Father and Son (Dadmight AU)

Od BNHACinnamonRoll

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This is an AU where Inko Midoriya marries Toshinori Yagi or better known as All Might. Izuku Yagi is All Migh... Více

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Od BNHACinnamonRoll

Part Two

(A/N: I need to talk to you guys. Since this is close to the story there are a lot of episodes to cover with my own version of the story. So, you have a choice. Either I skip some parts, OR I write longer chapters, but this means chapter limits may be increased to 3000 to 4000 words which would take longer to release. Which do you like better?  While you decide, enjoy the beginning of Part Two!)

Inside an Old Apartment

Morning time

Third-Person POV

    In an old apartment, sat a short, old man reading a letter at a table. It said, 'Greetings. It feels like summer is just around the corner. As for you, sir, I hope that this letter finds you well. Since spring, I have have been a teacher at U.A. High School and have taken on the task of guiding the next generation. I thought to find someone worthy enough to inherit my power among the most promising students aiming to become heroes. But, many years before I took up my current post at U.A. I met a kind woman who I love. We married and she bore my child. This son of mine is enrolled in Class 1-A. His name, Izuku Yagi. 

    He's looked up to my hero side until I finally revealed myself. I see myself in him, he's a brave, strong young man who recently saved my own life during the U.S.J. Incident. Which I assume you've seen on the news. He's also saved the lives of his own classmates and another teacher. I found him already beyond worthy of my power. He is the 9th Holder of One For All, but, I am still inexperienced as a teacher. The day may come when I must trouble you, my old teacher. I am counting on you when that time comes. Please take care of yourself as the seasons change.

Sincerely, Toshinori Yagi.'

    The old man took a bite out of his Taiyaki cake and mumbled, "So, Toshinori is a family man now? Didn't expect that..."

U.A. High School

Conference Room

The previous night...

   In the conference room several teachers, Principal Nezu, and Tsukauchi were having a meeting. "The police have investigated the group calling themselves, 'The League of Villains', and there does not seem to be a person named 'Shigaraki' who is in his 20s with the power to disintegrate anything he touches in the government records. Same with the one named 'Kurogiri' with a Warp Gate quirk. They are probably not citizens and are using false names," stated Tsukauchi. The detective continued, "In other words, they are people with unregistered Quirks who live in society's underbelly." The pro hero, Snipe, spoke out, "We have to find them quickly. Once Shigaraki's gun wounds from me heal, they'll definitely try again." Toshinori mumbled, "Their ringleader, huh?" 

    Nezu looked at Toshinori curiously, "Something wrong, All Might?" The Symbol of Peace continued, "It was a bold attack that normal people wouldn't carry out even if they thought about it. He kept his own Quirk a secret, yet bragged about that Nomu's Quirks like it was a toy. He also was visibly upset when things didn't go his way." Nezu nodded, "Even so, it was foolish to throw away the advantage of having unknown Quirks when fighting against heroes." Toshinori continued, "He thought everything would go the way he wanted. Adding to what I saw of him when he carried out the attack, the picture I get of Shigaraki is...someone who hasn't gotten rid of their childish sense of omnipotence. A man-child." Vlad King spoke up, clad in his red hero costume, "A child with power?" Midnight voiced her own thoughts, "Could it be that he never received the Quirk counseling that every child receives in Elementary School?" Snipe questioned her, "What does that have to do with anything." After this, Tsukauchi resumed reading from a report.

    "At the U.S.J., 72 villains were arrested yesterday. They were all small-timers that lurked in back alleys, but the problem is how they all agreed with that man-child and followed him. In this society of heroes, villainous people who have been oppressed might turn to that simple-minded evil." Snipe agreed with the detective, "That's true. There are plenty of people who have no idea what to do with their Quirks." Tsukauchi continued, "Well it's thanks to you heroes that we could devote ourselves to investigating the matter and assisting in apprehending these villains." Nezu suddenly came to a realization, "He still has room to grow. If there was someone capable of backing him, trying to cultivate his malice...I don't wanna think about what could happen..."

Yagi Residence

    Back at home while Toshinori was at this meeting, Inko was in the kitchen cooking while Izuku was in his room, on his bed, working out with a dumbbell while thinking. 'What I aspire to be, seems so out of reach...During the USJ Incident, the villains just toyed with us with their malice and strength. We just slowed down Aizawa and Thirteen. In order to oppose that evil, I must make this power that I've inherited from Dad, One For All, more and more my own.' His train of thought was interrupted by Inko from outside his door, "Izuku...?" "Yes, Mom?" he responded. She opened his door and peeked in, "Dinner is ready." Izuku smiled at Inko, "Thanks, I'll be there in a second." Izuku stood and put his dumbbell away, walking out with his mother to their dining room. As they walked in, Izuku smiled, "Yay! Pork cutlet bowls!" She smiled at her son and they ate dinner happily.


Class 1-A

Izuku's POV

    I was sitting at my desk behind Kacchan, everyone was discussing the news that had aired the previous night about the USJ Incident. Then as the clock approached classtime, Iida came rushing into class yelling, "Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" Kaminari then spoke up, "We're all in our seats. You're the only one who's not, Sonic." Iida marched over to his seat and sat down in frustration, "D-Dang it!" Mina began talking to Tsu across the room when we were interrupted by the classroom door opening. Standing there was...Uncle Zawa?! He greeted us as he walked to his podium, "Morning..." I immediately stood up, "U-Uncle! You're back way too soon!" I was immediately told to sit down, "Mini-Might, sit down." I retorted, "B-But" "Down, Yagi." At that, I begrudgingly sat down. Kaminari and other students had a look of horror, "Y-You're too much of a pro!" Uncle quickly became annoyed, "I am fine, you brats." Ochako-san replied with uncertainty, "Can you really call that 'okay'?" He just sighed as he got to the podium, "My well-being doesn't matter." I just chuckled at this and he turned in my direction, "Something funny, Yagi?" I smiled, "You think your well-being doesn't matter. I think it matters." This was met with a 'Tch' from him similar to Kacchan, "Whatever."

    "More importantly than Yagi attempting to be wholesome, the fight is not over. The U.A. Sports Festival is drawing near." Uncle peaked out from his bandages, revealing his tired eyes and I spoke up. "U-Uncle. How's your vision, is it okay?" He sighed and replied, "Yes..except I can barely see at all without contacts or glasses. Recovery Girl put my contacts in for me...I'd so rather wear glasses." The class chuckled and then Jirou raised her hand, "Mr. Aizawa. Is it okay to have the Sports Festival right after villains snuck inside?" I watched as Ojiro nodded and agreed with Jirou, "What if they attack again or something?" Uncle just sighed and informed us, "Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthed to five times that of a normal festival. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not gonna be canceled just because of a few villains." Mineta questioned him, "But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports." I immediately turned around to Mineta, "Mineta have you never seen the Sports Festival?" He retorted, "Of course I have, that's not what I meant."

    We turned our attention back to Uncle as he spoke up, "Our festival is one of the biggest events in Japan. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about it. As you know, reductions in population and scale. They're now a shell of their former glory." Yaoyorozu nodded, "Of course, all the top heroes will be watching us too. For scouting purposes!" Kaminari agreed with her, "After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro hero agency as a sidekick." I watched as Jirou seemed to disagree, "But a lot of them lose their chance to become independent and become eternal sidekicks. I feel like you'd be one of them, since you're dumb, Kaminari."  Kaminari had a look of defeat before Aizawa continued.

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One festival a year, a total of three chances at this school. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"


Third-Person POV

    Kirishima loudly exclaimed in the class, "Even though all of that stuff happened, I'm getting really excited!" Sero smiled and nudged him with his elbow, "If we put on a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first step to becoming pros!" Sato smirks and punches his hand, "It was worth coming to U.A.!" Tokoyami nods, "We will only receive a few chances. We cannot afford to miss this." Hagakure goes up to Ojiro, "Ojiro, I'm getting kind of nervous now. I need to stand out at the sports festival!" She was bouncing up and down while he blankly said, "Y-Yeah...But the pros might not notice you unless you try really hard..." He was clearly mentioning her invisibility. Aoyama immediately began bragging, "Oh what'll I do? I'll stand out by just standing still so the scouts won't be able to stop looking at me, right?" He got closer to Koda, the silent one, making nervous. "Right?" Koda nodded furiously. On the other side of the room, Kaminari was complaining to Shoji, "You're lucky, Shoji. Your brawn stands out on its own." He just looked at his hand, "There's no point in it if I don't show them my usefulness." Jirou roasted Kaminari again, "I think you'll stand out a lot Kaminari when you fry your brain."

    Izuku stood next to Mina, Tsu, and Iida. "Wow, everyone is so fired up for the festivals." Iida stood and looked at him, "Are you not? We came to U.A. to become heroes, of course, we're gonna get fired up." Iida then did a weird little dance.

Tsu bluntly told Iida, "Iida, you have your own special way of getting fired up, it's weird y' know. Ribbit." He just ignored her comment and turned back to Izuku, "Do you not feel the same, Yagi?" Izuku shook his head, "I do feel the same, why wouldn't I?" The two boys turned when Ochako addressed them, "Hm?/Yes, Uraraka?" She raised her fist in the air, having a strange competitive aura coming off of her, "I'm gonna do my very best!" The two backed up a little at this with Izuku saying, "W-Woah, Ochako-san.." Katsuki just smirked, "Whatever. I'm gonna be the best one. Everyone just rolled their eyes at this statement.

In the Cafeteria

    Once everyone got out of class and into the cafeteria, Izuku, Ochako, Iida were walking to get their food and Izuku asked Zero Gravity user, "Hey, Ochako-san?" She turned her head to him, "What is it, Deku-kun?" "Why'd you become a hero?" "Oh...well it's a little embarrassing and it sounds selfish.....I wanna do it for money. Gosh, I'm sorry. It's such an unwholesome reason...you two have such admirable motivations, it's embarrassing." Iida immediately questioned her, "Why? How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?" Izuku nodded, "Iida's right, but it is unexpected. Can I ask why?" Ochako seemed a little nervous, "Um...I guess I can. You see...my parents work in construction and they're pretty poor, and have been since I was little."  They thought about this and Izuku said, "With that Quirk...if you got licensed it'd bring costs way down." Iida nodded and agreed, "Yes. They wouldn't need heavy equipment or machinery to move items." Ochako beamed, "Yes! That's what I told my Dad when I was little...but.."

11 years earlier

    Ochako ran up to her parents with tears in her eyes, her father looked at her in surprise, "You want to work for us?" She nodded and ran up to them with a pouty face, "Yea! When I gets big, I wunna help chu and Mommy!" He just smiled, kneeled down to her height and patted her head, her mother behind him. "I appreciate the thought, Ochako. But as your Dad, I'd be even happier if you got to achieve your dream. Instead of helping your old man. Then if you make it big, then you can help Mommy and I. Maybe take us to Hawaii." She looked down with tears in her eyes, gripping her little sweater, "Daddy..."

Present Day

    Ochako gripped her skirt at the memory, looking down like she did on that day. "I'll definitely become a hero and make money and let my parents take it easy." The boys stared at her in the moment of seriousness, before Iida began loudly clapping. "Bravo! Uraraka, Bravo!" She blushed a little and smiled. Izuku lost in his own thoughts while watching the scene, 'She's not just aspiring to be a hero. She's also taken reality into consideration.' His train of thought and Iida's praising was interrupted by All Might, buffed out in a navy blue suit, and red tie. "Izuku is here!" Iida and Ochako stared at All Might wide-eyed, "A-All Might?!" Izuku just looked in confusion, "Yes, Dad? What's the matter?" "Lunch!" He held out a bag with two bento boxes in it, "Wanna eat together?" Ochako chuckled, "He's like a maiden!" "How about it, Izuku?" Iida and Ochako both nodded to Izuku, "Okay. As long as you stop embarrassing me in front of my friends." All Might exclaimed, "My boy, I've been doing it for well over a decade. I don't plan to stop now!" Izuku just groaned out in agony, "Ugh...whyyyy.." While the Yagi son and father walked off, All Might replied, "Because I'm your father!"

    Ochako and Iida went to the cafeteria and stood in line to get their lunch, "Hey. Iida." He turned to the girl, "Yes, Uraraka?" "What do you think All Might wanted with Deku-kun?" "That is his father, so I believe he just wanted a Father-Son lunch." Ochako seemed satisfied by this answer and they went on with their day.

     In the Lounge Room, Toshinori was back to his normal form and sitting across from his son, making some tea. Izuku was a little shocked, "A-An hour and a half?! You ate up half of your time!" Toshinori nods, "I know. But that's all I can manage now, that fight with Nomu took a lot out of me. I do not have One For All anymore, you have it. So I have a limited amount, like a car running on fumes. Here, have some tea." Toshinori slides a cup of hot green tea and Izuku thanks him, "Thanks..." He nods, "More importantly, about the sports festival, son. You still can only use 40% of One For All, correct?" Izuku nodded, "Yeah...but wait! There was one time when I landed a full smash on that Shigaraki guy! With no backlash!" Toshinori was immediately intrigued by this, "Oh? What was different at that time?" Izuku thought about this for a moment, "Different..." Izuku looked at his fist, remembering what Thirteen said about dangerous quirks. "The only difference was...it was the first time I used it on a person.." Toshinori sat there with his hand in his chin, "Hmm...Looks like you succeeded in putting on the brakes, unconsciously. Well, at least it's progress. I'm glad. Now drink up."

    "Oh, thanks again," Izuku said, grateful. Toshinori got up from his seat, walking toward the window, "Frankly, I don't have much time left as the Symbol of Peace." Izuku sighed and placed the cup back onto the table, "No way..." Toshinori glared out the window, "Yes way. And some of those with built-up villainous intent are beginning to realize. I granted you my power not only because you're my son, but because I want you to succeed me." They both thought back to Izuku's training where Toshinori recommended he stop for the day, but Izuku crawled back up wanting to continue. "You still feel the same as you did back then, don't you?" Izuku nodded and swiftly responded, "Yes." Toshinori turned to his son, "Then, the time has come for you to show that. The U.A. Sports Festival is something that pros...no, the whole country is watching closely. A big event! That is what I brought you here to talk about...The next All Might...the fledgling Symbol of Peace...Izuku Yagi."

"I want you to tell the world that, 'I am here!'"

(A/N: Some pretty intense stuff there, All Might. Will Izuku manage this great torch that he's been handed? How will this affect his chances of getting a good pro to spot him? Find out next time!)

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