Super Mom

By lostduckling

747K 25.9K 11.8K

In which the loving single mother of Izuku Midoriya catches the eyes of many pro heroes and teachers. [BNHA P... More

So Um about that-
Your Hero
All Might Onesie
Atsumi Inushi
All Grown Up
Angel Tears
Big Brother
We Are Justice
Lipstick Stains
Letting Down Your Walls
Love and Pizza
You Can't Hurt Me
Glove Up
Coffee and Apple Pie
Unbreakable Code
Do You Believe in Destiny?
Chicken Nugget
Heads or Tails
Tenko is the Antichrist special part 1
Play date at Auntie Mitsuki's
Mothers day special
Reality Check
House call

Error, File Not Found

16.5K 623 94
By lostduckling

"...there's no way." The tired hero let out a sigh as he flipped through the brand new folder left front and center on his desk, a picture of a snowy haired brat with red eyes carefully paper clipped to the top right of the file.

'Midoriya...does she ever stop randomly picking kids off the street? Literally?' Aizawa let out another tired groan as he rubbed his right hand over his dry eyes, his elbows leaning heavily on his desk. The thought of dealing with you again after his last encounter left a sour taste in his mouth, but due to his friendship with All Might he understood just how important that red 'classified' stamp across the manella folder really was.

"Always getting yourself into trouble I see." He whispered to himself before he finally stood up from his chair, walking over to the filing cabinet resting in the corner of his office. He opened the dull grey drawer and thumped through the papers, until the familiar name of Inushi Atsumi was located.

'I was supposed to check up on this kid a while ago, but judging by Midoriya's hostile attitude towards me and her protective one of the kid, I thought he'd be just fine. Might as well knock out two birds with one stone... Why the fuck do they keep dumping this on me anyways? I'm a teacher now.' Aizawa gave out another sigh before he picked up the other file off of his desk, holding them both tightly in his right hand as he walked out of his office, locking his door behind him with his left.

'I'll make this quick. In and out, quick check up on the kids tomorrow morning. It's far too late to even try right now.' Aizawa's black eyes glanced up to the familiar overhanging clock that read 11:58 pm, his feet stopping their movements after he found himself standing in the hallway which led to his escape. Did he go and print out your file as well? Why didn't they include your file in the first place? Especially if you were involved with Shimura? Inushi he could understand, but...

Before he even realized it he was walking to the now empty admissions office, another tired sigh leaving him as he beruggedly walked over to the computer behind the high rising desk; plopping down on one of the chairs as he chastised himself for his own curiosity. He could be in his car right now already on his way home, but no.

He had to do someone else's job for them, and find-

'file not found'

Immediately a smirk pulled to his previously bored lips, his onyx eyes twinkling in curious delight when the sudden realization that [f/n] Midoriya might be more than meets the eye hits him.

With a quick overwrite using his clearance he typed the name in again, and this time her file came up.

Surprise Surprise, It's almost as if she popped up out of literally nowhere 6 years ago.

No family. No education attached, which, considering her current occupation would be impossible.

There was absolutely nothing but the mention of her son Izuku and the new adoption of Shimura, along with her current residence and address to the hospital she worked at. And as he pulled up the scripture for the coding of her file, he realized very quickly why that was.

'This is the formatting for protective services...' His eyes narrowed at the familiar formatting, his previous experience in assisting in cases like this working for his benefit.

What was even perhaps MORE concerning was on top of that, there was something else... Something off, no, different than how files of this kind are normally written. Did someone make an honest mistake?

Or... did an outside source change the information?

He wondered ...did they change the etiquette for retrieving previously deleted information? Nothing on the police server was ever permanently deleted, even if there was a mistake.

Records of everything, no matter what where always kept, similar to how a scientist would put a simple slash through his data instead of scribbling it out from eyesite forever.

Even what was initially considered wrong could end up being right in the future, helpful to a new developing persona change or criminal activity.

So when he backed out of her file and used his old password from months ago to enter the cloud full of 'deleted information', his eyes only narrowed even more.

''Midoriya' he typed, watching as the screen turned up blank.

'[f/n]' ErRoR ErRoR, cOrRuPtIoN dEtEcTeD

"Fuck." He cursed to himself and restarted the computer, hastily grabbing the files resting on the counter before he started his sprint to his car. He didn't really know what was making him run so hastily over what could possibly be nothing, but one thought kept ringing through his subconscious; and he knew himself well that if he didn't check up on her right now there was definitely no way he was sleeping.

Either she was a danger to those kids, or she was in danger herself.




"I'm sorry, but she clocked off from her shift hours ago." The bright haired receptionist apologized with a frown, her matching blue eyes remorseful as she shared the information with the dark haired hero.

"What time did she get off?" He questioned, watching as she gave a tiny hum and scrolled through the computer.

The hospital's interior was lively despite the ghost town outside, the bright fluorescent lights and huddled figures sitting in chairs catching his eye as he surveyed his surroundings. The sound of phones ringing and crying echoed in the hallways, coughing and snoring along with the occasional beep making him frown in annoyance. The overwhelming smell of antiseptic made his nose scrunch with disgust.

He hated hospitals, and this one was no exception.

"Hm, she got off at 6pm, had to pick up her kids from a friends house. She should be here tomorrow at 5am sharp though! I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help!" She gave him a quick bow and smiled, her eyes sparkling as she eyed him up and down.

"Sorry again, but it's been an honor to meet you in person, EraserHead!" She blushed with a bashful grin, her eyelashes batting as her charming blue orbs met his dark ones.

"Hm. You were plenty helpful, thankyou for your time." He ignored her praise completely and turned around, walking back towards the parking lot with a frown etching his face. He could feel the eyes of the receptionist burning into his back, and it wasn't until he got further outside into the parking lot that he could shake off the sensation.

"Well that's just great." He tsked, pulling out Midoriya's file out once more, reading the brief paragraph and lines of information present. He leaned against the hood of his car, his mind reeling as he thought of the blue haired receptionist.

It was rather odd that she knew his hero identity, considering his civilian attire and and reputation. Furthermore he specifically remembered All Might praising her for how late she would stay on weekdays, his annoying lovesick expression peeving him off slightly as he rambled about how she needed to get more sleep. Did something important come up? Did she suddenly switch schedules? Was she lying to the number one hero so he would see her in a better light? The latter seemed the most likely, and with that thought he realized that it was probably the case. But then again....

He still couldn't shake off the unease of the receptionist. His gut was screaming at him to look into this further, and unfortunately in situations like this, he always tended to be right. He was so lost in thought that he almost missed the pink haired doctor hurry quickly from the side door he was parked next to.

"Stop freaking out, she just got off work thirty minutes ago. She had to stay late for one of her problematic patients! " She cried incredibly loudly, causing a tiny irk mark to form on his forehead. Aizawa took a deep breath of the incredibly cold autumn air and leaned more of his weight on the hood of his black car, but as he tried to focus on the papers in his hands with the dim lighting around him, his found that his eyes kept glancing back up the woman.

"No, I checked her office and didn't see her Atsumi!" He froze at the mention of the familiar name, his eyes unconsciously glancing to were his file rested on his passenger side seat.

"Yes, I even walked her to the-" The pink haired woman had walked right past him and towards a bright purple car about 20 feet away, her similarly purple eyes widening with fear as she eyed the dark blue minivan parked next to it.

"...Her car is still here." She whispered to herself, and then once more with a louder voice.

"I said her car is still here! Oh my god, what the hell happened to her! ATSUMI I'M STARTING TO FREAK OUT!" She screeched, her eyes darting back and forth around the lot before they landed on Aizawa himself.

"YOU!" She pointed at him as she started to stomp over to him, a trail of dust leaving behind her from the power of each step.

"Did you see anything suspicious? Have you seen a [height] woman with [h/l] [h/c] hair?" Her purple eyes narrowed even further as she eyed him up and down, suspicion spreading across her face at his appearance.

"Did YOU do something?"

"SINA WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING YOU NEED TO KEEP ME INFORMED!" Her glare immediately broke when her right eardrum almost blew out, and she let out another shriek as she held the phone as far away from herself as possible.

"YOU NEED TO STOP SCREAMING ATSUMI, I'M TRYING TO-" she let out a shocked gasp as he plucked the phone away from her, bringing it somewhat near his ear in case Atsumi decided to scream again.

"Thats my phone what the hell are you-"

"Inushi-san, its Aizawa." Sina's words became stuck in her throat as he addressed the white haired boy she was talking to, her eyes widening even more when Atsumi responded back with familiarity.

"Aizawa-san, what the hell are you doing there?" Aizawa let out a tired sigh.

"Honestly I have no idea. Just followed a hunch that ended up being right. Do you know if Midoriya does anything after work that could warrant this situation?"

"No, not that I know of."

"No, never!" Atsumi and Sina responded at the same time.

"[f/n] always goes home straight away, especially if she ends up staying late! Getting home to the kids is always her first priority, and she doesn't like to burden Atsumi with forcing him to babysit."

Both adults could hear Atsumi scoff from the other line, and Aizawa had a feeling that if he could see the tall teenager he would be blushing.

"It's not a burden, but Akuda-chan is right-"

"Wahhhh Atsumi why did you switch to my last name-"

"SINA THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!" Aizawa flinched from his loud voice and held the phone even farther away from his ear.

"Okay, so this is abnormal behavior. In that case there's a high probability she was kidnapped."



"Quiet." both Atsumi and Sina quickly went silent at the sound of the warning in Aizawas voice.

"I'm too tired for this. Alright, Atsumi, call the police and inform them of the situation. Akuda-san, you can return to your work. I'll handle the rest."

"But-" once more Atsumi and Sina spoke at the same time, but Aizawa gave no room for argument.

"No buts, I'll find her. I promise."

".....You better Eraser Head. You fucking better."

"eeEHH-? YOU'RE A HERO?" Sina gasped in shock as she looked him up and down once more rapidly, little question marks floating around her in confusion.

"Oh wait! I think I've heard of you before!....I think?" She trailed off nervously and gave a tiny laugh, suddenly intimidated by his dark eyes and aura at her comment. Aizawa hung up Akuda's phone and handed it back to her, and she took it hesitantly before she gave him a bow.

"Sorry, that was awkward. Thankyou, for being here, and for helping us. I don't know how you know my friend [f/n], and Atsumi, but if they trust you than I will too." The pink haired woman gave him a bright smile before she started to walk back towards the hospital, not expecting a response from the hero before her.

"Akuda-san, one more thing." He spoke, causing her to stop in her tracks and turned around.


"Do you have a receptionist with bright blue hair and eyes?"

"No, not that I know of. Why?"

"No reason. I'll contact the hospital to let you know when I find her." She gave him another warm smile and hummed.

"Thank you so much! You know at first I questioned how the heck you were a hero, but I see it now! Hope to hear from you soon, Aizawa-san!" Aizawa gave a nod back in response, and once he made sure she was safely back in the building he pushed himself off the hood of his car and walked over to the dark blue minivan. He walked around the parameter, taking note of her hospital I.d. badge that was thrown on the passenger seat half haphazardly.

'so, she got to her car okay. But something must have caught her attention before she left.' He tried the handle of the car, but unfortunately it was locked.

'She must have wondered far if she felt the need to lock her car, either that or she thought she would be a while.' Aizawa walked back over to the drivers side and surveyed the area around him with narrow eyes.

'[f/n] Midoriya... What the hell was so important that made you leave your car? And where did you disappear to?'

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