
By Megan-Nicole

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All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween
Ending All The Pain
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Miam Or Payzer?
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
Plane Trip
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!

Family Reunion

33 0 0
By Megan-Nicole

"Ready to go home?" Liam asks, a smile plastered to his face.

"Yea." I say excitedly. We make our way onto the plane and sit in our seats.

It's been who knows how long since I've been back in London. But even now, we're not going back there. We're going to our new house. You know, the one Liam got us for our one year.

"You should get some sleep. It's a long flight from here." Liam whispers, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I lean my head on his shoulders and close my eyes.

I've been sleeping a lot lately. Due to the baby and all. I mean, I'm about to burst man! My mum has been dying to see me. I actually can't wait to see her. I've been talking to her a lot lately. I really miss her. She told me that Stan has been asking about me. How I can't wait to tell him about the baby. Oh the joy.


"C'mon love. We're here." Liam wakes me. We just parted ways with the rest of the guys. Now we're at our new house (Picture above). I open my eyes and smile when I see the house. It's so perfect!

"Oh my god Liam." I breathe. I open the door and get out. I let Nuna out and she runs out to the yard. Liam gets out and grabs our bags, taking them to the door. He unlocks it and we enter the amazing glory of our new home.

"It's amazing." I smile, walking through the house.

"Oh my god! The kitchen is heaven!" I yell when I enter it.

"See. I told you, you'd like it." He laughs, letting Nuna in and wrapping his arms around me.

"Go get in bed, I'm gonna feed the dog and unpack." He says, grabbing some dog food from the cupboard.

"Remember the potatoes." I point accusingly at him. He never gives her potatoes.

"I swear. This dog gets more attention than me." He laughs, shaking his head.

I walk to the huge bedroom at the end of the hall and slump down in the magically soft bed.

I swear, it's like heaven. I can't decide whether I like the kitchen or the bedroom best. Either way, I'm in love with the house.


"Oh lord." I shoot up in bed and run to the bathroom.

"I'm really getting sick of this Liam!" I groan, wiping my mouth and brushing my teeth.

"It'll be over soon. You have, what, a month left? That's only three or four weeks." He smiles at the thought.

"Let's get ready. We're going to my mums at noon." I say, brushing my hair.

"Alright. Be ready in an hour then." He says, walking into the other room.

I get dressed and put a little makeup on. By the time I'm ready, Liam's playing with Nuna outside. I go out and we get in the car, heading to my mums.

"Hi mum." I smile when she opens the door and hugs me.

"Oh my." She smiles at my super large, growing stomach.

"When are you due?" She asks, letting us in.

"Three weeks." I say. We sit on the couch and she makes us some tea as we chat.

"So. Uh-Stan is on his way here." She finally brings up. I feel all the blood drain from my head and my heart drops.

"Uh. What?" I ask in shock.

"I think It'd be nice for you two. You haven't seen each other in years." She says.

"Mum. I'm sick and tired of him trying to control my life. Just because he has problems with his love life doesn't mean he has to take it out on mine. And it's not even just that. He always acted like my dad! I don't even have a dad for Christ's sake and I know that's not the way to treat someone. It's my life. I can take care of myself." I say unexpectedly. I was not expecting all that to come out.

"What a lovely family reunion." His voice says behind me. I squeeze my eyes shut and he rests his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey little sis." He says.

"Hi Stan." I mutter.

"Liam." He dips his head.

"Hello." Liam smiles shyly. My mum leaves to make dinner.

"I'm gonna go help." Liam says and gets up, walking to the kitchen.

"So. You're having a baby." Stan points out.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I say sarcastically.

"I see you haven't changed." He laughs.

"Nope. Not a bit." I say, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. About last time. I will admit, I was a bit out of hand. I see Liam is a good guy. I was just looking out for you. But I can see he's doing a pretty good job of that." He laughs.

"Yea. Well, I always told you, I'm a big girl. I can look out for myself." I say.

"I know. I know." He groans.

"And I'm sorry for acting the way I did to both of you." He says, looking past me as Liam comes in.

"No hard feelings?" He asks.

"No hard feelings man. I know how it is having a sister. You're the big man of the house." Liam says, sitting beside me. He wraps his arm around me and we sit there for hours, talking.


"That is so romantic!" My mum gushes as I finish the story about our anniversary.

"Yea. Took long enough. He had me walking across the whole city!" I groan, making him laugh.

"Is the house nice?" She asks eagerly.

"Oh it's beautiful mum." I smile

"You should come by and see it sometime. Come over for dinner or something." Liam invites.

"That would be lovely." She smiles.

"You too Stan. You'd like Nuna." I laugh.

"Yea." He smiles.

"Well, we'd better get going." I say, getting up. He say our goodbyes and head home.

"Well, that was an eventful day." I say, once he get home.

"Liam!" I whine, slumping onto the couch.

"Hm?" He asks, standing behind the couch.

"Can you get me chocolate?" I ask, looking up at him. He laughs and stalks off to the kitchen. He comes back with two bowls of ice cream. We sit there and eat ice cream until I throw some onto his nose. Then it's on. It's on like Donkey Kong. A very horny one at that.


I hope you guys like the story!

I actually like this chapter and I hope you like it too.

There's only 5 more chapters!

I know it's sad. I'm sorry. But every book has an ending. Whether it be a happily ever after or a happily never after. Which do you think this will be?

Comment and let me know how you like it! Don't forget to vote.

Last night I went to my military ball for ROTC and it was so fun. I went with my best friend Isaac. Then a bunch of us went to IHOP afterwards in our dresses and uniforms it was like 2 am by the time I got home but it was so fun. And the food was amazing.

Who has been to a mil ball before or is in ROTC?

Meg xx

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