Super Mom

By lostduckling

742K 25.8K 11.8K

In which the loving single mother of Izuku Midoriya catches the eyes of many pro heroes and teachers. [BNHA P... More

So Um about that-
Your Hero
All Might Onesie
Atsumi Inushi
All Grown Up
Angel Tears
Big Brother
We Are Justice
Lipstick Stains
Letting Down Your Walls
Love and Pizza
You Can't Hurt Me
Glove Up
Coffee and Apple Pie
Unbreakable Code
Error, File Not Found
Chicken Nugget
Heads or Tails
Tenko is the Antichrist special part 1
Play date at Auntie Mitsuki's
Mothers day special
Reality Check
House call

Do You Believe in Destiny?

16.1K 662 289
By lostduckling

"Hey [f/n]?"


"Do you think that life has a plan laid out for us, or that we make it ourselves?" You combed through Itsuki's green hair gently as you let out a small hum, puckering your lips as you gave it some thought.

"So, your asking if I believe in destiny?" Itsuki lifted his head up from off of your chest, his short messy green locks framing his face nicely as he tilted his head like a puppy. His bright green eyes looked lovingly into your own, causing your face to flush as you turned to break his gaze.

"yes, I am. And don't turn away, I know you're trying to hide your red face, but your ears are just as pink love~" You let out a squeak as he buried his face into your neck, giving your ear a quick nip as he wrapped his arms around your figure, causing you to laugh.

"Hm, what an oddly romantic thing for you to say."

"What, I'm not romantic?"

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" You laughed while he pouted slightly. "But, if I had to answer, I don't think that life has a grand plan for us. I think every tiny choice we make contributes in some way shape or form to our life. And sometimes its by mistakes, sometimes on purpose. I think life is just a random chaos, and we do our best to navigate through it."

"God that is so something you would say too."

"What!" You hit the back of his head as he let out a laugh and sat up, his strong arms on either side of you as he leaned on his hands, hovering above you.

"You say I'm not a romantic but," He turned his head shyly to the side, a rare blush overtaking his face as he tried to formulate his next words. " I think you're undoubtedly the love of my life, and I think it was fate that brought us back together. "

"I-Itsuki." You smiled, a rosy blush on your own cheeks as he leaned down to kiss your lips briefly but sweetly.

"I mean it. I mean, look at us. I never thought, I never dreamed that I would meet someone who could make me feel so...flustered. And I never thought I'd be able to see your cheeks turn so rosy. You're such an ice queen, you know? I actually feel quite accomplished-" He didn't even attempt to dodge the pillow that hit him, smiling brightly as you sent him a deadly glare.

"See~ look at you~ even your glare is so adorable!~" He started to trail butterfly kisses up your neck, forcing you to break your glare in place with small giggles from the ticklish sensation of his lips.

"I love that only I get to see you like this, and I know you shy away from the idea but...

If we ever really did decide to have kids one day, I know you would be just as loving with them as you are with me. You think you're such a cold hearted person, and the front you put up is just as cold if not more, but.." Itsuki nuzzled his nose against your own, a small smile tugging at the end of his lips as he thought about starting a family with you.

"You have such a warm heart love,

and I have no doubt in my mind,

That you would be a perfect mother."

"Oi, wake up!" Almost as though you had been submerged in ice cold water, you woke with a startling force. Your eyes snapped open as your body jolted forward, only to move a mere inch before you were being hugged tighter against an unknown figure.

Oh, that's right. Your previous fatigue and pain hit you all at once like a freight train, your freezing cold body feeling as though it was made of lead. Your once white long sleeved shirt was a brownish red, plastered to every curse of your torso as the light cold rain continued to drizzle, and the blood that stained it had started to dry. You shivered violently and uncontrollably, your teeth chattering rather loudly as you pressed your dirty and wet figure against the little warmth you could. When the hot feeling of tears spilled from your eyes and down your face, you realized you had been crying in your sleep.

"W-w-what" You stuttered, only for a gloved finger to rest gently over your chapped lips.

"Shh." The man whispered, his head perked like a wolf as he stared at the rooftop across from you.

It was only then that you started to get your bearings.

Right, two men had tried to kidnap you, and seemed to be associated with Itsuki. And then the vigilante Stendhal had rescued you, only to be attacked moments later. You were now in his embrace as he sat at the edge of a roof, his back leaning against the side while you sat gently across his lap. Your head was currently leaning on his shoulder, your entire body pressed flush against his in a poor attempt to warm yourself up. The thick fabric of his suit made any attempt of warmth feel nearly impossible, and he realized with a sigh just how cold you really were.

"...Sorry." He muttered, taking off one of his gloves before he pressed his warm hand against your ice cold cheek. You let your eyelids flutter shut, leaning against the wonderful sensation of skin contact. "Shit, your freezing." If you had the energy to speak and think clearly, you probably would have said something snarky in response. However, at the moment you just settled for basking in the warmth of his hand, too tired to really do anything else.

"..did y-y-ou l-lose-"

"Yeah, I think so. Another one came over when you passed out, and she was a lot trickier escape. You were quiet for so long, I wanted to make sure you were still alive. You sure as hell don't feel like it." You managed to let out a snort from his jib, and you could feel the small rumble of a chuckle emit from his chest.

"I would question you if I could, but you're hardly in any state to answer questions."

"...t-thank y-you." You whispered, ignoring the tears of relief that had started to flood down your face as you now not only shook from the cold, but from the grief and terror that gripped you as you processed the situation.

You had just been thrown into the startling reality; your little bubble of safety popping with every cut that still bleed and every icy limb you couldn't move.

You were never freed from danger; never really escaped the ties you made and the enemies you created from your past as Angel Tears.

You would never be truly free, and while that wasn't a source of alarm the fact that you had kids definitely was.

Oh god, what if something was happening to them right now? What if they were merely distracting you as they kidnapped-

"Don't thank me. I don't do this for praise." The gravelly voice of your savior drew you from your internal panic, and rather than your typical pep talk response that you would normally give to a man who was saving your life, you were unfortunately fresh out of patience.

"L-learn how t-to t-take a god d-damn compliment."You glared, causing him to freeze with surprise.

"...Did, pft, wow. You know what? You are welcome, you brat." He flicked your forehead lightly, causing you to smile.

"Wow, you're really quite good at wrapping people around your finger! You MUST show me your secrets!" Faster than you could comprehend you were already halfway across the rooftop, Stendhal tightly holding you as he dodged the two hatches that flew through the air, nearly nicking his neck. You watched with wide eyes as a blue haired girl flicked her wrists, the hatchets returning to her hands as an invisible force pulled them back to her. A hospital mask with whiskers was hiding the lower half of her face, leaving her startling blue eyes to stare into your soul as she gave you a dramatic bow.

"I truly do admire you, Angel Tears!" Stendhal tightened his hold on you, your own eyes widening in horror as you realized he now probably thought you were a villain. The blue haired girl's eyes turned up as she grinned, looking at the mans tensed muscles in delight.

"Aw, what's wrong Stendhal! Did I forget to mention that before? You're helping out a villain, not an innocent damsel in distre-" Stendhal simply ignored her and took off sprinting, jumping with incredible speed from one rooftop to the next. You let out a small noise in surprise before you tightened your hold on him, closing your eyes tightly as to not feel dizzy from his movements.

"You think you can lose me again!? I'm offended!" She yelled as she chucked her hatched straight into the hair, raising her hand as though she was posed to catch it. At the sound of a woosh you peaked open your eyes and watched over Stendhal's shoulder. The woman flew into the air after her hatchet, again, almost as though an invisible force pulled her to the weapon. When her hands clasped around the handle she threw the other one towards you, flying after it like a doll on strings.

"Shit girly, I'm gonna have to fight her. Just try and land on your feet, okay?"

"What the hell does that-" You let out a scream as he threw you to the side, dodging the oncoming hatchets with a roll. You less then gracefully hit the concrete rooftop with zero coordination, only managing to roll out the rest of the momentum from the throw after your harsh initial landing.

"Fuck!" You breathed as you grasped your right arm, the long cut reopening fast as sluggish red re-wetted your crusty shirt. Your hands were once more stained crimson with your own blood as you clenched your teeth, willing your tired body to try and heal even just a little bit.

'Please.' You thought to yourself, your right hand clenching tightly as your left kept a firm pressure over the wound, slowing down the blood loss.

There was no glow, and for the first time in a long time you felt the familiar sensation of self hatred and disappointment overflow your consciousness.

'I'm so fucking useless right now!' You internally screamed to yourself, trembling from emotion and the cold that still continuously nipped at your flesh.

'Dammit. Come on, there must be something ...Anything...' With a groan you forced yourself up back on your feet, slowly limping away from the intense battle of blades that continued on behind you.

Your [e/c] eyes scanned the night sky and the city around you, a cold gust of wind blowing your hair behind your shoulders as you searched, desperately for some help.

Not only for you, but for the man currently risking his life to save you. You closed your eyes as the clinging sound of metal against metal ensued, the sound of a feminine laughter and his own grunts making your heart ache painfully.

'Please' You prayed. To who, you did not know, but as you stood there covered and blood and on the brink of blacking out, you brought your hands to each other and hoped with everything you had.

Please. Someone, please come and help us.'

When you opened your eyes the small nihilistic part of yourself laughed at your naive stupidity. The cold of night was still just as bitter, and as you tightened your numb hands together, blood still continuously trailed down your right arm and dripped from your elbow, creating a tiny puddle on the concrete below.

Yet despite your internal jeers at yourself, despite the cold part that whispered 'no one would ever save the likes of you', as it tried to blow out the small flame of hope that was just barely re-lit, the fire waved, but it was not extinguished.

And then, you saw it.

Your heartbeat picked up in speed, your eyes widening a fraction of an inch as your lips parted and closed, disbelief overtaking your face.

Was that...

A flash of red?

Could it be??

There was only one way to find out. With a big gulp of air, you parted your shaking numb hands around your mouth the best you could before you screamed with everything you had.

"KEIGO!" Your blood curdling scream seemed to echo in the night sky, your voice ringing powerfully in your ears as it bounced around the outer interior of buildings.

For a moment, everything was silent. The sound of blades clashing and the woman's laughter disappearing at your call. Yet, despite this, you still refused to turn around, your hands clasped together and against your chest, your eyes still scrunched shut as you strained your ears for anything.

"Aw, are you calling out to your little lover boy? How sweet~" The blue haired woman patronized with a sickly sweet tone, a small bubble of laughter escaping her.


"You really think he's gonna save you Angel?"


"You think any of the heroes would care for you once they learned who you really are?"


"Face it, you like to play pretend but you got in way to deep sunshine." You turned around to face her and opened your eyes, your once hostile [e/c] now overflowing with confidence and warmth as you offered both shocked adults a pure and unadulterated genuine smile.

"Hm" You hummed, closing your eyes again as you took a step backwards.

"WAIT-" Both screamed as they reached their arms out to grab you, but you're figure already started it's plummet from the 30 story building. Time seemed to slow at the ice cold wind that seemed to taunt you mercilessly now comforted you, the sensation of weightlessness making every second that passed by feel more and more surreal.

However, even as every second ticked by, and even as you plummeted further and further closer to the ground, you felt no fear.

Only warmth.

Only trust.

Only faith.

And as you felt another gust of wind, along with the sound of powerful wings flapping, you knew.

Knew deep in your heart, that if you fell, Keigo would catch you.

And as you smelled his familiar spicy cologne,

As you felt his warm arms wrap around your cold body tightly,

You knew right then and there,

that he would always catch you.

"[f/n]!" The sound of Hawks voice and the force of his arms catching you mid fall brought you out of your trance, his bright red wings stretching and flapping powerfully to prevent you from crashing harshly to the ground below.

"Hawks" You whispered, your eyes fluttering open as you gave him a gentle smile.

"I gotcha dollface, fuck, don't you ever do that again." He cried as he held you tightly against him, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist while the other pushed your head into the crook of his neck, his trembling hands squeezing you flush against him while you greedily absorbed his body heat. My god, he was so warm. So incredibly warm. You felt like you could fall asleep right then and there.

"Fuck, your freezing." He whispered, resting his chin over your head as he gently started his descent back to the ground. You said nothing in reply, just nuzzling into his neck with your cold nose.

When you felt his body jerk forward mid flight, however, both of your eyes widened in shock.

"What the!" Hawks yelled as he tried to move his now paralyzed wings, five thick needles sticking into them from behind. With that being said, the two of you quickly resumed your previous plummet, only this time instead of 30 stories you were closer to 5.


"Hold on tight!" He shouted, turning around so his back would take the brute of the force. His arms tightened around you as you both tensed, your eyes squinted shut as you braced for impact.

When you felt the jerk of your foot being pulled up as well as your other ankle and wrists, your eyes widened once more, upside down [e/c] meeting onyx black as Aizawa held both of you up with his capture weapon; which was currently suspending you and Keigo up in the air.

"A-Aizawa!" You smiled in relief, your heart beat still pumping blood at an incredible rate from the adrenaline coursing through your system. Aizawa nodded his head and quickly released Hawks, causing him to fall to the floor with a small 'oof'. You stayed suspended a moment longer, slowly being placed back on the ground right side up. The moment his capture weapon stopped supporting you, you stood on your feet for a solid three seconds before you toppled backwards.

"Hey!" He shouted, his feet moving quickly as he caught you before you could fall. His eyes widened with realization as your blood soaked shirt started to wet his own, the small patches of untainted white fabric making his face scowl with realization.

"Hey, not that I'm not happy you saved us, but could you do me one more solid and take these needles out of my wings? I can't move them." Hawks laughed from his spot on the floor. You're eyes blurred over with worry at his words, and his laughter immediately ceased as though he could detect your distress, despite not being able to see your face.

"Dollface I'm fine, promise~ Just a little paralyzed at the moment!" Aizawas capture weapon quickly wrapped around all five needles.

"I'm going to count to-"


Hawks let out a tiny groan as he pulled them out all simultaneously, all the while never releasing his hold on you.

"Thanks man" Hawks quickly stood back up and ruffled his feathers, flexing them and stretching them out.

"That wasn't the most co-" Hawks face paled as he finally got a good look at you, his mouth gasping open. He looked down at his now bloody shirt from holding you and then looked back, his eyes narrowing as a fiery rage started to consume him.

"Who did this." He spat, and for a moment you couldn't even respond, too shocked by the bloodlust rolling off him in waves. You had never, ever in your life seen Hawks so angry, and to be honest it was kind of scary. Aizawa tightened his grip on you, holding you closer as though to protect you from the blonde. His own eyes narrowed at the hero, but before he could comment you beat him to the punch.

"Hawks?" Your timid voice made both of them freeze, and Hawks previous outraged expression melted back into the smile you were more familiar with.

"Ah, sorry [n/n]. Didn't mean to scare you." He took a step forward and reached out his arm, aiming to ruffle your hair, but Aizawa countered it by taking a step back.

"I think we have more pressing matters to attend to. Like the location of the person who stuck those needles in your wings." Aizawa calmly stated, causing you and Hawks to tense.

"Your right, where did he-" A giant blast of fire erupted from an alleyway nearby, the sound of screaming and Endeavors cackling catching all of your attention.

"OI, COME BACK HERE YOU WANNABE FIRE BENDER." He screeched, his voice echoing in the narrow maze of alleyways while you gave a laugh from relief.

"That wannabe firebender was the one with needles. I think we're in the clear, for real this-" The whirling of a helicopter overhead quickly drowned out the rest of your sentence, and when it shined a spotlight over the three of you, you all quickly averted your eyes from the blinding light.

"SHIT, IT'S THE PRESS!" Hawks yelled over the sound as Aizawa quickly but gently allowed you to hide your face in the crook of his neck. The two of them started to sprint back towards the main road, but as they turned the corner they stared with wide eyes at the mass of fans and hungry news reporters that hurriedly started to make their way over.

But oh no, that wasn't the worst of it.

"MOM!" At the sound of Atsumi's voice ringing so brokenly and desperately through the crowd, You had never been more terrified. Did he bring Izuku and Tenko? Were they going to see you like this?

Caked and smeared with blood, soot and tears?

That was the last thing you wanted. You started to tremble at the mere thought.

Before the mass media got to close Hawks sprinted in front of Aizawa, using a gust of wind from his wings to make him move at record speed. He then proceeded to stretch them as far and wide as they went, completely blocking the view of the rolling cameras and reporters from the two of you.

"I don't care where you take her Aizawa, just please. Get her somewhere safe...I'm trusting you." He never tore his eyes away from the fast approaching crowd of people, a reassuring smile plastered on his face as he talked through his teeth.

Aizawa was no idiot and understood exactly the weight of his words.

"I promise." And with that he turned around and sprinted away, leaving you to watch the chaos over his shoulder.

From the darkness of the night, the lights and flashes of the paparazzi in front of Hawks made his whole figure glow, leaving him as an angelic silhouette while he kept his wings widened as far as they could reach.

You didn't even bother and try to stop the tears at this point, and even when his figure was no longer in site, you kept your eyes glued to the spot he used to stand.


When Aizawa had finally managed to run back over to his car, he gently sat you in the passenger side seat, even going as far as buckling your seat belt for you. You gave him a soft 'thank you' and he replied with a grunt, gently closing you door before he sat down in the drivers side seat.

His car was incredibly nice, and clean for that matter. The whole thing smelled of pine and lemon, but the cold fabric of the leather stuck uncomfortably to your bloody and cold figure. A small part of you wanted to apologize for the blood you would no doubt leave plastered on his seat, but the thought of opening your mouth to talk seemed like to much effort for something as trivial as that.

Without a word he turned on the heat to full blast and stated to drive, but when you realized where he was taking you, you forced yourself to speak.

"No, take m-me h-home. Please." You cried, hot tears streaming down your ice cold face as he started his drive towards the very hospital you worked at.

"No. You need medical attention. Your absolutely soaked in blood."

"I-It's not a-all m-mine." You stuttered, watching as his knuckles turned white as he clenched the steering wheel tightly.


"P-please." You begged, shakily lifting your arm so you could rest your left hand on his shoulder. He tensed at your actions, and when he turned to reprimand you his eyes softened ever so slightly. Your eyes, watery and big were filled with anxiety and exhaustion, dark bags hanging under them as you pleaded with him silently. Your hair was messy and tangled, blood matting it in certain places, making it stick uncomfortably to your skin. Even more blood was smeared over your neck and cheek, dirt and grime caking your figure, which was also still slightly soaked from the light continuous rain.

Your lips were still a deadly shade of blue, and he really wanted to get you to the hospital and be done for the night, but as he looked at the vulnerable woman before him,

He didn't have the heart to say no again.

"...what's your address." You let out a relieved sigh and quickly told him, watching with happiness as he turned his car around and started towards your neighborhood.

It was only a five minute drive, and you don't even remember falling asleep, but the next thing you knew you were being nudged awake as he stood in front of your open door.

"Come on, I don't have the keys." He softly spoke, offering you his hand to take. You unbuckled your seat belt and took it, allowing him to pull you up to stand. You stumbled a bit, but he quickly steadied you by wrapping his arm around your waist.

"This was a bad Idea." he stated, yet made no movement to return you to his car. You appreciated that. You simply patted his arm in response and slowly walked to your door with help, fiddling with the keys for a good three minutes before your ice cold hands could properly put the key in the lock. He waited patiently, and said nothing.

Again, you were grateful.

When you walked inside the lights were still on, along with the tv, which was set for the local news station. Hawks was currently on your t.v. taking to the press with a smile on his face, and you found comfort in hearing the sound of his voice.

Aizawa brought you to your couch and set you down without a word, taking care to not injure you further.

Once again, you don't remember falling asleep, but you did, because Aizawa's quiet voice and gentle touch made your eyelashes flutter open once more.

"Hm?" You tiredly hummed, while he just awkwardly repeated himself.

"I drew you a bath, come on." You gave him a smile but made no attempt to get up. His eyebrow twitched at this, and with another sigh he picked you up bridal style and started to walk you towards your bathroom.

"Y-you just got h-here, h-ow-"

"I got here 10 minutes ago, you fell asleep."

"..oh." Once you arrived at your bathroom door he kicked it open with his foot, allowing the warm steam from the hot bath to engulf both of you. You immediately shivered from the temperature change, your body burrowing into Aizawa who blushed bright red.

"H-here." He stuttered, gently setting you down at the edge of the tub. While you initially thought the warmth would have made you sleepier, it actually made you feel more alert. You could feel the tinging in your fingertips and toes now instead of the previous dead numb sensation, and now you were even more eager to get into the bath. Not only to warm yourself up, but to clean yourself from the blood that stained your skin.
You quickly started to unbutton the shirt, but you discovered pretty fast that even though you could control your fingers again, they still had plenty of trouble moving.

"Um, this is awkward, but-" You started with a faint blush, your skin still pale from the beginnings of hypothermia.

"I-I can't get the buttons." Aizawa, who was previously facing away, holding a towel towards you behind his back turned around to face you once more. Without saying a word he walked over and sat the towel down on the floor next to you and kneeled down, his fingers gently but quickly undoing the buttons of your previously white blouse. Your face continued to redden, and the fact that you were so cold you could feel the heat of his fingers vividly was not helping to calm your cheeks. When he got down to the last button he stood back up and turned around.

"T-thanks." You would like to believe you were still stuttering from the cold, but that was not the case anymore.

"'re welcome." A small smile lit your face at his words, and you then proceeded to take the rest of your clothes off with much difficulty. Aizawa left once he was sure he was no longer needed, and before you knew it, you were submerged in hot water, feeling complete bliss take over as your freezing cold body warmed up. Your injured right arm was still propped up on the side of the tub, the long and deep cut running down the side of it no longer bleeding but crusted over. You frowned at its continuous presence, but decided against trying your quirk again.

The last thing you wanted right now was for Aizawa to have to come in and fish your naked unconscious body from your tub.

At the very thought your blush returned in full force, but you were too exhausted to stay bashful for long.

After a good hour, when the water had started to cool down, you wobbly stepped out and drained the water. You watched for a moment as the water drained, the color a light red from your blood. Shaking your head to rid yourself of wherever it was your mind was starting to wonder, you quickly wrapped a towel around your naked body, but you only go one step before black dots started to line your vision.

"Fuck." You whispered, your left arm holding you against the wall as your right injured one gently rested over your head.

"Everything okay in there?" Aizawa's gravely voice came from the other side of the door, and you quickly went to tighten your hold on your towel.

"Yes-" You started, taking another step forward. But as you did so another dizzy spell overtook your head, causing you to grit your teeth in agony from the throbbing headache.

"....No. Help, please." Aizawa slowly opened the door and kept his eyes averted to the ground.

"What do you need?"

"I can't walk by myself. Do you mind-" Aizawa once again said nothing but let his actions speak for him, stepping forward as he held out his right arm for you to take. You smiled gently, despite the fact that he wasn't looking, and grabbed his arm with your own.

You hopped this would be enough, but as you took yet another step-

Aizawa quickly wrapped his arm around your waist as he pushed you against himself, steadying your previously falling figure while you just gripped your head in agony.

"Dammit." He cursed, not at you but himself before he quickly picked you up once more, one hand supporting you underneath on your bare thighs while the other was pressing against your towel clad back. You rested your head back against his chest, still gripping your head with full force as he briskly walked your half naked self back to your room.

Similarly to how he opened your bathroom door, he kicked it open with his foot and walked you over to your bed. You looked at it with sadness, your previously made bed now rumpled from either side. Tenko and Izuku must have been waiting for you here to get home. At the very thought you felt more tears start to fall from your eyes, causing the man holding you to tense in alarm.

"Are you-"

"I want my kids." You sobbed, burying your face into his chest while you cried. His black eyes scanned your room and must have come to the same conclusion, and he gently walked over to your bed and sat down on the side, the mattress dipping underneath both of your weight.

"I'm sure."

"They must be so scared!"

"They probably are."

"I'm a horrible mother!" When you felt his arms wrap around your back tightly, you couldn't help but cry harder.

"That, you are not." He whispered rather monotony. You tightened you own arms around him.

"I'm sorry I'm inconveniencing you."

"I could have left at anytime I wanted."

"..." You didn't have a response for that, and he smirked at the realization.


"[f/n]. At this point, please, call me [f/n]."

"...[f/n]." You felt your heart race as he whispered your name into your ear, his hot breath hitting your wet bare neck, sending pleasant shivers down your spine.

"Go to sleep." You sniffed at this, and let out a small laugh.

"I, but I should probably wait for Atsumi."

"I'll wait up. You'll sleep." You pulled away slightly from the hug so you could look him the eyes.

"Was that an order?" You questioned with a small smile, tinting your head to the side questioningly. A small hint of playfulness rung through your voice, and Aizawa was alarmed by how much relief he felt at the realization.

He watched as some strands of wet hair fell into your face, the smell of flowers and citrus from your bath still wafting off your damp form.

"Yes." He demanded, before he stood up with you still in his arms. He then proceeded to turn around and set you down on your bed. You watched curiously as he walked across your room and opened your closet door, grabbing the black bath robe hanging on a hook.

"Oh, and one last order. Please put on some clothes." He threw the black robe at you and it hit you in the face. Had you not been so embarrassed you may have been annoyed, but instead your entire figure turned red at the forgotten realization.

"Y-yeah!" You squeaked, missing the smirk that painted his face as he walked outside of your room. Before he completely closed the door he hesitated, but his eyes never stayed back in.

"Goodnight, [f/n]." You smiled up at him, the black bathrobe now wrapped comfortably around your body.

"Goodnight Aizawa!" Gently he closed the door behind him, and for a moment he just stood there, staring at the floor. He could feel his heart beating rapidly and the tiny blush flush across his cheeks.

'Fuck.' He thought to himself, bringing a hand to rub his red face.

He was so fucked.

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