Bad Intentions {TVD}

By SammyjVega

101K 1.9K 271

Alina Gilbert is one of those people that you can't tell is hurting, but her twin sister, Elena? She basks in... More

{Season 1}
I. The beginning
II. The Falls
III. Okay?
IV. Brother Salvatore
V. Young love
VI. Dinner parties suck.
VII. Football and Fights
VIII. Wrong
IX. Not afraid
X. Death
XI. Mistakes
XII. Okay
XIII. Ruin Me
XIV. All i can do is grieve
XV. Hear me
XVI. Adopted.
XVII. It'll be alright
XVIII. No rest for the wicked
XX. The Bachelors
XXI. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
XXII. Open Doors
XXIII. Who is in control
XXIV. Pageant queens
XXV. Family
XXVI. The she-devil
XXVII.Founders Day
-- Season 2 --
XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back
XXIX. Survival of the fittest
XXX. A full moon
XXXI. All the good times
XXXII. Kill or Be Killed
XXXIII. Always have a backup
XXXIV. Hide and Seek
XXXV. A flower
XXXVI. The Evil Doppel-bitch
XXXVII. Till death do we part
XXXVIII. A Full Moon
XXXIX. And All Hell Broke Loose
XL. Daddy Issues
XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
XLII. Family Dinner
XLIII. The Unwelcomed Guest
XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
XLV. A dance to remember
XLVI. Klaus
XLVII. Last Chance
XLVIII. A new dawn
XLIX. A new day
L. If i lay here
~Season 3~
LI. Blow out your candles
LII. The hybrid dick
LIII. The moral of the story
LIV. Temper tantrums
LV. And the truth comes out
LVI. Teenage dream
LVII. The other side
LVIII. Day to Daylife
LIX. Another Dance
LX. Read the Fine Print
LXI. This Town
LXII. Bonds will be broken
LXIII. The Living Dead
LXIV. Danger Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
LXV. The Mikaelsons
LXVI. 1912
LXVII. Come on in
LXVIII. Murder for one
LXIX. Jar of Hearts
LXX. Don't be so Soft
LXXI. And the Sun Sets
LXXII. Dearly Departed
-- Season 4 --
LXXIII. Out With the Old, in With the New
LXXIV. In Loving Memory
LXXV. Back from the Dead
LXXVI. The Brotherhood of the Five
LXXVII. Murder was the Case That They Gave Me
LXXVIII. As Crazy as the Mad Hatter
LXXIX. The Keeper of Keys
LXXX. New Orleans
LXXXI. Faith and Hope Suck
LXXXII. Detention
LXXXIII. Run, Run as Fast as You Can
LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence
LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are
LXXXVI. Way down we go
LXXXVII. Please Stay
LXXXIX. Cheerleader
XC. Nightfall
XCI. A second chance
XCII. Photographs
XCIII. Humanity for the win
XCIV. A game of survival
XCV. Cap n' Gown
!!New Book!!

XIX. What trickery

1K 19 0
By SammyjVega

     I groaned awake, moving my head to the side. I'm on a bed, not my bed. I open my eyes and see Elena, she's still asleep. Where are we? I move over slowly, shaking her away. "Elena, wake up," I whisper. She groans and i place a hand over her mouth. "E, come on." She slowly opens her eyes and i put a finger to my mouth. I point over to ben who's asleep in the chair. She gasps, sitting against the headboard.
    She looks to the door and i shake my head. She rolls her eyes and stands up, slowly walking over to the door. I watch as she pulls the lock off the door and i look over to Ben who is still asleep and sighs. 

    "Elena," I whisper, shaking my head. She shushes me and goes to turn the lock.

     "I wouldn't," Ben says, now awake. Elena and I gasp as he gets up walking over to Elena. "Don't try to escape," he says, trying to compel her. I look to her neck and she still has her necklace on, thank god. "Don't even move. Do you understand?" 

    "I understand," Elena says, pretending to be compelled.

     "It seems like you have common sense, so keep your sister in line." He growls looking over to me and i nod. Ben moves back to his chair and Elena throws the door open, but right when she throughs it open, Anna walks in. Anna grabs her by the arm, pushing her back in. 


"I told her not to move!" Ben defends. "I did that eye thing you taught me." 

     "You forgot the lesson about Vervain." She glares, throwing Elena further back. "She dates a vampire, Ben, duh!" She opens the bathroom door and throws Elena in, closing it. She looks over to me but I'm still seated on the bed. 

    "What do you want, Anna?" I ask. 

"Doesn't matter. Now either get up willingly and get into the bathroom with your sister, or I'll make you." I roll my eyes, standing up and opening the door, walking in. 

     "Alina..." Elena says from the floor next to Bonnie. 

"Oh my god..." I gasp, sitting next to her. I get up, grabbing a towel and putting cold water on it. "Here." Elena pats it on her forehead and Bonnie's eyes start to slowly open. 


"Elena? Alina?" 

     "Oh, you're okay." Elena sighs in relief. 

"My head..." Bonnie groans. 

     "Come here." Elena sighs. 

"Oh, my god! Ben is a--" 

      I run over, placing my hand on Bonnie's mouth. "They can hear us." I mouth. I get up, turning on the sink and flushing the toilet. 

     "I was so stupid." Bonnie frowns.

"Oh, he had all of us fooled." Elena frowns, comforting her. 

    "What's going on? Why are we here?" Bonnie asks. Elena looks to me an i hold up a finger, flushing the toilet again. 

    "It must have something to do with the tomb and Emily's spellbook," Elena tells her.


"Damon said that it could be used to open the tomb," I tell her, flushing the toilet again. Elena frowns at Damon's name and i roll my eyes. 

    "Why didn't i know about any of this?" She asks, looking up to me. 

   "We were tryi-" Elena starts till i clear my throat. "I was trying to keep you out of it," Elena corrects. "Hoping it would never come to this." 

    "Come to what?"

"They need a witch to break the spell and let the vampires out," I tell her. 

    "No way," Bonnie says shaking her head. 

"I know--" The door bursts open and Ben pulls me away from the toilet pushing me against the other wall. 

     "You're smart." He smirks, reaching over and turning off the water. He looks over to Elena and Bonnie, Bonnie glaring at him. 

    "You're wasting your time. I'm not going to help you." She glares. Ben walks over to them and he pulls Elena away from Bonnie and grabbing me by the arm. 

    "That's why they're here. The motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy." He smirks. 

     "You don't need to be a dick." I glare. 

"She wants to talk to you two," Ben says, pushing us out of the bathroom. 

     "Well, well, well, Alina and Elena Gilbert. You two really are Katherine's doppelgangers. You both must have the Salvatore boys reeling, one each, huh?" 

     "Who are you?" Elena asks. 

"I'm Anna." She smirks and then looks over to me. "But you already know that when you came here with your boyfriend." 

     "He's not my boyfriend." I glare. 

"Well, your brother may have mentioned me. I mean, we're, like, practically dating." She says with a fake smile. I glare at Anna and Elena turns to look at me. 

    "You know who she is?" 

"It's not like you haven't lied to me before." I glare. Anna smirks, looking between us. 

    "You two are fighting?" 

"None of your business." I glare. 

     "I can see why Damon likes you so much." She laughs, moving over to the window. 

    "Bonnie's not going to open the tomb," Elena tells her. 

    "Oh, i think she will." 

"Do you really want Katherine out that bad?" Elena asks. 

     "Trust me, no one i know wants to see that girl again." Anna deadpans, looking over to Elena. "Except Damon, the lovestruck idiot. How can you compete with that?" Anna asks, looking over to me. 

     "I don't." I glare. 

"Then what is it?" 

      "More like who," I smirk. "Who do you want out?"

"My mother's in there." Anna sighs. I raise an eyebrow and sit on the bed. "Katherine couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Jonathan Gilbert take her away." She glares. 

    "I'm sorry." Elena frowns. 

"You really mean that, don't you?" she asks shocked. Elena nods and chuckles, shaking her head. "Yeah, i think we'll skip the dead mom bonding so you two can start serving your purpose." 

    "Which is?" I ask with a frown. 

"Leverage," She looks at the table, seeing Elena and I's phones and hovers her hands over them until she grabs one, Elena's. "Which twins is this?" Elena gets up, trying to grab her phone but she pulls it back. "No, no." She smirks, walking away scrolling through Elena's contacts. She hums. 

    "They're fine, for now." She smirks, looking to us. "Tell me you have the grimoire and they'll stay fine." She's quiet for a second looking at me. "Which means your brother has it, so one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's going to be to work together." She hangs up and places the phone down on the table. 

    "I'm leaving," Anna calls out and Ben opens the bathroom door, bringing Bonnie with him. "Keep them buttoned down. Compulsion won't work.  Just use violence, but not on this one." She says looking to me. "She's smart, and her boyfriend's ruthless."
   I roll my eyes, not even bothering to correct her. Damon's just a friend, but she's right, Damon is ruthless, but he isn't going to come, he's smarter than that. 

    "Right, okay." Ben nods. "You," He says pointing to me, "Over here." He pulls out a chair and i sit in it as he puts Bonnie on the bed. "You two, sit and behave." He sits down next to me in another chair and i myself away from him. "So you're the key to this. Literally." He laughs. 
    "The one who opens the door. Tell me, how long have you been a witch?" 

    "Is there anything to drink here?" Elena huffs. 

"Are you offering?" Ben smirks, standing up. Elena backs up and he laughs. "There's water on the nightstand."
   He moves back over to me and sits down. I watch as Elena picks up the water. Elena barely puts the glass to her lips when Bonnie looks to her. 

    "Hey, can i have a sip?" Elena looks to me and i nod and she hands it over to Bonnie. Bonnie throws the water on bed and then he catches fire. He starts to scream and Bonnie and Elena run for the door. They both get out, but turn back around seeing Ben standing behind me his arm around my throat. 

    "Both of you, inside now, or I'll kill her." He threatens. 

    "Don't hurt her!" Elena and Bonnie both cry out. 

"Then don't make me!" They both walk inside, closing the door. "Lock it." Bonnie locks the door and they both move to sit on the bed. "Witches don't have eternal life, right? So you guys can die." 

     "Yeah, we can die." Bonnie whispers. 

"Ah, that sucks." The door opens, sunlight bleeding in and Ben screams, Stefan's at the door and he pulls the curtains open. 

     "Stefan!" Elena cries, rushing over to him.

"Come on, guys, let's get outside," Stefan says, Elena pulls my arm and we all run outside. Deep down inside, i was sad Damon wasn't the one who had come to my rescue.  ___________________________________________

     "How did you know where we were?" Bonnie asks her grams. 

    "Many things can fuel a witch's power. Worry, anger. After Stefan told me they had taken you, i had a lot of both. So a simple locator spell was easy after that." Grams told her. I sat there, on the window seat just looking out. 

     "I'm sorry," Bonnie mutters. "About all of this."

"Not as sorry as they're gonna be." It silent for a minute until she speaks again. "You okay there, Sweetheart?" I look over seeing Grams and Bonnie looking to me.

    "Yeah, yeah I'm fine just... in shock." 

The front door closes and Stefan and Elena walk in. "So what do we do now?" Elena sighs. 

     "For now, you all need to stay here," Stefan tells us.

    "A prisoner in my own home? I don't think so." Grams scoffs. 

      "I can't protect you if you leave the house." My phone chimes and i pull it out, seeing a text from Damon. 

     Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm okay. I just want this to be over with.

      Meet me outside, I'm coming to get you, we're ending this tonight. 

       Stefan's not letting us leave. :(

Be the Alina i know, and sneak out, hurry, I'm almost there.

   Okay, I'm coming. 

Good. :)

     I put my phone away and stand up. "Where are you going?" Stefan asks. 

     "The bathroom." I glare. "I have to pee." He nods and i walk down the hall, i open and close the bathroom door and then make my way through the kitchen to the front door. 

      Meet me at the corner.

I round the corner and Damon's already there. He's sitting on the hood of his car and i sigh in relief he does the same, getting up and i run into him, wrapping my arms around him. 

     "Are you okay?" 

"I'm okay." 

      "I'll kill her." 

"It's okay, Damon. She just wants her mom, i get it." I tell him. He smiles at me and then opens the passenger door. 

     "Well then, let's end this." 

"Lets." I smirk, sliding in. 


    "Ready?" Damon asks as he picks up his leather jacket. I nod, pulling at the sleeves on my camo sweatshirt. I look up, seeing Elena walking in. 

    "I knew you'd be here." She sighs. Damon looks up and sighs, handing me the spellbook. 

    "I'm gonna have to change the locks. Did you stage a jailbreak too?" 

    "Stefan." Elena shrugs. 

"Oh, brother. Ever the white knight." Damon says sarcastically. 

     "I convinced Bonnie to help you." 

"I doubt that." 

     "I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry we got the grimoire without you last night, because I'm not, really." She says, walking into the library.

    "Well, at least she's honest," Damon says, looking to me and i laugh a little. 

    "I was protecting the people i love, Damon. But so were you," She says, glancing over to me. "In your own, twisted way. And as hard as it is to figure, we're all on the same side, after the same thing." 

    "We're not interested," Damon states, taking my hand, starting to lead me away. 

    "Yes, you are. Because you were willing to work with us yesterday." Elena whines. 

    "And what trickery that was." I muse as Damon stops us. 

    "Fool us once, shame on you," Damon smirks. 

"In Atlanta, you didn't use your compulsion on Alina,  why?" Elena asks. I quirk a brow, what does this have to do with anything. 

    "Who's to say i didn't?" Damon asks, crossing his arms. 

    "Y-you didn't." Elena gulps. "But you could have. You two obviously have something and you trust my sister." Damon looks down at me and i look up to him.  "And i know i betrayed you, but I'm promising you this now, i will help you get Katherine back, as much to the degree Alina's helping you," Elena tells him. I look down, i don't want Katherine to come back. 

    Damon groans, looking away. "I wish i could believe you." Elena sighs and then reaches up, taking off her Vervain necklace. 

   "Ask me if I'm lying now." She tries, placing her necklace on the table. Damon looks to me and i shrug. 

    "You know i won't stop by the way, no matter what i do," Damon tells her walking up to her.

    "Then we'll deal with it." Damon leans over, picking up Elena's necklace and handing it to her. 

    "I didn't compel Alina in Atlanta because she understands me, she's fun. We were having fun. I want everything between me and her to be real." He tells her, walking back over to me. "I'm trusting you. Don't make me regret it." 


     Damon, Elena and I walk down the dirt road, seeing multiple cars. I had totally forgotten about Duke's party tonight. "The Duke party, i forgot." Elena frowns. "I hope they stay clear of the church." 

    "Your hope, not mine," Damon says, looking around. I frown, feeling like a third wheel. 

    "Elena, Alina, Hey." Matt smiles. 

"Guys, oh my god. Where have you been?" Caroline asks, reaching for Matt's hand. I look down at their hands a small smirk on my face while Elena looks shocked. 

    "Long story, no time to tell it," Damon says, trying to get them away. 

    "I wasn't talking to you." Caroline glares. 

"Sure you were." 

     "We haven't met, I'm Matt." Matt smiles, sticking his hand out. 

    "Matt, there's a reason we haven't met," Damon says, rolling his eyes. "You and I are going that way, Elena... you can stay," Damon says, putting his arm around my shoulder and starting to walk away.

    "I'm coming." Elena glares. "Sorry, Guys." She frowns, following behind Damon and I. 

    We walk through the woods for around five minutes until we see Bonnie, Grams, and Stefan. "Are you sure Damon will come back with her?" Grams asks. Damon whistles, signaling that we're there. 

    "Brother, witches," Damon smirks as we walk up behind them. 

    "Everything okay?" Stefan asks.

"I just want to get this over with," Elena complains, walking up to Stefan while i stay by Damon. "Are we ready?" 

   "I guess so." I walk over handing Bonnie the Grimoire and she smiles at me. 


     "Air," Grams says, lighting one of the torches. "Earth." She lights another one, walking over to the third. "Fire," And lights it. 

    "Water," Bonnie says, holding up a bottle and passing it to her grams. 

    "That's it, just water from the tap?" Elena asks with a frown. 

    "As opposed to what?" Grams asks. 

"I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or-" 

     "Stop talking, please." I sigh, rubbing my head. Elena looks to me and then frowns. 

    "Are you okay?" She whispers. 

"Just a headache." I sigh, She nods and looks away. I look over seeing Damon pull out a blood bag. 

    "What's that?" Stefan asks.

"It's for Katherine," Damon says in a cheery tone. "Gotta have something to get her going." I clench my jaw and exhale sharply, watching the fire. "Unless one of our girls are offering a vein to tap," Damon smirks, looking to be but i just glare at him. He frowns and looks forward. "Admit it-- you can't wait to get rid of me," Damon says to Stefan. 

    Stefan chuckles, shaking his head. "I can't wait to get rid of." Damon hums, looking at me briefly before looking to Bonnie and Grams. 

    "We're ready," Bonnie says, looking up to us. 

"Perfect." Damon claps as Bonnie and her grams join hands. We're getting closer to Katherine and i feel like everything's closing in. I reach for Elena's hand and she frowns, pulling me into her side and putting an arm over my shoulder. Bonnie and Grams started to chant. 

    "What are they saying?" Damon asks, standing by the tomb door. 

     "I don't think it's Latin," Elena tells him from beside me. My headache has only gotten worse and i felt like i was going to pass out. The flames spark up and i push myself against the wall. "What's happening?" Elena asks. There are crumbling sounds and Stefan shines his light over and i see the tomb door opening. 

    "It worked!" Bonnie says shocked. 

"Of course it worked." Grams scoffs. 

   "We have some fires to build," Damon says turning to look at Stefan. Stefan turns to us and looks at me and frowns. 

   "Uh... I'm gonna go get the gasoline, I'll be right back." Stefan says, leaving the tomb. Damon looks over to me and smiles. 

    "You ready?" 

"What?" Elena glares. 

      "Well you didn't think I'm gonna go in there by myself so you can seal me in did you? Alina's coming with me, we're a team."

    "No, Damon she doesn't feel good." Bonnie glares. Damon rolls his eyes, picking me up and taking me into his side. 

    "Don't bring her in, I'll bring the walls down." Grams glares. 

    "You'll bring the walls down anyways, you think i trust you?" Damon smirks. 

    "As much as o trust you."

"Enough!" I groan. "All of you. He's Damon, he needs leverage. He needs to know that you're not going to shut the door when he's inside. I get it." I sigh.

    "Then I'll go." Elena says. 

"Elena, no-"

     "You've almost been killed twice, I'll take this one. Bonnie." She says, taking me from Damon and passing me to Bonnie. "I'll go." 

    "Even better," Damon smirks. 

"Damon, if you don't bring her out alive, I'll kill you." I glare. He gives me a mock salute, bending down to take a torch. 

    "May i?" He says sarcastically, taking it. I watch as Elena and Damon walk inside and i frown. This isn't gonna end well. 


     I was sitting against the wall when Anna came down. i stood up, holding onto the wall. "Hey, you're not going in there." Bonnie glares. 

    "You think you can stop me?" Anna glares back. 

"Bonnie..." Grams says cautiously. Anna picks up the flashlight in the middle of the circle, running into the tomb. "Are you feeling any better?" Grams asks me. 

    "It's just a headache," I grumble. 

"Alina, you're a little pale and you look like death, that's more than just a headache." Bonnie frowns. 

     "I'll be fine when this is all over." I look over to Grams, "Why did you let her go in?" 

    "Because she's not coming out, Honey. None of them are." 

     "But my sister..." 

As if on cue, Stefan runs down the stairs, looking around. His eyes widening when he only sees me. "Where's Elena?" 

     "Damon took her inside." Bonnie frowns. 


     "Stefan!" Grams calls out before he can enter. "If you go in there, you won't come out." Stefan looks at Grams and Bonnie with furrowed brows. 

     "What did you do?" 

"I opened the door, but i didn't remove the seal." Grams shrugs. 

     "What's the seal?" I ask.

"Some seal keep vampires from entering. This one keeps them from... coming out." 

     "Elena's human, she can leave." 

"But Anna and Katherine can't." I finish. And then realization hits me and i gasp. "Damon can't."

    "You were never planning on breaking the spell, were you?" Stefan asks. 

    "I told you. I will protect my own. Elena can get out that's all that matters." Grams says, Stefan and I share a look and then a scream was heard. Elena's scream. Stefan runs in, and i try to follow but Bonnie grabs me. 

     "Stefan!" Bonnie calls out, "Alina, No!" She says holding onto me. 

    "Y-you can't just leave him in there!" I cry. 

"He made his choice!" 

     "No," Bonnie says, shaking her head. Bonnie let's go of me, walking over to the grimoire and picking it up. "Here, just tell me what to do, I'll do it!"

     "We are not strong enough. Even if we were able to bring the seal down, there's no guarantee that we can get it back again." Grams argues. 

    "You said it yourself-- many things fuel a witch's power. Help me!" Bonnie begs. "Or I'll do it alone." 
    Grams sighs, walking over to Bonnie to help her find a spell. I hear Elena coming and she runs out. 

    "Elena." I sigh in relief, hugging her. She hugs me back. "Where's Stefan?" 

   "He's right behind me." She tells me, turning to look at the tomb door. Stefan was standing in the doorway, with a frown. 

    "Stefan, what are you doing?" She asks confused, still holding onto me. 

    "It's gonna be okay. We'll fix it." Bonnie tells her. Elena looks to me and then to Bonnie confused. 

    "What is it?"

"I can't," Stefan says simply. 

     "Can't? Can't what?" 

"The spell's still up, we can't get them out," Bonnie says softly. "yet." She adds. 

   "You went in there not knowing if you could come back out?" Elena says shakily, walking towards Stefan. Stefan looks down and she gasps. "Oh, my god." 

     "I heard you scream." He says teary-eyed. 

"We can't leave him in there." Elena cries. "We promised him, both of us, all three of us." She says, referring to Damon. 

    "I know." Stefan nods. "It's not Alina's fault, she had no idea either." 

     "Even if we're able to break through the seal,  we won't be able to hold it for long," Grams says. 

    Stefan nods, he moves to go back in but i stop him. "Wait! Take me with you." I say. 

     "Alina, no." 

"He listens to me, for some odd reason. He'll listen." I tell Stefan. 

    "You stay with me, the whole time," Stefan tells me and i nod. We walk in and i shine my light around seeing all the mummified vampires. I hear whispers and i frown. 

     "What is that?" 

"Then can sense you, you're blood." He tells me, guiding me through the tomb. I hear grunting and a somewhat scream. 

    "This way," I tell him. We get there and there's a little room. 

     "She's not here!" He groans. 

"Damon!" I call out moving to him. 

      "So you're well enough to come in with my brother but not with m-" 

    "Damon," Stefan says in a firm tone.

"She's not here," Damon repeats, what he was saying to me, forgotten. 

   "What?" Stefan asks confused. Damon pulls out the blood bag, throwing it against the wall. 

    "She's not here!" He shouts. I flinch and Stefan pulls me towards him. I look to the blood dripping down the wall and towards Damon. 

    "Stefan! Alina, they can't hold much longer!" Elena calls in. 

    "Damon, we need to go," Stefan tells him. 

 "It doesn't make sense. They locked her inside." 

        "If we don't leave now, we're not getting out," Stefan tells him.

    "How could she not be in here?" 

I rush up to Damon, taking his face in my hands, making him look at me. 

   "Do you want me to just leave you here? Because that is what i am going to do if you don't shut the hell up and come with me right now. I am gonna take Stefan and run, and you're gonna be stuck in here, on your own, in the dark and you're going to die in here." I tell him. "Please Damon..." 
    He looks me in the eye and nods. Maybe it's because i look like her, but I'll take it. He takes my hand and speeds us out. 
   As soon as we're all out, the tomb door closes. Elena hugs Stefan and Damon moves off into the shadows. 

    "Jeremy..." Elena whispers and Elena and I rush up the stairs.  Stefan walks up behind us as we kneel beside Jeremy. 

     "He's okay," Stefan tells us. Jeremy groans and i laugh lightly. "He's all right." I sigh and look up when I hear Damon's slow footsteps. Stefan and Elena look up as well as i stand up, walking over to Damon, whose back is turned to me. 
    He turns around when he hears me coming. I walk forward and hug him and his arms slowly move around me. 

    "I'm sorry," I whisper. 

"Come on, let's give them a minute," Elena says quietly. 

    "I loved her." he croaks out once they were gone. 

"I know, and I'm sorry." 

    "I don't wanna be alone." He cries, slightly shaking. I hold onto him tighter, pulling him closer. 

    "I am right here, and you are not alone. You have me."


   "Hey, champ. How's your head?" I ask, handing Jeremy a bottle of water and some Advil. 

    "Uh, it's alright. I just wish i knew how i passed out, i didn't even drink. I swear." He sighs, leaning his head back. 

   "You don't remember anything?" I frown, hoping he doesn't remember Ben knocking him out, or Anna. 

    "No, not really. It's kinda foggy, i just... i know how this looks, I'm sorry." 

    "Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong." I tell him. He nods with a smile and i sigh. "Need anything else? I think I'm just gonna go to bed." 

   "No, I'm good, thanks though. I'm just gonna crash." He smiles. 

    "Okay, well I'm pretty sure Jenna's downstairs if you need anything." I smile and he nods. I lay down, turning off my lap. I swore i was near sleeping when my phone rang. I sighed, reaching over for it. 

  "Hello?" I answer sleepily. 

 "Grams is dead." Bonnie cries into the phone. 

I sit straight up gasping, "I'll be right there."

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