Afire Love// ed sheeran

By excusemyreputation

27.8K 844 164

I first met him at a concert, he was opening for Taylor Swift. We met again at a bar and he gave me his phone... More

Look into Your Eyes
The Call
Date night
The Day After
Are you okay?
The Question
Home is where the heart is
Tattoos and Parents
Fighting Turns Into Crying and Screaming
Love Will Remember
Story of Us
Central Park
Never Regret
Drunken Nights and Bloody Gashes
Past, Present, Future
First Day
Maybe I'm not gone...
Back... kind of

Don't You Want An Adventure?

1.2K 37 0
By excusemyreputation

||Hello there lovely people. Thank you so much for the views. Do you think it is possible to get over 110 views? Once this chapter gets 20 views,  I will update. :)||

It had been a week since the first phone call, nine days since I met Ed. Everyday since the first call, Ed and I have talked on the phone. I had expected Ed's schedule to be jam-packed with tv shows, studio time, and god knows what else celebrities do in their free time. After the tour, his schedule was empty for a few weeks so he could spend time to relax after the tremendous amounts of time spent touring.

Each day I would find myself opening up to him a bit more and more. I would tell him about the mean girls from the classes I attended part-time at NYU. He would reassure me that I was not alone, that if I ever needed a person to turn to, he would be there. I would admit to him that I feared nothing more than living in plainess and never adventuring out. He told me he knew that already and would make sure that he assisted in ridding me of that fear. Finally, after the fifth call, after Ed began talk about his parents and brother, I told him my story. I admitted that the relationship between my parents and I was very strained.

In the cold morning air, sitting on my balcony overlooking the Brooklyn streets, I sighed deeply. "I was 18 and living in Michigan. My parents wanted me to stay there, attend the local college, and live my life in our ting town. I wanted to move to New York, the first step in facing my many, many fears. They said if I left, I was never to comeback... and here I am, there they are. I'll never go back, just like they asked," I replied with a shrug. That was 3 years ago and the only times I regretted my decision is when mother's and father's day came around. Little girls would run down the street, their hands folded into the palms of their parents, giggling loudly as they passed my windowsill, taunting me.

"If you have a dream,  your parents' should have supported you. Everybody has to take a chance in life. If I had never taken a chance, I wouldn't have the success I have today," he replied, giving me insight to my decision. I knew what he was talking about. At 16, Ed had dropped out of high school and moved to London to persue his dream of becoming a musician. He spent the next two or three years doing gigs in bars and finding couches to sleep on until his hardwork payed off. He had made it big when he began touring with Taylor Swift and his album reached number 4 on the UK billboard.

As I relived the conversations I had with Ed, my phone made a bubbly sound, signaling I got a text message. I picked up the phone from my purse as I crossed Main Street and walked into Chipotle. It was from Ed and the message said:

Ed: I have to ask you something super duper exciting!!!!

I tensed up, worried about what he had to say. Talking to Ed was easy but thinking about talking to him and what I was going to say or what what was going to happen was the difficult part. I went up to the register and absentmindedly order a burrito bowl. The cashier handed me my food and I took the tray to a quiet little corner near the back. I pulled my phone from my pocket and hit redial, Ed was the last phone number I called.

I waited about two rings before the line picked up. His british accent was clear and I could just tell from his voice that he was excited. "Hello there Alyssa!" Ed said excitedly in a sing-song voice.

"And what exactly is this exciting news?" I asked, stuffing a spoonful of salad and chicken in my mouth. A piece of blonde hair slipped from my ponytail and I pushed it behind my ear.

"No hello? Whatever, that's not important," Ed rambled on. I could imagine him jumping up and down in his seat like a toddler on a sugar high. "So I found out today that in the coming weeks I am going to be traveling to Australia, France, and Barcelona!"

I didn't understand the excitement. Ed had been to these places on many occasions, this was nothing new. There had to be a catch. "And..." I pushed, trying to get him to continue.

"And... YOU ARE COMING WITH ME, ALL EXPENSES PAID!" he shouted into the phone. It took me a moment to process what exactly what he was saying. I was going where with who? When I finally understood what he had said and I had processed it, I started jumping up and down in my seat. I started laughing and smiling like an utter idiot. I would travel the world with Ed!

But then I realized that I could not ask him to do such a thing. I was not the type of person to go out with boys and explore foreign places. I was the girl who floated through life, music constantly playing in my ears. I couldn't just leave everything and travel around the world.

"I can't just drop my life and go Ed. Plus, you'll be all busy with work and last thing you need is distractions," I sighed, setting my fork down on my plate. I leaned on my elbows and closed my eyes.

"First off, you wouldn't be a distraction," Ed replied, trying to convince me to travel with him. "I really like talking to you and actually being able to see your face in person would be pretty fun. Second," Ed added, "Don't you want an adventure? You're always looking for a way to get over your fears... Here is your chance, no pressure."

I thought about his offer. I was always locked away in my house. I had lived in New York for three years and had not a single friend. I was a loner. Ed was right, I needed excitement in my life. I needed to have a story to look back on with a smile when I'm old and wrinkly. I unfolded my hands and opened my eyes, thinking. What could possibly be go wrong? I would be with Ed for a few weeks, traveling across countries. I would be able to watch him perform during the day and hang out with him later in the evenings. This was perfect, something I needed to do in order to grow as a person. I needed to think no more.

"I'm in," I said, smiling widely at the very thought of traveling with Ed.

It was a time for adventure.

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