The Twins

By gotthatbrainrot

10.1K 221 98

((Marvel//DC Crossover)) Wanda Maximoff is the Scarlet Witch, a sorceress, an Avenger, and a...mother? Nobod... More

Character Introductions
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eight

535 10 18
By gotthatbrainrot

The team waited a few moments after the Justice League left before they decided to sneak their way out of the mountain.

But that was proving more difficult than it should've.

Dick was struggling to hack through the new and improved security system that Batman had uploaded, making Zatanna roll her eyes and aim her hand at the holographic computer. "Edirrevo metsys!"

The computer started rapidly blinking before a loud, mechanical groan sounded throughout the mountain. The team and the twins made their way to the exit of the mountain, running outside as soon as the heavy metal door opened.

They almost immediately regretted that decision.

On the beach in the middle of a battle were the Justice League, fighting more of the parademons. The rest of the League had shown up and were engaged in the battle, no one having noticed the teens standing at the edge of the battlefield with horrified expressions.

Tommy turned to Billy, about to scoop his brother up and run back into the mountain with him when he saw the expression on his brother's face. He was staring straight ahead at something. No, someone, a group of someone's.

Tommy followed Billy's gaze and felt the blood drain from his face. "Uh, guys? The Avengers are here..."

The team froze, looking over at the other team of superheroes, eyes wide when they saw the hypnotized Avengers making their way towards the Justice League.

"What do we do? Do we fight the parademons or do we keep the Avengers away from the Justice League?" Wally asked, hoping he hid the tremble in his voice.

"Do you really think we can take on the freaking Avengers?!" Artemis snapped, firing an arrow at a parademon that came a little to close for comfort.

"They probably aren't at their best, being brainwashed and all." Zatanna pointed out, dodging the falling debris casually. "And it looks like the League hasn't noticed them approaching."

"So, Avengers it is." Kaldur fired up his water whips. "M'gann, add Billy and Tommy to the mind link so we can keep track of them on the field."

"What the hell is a mind link?"

"It is how we can communicate, telepathically." Dick shrugged.

Added to the group chat.

Wow, this is so freaky!'re telling me. I can talk and not destroy the world!

Oh, my god. Billy?!


Your sounds so different than I expected.


Anyways, let's go yeet some Avengers back into space!

Did...did you just say yeet?

So what if I did?

I am sacrificing myself to Darkseid, I don't want to be on the team anymore.

Shut up, Conner. You are the worst with slang.

Guys?! Focus?!

Right, right. Giant demons from space and brainwashed Avengers...

Billy, can't you just warp reality and make this all go away?

I could...but the effects are unpredictable. I could end up erasing the Avengers from existence by accident if I don't word it correctly or I could set us in an unbreakable time loop or-

We get it, that's a no-go.

Can you at least undo their brainwashing?

I could...but again, I could accidentally fry their brains.

Try it on Vision, he is a synthezoid so we can repair him easier.

Alright, but I need to get closer to him. Tommy?

On it.

The twins took off into the midst of the battle, heading straight for the android and leaving the team behind. They took a moment before jumping in themselves, heading for the Avengers.

Why do I feel like this is the day I die?

Because it very well could be?

Thanks for the vote of confidence, babe.


Who's idea was it to fight the literal god of thunder?!

Nobody said you had to take on Thor directly, Conner.

Go big or go home.

Dick dodged a kick from Black Widow that was meant for his head, jumping up onto her shoulders and wrapping his legs around her neck. She tried to pry him off but Dick took a canister of knock out gas from his utility belt, holding it over her mouth.

Black Widow passed out, allowing Dick to join the battle with the rest of the Avengers. He was about to jump in when a certain vibranium shield hit him in the back, knocking him to the ground. He groaned, rolling over to see Captain America leaning over him with a blank look on his face.

Guys, Cap is about to murder me!

Before Captain America could deal any blows, he was hit from behind by Kaldur's water whips. Dick nodded a thanks to his team leader, scrambling to his feet.

M'gann was telepathically trying to undo the brainwashing, but was finding it near impossible. Artemis and Zatanna stood by her side, protecting her while she did her mental work.

Wally zipped around the Avengers, running straight for Iron Man. He hit a few special points on his suit, watching with fascination as the suit shut down.

But the fascination soon turned to horror when Tony Stark stepped out and called another Iron Man suit to him, his eyes locked on Wally.

Guys, Tony Stark is going to obliterate me!

Only if he catches you.

Billy! Hurry up and deprogram them!

Quiet...I am working.

Tommy dropped Billy off next to Vision before joining everyone else in the fray. The speedster twin noticed Thor about to get the drop on Conner and ran between them, grabbing Conner out of the way of the punch.

Thanks, Tommy.

No problem, doesn't change the fact that I don't know how to fight.

Just don't die.

Okay, cool. Not like we are in the middle of a war or anything. Shouldn't be too hard.

Less sassy, more fasty.

As the team was fighting off the Avengers, the Justice League took notice of the commotion on the other side of the battle field. Superman flew over and face palmed when he saw what was happening. He landed next to M'gann, Artemis, and Zatanna, a frown on his face.

"We told you to stay in the mountain."

Artemis snorted. "And since when do we listen to orders?"

"Where are the twins?"

"Billy is trying to deprogram the Vision and Tommy is fighting Thor with Conner."

"Tommy is fighting Thor?!" Superman groaned. "I need a vacation."

While the Justice League was fighting to get closer to the Avengers and their proteges, they were too busy to notice the approaching space ship.

Billy, however, noticed when Vision looked up.

What the hell is that?!

What are you ta- oh, no, I see it. We screwed.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Vision grabbed Billy and flew up towards the space ship. Billy thrashed against the android, looking down at the battle field to see if anyone noticed him being kidnapped.

Guys, Vision has me and is taking me to the space ship! I need an assist!

The team and Tommy all looked up in terror to see that Billy was telling the truth. Tommy ran over to Superman, grabbing ahold of the Kryptonian. "We need to save my brother!"

Superman looked up to where Tommy pointed and sighed. "I'm sorry, but the fight is down here. Its too late for your brother."

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