I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 60

9.1K 144 14
By _beaniezayn

Ariana's POV:
2 weeks later
After that night with Zayn, I had this strange feeling inside me. I automatically felt different, like something was completely different. It bothered me that I had no clue what it was, until I finally realized it.
It's been on my mind ever since. And I got to prove that my instincts were correct a few days later when I was talking to Lexi and my mom and we did some things to identify the truth of it. I'm glad I have them to support me.
My skin had been crawling while Zayn was gone to finish the last few concerts of his. He got back a few days ago and even he knew that something was up. It's just that, unfortunate for him, we haven't told him a single thing.
It's not that I'm afraid to tell him. It's just that I don't exactly know how to. The last attempt at telling him something along this line failed miserably and resulted in pain and misery.
We haven't really had alone time either. Ever since he's been back, he's been busy with different things for his recently released album called Four.
My mom has also been ordering him around. I don't know why, honestly. She's had him doing things around the house and it bugs me. I am usually the one cleaning and doing all the housework but she will not let me.
Just because I have a situation, doesn't mean I'm incapable of taking my part of the cleaning in my house, mom.
With a deep sigh, I release myself from my thoughts and concentrate on the food sitting in front of me. My mom made lunch for everyone. Everyone including myself, my daughter, Lexi, Zayn, and herself.
Pasta was the deal after a few minutes of arguments about wanting something else. I don't care. I wanted pasta and I got what I wanted. My stomach needs what it needs, don't bother testing me.
Within seconds of the food sitting in front of me, I have a fork full in my mouth and swallowed. I ignore the looks I got from Lexi, Zayn, and even my daughter. What's their issue?
"Momma, can you cut my noodles up?" Delaney asked. I looked at her and felt a little bad that I forgot to do that. I always do that for her.
"I can do it. Sorry, I forgot Delly." My mom said to her. I give her a look of appreciation before digging back into my food.
Zayn sits directly across from me and I can't help but feel him staring at me. When I look up again, I'm not surprised to see that he is. When he notices I've caught him staring, he offers a little smile to me. I return it, feeling a little bad.
I want some time with just him and I know he wants time with just me. I have a strange feeling that that will be occurring after I tell him the secret I've been keeping.
I look away from him and after a little while, I've finished my food. I feel a little awkward when I see that everyone else isn't done and I am. I hate that.
I decide to place my dishes in the sink and I do. After that, I walk back to the table and sit down again. For a few minutes, I don't speak. I just listen to Zayn tease our daughter about her pig tails and Lexi who is staring at her phone.
"Daddy, mommy did 'em!" Delaney giggled and pushed her fathers hand away from one of her pig tails. He had been gently tugging on it. I smiled at them.
Zayn looked up at me with a little smirk. I keep smiling at him. "I did. They look cute, Del."
"See. Mommy thinks they looks cute. You're just a boy, daddy!" Delaney said with a huff. She looks back at her food and sticks her fork in it.
Zayn chuckled, the little tongue behind the teeth thing. You know, the sexiest think on the earth that literally makes my knees wobble even when I'm sitting down.
"I was messing around with you, love. Your pig tails look lovely." Zayn said, kissing her cheek briefly. I smile again, loving the sight of them together.
I jumped when Lexi squealed. "Eek! Harry's here!" Lexi hobbled out of the kitchen with her cell phone in her hand. I bursted into laughter at the sight of that.
My mom takes a seat next to me in the chair. She started eating, finally. She had been busy cleaning the kitchen for me before. I look at her and she looks at me expectantly.
I lower my eyes and look at the table cloth. I knew what that look meant. I know exactly what that look meant. She wants me to tell Zayn the secret I've been keeping from him.
"Go on," My mother spoke, directing the attentions of Zayn and my daughter to me. "Tell them."
"Mom," I hissed, annoyed. "Stop it. I will later."
"You need to tell him, Ariana." My mom responded, using that tone I always hated as a child. I felt my insides shaking and I felt nauseous.
"I know, mom." I replied, angrily. "You cannot force me to. I said I would tell him later. Stop budding into my business."
"Tell me what? Why are you acting so disrespectful to your mom?" Zayn asked, giving me a look. I can't tell if he's just curious, concerned, or is trying to parent me.
"Nothing," I snapped at him. "I told my mom I would tell you later."
"It's obviously something. You're being rude and you said you'd tell me later." He responded, scrunching his eyebrows.
"Exactly. I'll tell you later. Just be quiet." I said and then I looked away. I'm not intentionally trying to be mean but my mom needs to keep a lid on it. This is my information to share, not hers.
Zayn didn't respond after that. I'm grateful for that. If he had, I might have responded with something mean and I don't want to. All these feelings inside of me are working at once and it's hard for me right now.
My mother doesn't speak either. She just eats quietly. Feeling awkward, I stand up and push my chair in. I feel unwanted at the moment so I turn and walk out of the kitchen immediately.
When I make it out of the kitchen, I see Lexi hugging Harry who has just walked in the door. When he catches sight of me, he flashes me a grin.
"Hey Ariana," He greeted, still hugging a very pregnant Lexi. I smiled back at him as best as I could. "You okay? You look ill."
I nodded. "I'm okay. Thanks."
He nodded and then looked back at Lexi as their hug broke. "Holy cow. Look how big you are now. It's been two weeks since I've seen you yet you look even bigger."
Lexi giggled. "You make it sound like I'm a little kid."
"Well, technically you are since you're carrying one." He responded to her. My stomach began to hurt. The irony literally crawls up my throat and makes me extremely nauseous.
After suddenly feeling light headed, I walk to the couch and sit down. Lexi and Harry join me after a few minutes and I listen to them talk for a while.
After 10 minutes of them catching up (I don't know why they needed to; they text and call every five minutes), their conversation simmers down, leaving me to relax a bit.
"Are you sure you're okay, Ariana?" Harry asked. When I looked at him, his face showed concern and curiousness. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Yeah I guess," I lied through my teeth. The truth is, I'm sick to my stomach. I'm sick not only from keeping this secret from Zayn but I truly have a stomach ache too. "Just tired, is all."
He looked unsure but then nodded and looked back to Lexi. Lexi looked at me for a few seconds with a frown. Too bad she can read me well. She knows my secret but she also knows that I'm lying about feeling okay. All I want to do is vomit and then watch movies and eat ice cream.
I sent Lexi a half smile and she returned it while placing her hands on her five month old stomach. Five months was marked three days ago. I can't believe that she'll be giving birth in less than four months.
"You guys are weird." Harry spoke. "It's like you're communicating through your eyes or something. Would you stop that?" Lexi laughed but I didn't, for I feared of vomiting if I did.
"It's what best friends do, Haz." She reminded him.
"Ah, okay. Wait, where's Zayn?" He asked, looking at me expectantly. I pointed to the kitchen door and he nodded. "What's he doing?"
"Eating lunch with Del and my mom." I responded.
"Oh yeah! My food is in there. Do you want some Harry?" Lexi asked, sounding excited about her food. I was excited too. I just wish I hadn't eaten it so fast.
"Sure. What is it?" He asked. Lexi stood on her feet and dragged him into the kitchen and didn't respond.
So now, I was left alone to think about all that's flowing through my mind. To plan, rehearsal, and prepare for how I was going to tell Zayn the news.
Lexi's POV:
"Mm, it smells so good." Harry moaned as we walked into the kitchen. I felt bad for leaving Ariana alone but maybe she just needed some peace and quiet. I know I do at some points.
"Unka Harry!" Delaney cheered, jumping off her seat and into Harry's arms. I smiled at her excitement to see me because I feel the same way. I love him so much.
"Sup, Harry." Zayn cooly greeted one of his best mates. I smile at Zayn and he half smiled back and then looked away. I wonder why he seems so, I don't know, not happy?
"How are you?" Harry asked Delaney, hugging her tight against his body.
"Good! But daddy keeps tuggin' on my piggy tails." She said and I laughed, knowing I witnessed a bit of that at one point. Harry chuckled too, rubbing her back in the process.
"Your dad is just a punk, isn't he?" Harry asked her and I watch her nod and let out a giggle. I looked at Zayn and he smiled at Harry.
"Hey now, don't teach her things like that. We don't need her running around the house calling everyone a punk." Zayn said but it was hard to take him seriously by the smirk on his face.
Harry scoffed. "Yeah, okay. Ironic that you said that because you and Ariana cuss all the time."
I smirked a bit. "Yeah. Usually at each other." Harry laughed and placed Delaney down on her feet. He seemed oblivious to the fact that Delaney pouted.
"Whatever." Zayn mumbled and then stood onto his feet. He walked around the table and just as he's about to walk past me and out of the kitchen, I grab his arm and pull him back.
"What's wrong, bud?" I asked, looking at his face for some sort of answer. He sighed and shook his head. "Seriously, what's up?"
I let go of his arm and he straightens out his shirt like I just messed it up. He sighed again, "Ariana is keeping something from me."
My stomach dropped. I knew exactly what he was talking about. "She's going to tell you soon, Zayn. She just needs some time, okay?"
,His eyes go from upset to angry. "What the hell? Do you know what it is too? Why can't she just tell me? That fucking pisses me off!"
I stepped back from Zayn and held onto my stomach, protectingly. He noticed and almost looked guilty.
"Yes I do know. You don't know any thing right now so stop judging and getting pissed off. Take a freaking chill pill. It's something serious and something that is difficult for her to tell you." I snapped back at him. "Don't you freaking dare yell at me again."
He shook his head. "If it was so important, then I feel that I should be aware of the circumstances. But whatever, I guess. I guess I'm not good enough for her to even tell me."
"Mate, stop being a prick." Harry said to Zayn, nonchalantly. I looked at him briefly and then back to Zayn.
"What? You know too?" Zayn asked, annoyed.
"Actually, no. But do you see me freaking out? She'll tell you soon." Harry said, his eyes on Zayn.
Zayn scoffed. "You would be freaking out if Lexi was keeping something from you so I'd keep a lid on it if I were you."
Harry didn't respond. He just shook his head and took Delaney out of the kitchen. I stepped closer to Zayn, feeling better about the distance.
"Don't be mean to her about it, please. Just relax and she will tell you soon." I tried to talk to him sweetly.
"Just shut up." He snapped and then walked out of the kitchen without another word.
Poor, poor, Ariana. I definitely do not want to be you at this moment. Zayn may be a good guy, but when he's mad, no one wants to be around him.
Ariana's POV:
I jump when the kitchen door slams from behind me. Harry and Delaney just walked out but it wasn't near as loud as that slam. It frightened me.
I looked back from where I'm sitting on this couch and I see Zayn. When I notice that he's looking directly at me, my stomach drops and I being to worry that he's going to yell at me.
"Ariana, may we talk?" He asked, sounding like he was trying really hard not to scream at me. He walked around and stood in front of me.
"About?" I asked and my voice failed me, cracking a little bit.
"You know what." He said, calmly but I'm not sure if he's actually calm or faking it at the moment. "Let's go upstairs, yeah?"
I nodded, afraid if I declined that he would be even more angry with me than he was earlier. So I stand up and meet him at the staircase. I look him in the eyes and then at my feet before jogging up the stairs.
I wait for him at the top and then we walk into my room together. I look at him with my teeth biting into my bottom lip, nervously.
"You're going to tell me now, got it?" He said, walking over to the bed. He sits on it and I slowly walk towards him. I'm not afraid of him at all I'm just afraid to tell him.
"I don't have to tell you now. I'm not your slave, Zayn." I glared as I stepped in front of him. He looked up at me and glared back, making me want to slap him.
"I know that." He snapped but not very loud. "But it's very obnoxious of you to fucking keep a secret from me. I have none with you."
I felt guilty. He didn't know how difficult this was. I know he would be excited and happy if I just told him, but my conscience tells me to wait until he's calmer.
I didn't respond, I looked away. My stomach is hurting so bad, I have a head ache, and now I'm getting chewed out. This is definitely not a very good day.
"Tell me, please." He sounded desperate and it shocked me that he said please.
I began to cry. "It's not easy, Zayn." I looked back at him and he gives me a look of disgust.
"Oh God, you're leaving me aren't you?" He said, looking shocked. I take my hand and smack his arm as hard as I can manage. He yelped and held his arm.
"You're such an ass." I scolded him, wiping my tears. "I'm not leaving you. Although I should. You're so fucking mean to me and you don't even give me some time to figure out how to tell you. This is hard, you shit."
He looked up at me and sighed. One of his arms rubbed the area that I hit with all my power and he just shakes his head. All I want to do is smack him again. He makes me so angry.
"You don't live here either, Zayn. You can go back to your stupid apartment and stay there. You don't run or own me and you can't demand me to tell you anything." I said, angrily.
He stood onto his feet so now he's taller than I am. I step back but hold my glare with him. He doesn't say anything. He just stands there and runs his fingers through his long hair.
I huffed and crossed my arms. "I'm not obligated to tell you right now. I'm also not obligated to stay in this room with you so I'm going back downstairs."
I started for the door. "Just shut up for once, would you?" He asked, stopping me in my tracks. I turned and looked at him. "For once in your life, stand in someone else's shoes and see it from their angle. You are so self centered and so hung up over what the hell is happening in your point of view that you don't even consider anyone else's. Just shut up, for the love, shut the motherfucking hell up!"
My eyes swelled with tears and I couldn't find the words to stay. "Don't. No, don't you even cry. You have no right to cry right now."
I wiped under my eyes and tried to ignore the vomit that threatened to come up my throat. I held a hand over my mouth to help myself to feel better, but it just doesn't work.
I sprint to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat, spilling my entire lunch into the toilet. I cry in the process and then after a few seconds, Zayn has joined me in the bathroom.
I throw up for who knows how long and Zayn places a hand on my back and gently rubs it. This is absolutely embarrassing and disgusting. I wish this wasn't happening.
"I'm sorry," He apologized but at the moment, I didn't care. "I didn't know I'd make you puke." If I wasn't in the process of vomiting, I'd accuse him of how naive he is.
After a few minutes, I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth with toilet paper. Then I fall backwards and lean against the wall, tears running down my cheeks.
"Babe," Zayn said softly. "Do you want to rest? I can take you to your bed."
I didn't respond to him, I just cried. I didn't want to go through this again. That's horrible of me to say but it's true. My worst fear is puking and now I guess it's going to be a daily thing for a while.
"Stand up, okay?" He kneeled down and placed his hands under my arms and helped me onto my feet. I stepped over to the sink and washed my hands quickly and then brushed my teeth.
When I finished, I looked at Zayn and then walked past him, out of the bathroom.
"Ari?" He called after me. It's time to tell him, I guess.
I turned back to look at him. He walked so he stood right in front of me. I looked up at him and swallowed. He gave me a look that I cannot read.
"I'll tell you." I whispered. "I'll tell you my secret, okay? Because sure, you deserve to know."
He nodded, and stayed quiet, expectingly. I took a deep breath and then pushed the hair out of my eyes. I stepped closer to him.
Zayn was smart. He was always a straight A student and always did everything to keep his grades up. He was smart at school, he is at life, and he is smart with people.
But that doesn't mean he isn't so dumb at certain things. By certain things, I mean protection.
It occurred to me that Zayn would always be dumb in this circumstance. He would probably always forget a condom. He would probably always forget that when I'm not on my period and there's unprotected sex, there's a high chance I'd get pregnant again. Those odds weren't against us.
I took his hand and gently placed it on my stomach. He looked down at my hand and scrunched his eyebrows. He looked back up at me and then at his hand again.
"Zayn," I said, my tone assuringly. "I'm pregnant."
And in that moment, I knew that things were about to change. Things were about to get chaotic and things were about to escalate. Things were definitely about to go in different ways and I didn't know what would happen.
But as Louis would always say; live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain.
You're correct, Louis. You're one hundred percent correct.


End of book 1.
Yaaaaaaaaas, many of you guessed correctly! She's pregnant again! :)
I'll post the sequel up in a little bit and then whenever this book hits 100,000 reads, I'll start writing chapter 1 of book 2! Holy cow guys! I can't believe this! Book 2!!
I'm so excited and I hope you are too!
Love yall x
-Mackenzie xoxo

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