Secrets, death, runaways and...

By blueparrot12

22.3K 612 328

You, ( y/n) are the 12 year old cousin (and only young relative) of Queen Victoria of England. The Queen is... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Runaway
Chapter 3: The Manor
Chapter 4: Dinner
Chapter six: The case
Chapter 7: Can you fence?
Chapter 8: Cold water
Authors note
Chapter 9: Royalty
Chapter 10: Like the rain
Chapter 11: A playful chase
Chapter 12: A day with the servants
Chapter 13: You can't come
Chapter 14: Do you fear death?
Chapter 15: Sacrafice
Chapter 16: We wait
Chapter 17: Not yet
Chapter 18: Princess ( Y/N )
Chapter 19: Kanzei's perspective
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: Hell fire
Authors note
Chapter 22: Goodbyes

Chapter 2: Directions

1.4K 37 24
By blueparrot12

You yawn and rub your ( C/E ) with an exhausted look on your face. " Ouchieee....the floor made my butt sore...". 

Standing up you perform different stretches until you look up to the sky. 

It must be around 11:00 AM because the sky was a pretty light blue and you saw quite a few people busy about the streets. 

"They must be headed to work or going home". "home.." you thought. You shrugged it off after a moment and picked up your small black bag ((JUST IMAGINE A BLACK SATCHEAL BAG)). 

"Hmmm, now then.... I think first order of business is to find a job! Probably at some sort of sowing shop." 

You gazed at your surroundings thinking, " Then again... where am I going to find one."

 That problem was quickly resolved though when you crossed the street headed towards the first shop you saw.

You were going to ask for directions.

A long board at the top of the shop had black words engraved " Undertaker". 

Opening the shops door a bell sound was produced, you quickly entered. Inside you saw all kinds of things! You saw, skulls, jars with weird stuff in them, plenty of big old books, old furniture, coffins, and other weird looking things. " this must be some sort of funeral parlor..."

Out of all the strange looking things of this shop though, the man at the front desk was likely to be the strangest thing you've ever seen.

The man was a seemingly young, lean man, with long gray hair and a single braid on his right side. He seemed to have extensive black fingernails and a noticeable scar across his face, neck, and left pinky finger. His robe was predominantly black. Additionally, his attire included an incredibly long top hat ( which you thought was funny looking ), and a gray scarf strapped across his chest and knotted by the hips. The last thing you noticed was that he wore a band of prayer beads around his neck, and wore a chain with six mourning lockets around his hip.

" Hehe, hello there young boyyy!" 

"Um h..hello" You tried to mimic your best boy voice as possible. 

" What brings you here to my..humble shop?" 

" Humble is an understatment" you thought frowning. " This place reeked of death".

Plastering back on a smile you said " Um.. I just wanted directions actually..."

"Oh, so you haven't lost a loved one, need help with vengeance, want the latest murder gossip, would like to know someones whereabouts, want to have a book on poison..." The man went on and on until you cut him off. 

" I just want directions" You response was returned with a creepy giggle from the man. You noticed he just kept doing that.

" Um... so do you think you can tell me where there is a near by sow..." Just then you were cut off by the bell of the shop ringing.

" Ahh, hello there Ciel, Sebastian!" He giggled again, obviously pleased to see them. 

You looked in the mans direction and saw two people. One was around your age and the other was older. 

The boy my age was very charming. He had bluish-black hair and rich a rich deep blue eye. The other eye you noticed was covered by a black patch.  His clothing was obviously of nobles men status. He had black fancy heel shoes, a kind of knee high seeming sock, black shorts, a button up black fancy top obviously with a white shirt underneath and a hidden black tie. To top it off he wore a long black cloak looking coat and a black top hat. 

Your gaze went over to the young man. He was a very handsome adult with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. He was dressed in a butler's outfit, which consists of black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat, and a gray vest. Along with that he wore white gloves, and had a pocket watch.

Though the two looked absolutely charming, they both had a strange sense. The young one, you could feel, had something hateful brewing inside of him. And the older had a mischievous evil tone to him.

" Hello undertaker, the young master and I have arrived for some info".

The undertaker gave out a small "all knowing" chuckle and tapped his fingers on the counter board, as if expecting something in return. 

The butler sighed and the undertaker said " tell me another one of your jokes again and i'll give what the young master asks of me". 

With that the butler nodded and asked if everyone could go outside. " You did't know what to do so you just followed Ciel outside the shop. 

Once the door of the shop was closed it was silent outside and your ( C/E ) turned to Ciel. 

You found him and his butler very intriguing. Of course after a moment the boy noticed and turned his calm face towards you. 

With ought knowing what to do, you said " so why are you here?" He looked at you and said with a calm tone " just on business." With that you nodded and silence followed.

 " Your a boy about my age... What are you doing here?" He didn't look you in the eyes but you knew he was talking to you. 

"I'm here just for directions actually... I don't um really have a home... so I need a job" .( you weren't technically lying ).

" I see." he said this quite bluntly. Then he placed a hand on his waist and turned towards me. Since the undertaker is busy, I can give you directions."

You were quite pleased to hear this and smiled as you said " i"m looking for a near by sowing shop!" At that exact moment both of you could hear extreme laughing. " AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!"

The door of the shop opened as the Ciel's butler gestured for us to come back in.

You walked in with Ciel and once inside he responded to my question. " There is a near by sowing shop on river bend street. You follow the side walk straight ahead till you take a left, and you'll find it."

You were very happy to hear this and thanked him. He only nodded and turned to talk with his butler and the undertaker. 

You was so close to leaving  when you made out faint words of Murder, Jack the ripper, death... but you couldn't make out the rest. 

You hadn't noticed that you had stopped walking when you heard the words Ash landers and Queen. "What were they talking about? Did something happen?" you thought.

Spinning around you called out, " Ash landers!? The queen!? Has something happened with the case on jack?"

Everyone looked back at you with either confused or shocked faces. 

Sebastian the butler, was the first to break the silence " Young boy... do you know of Ash Landers?"

You began to say " Of course he's always escorting the queen and m...." you stopped yourself right there and said " well um at important gatherings he's always with the queen."

" Is that so?" The butler, you could tell, was on to you but you tried to change the subject and ask HIM a question. " why are YOU talking about him... and whats this about jack the ripper....". 

Sebastian looked at his young master and Ciel sighed. " You see... my young master is the Queens  loyal watchdog and Ash landers has asked us to track this murderer.... Jack the ripper down."

" C...ciel is Elizabeth's watchdog!? But he's so young..." you thought this for a bit but shook your head as you placed your hands on your hips " Well I personally have many sources and I myself have much info to give about this Jack the ripper". ( It wasn't a lie since Elizabeth talked about these cases all the time ). )

AAAAAH!!!! You had no idea what you just said!!! yes you did know about these kinds of criminals but... before you could think anymore of it, you noticed Ciel whisper something to Sebastian's ear. Sebastian nodded and walked up to you slowly.

" Whats your name?"

You came up with a simple guys name " It's ( Y/N ).... ( Y/N ) ( L/N )"

Sebastian nodded and Ciel tipped his top hat up, "( Y/N ), you said you don't have a specific home at the moment... am I correct?

" Um yes...thats right..." 

" Well... It would be wonderful of you if you stayed at my manor for the time being and helped with the case"

Your ( C/E ) only widened as ciel asked you this question. HE was trusting YOU to help with a case!? But... i'm a complete stranger to him! What if I mess up... what if I end up not being any help... what if he finds out that i'm actually not a boy.... and he finds out who I really am..." You could hardly think!

 However, for some strange reason...when you looked up at Ciel's calm face, something about him made your thoughts become clear.

" I...i'll do my best"



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