pulled away and stood up. He left the living room, returning a few minutes later fumbling with something in his pocket. Logan sat back down next to Virgil, the latter leaning his head on Logan's shoulder.

"Love?" Logan question after a moment of silence.


"I have something to tell you, well, to ask you." Logan said, adjusting his glasses. "I realize this is an inopportune time, but I do not wish to wait any longer. Virgil, I love you so much and I treasure every second I have with you. I love how excited you get about Halloween and other things you love. I love kissing you and waking up in the morning with you by my side. I love everything about you, so," Logan said reaching into his pocket, pulling out the small box and opening it, "Will you marry me?"

Virgil surged forward, closed the small distance between the two, pulling him into a tight hug. He pulled away long enough to look into Logan's eyes and smile before leaning back in and capturing Logan's lips with his own, repeatedly giving small, excited kisses to the logical man.

"So is that a yes?" Logan asked between kisses. Virgil pulled away once again and stared into the other's eyes.

"Of course it's a yes. I love you so much, Lo." He said. Logan took the ring from the box and slipped it onto Virgil's finger. No sooner had he done so, than Virgil leaned forward, reconnecting their lips in a much more heated kiss. Logan happily kissed back, placing a hand on Virgil's cheek and the other on his shoulder. Eventually they pulled apart not saying anything, just looking into each others eyes and smiling.

"If Roman asks," Logan said, breaking the silence, "I proposed to you over a fancy, romantic dinner. He would figuratively kill me, if he found out I proposed to you in our pajamas."

So, I hope ya enjoyed that! Sorry it's kinda short and crappy.

Also, I think for now I'll just plan on updating every 2 weeks. I tried to do once a week, but I just don't have enough time and it didn't end up happening most weeks.

Please request!!!

Peace out!

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