Bendy and Boris in The Inky M...

By ThisAnimatedPhantom

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Bendy and Boris are humble mechanics until the day came that their lives kinda blew up. Now the pair find the... More

Book One: Quest for a Cure - Chapter 1: The Last Normal Day
Chapter 2: Who Gives a Hoot?
Chapter 3: When Peaceful Days End
Chapter 4: When Pigs Come Knocking
Chapter 5: A Q&A That Leads to More Qs Than As
Chapter 6: Detective Featherworth Learns Too Much
Chapter 7: Pack a Bag
Chapter 8: The First Step
Chapter 9: It's Time For Animaniacs!
Chapter 10: Scary Spots
Chapter 11: Following the Tracks
Chapter 12: A Busy Day
Chapter 13: They're Back
Chapter 14: It All Goes Down Tonight!
Chapter 15: Who Has The Key
Chapter 16: Things Go as Well as Expected
Chapter 17: Goodbye Warnerburg
Chapter 18: The Mess Left
Chapter 20: Warners vs. Cupbros
Chapter 21: Toon Town...FINALLY!
Chapter 22: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Book Two: The Voodoo Queen - Chapter 23: A Cup Half Full
Cars and Newspapers

Chapter 19: A Certain Casino

89 4 3
By ThisAnimatedPhantom


Fan art! AH!
"Oh boy." Yakko sighed. "We've really lost the writer this time."
"Think it's sickness?" Wakko asked.
"That and TAP hasn't stopped looking at that gift since TF showed it to 'em." Dot shook her head.
Uh? Oh yeah. Hello lovelies. I gotsa fan art. For the First. Time. Ever. I am so happy. Oh and yeah I'm sick with a horrible stomach bug. I don't wanna eat or drink anything. So, writing from bed.
"And a little loopy," Yakko whispered behind his hand.
Hmmm, circles will only make me more sick. Hehe.
"How about we just take over from here and you get some rest?" Dot suggested.
B-but I gotta warn 'em the chapter will be like nothing they expect.
"Well, ya just did, so go on and count some sheep." Wakko made a shoo motion with his hands.
"Thank ya guys for writing comments, leaving kudos, and reading, TAP really does love hearing from you," Dot said. "And thank you Twinfeather. That really touched the ghost."
"Is touching a ghost cold?" Wakko asked.
"I bet it's wet. Like sticking your hand in fog," Yakko said.
"Isn't that going through it though?" Wakko asked.
"Boys!" Dot snapped. They fell silent and stared at her. "It's probably like touching cold glass. Anyway...."
"Right! For everyone that voted for Alice, here ya go!" Wakko said. "And boy she's grrr!" He purred and winked.
"Yep a hottie for sure. She has legs, a real cat's meow. Ten outta Ten," Yakko said.
"In other words...," Wakko said.
"Hellooooo Angel!" the boys crowed together.
Dot rolled her eyes. "Just go read and ignore the idiots."


Bendy pulled himself out of his novel to at the strange coughing noise. He made eye contact with an old man with a mustache for a split second before the man buried his face back into his paper. Bendy lifted an eyebrow, but shrugged it off before turning back to his book. Felix had just gotten into the cave. The explorer had figured out the deadly fire trap when—.

Motion from the corner of Bendy's eye had him glance up again. The man was sweating and bouncing his leg nervously. Bendy blinked and tried to focus on his book.

He had figured out the deadly fire trap when the shift of stone and the fall of dust had the cat look up. Small portals roughly the size of his fist slowly opened from above and from the sides. Not waiting to see what would come, the explorer sprinted across the room. He heard something small fall behind him. Felix chanced a look over his shoulder to see hundreds of giant red flame ants scuttling across the floor, walls, and ceiling toward him. The great explorer reached for his trusty bag and—.

"Dear, I am going to go see if there is a lounge car. Would you mind joining me?" The man had put down his paper and leaned over to the woman. Bendy grit his teeth.

"No, thank you! You're the one that wanted to travel cheap and not have such things brought to you. Now, you have to go fetch it yourself. You decided this yourself without any thought of what I wanted, so you can go get it yourself," she hissed acidly. Bendy bit back a sigh. Why did it have to be at a good part?

"Please, dear?" the man seemed to beg. He took her hand. "I rather do have something important to discuss with you in private."

"This will likely be the most privacy you can get back here. The lounge will be that much worse," she argued. The man gave him and Boris a quick glance. Bendy would have missed it if he was still in his book.

"Not here, dear, please." The man lifted the folded paper in his other hand. "It's quite important." Bendy did not like the look the guy had given him and his brother. Bendy lowered his book a little to see the wolf snoozing comfortably across from him. He had a small smile on his muzzle, most likely from a pleasant dream.

This was not how the man had acted for the whole ride. What had suddenly changed? Bendy lifted his book again and pretended to read. He observed the man from the corner of his eye. He was pale and there was definite sweat gleaming on his balding head in the over light. His mustache twitched every so often as he tried to convince his wife to leave with him. He also had a death grip on the paper.

"Alright, alright! I'll come. Good heavens, it's like you suddenly spotted my mother's ghost." She tittered a laugh as she got up. Before they passed Bendy, though, he cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, sir." The man froze like death itself had called for him. He turned his head slowly to look down to Bendy. "Sorry to bother you, but if you're done with that paper, could I have a look?" The man paled even further. Bendy thought he may faint.

The man opened his mouth, then shut it, and handed the paper over with his shaking hand. "Thanks, pal." The moment he retracted his hand he was out to the corridor with his wife dragged behind him. That's not good, Bendy thought to himself. He quickly unfolded the slightly crumpled newspaper. He took a half second to look at the front and the headliner with a smirk. Shaking off his amusement he flipped through the pages until he spotted what had the man spooked. Somehow, the wanted posters for him and his brother had been put in the paper. There was updated information on them too. Bendy didn't have time to worry about that. Their disguises were good in public, but that man had been sitting close to them for hours. It was obvious that he had recognized them.


Bendy rolled up the paper and stuffed it in his bag. He kicked Boris' leg to wake the wolf up. Boris jumped with a start. "Uh! Whazza gonin' on?" he asked, blurry. Boris blinked looked around without really seeing.

"Wake up and pull your stuff together. Our cover's been blown and if we don't move quick we'll be all wet," Bendy said, putting his book back carefully. Inwardly, he pouted that he couldn't finish the chapter and was forced to wait at such a good spot.

"What!" Boris blinked awake and fumbled with his open bag.

"Move it, Boris," Bendy ordered and peeked around to see if anyone was coming for them yet. The couple had headed toward the front, so they would have to head to the back. Boris was finally ready and the two stood.

"What happened?" Boris whispered as they got out of the car and entered the next one.

"'Parently we made the paper," Bendy said bitterly.

"Really?" Boris sounded a little excited. Bendy gave him a disbelieving glance over his shoulder. Boris' smile dropped. "What? That's kinda berries bro. I mean we're famous."

Bendy groaned. "No, you mean infamous. Famous people don't have to run down a train so they won't be arrested." Boris made a sarcastic scuff. They got through the car and onto the next one. It was a bit more crowded and Bendy nearly tripped twice on legs or bags that were half in the walkway.

"No, they run from bad guys," Boris said. "And we are doing that too."

"Bro, life ain't supposed to be film," Bendy said, deadpanning over his shoulder and nearly tripping on a lady's little dog. The little rat barked at Bendy and the lady gave him a dirty look that he ignored.

"Oh? Our lives seem to be for weeks now." Boris raised a brow. They got out of the car and Bendy sighed.

"Look. Can we do this later? When we're not about to get thrown into the slammer?" Bendy asked over the sound of the howling wind. Boris' ears fell and he looked away sheepishly.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Boris murmured. Bendy had to read his lips. "So, what now?"

"We bail into the woods," Bendy said.

"Swell," Boris said sarcastically. "I don't think I can survive that jump. So, unless you have a trick I don't know about...."

"No?" Bendy looked away to the blurring scene flashing past them.

"Bro," Boris said.

"Fine! What's your plan?" Bendy demanded.

Boris smirked and pulled Bendy back into the car they had just left. "This." He lifted his hand to the cord that ran the car and pulled it. At the same time he gave the little mongrel a kick hard enough to make it angry. It yipped and started barking and nipping at the ankles of anyone near it. The other passengers cried out and the dog's leash slipped out of the lady's hold. It started to race around the car, barking. Others began to stand. The train screamed on its brakes, making many lose their balance and brace themselves on anything they could grab.

Baggage and anything that wasn't hung onto was thrown forward. Bendy felt himself slip and Boris hooked an arm around him as he clung to the doorframe. "This is a terrible plan!" Bendy shouted.

The train began to slow. Boris yanked Bendy out of the car and around the edge. "Yeah, it is, but at least we'll survive this one," Boris said. "Ready to jump?" Bendy looked out at the trees and brush. It wasn't a blur anymore, but they were still moving. He couldn't hear the shouts of the people over the squeal of the breaks, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before they were spotted.

"Yeah." He grabbed the straps of his backpack and jumped as far as he could. He tried to roll with the momentum, but instead tumbled end over end. He felt rocks bite into his skin and couldn't tell up from down. He stopped when he hit a thick bush. Swirls spun in his eyes and his body ached terribly. Bendy hoped that Boris had jumped too. He waited for the world to stop swinging around before looking about for his brother. The train was still slowing. Boris was a little away from him, farther down the line. He had also rolled into the underbrush. Bendy could just barely see the wolf's tail sticking out of the twigs and leaves.

Bendy struggled out of the bush and stumbled toward the tail. He ignored his bumps and bruises. "Boris! Can ya walk, bro?" Bendy called out.

"That was the dumbest thing we have ever done!" Boris cried out as he tried to pull himself out of the bush.

Bendy chuckled. "You don't have to tell me that."

"Yeah, you two! Hold it right there!" Bendy spun around to see an angry looking conductor. The man glared at the two, leaning out toward them.

"Uh-oh. I think they spotted us," Bendy muttered. Boris got out and reached back to yank his large pack out.

Bendy kept an eye on the conductor and other trainmen that were quickly running through the train and jumping off.

"Let's go!" Boris said and dashed into the forest. Bendy right on his paws.

"Stop!" Bendy heard behind him, but he didn't look back. He had to focus so he didn't trip on the rocks or branches. Boris had harder time getting through the vegetation and Bendy managed to pass him.

"Keep going," Bendy said as he pulled ahead a little. He tried to lead Boris on the clearest route. Brush caught on his clothes and slashed at any exposed skin. Luckily, it was only a few minutes before he believed they had lost them. Bendy stopped and Boris skidded to a stop right behind him.

"Think they're gone?" Boris gasped and panted.

Bendy nodded. "They won't go far from the train. They have a schedule to keep and they aren't the coppers. They don't get paid to chase us."

Boris nodded and pulled off his pack. He dug through it until he found a water canteen and drank. He passed it to Bendy, who also drank gratefully.

The boys took a moment to catch their breath. Boris asked, "So what's the plan? Walk?"

"Yep," Bendy said, rolling his neck. "The train was heading mostly east. If we keep going east we should get there eventually."

"We could try to find a road," Boris suggested.

"We would be wandering around aimless. That would be more dangerous. We'll go east and if we come across a road we will start following that." Bendy pulled his pack on again. It didn't take long for the boys figure out the right direction using the sun. They started out. As they walked Boris asked what happened on the train and Bendy explained, showing him the newspaper. The wolf laughed at the front page and complimented the Warners on their creativity. The two talked back and forth about the Warners and Warnerburg as they walked. They tried to imagine what a game of hide-and-seek would be like with those three. The boys laughed and were rather lighthearted, despite walking for hours. With no one around, the two were free to speak of everything and anything. It was this freedom that brought up their mission, ideas on Dr. Oddswell, and the two strange men that had chased them. Sadly, all they had were guesses. It was Boris' next question that made Bendy uneasy.

"So, what happened last night with your Talent, bro?" Boris asked. "You said it wasn't you and then you told Sammy and Finley it was." The wolf gave him a confused look.

Bendy took a deep breath. "I-." What was he supposed to say? This was Boris, so he could be honest. "I don't know how to explain it without scaring you." The demon admitted uncomfortably. The wolf turned his head to the side with his ears perked.

"I won't be scared," Boris said with certainty. "You can tell me anything, bro."

"I know," Bendy muttered. Bendy took a moment to figure out what to say. "So, uh, explain how you play an instrument."

Boris cocked his head the other way before smiling. "Well, I make sure it feels right in my hands and that I'm holding it the way I'm supposed to. Then, I test its sound. It, uh...," he trailed off thoughtfully. He lifted a finger to tap at his chin. "Gee, I guess the best way to put it is I hear the instrument's 'voice' or something?" He shrugged. "It only takes a little listening to its voice to make any changes I need to before I can get it to sing for me."

Bendy nodded. "Okay, so, uh, my Talent is kinda like that. But instead of hearing it's like feeling, kinda. I mean, uh, not like touch feeling, but...." Bendy sighed. This was harder than he thought. "Anyway, so I can feel the shadows around me and it's not, uh, they're not just there like a tree or a book. They move and act, okay?"

Boris blinked, but nodded slowly. His wide eyes seemed more interested than scared so far. "They act sorta like animals, but not so much?" Bendy scratched the back of his head. "See, they can't really touch or do anything unless I reach out and let them. It's like a dog on a leash or something." Boris nodded, still gazing at him like he was telling him a story about Micky. "Last night, the shadow were really excited. I have no idea why and I knew I wouldn't really have any control so I didn't want to use them, but it was the only way I could think of saving us." Bendy started talking faster and faster. "I didn't mean for them to get out of control like that. I didn't mean for them to throw us or chuck things everywhere or break things. They wouldn't stop and I couldn't stop them and I was a bit panicked and I didn't tellyoubecuaseIdidn'twantyoutobescaredofmeand—."

"Bendy!" Boris almost shouted. Bendy snapped his mouth shut. "I'm not scared. It's fine." Bendy glanced up at Boris to see his worried, but serious, face. His muzzle was set in a small frown and his dark eyes glinted with kindness. "You're my big brother. I know you would never mean to hurt me. I'm actually really happy you told me. I always wondered about it, but I never knew how to ask you. It sounds tough to control and it's berries how much control you do have, bro." Boris bit his bottom lip for a second before opening his muzzle again. "Can I ask a question?"

Bendy fought the urge to joke and lighten the serious mood. "Sure."

"Are you afraid of your Talent?" Boris asked with that worried look.

Bendy's knee jerk reaction was to brush it off. "Me scared? Pfft." Bendy waved a hand. Boris raised a brow and Bendy ducked his head. "A'right, maybe a little."

Boris snorted, but quickly focused again. "That's why you don't use it very much, uh?"

Bendy hunched his shoulders. "That and it scares the cuss outta people."

"Not me," Boris said. "Guess you'll just need to practice, bro."

Bendy blinked and stared up at the wolf. "That's it?"

"That's it." Then Boris pulled another thoughtful look. "But can I ask more questions if I think of any?"

"Sure, bro," Bendy mumbled, a little dazed that Boris took it so well. Bendy didn't think anyone finding out that shadows live and move all around them would be a comforting discovery. Bendy again was reminded with how amazing his little brother was. Bendy felt a weight he hadn't been aware of lift off his shoulders.

"Hey look! There a road." Boris pointed excitedly. Bendy followed the wolf's finger to the narrow path of pavement. "Looks like we don't have to stomp through bushes anymore," Bendy agreed and it was only a few moments before the boys were standing next to it.

Boris chuckled and plucked a twig out of Bendy's goggles. "We look like we just got out of Miss Slappy's tree."

Bendy scowled. "don't remind me."


"Bendy, what's that?" Boris asked. Bendy and Boris stared up at the impressive architecture of a lone building. It seemed to be some Out here in the middle of nowhere?

"Dunno, bro. It's sure snazzy," Bendy said. The bulbs for the sign were off, but they glinted in the noon sun.

"What's it doing all the way out here?" Boris asked.

Bendy shrugged. "As long as we can get directions, who cares?" He headed through the entrance to the sound of the chips, machines, and jazz. The entrance was grand with a crystal chandelier hanging above them and a staircase that parted down the two sides of the wall and wrapped with the large circular room. Bendy glanced to Boris, whose mouth was hanging open in awe. Bendy couldn't help but agree. This was the ritziest place either of the boys had ever been in.

"Welcome to the Black Hat Casino." Bendy turned to a smartly dressed man. He was gazing at the two of them curiously. Bendy blinked, feeling extremely out of place. This guy was so snazzy in his pigeon suit compared to the brothers in their packs and pocket vests with twigs and leaves sticking out here and there. Still, he tried to seem as calm as possible.

"Thank you," Boris said. "Do you know how far Toon Town is?"

The man looked a little startled. "Uh, um, why yes, sir. It's a just east of here, about a forty-minute drive."

The boys sighed. It would be a long walk, but it was closer than Bendy thought. It would take about half a day or so.

"Thanks," Bendy said.

"Of course. Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked with a slight bow. He had a brow raised and Bendy thought the look in his eyes was a bit condescending. Bendy then heard Boris' stomach growl. Bendy looked up to his brother to see the wolf duck his head a bit in embarrassment.

"Got any food 'round here?" Bendy asked. He wasn't sure, but it seemed the man almost sneered. Bendy narrowed his eyes, but the fella turned away.

"Yes, this way gentlemen," he said as he walked.

"Bendy we can't afford—."

"Yeah, we can. Take a load off, bro. We've been hashing it for hours and it's time for a break," Bendy said and followed the penguin suit. Boris rolled his eyes, but a smile spread across his muzzle.

The boys were led past tables of cards, chips and players. The smell of alcohol and a little tinge of cigarettes hung in the air. Laughter, cheers, and groans filled the space with life over the jazz. Bendy felt his eyes drawn to a game of black jack, but he held back. He couldn't. It was the money Sasha gave them, half the money they earned with Fin and Sam and the rest was the stuff he had saved for emergencies for years. He also didn't know when he was to come across an opportunity to earn some more cash, so he had to play it smart. Gambling wasn't smart, he told himself as his brother and himself were guided to another room. There was a bar on the far side of the room and tables scattered around. There was a pool table in the middle of the room that had a circle of men around it.

"Here you are, gentlemen," he said. Bendy nodded and headed to the bar with Boris close behind him. They put their stuff down and Bendy jumped up on a seat.

"I'm gonna go wash up real quick," Boris said.

Bendy nodded his head. "I'll watch our stuff." Boris headed out and Bendy decided to watch the room. For such a ritzy place, it sure had a mix of characters. Most were as nice looking as the penguin suit fella, but there was a peppered number of guys that were shady. Low hats, long coats, stained shoes. Bendy furrowed his brows as he continued to gaze around. He watched the people, going table to table as they made cheers of victory or groans of defeat. There was something a Before Bendy could put his finger on why he felt that way, he felt someone behind the bar come up to him.

"Good day. What can I getcha?" a pretty female voice said.

Bendy smirked and turned around. "Yes, could I...."

She was a knock out even in a light vest and black-tie uniform. Her hair was dark and long. She had it braided down to her waist. Wisps of locks had escaped and curled around her face delicately. Her full lips were painted dark and her rich eyes sparkled in the lights. Bendy also noticed a little mole under one of her eyes. But that wasn't what made him freeze up, it was something else. There was a...something...coming from her. It was like having the sun suddenly come from behind the clouds to warm him on a chilly morning. A gentle warmth that was so relaxing he almost wanted to sigh, but there was that off feeling again.

Just as he gave her a quick once over, she did the same to him. Unlike him, she froze and seemed to tense. Her semi-forced smile became strained. Bendy felt his tail twitch at the reaction. He quickly cleared his throat. "Ah, sorry. I would like two fizz wizzes. One cherry and the other chocolate and what do ya have to eat around here, doll?"

He saw her twitch before turning around. Oops. She probably dealt with a lot of flirts, jerks, and drunks. She was working drinks, after all. He just had to play it cool, treat her like a person. Something she wouldn't expect. Umm...well, easier thought then done. She had probably heard it all...Oh, that's a good start!

"We have a wide menu, sir." She shoved a menu toward him and got the drinks out. Boy, if that greeting was the sun then this was the artic, that tone subzero.

He scanned the menu and asked, "So how long have you been working here?"

"Long enough," she answered curtly. Geez. Was it the pet name? What had he done in the three sentences they'd shared?

Outwardly, he hummed. "What do you like here?" he asked, glancing over to her. She refused to look at him. She was leaning away from him and cleaning the counter. He furrowed his brows. Did he smell? He shouldn't smell that bad.... Did he? He hid behind the menu and tried to take a quick whiff of his shirt.

She interrupted his thoughts. "I like the grand chicken salad and a raspberry cheesecake for dessert."

"Ah," he said and took a sip of his drink. Then his eyes fell on something that made his stomach almost sit up and beg. "C-could I have some bacon soup? And an order of ribs?"

"Yes sir," she said.

"And you can call me Bendy. I ain't dressed up enough for any title," Bendy said, returning the menu.

"Understood, sir," she said just as coldly. Oooh, it was gonna be like that. Bendy wondered how much he could mess with this cold dame before she either blew or smiled. He smirked to himself. She walked away to give the kitchen his order. Bendy continued to sip his drink and waited for her to come back. Before he could say a word though, she was taking a load of drinks out to the floor. Bendy frowned. He had struck out before, but rarely was it from the first sentence.

He glanced over his shoulder to see her frowning with another guy. He was one of those smartly dress boys, tall, with dark hair combed back. He had put a hand on her shoulder and she shook it off to say something to him. Bendy couldn't see the fella's face, but he did see the angry look on hers. She went to pick up her drinks when the schmuck grabbed her around the waist. His buddies seemed to be laughing. She immediately started to struggle, pushing away from him and trying to get his arm off her.

Bendy was up before he had really thought about it. He was quick to get to the start of the ruckus.

"Let me go or I will call security and have you removed, sir," she growled at him.

"C'mon, kitten. Looshen up, I jush asked fer a kisshh," the schmuck slurred. He leaned in and Bendy grabbed one of his wrists and twisted.

The guy cried out and let go off the girl to shove at Bendy. Bendy easily stepped back and dodged the guys flailing arm. "Hey pal, the lady said no. Are ya deaf or just stupid?" The guy growled and took a drunken swing. Bendy ducked and tripped him. His friends cackled with laughter. "Well, I guess that's my answer. You're drunk and stupid." The fella groaned and struggled to get up. He looked like a fish on land. "Do yourself a favor. Stay down," Bendy suggested. Security showed up then. Bendy turned to the bar lady.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked. She looked angrily at the man, then to Bendy.

"So like a demon to start a fight." She sneered.

Bendy was taken aback. "Uh, wha—."

"I didn't need your help. I was fine. Now you've hurt a drunk that won't remember why his wrist is bruised," she huffed.

Bendy's jaw dropped. "He was assaulting you!"

"He was drunk. I had it under control," she said again.

"It didn't seem like it to me!" Bendy shook his head.

"Well, that shows what you know." She picked up her serving tray.

"What does that mean!" Bendy demanded.

"Violence and pushing around your weight," she said glancing over at him. "That's it right? That's how you deal with people when they don't do what you want?"

Bendy glared at her. A dark dread came over him. "No, that's how I deal with schmucks that are harassin' dames! What's your problem?"

She opened her mouth, but someone spoke first. "Alice. My office. Now." She snapped her mouth shut to turn around. He was a tall man with grey skin wearing a tall black hat and small glasses perched on his nose. He spotted Bendy and gave him a smile. Bendy's eyes widened at the man's shark like teeth. "I am very sorry for any inconveniences, sir. I hope Alice wasn't troubling you." Bendy just shook his head. The man nodded and turned to her. "Alice, apologize to our guest."

Alice glared at Bendy bitterly. "I'm sorry," she growled.

The man rolled his eyes and turned around. "Good enough. Now come." She turned and followed him. Bendy was frozen in place. That feeling of dread wasn't from the girl, it had been coming from him. Bendy felt a chill go down his spine. What the heck was that? The shadows clung to him like Bendy had never seen before. He had felt like he had been in the room with a dangerous predator.

Bendy had just made it back to his seat when Boris appeared. "Sorry I took so long. This place is like a maze."

Bendy just nodded numbly. Boris noticed his dazed stare into his drink. "You okay, bro?" Bendy swallowed and looked up to the wolf. His ears fell a little and he looked at Bendy with a worried knot between his brows.

"I, uh, I think we better get our food to go, Boris," Bendy said in a shaky voice.

"Did something happen?" Boris asked. His eyes widened with how shaken up Bendy seemed.

"I-I'll tell ya everythin' when we're outta here," Bendy said. The boys quickly collected their things and food before leaving. Bendy took a sigh of relief. He didn't ever want to go in there again.



What? You thought they were gonna get along the first time meeting? HA! He's a demon! Of course she'd have issues...I better not say more. My everything hurts. I'm gonna go sleep. I leave everything else to you Mercowe.
Mercowe enters.
Well...It's looks like I've been left in charge. You can tell that TAP has it really bad. Yakko, Wakko and Dot didn't even show up in the end notes, which means that not even Wakko's amazing fourth wall powers could help TAP. Whew! Well. I edited the chapter. And Alice hates him. I should have seen that coming. He is a devil and she is an angel. But I didn't. Oh well. o-o
Btw, while I'm here...Thanks for the thanks Twinfeather. I appreciate the appreciation. :D
And I hope the rest of y'all enjoy this chapter as much as I did.



Twinfeather on Chapter 19 Sat 26 Aug 2017 10:20AM EDT

YEAH WE'RE RIDING WAVES ON THE HYPE TRAIN :D (Btw touching le Ghost is like petting a Eagle! An Ego Eagle!)

:O Its even better and brighter than i could even dream of (not because my brain is a dark, shadowy pit of no imagination or something lol) Our darling Alice Angel makes her debut, but she isn't the first! Mercowe is the original Angel! ):D Who let the Shadows out? Bendy did! Wooow I waited all week for this and was checking during class to see if you updated XD! Sorry it took so long to comment, but I had to draw Alice o3o

I'm glad that my art makes you happy :O You being happy makes me happy and then the happiness spreads, capturing the hearts of those faster than the ink illness could ever try to compete with OwO

But remeber! There's an Ego Eagle to feed! ... AHHHH THIS WAS GREATTTTTTTT! You can now imagine a birb staring at this chapter with a dazed look in it's eye repeating over and over again "Beautiful." Legitimately shaking with joy :D And you too Mercowe, thanks for editing and checking this to make it even greater :D


ThisAnimatedPhantom on Chapter 19 Mon 28 Aug 2017 07:52AM EDT

Aaaaawwww!!!!! >//=//< More fan art!!!
It's so cute, who cares if it isn't a braid it's adorable! Thank you! You do make me happy!
"You should be resting!" Dot frowned.
B-but I feel better and fan art!
"And an Eagle?" Wakko pops up. "I don't know...TAP doesn't look that...feathery."
"Yeah," Yakko shrugged. "But then again that could be just the Ego...maybe the ghost does feel like that?"
"Then what does an Ego Eagle feel like?" Wakko asked.
"It...aaahhh, good point." Yakko smirked.
"Guys. We aren't supposed to stay in the comments." Dot said.
"Ohyeah." They both said quickly.
"And TAP hopes you have a great week kiddo." Dot waved.


AuroraWolf on Chapter 19 Sat 26 Aug 2017 01:03PM EDT

Sorry. Classes started this past Wednesday, and they've seriously limited my fanfiction-reading time. This was the first one I checked today, however, simply because I really like it!

Anyway, this was a very good chapter! I enjoyed every minute of conflict between Alice and Bendy and can't wait to see what will happen if/when they meet again! The setting was amazing, and I was waiting to see if anyone on the train would recognize them!

Can the Warners hack your comments? If so, I would like to let them know that touching a ghost is like feeling a cold breeze.

Great story!


ThisAnimatedPhantom on Chapter 19 Mon 28 Aug 2017 08:09AM EDT

I remember the frustration of school.
"Stop! You are supposed to be recovering." Dot growled.
I am! I can type and recover at the same time!
I am touched you checked my story first. I had a lot of fun typing it even though I was sick. I might go back and change a couple things when I feel better just to have it flow better.
"Great you talked to one of your readers. Now go to sleep!" Dot demanded.
Nooooo! All I've done is sleep!
"Too bad!" Dot said.
"A cool breeze uh?" Wakko said thoughtfully.
"Sounds possible." Yakko said.
"But that sounds pleasant. I'm sure touching TAP would be uncomfortable. Like a slimy frog." Wakko said.
"Or cold mud." Yakko added.
"Or damp moss." They said together.
You guys are jerks. Get outta the comments.
"Not until you are all better!" All three said together.
Thanks for your comment. Ignore them.


AuroraWolf on Chapter 19 Mon 28 Aug 2017 06:25PM EDT

LOL This absolutely made my day!

Hi Warners! Thank you for helping to try and keep TAP healthy. A sickly-written fanfiction is not as great as a healthy-written one! Not trying to say this chapter isn't good, it really is! I'm just looking forward to you getting better.
When I said a cool breeze, I kinda meant the uncomfortable kind. Like, the kind that sends waves of chills down your spine. The reason this is what I said is because I actually have a few ghosts haunting me! A cool breeze is how I tell that they're there.


ThisAnimatedPhantom on Chapter 19 Mon 28 Aug 2017 10:05PM EDT

"Aaaah." Yakko said. "That would be experience."
"The wolf has experience." Wakko confirmed.
You two are not allowed to harass my readers!
"But we want to go to a ghostly party!" Yakko complained.
"And poke them!" Wakko added.
Nooooo! No poking ghosts! How did this happen? How did this get this bad? Leave AuroraWolf alone! Besides wasn't this because you wanted to bug me?
The boys share a look.
"Why don't we just poke the ghost that's here?" Wakko asked.
Yakking shrugged. "Good point."
Wakko pulls out a stick.
Oh no.
"I've got the soup TAP and it's..." Dot wears a chef hat with a bowl in hand. "What are you all doing?"
"Gonna poke a ghost with a stick." Wakko said.
"Having fun." Yakko said.
"No! TAP's still recovering!" Dot demanded.
No I'm not!!!
"Back to bed."
Ugh! I'm sorry AuroraWolf, they're being rude. I hope your ghost problem (if it is a problem) isn't too bad and we really do enjoy your comments. They bring a smile to my face.


AuroraWolf on Chapter 19 Tue 29 Aug 2017 05:52PM EDT

It's ok! They're not being too rude. Thank you for the well-wishes for the ghost thing. It's not exactly a problem (yes it is, actually, but not deadly) but thanks for the support! All I can do is wish them in return and hope you're feeling better. Finally, WAKKO! LEAVE LE POOR, INNOCENT GHOST ALONE!!


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