
By deep_bluezzzz

39.1K 924 117

The Salvatore School is a safe place for kids and teenagers that are supernatural. Together they have four sp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Characters
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

1.7K 52 13
By deep_bluezzzz

Arin's POV

I woke up early today and quickly and changed to see Alaric. As I knocked on his door, he told me to come in and watched him pack in a hurry. "Is everything alright?", I aks him and he stop his tracks.

"Arin, hey. Morning and no, Dorian found a driad in the woods and had it captive. I'm going over there to see them. Also, I need to make an announcement that I'm going to form a Honours Council", he replied and I nod. "Listen, my dad texted me last night and they said they needed me back at home. I was going to ask if you need any help with monsters or the school?", I continued and he thought about it for a second.

"I think you can visit them but you need to come back here if Emma texts you that there's an emergency or some sort, understand?", he points to me and I nod. "Oh and you're in the honours Council because your a tribrid and if Hope wants to join, she has my permission", he says and I nod. "Alright, thanks Al", I bid my goodbye and he waved me off to continue packing his stuff.

I walked back up to my room and start packing my clothes for the day. As I was packing, Hope knocked on my door and I stopped. I turn and she hugs me tight as per normal. "I'm only gonna be gone for a few hours. I'll still be in town, hope", I joked and she giggled at me.

She let's go and sat on my bed as I continued packing my stuff while cleaning up a little. "Tersus sursum", Hope casted and my room became clean in an instant. "Hey! Unlike some people, I like cleaning my room without magic", I turn to her and faked a glare. She giggled and patted the seat next to her.

"So, uh, I have to spend my entire day with Landon", she fills the silence. "Huh, well, its what you wanted since day one, ain't it?", I asked and she shrugs. "I'm not sure anymore. He's a liar and a thief. I don't trust him anymore", she confess, making me side hug her.

"I'm going to leave you with a good advice someone once told me, trust your gut and if he proves you right, he's worth trying if not, leave him, alright?", I adviced and she raised an eyebrow. "Who gave you that advice?", she asked. "Your father actually", I answered and she nods.

"When exactly did he advice you?", she got curious. "I think it was when you met Roman and I was trying to get rid of the fact that I loved you then", I admit and shocked her. "You loved me then? How?", she asked and I look at the time. "My dad's downstairs, Hope. Have a good day, alright? Try not to get into any trouble", I take my duffle bag and kiss her forehead before leaving my room.

"You know, I still love you", I confessed and she gave me a soft smile. "I'll send you down", she offers and I nod, letting her out of the room first before me. I closed my room door and we head downstairs to the parking space. We saw a black SUV and my dad talking to Emma.

"Dad!", I called out and he looks up to me. "Hey kiddo", I rush over and he embraced me into a hug. I let go and he looks around to spot Hope. "Hope Mikaelson, come here", he motioned her to come closer and hug her too. "How's the school?", he asked her. "Same old, same old, Damon", she answered and he nods.

"Right, you ready kid?", he turns to me and I nod. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Call if there's any trouble, okay?", I told Emma and she nods, knowing what to do. My dad took my bag and I kissed Hope's cheeks one last time but was soon called out by the twins who ran to meet me.

"Arin, wait!", Josie yelled. "Munchkins, it's nice to see you both", my dad greeted them and hugs them both then, to put my bag in the car. "Hey girls", I waved at them. "Why didn't you tell us you're leaving?", Lizzie asked and Emma had already left, not wanting to disrupt the family reunion.

"Girls, relax. I'm only going to be gone for a day. You guys have it under control here", I told them. The next thing that happened was Josie hugging me extremely tight and Lizzie joing us too. "Kinda, need to breathe, girls", I tapped their side and they let go.

"Arin, let's go", my dad called out. "Well, goodbye girls. See you tomorrow", I bid them goodbye and received a kiss on the cheeks by Josie and Hope for the last time. I hopped into the car and watched them wave at me until we drive off to the front gate. "So, you and Hope, huh?", my dad teased and I smack his shoulders.

"It's not like that, dad and you know that. I love her but not in that way", I defend med myself. He shrugs and kept his eyes on the road. "I'm just saying, she seems to be more attached to you than the last time I saw you and she also has heart eyes when you said goodbye", he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his observation. The rest of the car trips was full of questions of him asking me how is everyone in school. When we parked into the house, Stefanie came running out if the house with Elena behind her.

"ARIN!!!", Stefanie shouts and jumps on me as soon as I got out. Lucky I have super strength. "Hey, Stef. How are you?", I asked and she just snuggled into my neck mumbling something. Elena and my dad hugged each other and they kissed, making me gag a little inside but still smile.

"Hey Ma", I greeted my stepmom. "Hi baby, Stefanie let your sister go so we can all get inside", Elena demand but she shook her head into my neck and I chuckled. "It's alright, I got her. Let's go inside", I told them and carried Stefanie inside the house.

I walked to the couch and plopped her down there. She pouted and crossed her arms. "Aww, Stefy. We can still cuddle and watch movies, okay?", I assured her to make her smile. "Alright, let's get some lunch then it's family bonding time", My dad told us and I smiled.

Stefanie isn't that old. She's 16 and looks like the same age as me but we all know I'm older. When someone asks us if we were twins we said yes and thought it was always funny. She's very happy go lucky. Always looking through the bright side. Kinda like my uncle but he's more of brave and noble same as Elijah. In the car, Stefanie took the aux and played her favourite songs.

She sang at the top of her lungs and I joined her for a few songs, making our parents laugh at us. As we reach to town, dad parked at the back of Mystic Grills. Stefanie excitedly went out first and I followed behind her as Dad and Ma got out of the car.

Stefanie reached to a table and sat down first. I sat next to her while our parents sat opposite us. "So how's school?", Ma asked and I shrugged. "We're being threaten by monsters nowadays but we got it under control. Other than that, we have two new students. Well, only one because the other we don't know what type of supernatural creature he is", I update and my dad seemed surprised.

"Alaric also called and said that you're going to be a teacher?", Ma asked and I nod. "Yeah, I was bored to death in classes and started to skip all of them then, Al offered me a position which I gladly take. So far, the students aren't so bad. Though, I hate the pack's current alpha", I answered and Dad looked at me weirdly.

"Arin, you're a true alpha. I still don't understand why you turn down the title when they offer it to you a couple of times", my dad whined and that's when the waiter came to take our order. "I'll take the same as them, thank you", I said to him with a smile and he walks off after taking down everything.

"I turn it down because I don't see the point of being an alpha. I don't want to abuse the power of it. So what if I'm the only Quilete left? Being an alpha just means you carry more responsibilities and I'm not ready for that yet or even at all", I admitted which made my dad sigh and my Ma shake her head.

"I think that it's cool to choose not to be an alpha", Stefanie spoke up and our parents look at her crazy. "What? I'm just saying. It's noble of her to turn it down and give it to someone else. Being an alpha also means that you sacrifice yourself for the sake of your pack", Stefanie defended me and I put my hand on top of hers while smiling to her. "Thank you, Stefy", she shrugs and my parents shook it off from now on.

The waiter then came back with our food and sates it down. I thank him and he walks away with a small nod and smile. "So, what's so urgent that you need to pull me out of school?", I ask and saw Stefanie frown a little. "I mean, I know you guys missed me but you texted me as if someone's in trouble. Is everything really okay?", I ask getting serious a little.

"Umm, Arin. I texted you that message because Stefanie here has made a decision", My dad explained. "Made a decision about what, Stefy?", I turn to my little sister. She sighs and took my hand, squeezing it. "I'm dying soon, Arin and we've gone through every scenario to save me but its fatal. I don't know how I can even talk, walk or eat in a normal way right now but I want you to turn me", she added and I was taken aback.

Ma took my other hand and check on my facial features to see any problems with it. "Sweetie, we all talk about it and I was against it at first but its one way to save her life", my Ma back them up. "Wait, wait, just pause for a second. This is real? Your dying?", I look at my younger sister. She nods sadly and I started to tear up but wipe them away before they drop.

"My venom is not like other vampires, you all know that, right? She won't be a regular vampire. She would be a stronger one. If I die, she dies with me", I stated clearly and they all nod, knowing the consequences. "Okay, then. If you all had decided what's best then, I'll do it. How long do you have?", I ask her and she sighed.

"A few months", she muttered and I panicked inside. "Okay, when do you want to transition?", I questioned and I could see her eyes sparkle with hope a little. "On my birthday? If you're not busy?", she suggested and I smiled. "I'll be there beside you by then", she hugs me tight making my Ma giggle and my dad chuckle. I kiss the top of her head and hug her back.

"I love you, Arin", she mumbled into my neck. "Love you too, Stefy", I said back and I saw my Ma taking a picture of us two. Stefanie pulled back and told my mom to send the picture to her for her to post.

We spent the rest of the day catching up and planning the transition on her birthday. Stefanie said she only wanted family to come and I did ask if the twins, Alaric and Hope of they could come and she said they could which made me happier, knowing that she had no relationship to any of them.

While we had our family movie time, my phone rang and I saw the ID caller was Hope. Stefanie saw it too and told me that I could get it. I thank her by kissing her cheeks and stood up, walking out to the backyard.

(Hope, Arin)

Hope? What's up?
Hey Arin. Umm, how do I say this? I need you to come back, I need you, Arin

She sounded as of she was about to cry, which brings me to standing on my toes.

Hopey, what happen? Is it Landon?
Yeah, we're casting votes soon on whether he should stay or leave the school and Jed just attacked him. I don't know what to do, Arin
Okay, just calm down and go for a run, I can't really come back right now. How are the twins?
They're okay I guess. Lizzie's a bit upset that she didn't win the election and Josie is mad and upset because Penelope was the one telling the witches to vote for her instead of Lizzie. There's been a lot of tension lately after Emma announced the representatives of the honours council
Okay, I'll try my best to be back by night and I'll help sort things out. Hopefully Alaric is okay too
Yeah, I've tried calling him to update him about the school but he didn't answer back
I'll go and check up on him. Thank you, Hope and try to keep calm. Help out the twins if you can
Okay, see you soon, Arin
See you, Hope. I love you, alright?
Love you too

I hung up and sighed, combing my hair back out if stress. "Stress out, baby?", I jump slightly when I heard my Ma's voice. I turn around and see her smile at me. "Hey, Ma and yes, kinda", I sighed and she giggled.

She opened her arms and I gladly hugged her. Even if I'm taller than her, she still kissed my cheeks as comfort. "Let's talk about it, okay? I don't want you to keep troubles in", she suggested and I nod at her.

I let her go and we sat opposites at the kitchen aisle. "So, what's going on?", she starts first. "Well, you know, teen drama in school and Hope being Hope as usual", I answered. She shook her head and told me that that wasn't it. I took another deep breath and let it all out. "I'm just worried about the twins, Alaric and Hope, that's all. I mean, I'm glad to be back home and spending time with you guys but Hope called me and told me that things are breaking down at the school. Lizzie needs help, Josie too and Hope doesn't know what she needs to do. They need me, Ma. I wanna be there for them but at the same time, I wanna be there for Stefy too", I confessed and she listened to every detail.

"Okay, first, it's okay to feel worried. I get it, they're family too. Guess what? Your dad and I have been planning to send Stefanie to the school for a while now and maybe after her transition she can enrol there. You get to help out Hope, Alaric and the twins plus, your sister while your dad and I get to enjoy growing old together", she informed and I smiled widely at her. "Really?", she nods and I stood up hugging her tight while continuously saying thank you.

"Well, you two missed the ending of the movie", my sister whined as my dad and her came to the kitchen aisle too. "Is everything okay here?", my dad asked, concerned. "Yeah, it's okay. We were just talking about school", I replied and he 'O'ed at us.

"What about school?", Stefanie asked. "You dad and I have been discussing about you transferring there for a whole now and since you are turning into a vampire soon. Might as well send you away soon too", Ma respond, making her yews widened. "Wait, really? I can go to school with Arin?", she excitedly asked and both my parents nod their head.

She squeals and hugs me tight. After our discussion on school, we set up dinner or more like Ma and Dad cooked dinner for us. Today was all great but was ruined once again with a phone call, this time it was Alaric.

(Alaric, Arin)

Hey Al, you okay?
Yeah, listen, I may have an idea why no one remembers dragons, gargoyles and draids existing. I mean whatevers happened to these creatures, it erased all memories of them. It's like they never existed in the first place
That sounds like a clue
Well don't sound too excited. It's only a massive piece of the puzzle that explains why these creatures exist in legends and myths
Sorry, Al. Hey, have you been ignoring Hope?
Uh, yeah. I was busy trying to interrogate a driad. Why? Did something happen?
She says there has been tension going on in school after the Council had been announced. Oh by the way, Hope wants in the council since she's also a tribrid
I can't let you do that. I rather you be the representative than Hope. I'm afraid she'll put her feelings towards Landon amongst other things
Al, you've known her for what? Years now and she's more than capable of putting her feelings aside
I know, I know. Okay, fine, she can have a seat at the Council table
Great, thanks Al. I'll see you in school
See you soon, Arin

I hung up and went to have a nice shower so I can relax a little. I changed into my regular clothes and pack my bags so I can go back to the school in time for the voting.

As I was packing, dad knock on my door and came in. "Packing already?", he pointed out and I hummed. "I need to be back in time for the voting", I told him and he nods, siting on my bed. He pats the empty space beside him and I sighed, sitting there.

"You know, I'm proud of the person you've become", he state and I hummed in response. "I'm serious, Arin. I know I haven't been the best dad in the world because I kept on putting Elena and Stefanie first and you think that I always forget about you but the truth is, all I ever wanted for you is freedom. I never had freedom when I grew up with my dad. I taught you everything you needed to know about being a vampire and staying in control despite you having to see all the drama your uncle and I had. I'm sorry for all the times you had to see all that. I'm sorry that you had to witness so many deaths and sacrifices of the people you love. I wasn't there for you then but you had a real family behind you and that's all I want for you. To be happy, safe and to have freedom of your own choices", he admitted and I sat there in silence.

"Dad, you don't have to say anymore. I know how you feel. I know your guilt. I spent a century studying all of you. Ma, she's your soul mate. You would do anything for her. I get that. The only thing I regret was not saving her and I still think about her everyday, dad", I stopped him and he hugged my side.

"I'm still sorry for not being there for you. The Mikaelsons, they were there for you from the beginning and I feel like I wasn't", he state and I sigh. I look up to him and said, "Dad, you were there for me when I had no one. When everyone was dead from the massacre. That's enough to make all the times you weren't there for me. You taught me to be brave and unexpected. To not let your guard down so easily at the same time learn to be kind and merciful. If that doesn't make you the best father in the world, I don't know what does", I argued and he smile sadly at me, pulling me into a tighter hug.

"I love you so much, Arin", he whispered and I said it back. He kissed my forehead and let's me go. "I'll let you continue packing. We'll be waiting at the car for you", he says and I nod to him. After packing everything, I jogged downstairs and met up with the rest outside.

"Thought we could all send you back to school", Ma says and I smiled at them all. "Thank you", I say and got in the back seat with my sister beside me while my parents sitting in front. Like always, my dad gives the aux to my sister and she would play her favourite songs but this time, it was mine.

I smile to her and she smiled back. I sang at the top of my lungs with my dad and Stefanie. My Ma shook her head but snag along as well up until we've reached the school.

My dad parked at the same spot in front of school and I could see Hope waiting for me outside. "You know, her eyes always sparkle whenever she sees you", my Ma whispered to me as we got out of the car. I shook my head and walked to the front. Hope ran into my arms and I chuckled at her excitement.

"It's nice seeing all of you again", Hope pulled apart from the hug and greeted my family. "Nice to see you too, Hope", Ma replied with a smile. I hug all of them once again to say goodbye. When I reached to Stefanie, I hugged her longer. "I promise I'll come back home in time for your birthday, okay? I love you, Stefy", I kissed her head and she mumbled I love you back in my chest.

I pull us apart and waved my final goodbye to my family. Before going back into the school, my dad stopped me and gave me something. "Here, you left this at home. Thought you'd need it", my dad placed my uncle's ring on my palm and kissed my head. I hugged him for the last time and said goodbye to him.

Hope wrapped an arm around my waist as we watch them drive away. "Let's go inside", she says and I nod. I went to my room and told her that I'll meet up with the rest later.

I quickly change and ran to where the meering is going to be. Hope waited for me outside and we went in together. "Sorry, we're late", she apologised to the council. It was a great group, I guess. I didn't think Rafael would be in it though. Wonder if he had anything to do with Jed attacking Landon.

"Wait, hold up. Who voted for them?", Kaleb asked. "I was the first member of this council before you guys were voted. Alaric wanted me to make sure all of you keep to your promises. Hope here ran unopposed", I explained and he rolled her eyes.

I hugged Emma before sitting next to Hope and Josie. Emma did a quick spell on the voting scale and started it out. She made a whole point of him needing help and us helping kids like him. She puts the small block on the yes side then, left not before telling us about Jed going missing. She was looking at Rafael throughout. What did you do, Rafael.

"Alright, who wants to start?", Kaleb spoke up. "Landon has to go", Hope says making all of us shock. Everyone eyes Hope and Rafael just glared at her. "Never thought I'd say this but Hope's right. Humans refuse to make a place for us in their world. We start letting them in, it's only a matter of time before they take this place from us too", Kaleb stood up and took his piece putting it in no.

"Landon goes", he finalised. "Landon's my brother. He's the only reason I'm alive. He can't go back to human life, knowing that magic and dragons exists. We took his whole crappy life from him. Be awfully selfish suppose not to give him one to replace it with", Rafael took the piece and place them into yes. He muttered, "I still won" only for Hope and I could hear it.

"Doesn't matter how much we want him to stay. Look what one mad wolf did to him", he continued to glare at Hope. "Earlier today, I ask him if he felt safe here. He said yes", she paused. "He was lying. This place is dangerous for him and even he knows that", Hope stated. "I will protect him - Then where were you an hour ago?", she cuts him off.

He was close to growling at her but I glared at him with my eyes golden. He knows not to mess with me. Hope placed a hand in my thigh to calm me down and I leaned back on my chair. "That's the point. If he stays, it's on all of us. It is all our responsibilities to protect him and can we honestly say that we believe every one of us can handle that kind of responsibility?", she looks to all of us and placed her piece on the no side.

Now, it's left with Josie and I. They look at us and waited for our vote. "For the sake of his life, he needs to leave the school. We, supernaturals are dangerous and not even a quarter of this school knows how to control ourselves", I start and made my point, looking at Rafael. "You lost your anger over a small thing, Rafael. Kaleb can't even control his thirst around humans and quite frankly the witches in this school are manipulative. No offence, Jo", she waved me off and said it was okay.

"Look, I can take care of him if he stays but I also can't be around him always and there is no way you can provide security to him too, Raf. I lived a long time knowing that humans are never safe from a supernatural. They turn on each other and kill one another to get what they want. I'm sure that's not what you want for Landon", I look at Rafael seriously.

"My vote is he has to go", I put my piece of block onto no and sat back down. I could tell he was already getting furious but looked at Josie with Hope. As she was reaching her piece on the stack, Rafael stopped her and begged her.

"Since Landon walked through those doors, my sister, my father, my cousin and I had almost died. We don't really know what Landon is so we can't really say if we know he's dangerous or not. Ralph, this isn't about who's friends with who or who you like. This school is family and I'm not putting my family in danger again", she stated and I squeezed her hand as she place her piece on the I scale.

Rafael stood up angrily making Kaleb and I stand up while Josie shouts his name. Kaleb and him stare at ecah other angrily for a few seconds before he says that he's done with all of us. "It's alright. Go back to your rooms. I'll talk with him", I told them and they looked worried.

"Kaleb, send the girls to their room. I'll be okay I promise", I sfave the three of them before chasing Rafael outside. "Raf! Raf! Rafael!", I yelled and he stopped with his eyes glowing yellow. "What do you want?!", he yelled back and shoves me. I pinned him down to the wall and glowed my eyes golden but I felt my face burning so my fangs are out too.

"You need to learn to control yourself before you hurt yourself. Because of you, Jed is on the loose. You take the pack selfishly without even considering if it would affect him or not. All you want to do is fight and fight because you can't control your anger", I shouted and make sure to strongly pinned him to the wall. He struggled and I growled louder.

"You may be alpha of the pack but I'm stronger than you and I can take you down any time. So don't you think once I can't rip you off you status as an alpha. You got it?!", I wanted him and he nodded while whimpering. I let him go and brush myself off, calming myself so I can't turn my eye back to normal again but I can't.

"Go and say your goodbyes. He will be leaving in a few hours. Hope will send him", I told him while looking away, afraid that my eyes will turn red. He was still frozen on the spot. "GO!!", I growled at him and he ran to his room. I heard the door from the meeting room open and could hear Hope and Josie yelling for me.

"No, no, stay back!", I told them while closing my eyes. Thankfully, they stop where they are. "Kaleb, send them back to their rooms", I told him but he said they won't budge. He walks off and I was left with the two girls in front of me. "Arin, whatever it is. It's okay, open your eyes", I heard Hope say, calmly.

"NO!!", I growled out and could feel them shaking out of fear. "J-just go to your rooms, please. I don't want to hurt you two", I begged them and I heard Josie pulling Hope away from me. I sighed and got out of the school as fast as I could.

I ended up in the old mill and opened my eyes. I saw a reflection of myself in the mirror.

I was huffing out my breaths. My insides were burning like hell and I couldn't control it. I look away from my reflection and faced the sky. It wasn't full moon but I phased into my wolf as I jumped out of the old mill.

I was full of rage and couldn't control it. I growled loudly and howl. I ran off immediately, trying to release the anger but it had no use. I ran and ran and ran until I don't know where I am but I'm pretty sure I'm no where near Mystic Falls.

I kept on running until I reached the place where the only person knew how to keep me sane.

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