Those cold eyes of stone(Jeff...

By Anime_Nerd36

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"Your fucking crazy." He whispered staring straight into me as if searching for my soul with those stone cold... More

Chapter One: Reality is a Pain in the Butt
Chapter Two: The forever Smile.....................
Chapter Four: The truth...
Chapter Five: Dream Walker
Chapter Six: Mr. Potato Head
Chapter Seven: Becoming Twenty Three
Chapter Eight: New Guys Lead To Bad Things
Chapter Nine:Waking up
Chapter Ten:We Meet (Again?)
Chapter Eleven: Realization
Chapter Twelve: Christmas Memories
Chapter Thirteen: Problems
Chapter Fourteen: Rebounds
Chapter Fifteen: Screwed Over
Chapter Sixteen: Everything, Everything
Chapter Seventeen: Visions
Chapter Eighteen: The Crow
Chapter Nineteen: An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter Twenty: Gone Missing
Chapter Twenty One: Duck ,Duck, Goose!
Chapter Twenty Two: The Game Plan
Chapter Twenty Three: The cold truth
Ending Authors Note

Chapter three: We meet again

204 9 6
By Anime_Nerd36

Its been half a year the "accident". The Woods family became famous in the newspapers and around town. With one son buried and quickly forgotten about and their other son missing and being looked for it didn't take much to overwhelm them. I think both Nancy and Eren(Jeff and Lius parents ) were tired of the pity and no answers to the where about of Jeff. They decided to leave. They moved and their last night in town they invited me over with Case and Drake.

Case was to busy to come and Drake only stayed for ten minutes maybe probably even less than that. I stayed to bid them goodbye and to have both hatred and sadness burn inside me. I understood that both of them couldn't stand being talked and pitied about around town. I also was angry at them. Angry at the fact thy had given up on finding Jeff and were leaving the home that he could return to. Now it would be sold off to someone else and Nancy and Eren could get away from their problems.

I'll admit. I was pissed for a long while. I almost couldn't concentrate in school. I lost track of keeping up on my grades for a while and my teachers and aunt were worried. I was finally able to convince them I was all okay when my grades came back up and I seemed more focused. Seemed. I was still set on hoping that Jeff would be found. Each d I found nothing on him my heart sunk father and I would be on the brink of letting go. I promised myself that I wouldn't do what his parents did though. Most would assume I went big in keeping hope for him because he was my friend. My closest friend in fact. I think a lot of it was that. He was my friend and I wanted to care for him. Though I think there was more to it. I think I was on love with him. Was that one of my many mistakes ...?

(Present time)

Another school day and another dreadful morning to wake up to. This time at four in the morning so I can get ready for senior pictures which were at five thirty and god knows taming the black mane that sat on top of my head would need a little more than an hour to do. As my usual routine I had jumped into the shower and proceeded to clean up while my music had turned on and it echoed through the bathroom making me have the slight urge to sing but inside my head I told myself no.

When finished I proceeded to dress in maroon skinny jeans a Lacey black tank top and a blue and purple jockey jacket along with blue ankle length converse. I decided to curl my hair and compliment my face with basic make up which was black eyeliner with a small wing and a matte lavender colored lipstick. To top off my "actually dress up look " today I wore a small gold necklace I had given to me by Jeff for a birthday present. I thought maybe it would bring tears but I then scolded myself to not do so and just keep cool with it.

I huffed as I grabbed up my back pack and what would be my last art project for highschool ever. A week left and then there would be no more seven periods to have to venture off to or to enjoy with friends. I didn't know how to feel about it. While I was fled to be dine and graduated I also felt empty. My emotions were every where and not in the that time of month way.

I gave a glance to the picture beside my bed. It was the photo Liu had took of me and Jeff and him together when we all met that day. I kept it by my bedside as a reminder that I knew them. The picture was also next to one of my parents and that was a reminder to. I headed downstairs where my aunt was getting ready to leave. I set my things down and sat at the bar to our kitchen as she greeted me.

"That's a surprise your up so early." She commented as she set a cup of coffee down after sipping from it.

"I have senior pictures today I thought I would dress up. " I said tiredly as I yawned.

"Well Ms. Usuallyasleepbynow do you want something to eat I can make you something real quick before I leave."

"Yeah sure Ms.Igotathingforthatcopwhocomestomyoffice." I winked and stuck my tongue out.

"Well I just can't help it. He's so sweet and were friends I think were good." She smiled as she popped an egg into a frying pan.

"Whatever you say I know he has a big thing for you. You can practically see it through his stone cold expression every time he talks to you. You know I think your the only one he likes to smile at." I chuckled as she grabbed a rag and through it at me while I ducked my head.

This was all true. Officer Jones (or Walter ) his firs name had told me many times he wanted so bad to be with my aunt but he was so nervous he wouldn't be enough. I think that Naudia felt the same she would just never admit it and she built a mental wall to hide it. Naudia chuckled and threw a plate of an egg and bacon down in front if me while I thanked her. She kissed my forehead and grabbed her purse heading towards the door as I took a bite of a fork full of egg.

"Good luck with Mr. Hot Eyebrows and no expression!" I yelled as she went out the door.

"Good luck dealing with seven hours of school!" She shouted back as the door closed and it reminded me I was still trapped there. I sighed and finished my breakfast running upstairs to brush my teeth and then head outside.

I hopped in my car and drove off to school. I found it was a bonus that the earlier I arrived the quicker I could get over with the pictures. After my picture was taken I just hung around the school cafeteria I was touching up my art project so that as it was my last it was the most impressive. I did touch ups until it was time to start heading to class. It was surprisingly calm this morning with every one running back and forth like usually but it was less exciting. People who weren't doing what was normal for them to do were crying and holding each other. It was confusing as to why until I walked into one of the main halls and almost dropped everything in my hands as I seen and read the signs. There were at least three or four that I could tell. They were portraits of students and it said dates. It was their birth dates and ...death dates...

Oh god no. No more death. I shook my head stepping back accidentally meeting someone's shoulder and then I was clumsy enough to trip back words and have people stare at me like I had something wrong with me. I nervously tried to sit up but I could gather myself enough when my hands shook. I tried to shake it off as maybe something I was imagining but of course it was all to true. I sat on the floor and other students stood around me.

It was only until I seen a hand reach down I was pulled from my thoughts and shaking. It was my art teacher Mr. Beasly.

"Dimitri are you alright ?" He asked as I looked up and then shook my head.

"I I'm f fine..." I whispered. Not true.

He reached his hand down and grabbed mine as he helped me stand up. I thanked him and grabbed my things dusting myself off.

"There get to first period my dear ." He said and smiled at me as I nodded slightly and followed him into first period. I became speech less for the rest of class.

All I could focus on was how those three kids were now dead and why were they dead. Who would have done that to them ? Why was there so much that was happening ?! It was crazy. Craziness is what triggered me to start worrying about Jeff. Whether or not he was okay and if I was just fooling myself thinking he was going to be found. I was so distracted I hadn't even noticed that class was at its end and I was left in the back of the classroom whispering to myself like an idiot as Mr. Beasly came up behind me startling me.

"Dimitri are you sure you'll be okay ..? You didn't seem very well in class today ."

"Sorry Mr. Beasly I was just o-out of it I guess." I sighed twiddling with my fingers slowly. I grabbed my backpack getting ready to leave as he then grabbed my wrist softly.

"Dimitri I would like to speak with you after school today. Just come to my classroom." He said softly. I looked up at him nervously and nodded. I pulled away from him and then grabbed my things rushing out of his class room.
Being as that moment there in art class was strange I found myself able to get put of my trance and continue through out the day with out passing the memorials for the kids. If Iwere to do that ,I might just start screaming. Even with that I was still distracted and had no train of thought at all today. I think I woke up scattered brained or something I just couldn't focus on anything for the matter.
As seventh period ended and I was about to leave out the school doors I almost forget about what Mr.Beasly asked of me until I had seen someone else carrying around their project. I huffed softly and then changed my course of direction as I headed toward Mr. Baesly's classroom. I made sure to look away from the memorials as I walked through the doors. I peeked around the corner and then stepped in to check if I hadn't seen correctly but he wasn't there. Sighing slowly I was about to leave when none other than Mr. Beasly scared me as he came in through the back classroom door leading outside.

''Ahh you came. I'm glad you didn't forget.'' He said as he set his sketchpads and book assortments down on a desk next to me as I nodded.

''Please Dimitri don't act like this is class think of me as your friend, please sit down dear.'' He spoke and then I nodded and sat down in a desk as I watched him walk towards the door to close it , I seen him jingling keys around. Did he just lock it ?

''So I noticed this morning that the memorials for those kids set you a bit off.'' Mr. Beasly spoke , grabbing a chair dragging it in front of the desk I was sitting at.

''Well yes it did , It was just upsetting that's all.'' I said playing with my keys under the desk as I looked up.

''Did that have anything to do with the fact that your still upset about your friend Jeff?'' I stopped playing with my keys , my eyes darting immediately to meet his stare.

''How did you ..

''Jeff was one of my students dear, his parents were the ones to tell me he had um well you know.''

I nervously bit my lip. I didn't want to talk about this ,at the same time though, I wanted to cry and tell him Jeff hadn't disappeared.

''He didn't disappear , Jeff can still be found. And no, I was upset because I knew two of the kids that passed. So naturally it's upsetting. I have to go to work for now so I must get going.''

Right as I turned my legs to stand from the desk Mr. Beasly slammed me back into the desk with his hands as he grabbed my shoulders. I stared in shock as I couldn't say anything.

''Your making excuses.'' Mr. Beasly growled in my ear as I breathed heavily. My arms were beginning to hurt as he held them to tightly.

''For what?'' I asked half scared and before he took his finger and pressed it against my lips.

''You were always one of my most favorite art students. You were so silent , as well as more than hardworking especially when it came to your art work. But that all changed when you seemed to skip school for that one semester.'' He licked his lips as my eyes darted around trying to find a way out of this. Before I could possibly register anything, he grabbed my chin forcefully and kissed me . After a few seconds of no response I used my now free hand to push him off of my mouth as I ended up falling out of the desk onto the floor.

I scooted back on my arms as I stared up at him watching him stand up with a now angry face. He lunged toward me as I tried to stand. I was to late as he grabbed my leg and dragged me closer to him while I tried to kick at his hand to let me go. This did no damage to taking him down and only resulted in me being picked up by my arms as he slammed me up against the chalk board pinning my arms up and stepping on my feet to keep my feet still. He began to pull my shirt down and suck and bite on my neck while I became motionless. I was panicking but not psychically. I was only able to hear the sound of my heart pound and then feel him biting at my flesh with his teeth. My eyes began to dart around as I found a solution. With all I could I used my knees to kick Mr. Beasly and then when he almost became knocked down I freed my hands and pushed him to the floor making a run for it around his desk. I grabbed the chair sliding it in front of him as he growled in anger pushing it away as I ran for the back classroom door which I knew wasn't locked. I grabbed my things and then the handle as I rushed out the door not bothering to look back as I heard him scream

''Get back here god damn girl!'' I didn't see him follow as I ran out to the senior parking lot and jumbled for my keys ,, unlocking my car door and then sitting down in it huffing and puffing as I rushed to put my seat belt on and proceed to drive off down the road. Tears began to cloud my eyes and my neck and chest began to hurt. I had to , I needed to stop the car. I continued to drive until I parked by the hiking trail and turned my car off. I unbuckled my self and then looked in the rear view mirror. It showcased my eyes somewhat ringed with dripping eyeliner and my lipstick smeared. My cheeks were being enveloped in silent tears as I wiped away the watery eyeliner away and fixed up my mouth. As I took my glasses off I had this sudden burst of anger and all I could do to let it out was punch something. So I punched my car wheel screaming at my self and then becoming spooked as the car honked and I pulled the keys from the ignition stuffing them into my pocket.

The punching method didn't help. I also didn't feel like going home at the moment. I put my glasses back on and grabbed my phone. I shot a quick text to Naudia and then shoved my phone in my pocket with my keys. I proceeded to get out of the drivers seat slam the car door, locking it and then head down the hiking trail with my hands in my pockets and my footsteps crunching as if an angry hear of deer running down the trail.

My angry footsteps only lasted an hour or two. It was at least before it became dark. I checked my phone to see it had now been six o clock at night and I could hardly see anything. It felt later then it was. After checking the time I only walked a little longer until I came to a stop and decided to sit down. I chose to sit beside a tree and think everything over. Being out on the trail alone was not exactly something I enjoyed but it was something I knew would calm me down at least for some span of time.

All was quiet , except for maybe a few crickets and crackling of the leaves underneath my uneasy feet. I was concentrated now about Mr. Beasly and what had happened and then about Jeff and what Mr. Beasly had said about him.

''He's still alive .'' Is all I would tell myself. It was as if I was afraid to admit that he might just truly be dead. I felt that if I had thought like that though, I would be giving up just like his parents did. I didn't want to do that. I shook my head and then looked up as I suddenly began to hear crunching leaves. ''Maybe it was someone else that was hiking.'' I thought as I stood and decided to look at the time on my phone once more. As I took a quick look I noticed the crunching stopped and I looked up. I jumped at the sight of someones body standing not but three feet from me.

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