The Fairy's Cure: FD 1 (Amour...

By ScribbleKingdom

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Ash Ketchum is three things: A Pokemon Trainer, a best friend, and a boy in love with a dead girl. However, h... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: A Plan
Chapter 3: Escaping It All
Chapter 4: Coming Together
Chapter 5: A Whimsical Promise
Chapter 6: A Hard Choice to Make
A/N: Positivity!!
Chapter 7: The Start of a New Journey
Chapter 8: A Complicated Lesson
Chapter 9: Less and More Confusion
Chapter 10: Mysterious Fairies
Chapter 11: Realm of Lightness
Chapter 12: Celebrations Start!
Chapter 13: Mist Battles
Chapter 14: Shattered Hopes and Shattered Hearts
Chapter 15: Trapped in the Dark
Chapter 16: The Truth of the Darkness
Chapter 17: The Basics of Fairies
Chapter 18: A Spark of Magic
Chapter 19: Reunion For Forever
Chapter 20: The Sacred Ritual
Chapter 21: Distortion of Feelings
Chapter 22: Dreams of the Past
Chapter 23: Dual Bond
Chapter 24: The Council of Light
Chapter 25: Immortally Together
Chapter 26: A Spirit's Guidance
Chapter 27: Reunion and the Truth
Chapter 28: Tragedy and Murder
Chapter 29: Rite of Loyalty
Chapter 30: The Troublesome Trial
Chapter 31: The Final Story
Chapter 32: Broken Stars
Chapter 33: The Dark Universe
Chapter 35: Let the Light Shine
Chapter 36: Free of Chains and Dragon's Reign
Chapter 37: The Gravity of it All
Chapter 38: Their Final Battle
Chapter 39: Pillars of Light and Darkness
Chapter 40: The Sacrifice
Chapter 41: Beyond The Future
A/N: Thank you!! (and actual info)
Extra #1: Serena's New Law
Extra #2: The Ministers' Shrouded Past
Extra #3: The Future Leaders
A/N: The Fairy's Poison

Chapter 34: Uniting Against the Darkness

348 19 27
By ScribbleKingdom

Hi everyone!!  SK here.

Before we start I just want to let you guys know that I'm getting really, REALLY busy.  I've been getting no sleep and school's been demanding and unfair (more than the usual amount) and I've just been so tired.... so updates might be coming late up until Christmas.  I'm really really sorry everyone... I will try my hardest, but just know that if updates are late I'm probably doing projects and studying.

Also, thank you so much for 3K!!  You guys are seriously the best!!!  I'll try not to disappoint you all with the book's ending.

Anyway I'll start the chapter now.  As always, I hope you sincerely enjoy it. :D


"Serena!?" Ash exclaims from the other side of the mirror.  "How... how...?"

I smile, Ash's expression causing me to feel amused.  "It's a simple spell," I tell him.  "But you have to be quiet, all of you.  You know who could come back at any second."

"I'm... I'm so happy you're alive," Ash says, his voice full of emotion.  My heart swells.

"Me too," I agree, right as Brock puts his face into the mirror.

"Is Heliux there?" he asks, obviously concerned.  It's then that I remember that the last time they saw Heliux he "died" right in front of them.

I don't have to say anything, because Heliux puts his face into the mirror; I can hear many sighs of relief on the other end.  "I'm perfectly fine," he assures.  "Did anything happen?" he adds, sounding a little confused.

"Well, your look-alike gave us all a scare," Brock answers, clearly choosing his words carefully.  "And Lillie's not doing well, because the stars are- wait, are you alright!?"

In a flash I remember Heliux's clone's fit, where it fainted.  Heliux's Element is Space- I should've asked him if he was alright as soon as I woke up.  Stupid brain.  I notice Heliux wince, but he regains his composure so fast that I can't even tell that he lost it in the first place.

"Like I said, I'm perfectly fine," he reiterates.  "But we needn't focus on that right now- we need to stop His Darkness from going through with his plan."

"You all need to have hope," Layra adds, squishing her head between me and Heliux as she pops into the frame.  "Keep the light in your hearts- it will make things harder for D- er, Rin."

"No, not Rin," I say.  I figure that it's time to tell everyone the truth.  The other fairies look confused through the magic window, but I quickly tell them the story that Ash told me.  Most of the fairies look shocked at this- I don't blame them, who would've thought that it was the same fairy living in other fairies' bodies continuing the war for millenniums?  I notice that some of the older fairies- the ones from the previous generation, before Aria's time- don't seem too surprised.  That's probably because of how long they've been alive, I figure.

"That changes things," Brock says slowly.  "That definitely changes things."

"We've actually been coming up with a plan of our own," Ash says.  Instead of explaining it himself, he leaves it to Clemont.  I'm pleasantly pleased how confident Clemont sounds; he's definitely changed since the first time I met him, but it's a good change.  He looked so lost from the time when I first came to see him as a fairy with Bonnie, but now it seems he's found himself.  My heart swells.  My dear friend...

"That sounds well thought-out," Heliux compliments.  "But may I suggest a few changes.  Ash, lead everyone in at once.  Don't split up- stay together.  Your numbers will strike doubt within Drago.  All of you being there will draw out all the Dark Fairies as well- and that will give us a chance to escape.  You need to keep the Dark Fairies busy while we- and you, Ash- go to challenge Drago.  While he is busy we can then work on restoring the balance."

"Sounds like a plan," Ash agrees.  "Right everyone?"

I see a chorus of nods coming from the other fairies. 

"When should we leave?" Clemont asks.

"As soon as you can," Layra says, answering before Heliux can.  

"The transmission is about to end now," I warn.  "Everything's taken care of, right?  Good luck to all of you!"

I hear a rumble of cheers as the window starts to close.  The last things I see are Ash's bright brown eyes, shining strong and true, before the window closes for good.  

I turn to Heliux.  "So I take it that none of the fairies are helping us escape.  How are we going to do it then?"

Heliux snaps his fingers.  "Easy.  We wait for the Dark Fairies to be distracted.  Even if they are still watching us, Layra and I are Ministers- and you are a Leader, Serena.  Our power greatly surpasses theirs, even if I..." he trails off.

"You feeling okay?" I ask.  

"I have to be," he mumbles, placing a hand on his forehead.  

Layra turns to me and I can tell that she's just as worried about him as I am.  Let the Light Fairies and Ash come soon, I pray silently to myself.


I stare up at the entrance to the Dark Fairy Colony, my heart beating fast.  The other fairies, just having gone through the portal that brought us here, wait anxiously behind me.  Some of the worst memories of my life happened here, but I will not let them hold me back.  I take a deep breath and give the signal to head inside.  The fairies follow me as I march into the center of the hollow; when I look around, I can see some of the Dark Fairies look at us with interest.

"DRAGO!" I yell, my voice echoing in waves around the space.  I feel a little woozy as I do so- I suppose this imbalance is having an effect on me as well.  I can feel how strong my magic is; my hands feel warm and tingly all the time, ready to do whatever I need them to.  I watch as the Dark Leader flies down, his eyes cold and a smile gracing his face.

"Well well well," he says.  "You've returned.  To rescue your lover, perhaps?"

"She's not my..." I feel my voice fade away as a blush reddens my face.  I feel utterly embarrassed.  Now is NOT the time for blushing, Ash!

"Oh please," he scorns.  "Don't try to deny it.  You think she loves you.  Oh, how naive... you know, I too was like you.  I had a first love... until war made me realize that she was lying the entire time."

"Probably because you're a dirty, lying, horrid scumbag," I spit.  

He sucks in a breath and walks close to my face.  "You better watch your mouth," he says angrily, then takes a step back as well as a deep breath.  In and out.  "You know what?  I'm going to offer you this again.  You must feel the power that the imbalance is giving you.  I-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," I say, holding out my hand while pushing him away from me.  "I will never join you, you've got that?  There is darkness and death in life- but there is light, creation, and life.  You can't have one or the other."

"Watch me," he says.  He raises his arms and many emotionless fairies gather by his side, hands on their Necklaces.  "I have an army.  An army with a power boost.  Your army is weak, and will be snuffed out soon by my Dark Universe.  As soon as the sun burns out, you will all meet the face of death."

"You're wrong," Clemont pipes up.  "Our army will protect the balance from breaking further."

"We're going to end your war, Drago," says Bonnie.

"Peace will finally come for us all!" cries Dawn.

"You killed my brother," Lillie says aggressively.  "The stars are on my side for this battle; we will win, I know it."

"My fairies are stronger than ever," comes Serena's voice.  Everyone turns to see her standing with the two Ministers, her eyes alight with blue fire.  Sylveon stands tall beside Serena, while Alakazam readies an attack beside Heliux.  An Absol, who I'm assuming is Layra's Mist Pokemon, stands still, but I can tell that it- she?- is itching for a fight.

"Serena," Drago sneers.  "I should've known that you weren't dead."

"Pity," Serena scoffs.  "A Dark Leader who has figured out how to cheat death cannot sense death around him?"

Drago only growls lowly while the three fairies stand beside us.

"It would be wise to surrender now," I say satisfyingly.  "Otherwise we're going to sweep through you all!"  This is going to be the battle of a lifetime, I think to myself, but I'm glad to be fighting it with all my friends; well, most of my friends.  Maybe they'll join the Colony in the future?  I know Gary's twentieth birthday is coming up later this year.  Maybe he's an Elemental too.

No, I can't think about the past now.  I need to stick in the present.

"After all I worked up to accomplish?  Are you mad?" Drago is in the middle of yelling when I rejoin reality.

"Light Fairies, at your ready!" Serena shouts from beside me.  Pikachu and Greninja come out too, each in an attacking stance.  Pikachu's cheeks spark with electricity, while Greninja readies a Water Shuriken.  We need to be stronger... but I don't know if the Bond Phenomenon will work anymore...

"Attack!" Drago screams, and we all launch at each other.  

I instantly spot Alain and see Mairin running after him.  I go by her side and we both attack him, together.  "Greninja, Water Shuriken!" I yell, while Mairin orders her Chespie to use Toxic.  Alain's Charizard simply dodges both attacks, and he looks away from us.

"I'm sorry," he says briefly.  "You'll all see the truth in a second, I promise you."  He takes one last longing look at Mairin, and leaves.  I, however, am left with confusion.

That look he gave Mairin... does he still love her?

Does that mean the Light in his heart hasn't left?

Does that mean...

Unfortunately I get kicked out of my thoughts when I see Serena struggling with Sylveon against some other Dark Fairy.  "Pikachu, go help Sylveon!  I know you can do it!" I say, and with a little yip Pikachu goes to fight by Sylveon's side.  Serena throws me a grateful look as the two Pokemon fight side by side, incredibly in sync with each other.  

I try to find Lillie next.  I move around, firing some electrified water-shurikens at some Dark Fairies while Greninja attacks their Pokemon with his own powerful water attacks.  I eventually find Lillie, seething with anger next to her Ninetales.  She fires off large bursts of magic at her opponents, while skillfully dodging their attacks.  Snowy does the same and for a split second I am in admiration of their strength as a duo.  Quickly, I noticed someone stalking up behind her, their magic shaped like some sort of sharp object.  I shout to h-


The attacker fires the spell and the brightness causes me to lose sight of who pushed Lillie out of the way.  The smoke clears and all the air leaves me when I see who it was.


"Brock!" I screech, running over to him.  "BROCK!"

The Advisor is laying on the ground, bleeding out.  It's hard to tell where he was hit because there is blood... e-everywhere...

I kneel down to try and heal him but he holds a hand out, stopping me.  "Don't waste your energy," he says.  "It'll take too much time."

"Brock, I-"

"Listen.  Ash.  I... I want to thank you.  For all of our journeys back when we were human.  For always being my friend.  For showing up again even though I never thought I would see you..."

"Dammit, stop wasting your energy," I swear, trying to fire more healing spells at him when my focus is faltering.  "Let's go back to you checking out girls again.  Please."

He smiles and closes his eyes, lost in the happy memories.  "Bye, Ash..."

He lets out a final breath and a light is emitted around his Necklace.  His wings break apart into magical shards and swirl around me and Brock.  After the light dies down Brock isn't here anymore... I realize that he must've been swept up into the Necklace.  The shards swirl up and up and up, until they're so far away until I can't see them anymore.  I pick up Brock's Necklace and let out a single tear.

Farewell, old friend.  I will never forget you.

"He died... because of me..." Lillie whimpers from close by.

"He died honourably, protecting you.  Keep his memory alive and keep fighting, Lillie.  Keep fighting until the war has been won."

"You can count on me, Ash!" she says with her voice sounding raw, full of emotion and determination.

I pick up the Necklace and tuck it in one of my pockets for safe-keeping.  I have to give this to Heliux or Layra later.  I turn and I'm faced with Serena.

"Serena..." I say, not sure how to start.

"I felt it," she whispers.  "Brock is dead.  May his soul rest ever peacefully in his Necklace."

I nod solemnly, about to say something else when suddenly an enormous blast of dark aura bursts through the hollow.

"I've done it!" Drago shouts.  "I've finally done it!"

"Done what?" asks Serena, raising her voice against the now ferocious winds.  The world really is dying...

A black orb appears in the middle of the colony, and fairies instinctively back away, even the Dark Fairies.  "Done... this," Drago says pleasantly.  "I'd like you all to meet..."

A Pokemon bursts from the orb, and lets out a giant cry.


Serena gasps, and honestly I'm a little surprised too.  Yveltal really is dangerous... we all have to be careful, especially Serena.  Maybe you're just saying that because you love her- but she needs to be protected.

"Destroy them, Yveltal!" Drago shouts, laughing like a maniac.  "Destroy them ALL!"

"Run!" Serena shouts, but it's too late.  The Legendary Pokemon of Destruction starts firing off it's signature beam of destruction, turning many fairies into stone.  Among the ones I spot Dawn, Mallow, Max, Lillie, and many more.  I run, and Serena runs with me, and we both take each other's hands.  The storm grows stronger ahead of us, and I see Serena look at me, her eyes filled with defeat.  I clutch her hand strongly.  We will make it.

I have no idea where Heliux and Layra are, or anyone for that matter.  Me and Serena keep running, running, and running, until my legs give out from under me.  I feel something sharp hit the back of my head, and I begin to pass out.

The last thing I see is Serena laying beside me with her brilliant blue eyes slowly closing, and the last words I hear are hers, slowly whispering my name and how much she loves me.  I whisper the words back to her, before we both enter the black void of unconsciousness.  The nothingness surrounds me and that's when I know it.

This it it.

This is the end.

And........ that's the end of the chapter.  Yes, I left off on a cliffhanger... and the chapter was really intense.  But still, I hope you enjoyed it.  Tell me your thoughts in the comments below!

Anyway I have to go do schoolwork now.  See you all in the next update, everyone!! :)

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