Super Mom

By lostduckling

747K 25.9K 11.8K

In which the loving single mother of Izuku Midoriya catches the eyes of many pro heroes and teachers. [BNHA P... More

So Um about that-
Your Hero
All Might Onesie
Atsumi Inushi
All Grown Up
Angel Tears
Big Brother
We Are Justice
Lipstick Stains
Letting Down Your Walls
Love and Pizza
You Can't Hurt Me
Glove Up
Coffee and Apple Pie
Unbreakable Code
Error, File Not Found
Do You Believe in Destiny?
Chicken Nugget
Heads or Tails
Tenko is the Antichrist special part 1
Play date at Auntie Mitsuki's
Mothers day special
Reality Check
House call


45.1K 1.4K 1.5K
By lostduckling

"Izuku! Come on! Were gonna be late!"

"S-sorry! I'm coming!" Your six year old son tumbled out of his room, his green jacket half tucked into his black sweat pants while one of his two shoe laces was tangled in a knot, trailing behind him. His messy green hair was unbrushed and spiked a weird way from sleeping, and his bright forest eyes were still glazed from sleep. You gasped with a knowing smile and placed your hands on your hips, tsking while you shook your head.

You still couldn't erase the smile from your face for the life of you though.

After all, your son was pretty freakin adorable.

"Come here pumpkin!" You laughed as you kneeled in front of him, straightening out his jacket so you could pull the zipper up correctly. After doing so you made quick work of the knot and tied his shoe as well as combing your hands through his hair, returning it back to its normal messy puff of green.

"Alright, are you ready?"

"Mhm!" He smiled with closed eyes, his head bobbing up and down in excitement.

"Are you sureeee you're not forgetting anything?" You raised your eyebrows which caused him to stop and think. His eyes scrunched up and he placed his hand on his chin, his gaze lost in the ceiling.

"HUH!" He gasped and turned back around, sprinting towards his room. Soon enough he returned, rolled up poster in hand and a black scarf wrapped clumsily around his neck.

"Now we can match!" He smiled and your heart practically melted. When you said he forgot something, you meant his All Might poster, but the fact that he noticed your black scarf and wanted to match with you warmed your heart.

"My cute son!" You wailed as fat tears of happiness trailed down your face, causing your beloved son to panic.

"Mama don't cry! I'm sorry-"

"-don't you ever be sorry, you're literally perfect Izu!" You scooped him up in your arms and peppered his face with kisses, causing cute giggles and bubbles of laughter to erupt from him. If only he could smile for eternity! You swore you would burn the world down to the ground for this child. "Alright, lets go get that signed from the one and only All Might!" You cheered, You son letting out a 'yah!' as well as he pumped his free fist in the air. The other one was still carefully holding his All Might poster, as though it was the most precious thing in the world.

~at the convention~

You were pissed.

You had been standing there for 30 minutes along with other parents and fans, waiting for the hero to show up to his meet and greet signing. All of the kids were starting to get anxious, and the crestfallen expression on your sons face made you want to kick All Mights ass.

Of course, he would never want that.

But its all you could think about doing at the moment.

"Ladies and gentleman! Were so sorry to announce that our beloved hero will not be making it today to this meet and greet! unfortunately crime has no breaks, and hes off saving-"

"God dammit." You muttered under your breath, along with forty other parents as you all dejectedly took your children's hands and guided them out of the library.

"But mom! What if hes late! What if he comes after all!" Izuku started to tug out of your hand and backed up slightly, wanting to turn around and walk back towards the All Might signing booth. All Might merchandise was everywhere, posters and hanging advertisement decorating the library, along with plush stuffed animals, action figures, and other toys. It was like a wonderland for Izuku, and he would probably be willing to stay until the library closed.

You stopped walking and turned to look at him, an apologetic expression on your face. You had work in two hours, and while sitting here with Izuku for five hours wasn't something you wanted to do you still felt guilty you couldn't.

It was hard to say no to those big watery green eyes.

"Im sorry Izuku, but we really don't have time to wait. Come on, I'll buy you one of the collector All Might toys! I know you still need Detroit Smash!" You bribed, holding out your hand while you gestured to the check out line with a nod of your head. He looked at you conflicted, and after a couple of moments of pondering, he decided to take your deal and accept your outreached hand. You smiled at him and started to hum, pulling him through the crowd of people all still trying to either leave or buy merchandise. Once you grabbed the toy and were in line you let go of Izuku's hand, digging through your purse to find your wallet as your turn to purchase slowly became closer and closer.

"Mama look at this one!"

"Oh yeah, that's a good one." You smiled as he dug through the other toys placed in shelves attached to the cashier table. The one he had pulled out was a calendar this time, different pictures of All Might for every new month. Your eyes couldn't help but outline the traces of his muscles-

ACK- "OKAy Izuku let's put that one away!" You steamed as you realized it was more of an adult poster than a kid one. Your voice squeaked slightly when you spoke and you now had a small blush coating your cheeks. Izuku blinked innocently back up at you and smiled, putting the calendar back down and instead picking up another action figure.

"I can help the next person in line."

"Oh! Hi!" You smiled at the teenage boy, placing the 'Detroit Smash' addition action figure on the table while you grabbed your All Might themed wallet. Your blush worsened in slight embarrassment of having such a childish wallet, but Izuku insisted you match with him and you couldn't say no.

"That will be 30.97 please." Your rolled your eyes at the overpriced tag and pulled out your debit card, inserting the chip into the reader. After a couple of seconds you pulled it back out and glanced at Izuku from the corner of your eye, only to realize that he wasn't there anymore.


"IZUKU!" You immediately shouted and turned away from the cashier, ignoring his 'heys' and 'you forgot your toy' as you ran back to the All Might signing booth.

There was no green hair in sight, and you were pretty sure you were going to have a panic attack.

Oh, to late. You were already having one. Your hands were shaking and tears started to pool at the edges of your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you pushed through it anyways and started to search the library, calling out your sons name while your sharp eyes looked for anything remotely similar to him. Eventually you ran into the manager of the library, and he made an overhead announcement.

"Izuku Midoriya to please come to the front, your mom is looking for you."

He never showed up.

And that's when you called the police.

You were convinced that something horrible had happened, or that he had been kidnapped by some weird creep who stalked out All Might signings to find children. You were borderline hysterical when the Police started to question you, but again, you pulled it together the best you could because you knew that panicking didn't bring you any step closer to finding your son. The guilt you felt for losing him was unbearable, and you couldn't stop berating yourself over and over mentally.

'How could you be so stupid!'

'This is all your fault!'

'What if you never see him again!? Could you live with yourself?!'

"- miss?" you perked up at the sight of another police officer. He gave you a kind smile, black tousled hair and warm chocolate eyes peering deep into your own [e/c] ones.

" I'm sorry, what was that? I was spacing out a little bit." You apologized, wiping the moisture away from your eyes as you offered him a shaky smile.

"Sorry to bother you, I know you were already interviewed by my partner, but I was hoping you could walk with me outside and help me look for him. Do you know any possible places he could have gone?" you shook your head no, and he frowned.

"Hm, well, lets go have a look anyways, yeah?" He offered you his hand and another comforting smile, and you somewhat reluctantly took it. Men made you slightly uncomfortable, and always on guard ever since your messy breakup with Izuku's biological father. Still, you trusted your local police, and you knew standing here doing nothing would not help your heart or your mind.




It was three in the morning now, and the patrol cars were out now searching farther away from the library. Izuku was featured on local news broadcasts in an attempt to spread public awareness in a hope that someone saw your green haired son.

Sadly, there was still no leads. No answers.

Still no Izuku.

The Library had been closed for three hours, and the only door that was left unlocked was the employee door in the back. The owner had let you stay as long as you liked, a pitying look on his face as him and his clean up crew closed up for the night before leaving you in darkness.

You don't know how long you had sat there, grasping at Izuku's All Might poster. You had found it near the signing booth, and the police as well as you assumed he realized he forgot it and came back for it.

Why did he never find it?

A sob escaped your lips, your whole body trembling from grief as well as the ice cold air. It was freezing in the giant building, so cold you could almost see your breath. The whole place felt menacing and unwelcoming, yet you refused to go home.

Not without Izuku.

So this is where you would stay. You sniffled, wiping your nose on the collar of your shirt as you continued to hug yourself on one of the reading couches. Reluctantly, you could feel your eyes drooping shut from exhaustion, and you did your best to fight of the weariness.

But soon they were closed, and soon you were drifting off into sleep.

Until the sound of the back door slamming open caused your eyes to widen and your body to shoot off the couch in panic.

'What the hell!?' you panicked, quickly but quietly making your way to the back door. You made sure to stay behind bookshelves and check before running to the other one, not wanting to give away your position to the possible intruder.

The sound of a man grunting made your blood run cold. Why in gods name, did someone just break into a library!? Unless....

Maybe they were the perpetrator! Maybe they kidnapped Izuku and came back for some sick form of entertainment, to relive the thrill of taking him!!

You knew you were probably being overdramatic, but at this point you didn't care. Fury was now traveling through your bloodstream, and you quickly raced back to the couch you were laying on, your forgotten purse thrown to the side. You rummaged through it and grabbed the pepper spray you kept 24/7, as well as the chrome butterfly knife in a secret pocket of the fabric.

What? You were a single mom living by herself. You could never be to careful.

You could hear the man stumble through the isles towards the All Might set up, and your suspicion only grew. Slowly you crept up behind him, watching as a rather tall man dressed in a trench coat touched a cardboard cut out of All Might, his other hand holding his torso as though he was in pain.

"HEY!" You shouted, causing the man to whirl around in surprise. "What are you doing here?" He panicked, and you could tell he was going to make a break for it. "Answer me or I'll Pepper Spray you." Since you were a good ten feet away, he disregarded your threat and hurriedly started to make his way towards where he came. He made sure to keep an eye on you as he walked, and it wasn't until two steps in when you aimed the pepper spray at yourself that he became confused.

Oh, and then the overwhelming feeling of being pepper sprayed blasted to his eyes.

"AH!" He screeched, sinking down to his knees as he brought his hands up to his eyes. You quickly raced over to him and pushed him onto the floor, now straddling him as you held a knife up to his neck. His big hands were covering most of his face, holding his eyes in agony, but the moment the cold blade touched his neck he froze. It was only then that you noticed the blood on his right hand, along with a matching stain on his abdomen. It was actually staining your jeans since you were sitting on him, but at this point you didn't care.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here? Are you the bastard that took my son, huh?! Answer me!" You pressed the blade deeper into his neck, not enough to draw blood but enough to let him know you were serious. It wasn't until he pulled back his hands and looked at you threw squinted, watery blue eyes that you realized who he was.


Oh crap.

You were sitting on the number one hero.

"ALL MIGHT!?" You screeched, jumping off him as though he was made of fire. He gasped for air as you did so, his bloodied hand going back to rest over his injury.

"The one and only." He choked out, his voice laced with pain.

"What are you, why, oh god I pepper sprayed you hold on." You carefully went back towards him, the number one hero still laying on his back clutching his side in pain, his irritated eyes bright pink and starting to swell.

"Sorry about this." You sheepishly smiled before you gently cupped his cheeks with your hands.

"What-" before he could finish speaking you leaned in and kissed each of his eyelids, a warm [f/c] glow taking away any pain and irritation. It was as though he was never pepper sprayed in the first place. If this had been any other situation, you would have no doubt been a blushing mess. The hero before you was much more attractive in person, and you literally just kissed him.

But, you were also a doctor, and this was just business. Besides, your son was still out there god knows were, and you didn't have it in you to be bashful.

"There, sorry for pepper spraying you. Oh, and if you can help me out, I can even heal the rest of you. Only if you help me though." He laughed bitterly at your statement, as though you had just said the funniest and saddest thing in the world. Your eyebrows creased as you looked at the laughing man, and he soon meet your gaze and cleared his throat.

"You can't heal me, but I'll still help you. You must be the mother of Izuku Midoriya, right? I saw his name on the news."

"The one and only." You answered, dusting off your hands and standing up from the ground. You offered him a hand to which he gratefully took it, Ignoring the searing pain that shot through your body for a solid 3 seconds before fading away into nothingness. You gave no indication of your pain, however, used to the sensation. "Your late, by the way." He looked at you, confused, before he realized what you meant. He frowned, something you never thought you'd see in your life, and looked around the All Might themed room.

"That I was." There was an unspoken tension in the room. All Might new you probably blamed him for your missing son, and you wanted to blame him.

Unfortunately, you couldn't, because reality is this could have happened at any time or place. He didn't know that though, and the two of you were left in the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Did they fin-"

"No." You cut him off. While your words were fast, your voice was soft and sad, misery wafting off of your form in waves. "Not yet." You choked, a sob threatening to escape your throat. You walked back over to the couch you were sitting on, placing the pepper spray and knife back in there respective place. You then slung it over your shoulder and walked back over to the All Might signing booth, your back sliding down the front of it. You were slightly surprised when he joined you.

"I'm sorry." He apologized quietly, his hand floating uncertainty above your shoulder as he debated if touching you was the best course of action. He decided against it and let his hand fall besides him, sitting inches away from your own.

"I'm sorry this situation happened to, but It's not your fault. I don't blame you." You flashed him a shaky smile, and he returned it with one of his own.

"I blame myself. If I had only been here-" a cough erupted from his throat, blood trailing down his chin. You immediately got on your knees and crawled in front of him, concerned for his health.

"Okay, for real whats wrong? I'm a doctor, I can help you." He laughed again, just like before, giving that bitter smile that seemed so wrong on his perfect face.

"That would be impossible." He unbuttoned his tan trench coat to reveal a white t shirt soaked with blood. You immediately went to go lift it up but he grabbed your wrist before you could. You looked up and realized just how close you were, your noses were centimeters away from touching.

"Sorry, I should have asked first." You scratched the back of your neck with your free hand, your other one still being held. He quickly released you, a small blush adorning his face as he looked to the left.

"Its not pretty." He stated, lifting up his shirt slowly so you could take a look. You gasped.

"What-what happened? Who did your surgery!?" You delicately hovered your hands above the exposed flesh, the angry and bloody wounds from battle and recent surgery reopened and horrendous. It looked incredibly painful, and you were honestly surprised he could even walk and talk let alone act like it wasn't bothering him.

"The best in the world. This happened three weeks ago, during a really bad fight. Destroyed half of my internal organs." He groaned while you analyzed what was left.

"Your right, I can't fix you." He sighed. The news wasn't unexpected but still wasn't what he wanted to hear. "But, I can make it better." He looked over at you, surprised, to which you just gave him a sheepish smile.

"Will you hurt yourself in the process?" You let out a tiny laugh at this.

"No." you lied, giving the hero before you a reassuring smile. "But erm, since it is internal organ damage..." You could feel heat slowly start to creep up your neck, turning your entire face bright red. "I'm going to have to kiss you again... on a... the lips." He laughed at your bashfulness.

"Please, by all means." He grinned, distracting his own racing heart and nervousness with a confident look. Fake it till you make it, right? Softly, you grabbed his cheeks again, your hands still slightly shaky from nervousness. 'Just business. Your a doctor dammit! Your just healing him! Don't look at his defined jawline!' taking a deep breath your closed your eyes and leaned in, softly pressing your plump lips against his. A warmth seemed to envelop him, just like before when you healed his eyes. However, this time it grew around his wound, and to his surprise the agonizing pain slowly disappeared to a dull throbbing sensation. You pulled away, and he smiled, that big heroic smile that you always see on T.V.

"What-I- You!" He laughed, pulling his shirt up once more to show the once gnarly twisted flesh to look semi normal. He looked like himself again, with five huge scars still lining the injured area. Sure, his internal organs were still gone, but the muscle and bone he had lost from the past five surgeries- the bundle of burned nerves that pulsates with pain every day- they were fixed.

They were healed.

He doesn't think he's ever been this happy in his life. You returned the smile with a big one of your own until a scream tore from your lips. He watched in confusion and panic as you crumpled on the floor, your body spasming from an unknown source.

"What- how" He panicked, completely lost on what he could do to help you.

"-b-b-blankt- H-h-heat" You choked out, every muscle in your body cramping and seizing from pain. Understanding what you were trying to say, he pulled you into his lap and draped his trench coat around your body, his strong warm arms wrapping around your back. Immediately the pain started to subside, at least for now, and you felt like you could breathe properly.

"Whoop, that was a doosy. That was a lot of pain you were walking around with All Might. The pepper spray was much easier to deal with" You whispered incredibly quietly. However, Thanks to the close proximity of you two, he heard you just fine.

"I thought you said you wouldn't get hurt." He frowned, unconsciously tightening his hold on you. "I lied~" You sung, a small smile painting your face despite the situation. "Well, not entirely. I didn't get hurt, but I felt your pain amplified through my body. Been a while since I've dealt with a wound this painful."

"I wouldn't have asked-"

"Which is precisely why I lied." His frown deepened while you only gave a weak smile.

"Mom?" The two of your froze. All Mights back was leaning against the front side of the signing booth, and on the other side you could have sworn-

"Mama?" You gasped, launching from All Mights hold in an attempt to crawl around the wooden structure. However, your body was still so weak you nearly face planted on the ground, if not for the two strong arms that caught you before you fell.

"Izuku!" You wheezed, your ears straining as a rustling sound started before a tired green hair kid crawled out from underneath the other side of the signing booth. He yawned, rubbing his eyes from his nap and froze.

"ALL MIGHT! MAMA?!" You were sobbing at this point, and still being supported by the confused and panicky All Might. "Izuku" You cried, to which your son immediately started to cry and ran into your arms. The force knocked you back into All Mights chest, his warm arms on your sides while you squeezed your son like you would never see him again.

"Where were you? Do you know how worried I was?! Half the town is out looking for you, I thought you got kidnapped or hurt! Don't ever do that again, okay?!"

"I'm sorry mama, I promise I won't! He sobbed, squeezing you tightly as well. "I just forgot my poster and then I saw the booth and I wanted to explore it and I thought All Might would come later and I thought It was cool and then I fell asleep-" You peppered him with kisses and then pulled away, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"Well, you were right about that weren't you?" You smiled, looking up to the man you were leaning on.

"All Might!" He squeaked, having forgotten he was here because of his concern for his mom.

"The one and only!" He smiled, causing your son to become shy and press himself against you. His head peaked up from your shoulder, his glossy green eyes looking at him shyly with a childlike wonder.

"C-can I get your autograph!" He squeaked, causing the two of you to both laugh. Izuku had no idea why you were laughing, but decided to laugh anyways as well because his two heros were.

"Of course!" You let out a small yelp as he lifted you and your son up in his arms and off the ground like you weighed nothing, setting you down gently on your feet. He kept an arm around your waste in case you still needed support.

"Can you walk okay?" He questioned, unsure if you were uncomfortable with his touch.

"I think I can manage now, thankyou." You smiled back at him. He was secretly disappointed you didn't need his help anymore. Regardless, he picked up the poster laying on the floor and brought it back to his signing booth, unrolling the material on the wooden desk.

"Whats your name sport?"

"I-Izuku Midoriya!" He squeaked, holding you so tightly your skin started to turn red.

"And you?" He looked at you with those handsome blue eyes and you realized you never introduced you the entire time you were together.

"O-oh! My name is [f/n] Midoriya!" He smiled at you and you smiled back, willing the blush that started to rise on your face to disappear. He wrote a small paragraph and went to roll it up before Midoriya stopped him.

"Wait, don't you want Mamas?" The two of you looked at each other in confusion for a moment before Izuku clarified.

"Mama is the best superhero in the world! She's super mom!" He beamed, causing you to laugh and smile from his statement. A warmth invaded your heart at the thought of you being right up there next to his all time favorite hero. He really did love you, and you loved him with all of your heart.

"Of course, If you would please sign here." He smiled, grabbing one of the 8 by 10 All Might prints that sat stacked on the booth, ready to be signed by him when the time is right. You rolled your eyes and walked over anyways, your fingers brushing his as you grabbed the pen and shot him a smile.

'To, All Might.

Stop breaking and entering into libraries. You're going to get pepper sprayed. Stay heroic, and get the bad guys!

From, Super mom <3

You both exchanged posters and laughed. All Might took it upon himself to walk you out to your car, and reassured you that he would tell the police they had found you.


"No buts, go get some sleep. I'll clear everything up with the police. I promise. It's the least I can do." You smiled, strapping your son into his seat belt in the back seat.

"Well, thank you for that. I really appreciate it." You closed the door and opened your driver side one, however, before you got in your hesitated. Turning back around to face him you impulsively gave him a hug, and much to your surprise and pleasure he returned it.

"Really, thank you." You whispered, pulling away again with a smile. He smiled as well.

"All in a days work." You rolled your eyes at that classic phrase and got in your car, closing the door and starting the engine. You and your son both waved at him as you drove away, and he watched as your car became a tiny dot in the distance.

'Midoriya, huh?' He thought to himself as he started walking towards the police station.


"Mama likes All Mighttttttt~" Izuku sung while you gasped in shock.

"What! No I do not!"

"Yes you do! You wanna hug him!"

"No, the only man I wanna hug is you!" Izuku smiled bashfully, fine with that answer too. However, for the first time in a long time, you realized that maybe you wouldn't mind being in a man's arms again. You don't remember the last time you had felt that safe.

As long as it was All Might, Of course~

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