The Vampire

By ragexian

21.1K 755 30

Highest ranking : #12 in state. Scarlet shades of huge chandelier reflected soft glow in apparently midnight... More

chapter 1
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36

chapter 31

393 13 0
By ragexian

Guard opened heavy wooded doors of the throne room and stepping aside to secure his place beside the confines of the entrance. Prince Raine rushed inside with the long strides. The clock of his boots sliding solidly over the expensive fur of carpet. He stopped few steps away from the throne on which his father-king Alexander Rhodes was perched down with grace.

To other royalties, king Alexander might appear calm and collected but his son had a keen eye to detect underlying unease in father's calm demeanor. Prince Raine's eyebrows knitted together at the heavy silence hanging in the throne room and he ran a sensory glance over the three other royal members that were grim expressions on their faces confirming something wasn't right, just as prince thought.

"You have sent words for my presence, my father." He more like stated instead of questioning with voice that held obedience and underlying respect that didn't go unnoticed by the many ears, alert in the throne room.

"Indeed, I have," king confirmed as he rose from his seat on the throne and opted to walk down the throne,"I needed to discuss something with you"

At that prince's stature straightened and he peered at the king now pacing around on the floor among him and other royalties who were now also standing on curtsey of their king.

"Is there anything that's troubling you?" Prince asked sensing the stiff shoulders of king from behind.

King turned around and stood in front of prince, leveling his solemn gaze upon his son," the matter is indeed of grave importance, my son." King stated and took a huge breath as if analyzing the heaviness of the matter and fragility of the situation at hand.

"Allow me to explain the matter to prince, my leige. " one of the royals asked and king nodded as if relieved of some of the tension weighing his shoulder that further tensed prince Raine who had his eyes set on the royal member now.

"My Lord, " royal member started," as you already know that we had successfully rescued Lady skye and the commander few days ago."

At the mention of skye and commander, something akin to fire lit up inside prince's chest and he summoned all his power not to bark orders of twisting that man's throat for taking her name with that piece of rat.

Sensing the underlying rage building up in prince, the royal member cleared his throat and decided to hurry his words out before prince explodes.

"King Gregor Elliot of Hermione state demanded that lady skye should be handed over to them and commander for helping her flee so that they can imprison them and get some answers about the daughter he claims missing." The man ran a wary look over prince after delivering the information but prince was no more looking at him for his attention was now fixed on king with desperation etched on his face.

"Why would they ask for Skye, what does she has to do with all this mess?" He questioned frantically.

King walked back up on the throne, easing in on his seat and looked at the prince's impatient sight," They claim that skye belongs to Hermione state and she is responsible for helping their princess to flee, dumping their respect and owner six feet under."

This boiled prince's blood and red coated his eyes letting his beastiality to surface finally," she belongs here."he growled and the men on the other side shrunk back in their chairs.

"I know you claimed her son and for this purpose I called you here to let you know that we-" king swept his gaze over the royals perched in the chairs and then back at the prince," decided to hand commander over to them so that they can get their answers and get this over with. But your lady is safe in the walls of Alexandrian castle. As your claimed one, now it's our responsibility to make others respect her and honor her the way they do us." The finality in the declaration of king's voice didn't bother prince one bit for he was relieved to know that no harm will come to Skye, not that he will let it happen. Over his dead body, he thought. But something about all this situation alarmed some bells that churned his stomach.

"But father, commander is alexandrian and Hermiones have no right to ask for his imprisonment in their hands." He conveyed what was gnawing on his chest although he would be more than happy to rid this state and castle of someone who looked at her in the way that built up possessive streak inside his every single nerve the day soldiers rescued them.

"If we don't do this, they will raise propaganda and will try to play with the solidarity of this state which I in no means risk. So we need to throw some bone at the hungry dog for satiating some of his hunger." King's eyes bore with determination as he hissed back the reply leaving little to no room to further negotiate the matter.


Skye placed back and forth while cracking the knuckles of her tumbling fingers repeatedly as she felt a tight knot building up inside her stomach. Something in her told that something bad happened.

She tried to console herself but the growing tension didn't let her ease the mess that her mind had become by now. Prince hadn't returned to her since last night and her agitation was growing more and more.

She was living in his chambers, sleeping in the very bed where he was supposed to bed himself but since she was brought here, she started wondering where he spends his nights if not in his chambers. Does he even sleep?

Those red eyes appeared at the back of her head sending shivers down her spine and she braced her slim arms around her breasts to keep some of the shakey nerves at bay but to no avail.

Sudden click of the door brought her out of her musings and her breath hitched at seeing the very object of her thoughts. He opened the door wide and closed it after entering inside and looked straight at her.

The darkness that flowed in those stormy specks indicated the traces of brewing storm. She wasn't sure if he had been in the dark mood or the sight of her ignited such reaction from him.

He didn't speak and she waited for him to say something, anything to relieve her of her anxious nerves but to no avail.

"Wh-what happened?" She summoned all her courage to ask those two simple words dreading the aftermath that his response might create.

" Nothing you should worry your pretty little head about." He answered making her release her arms as she straightened due to the rising anger that tried to break out. How could he so swiftly dodge the question when she spent her entire night in sleepless state worrying about what had might happen for king to abruptly call prince to throne room.

His eyes accessed her exposed self hungrily and that's when she realized she was in her sleep attire. She squirmed under his stare and tried to right her blue silk gown to cover her almost naked body covered inside with nothing but blue matching lingerie.

Apparently she was too late to conceal her soft skin because in just three long strides prince Raine was hovering over her with that lust glazed over his dilated pupil making the steel of his eyes show the traces of red stripes spreading along under the fog.

Her stomach flipped over and she frantically thought of ways to escape that dark scrutiny for the desire that pooled in his eyes scared her. But she had little time to react and he took the full advantage at the fortunate chance given to him and secured her shoulders in his hands as they pulled her closer against her.

A gasp escaped her lips feeling his hands prying the silk robe down her shoulders to expose her skin. Her small fists flew up against his chest to push him away. But her half hearted efforts went futile and her heart lurched in her throat feeling the warm hand gently brushing along the length of her exposed shoulder, moving all the way to the hollow of her neck and his eyes got stuck there for time more than comfortable for her.

Her heart was no more in a normal state but in a frenzy as if she had just ran a marathon. A quiet thought slowly getting louder from that dark corner of her mind reminding her of the night when prince Raine sealed her fate with that painful bite at the place right where he was staring at as if he couldn't help his eyes away from there.

A groan escaped his lips as he nuzzled his face deep in the hollow of her neck, swiping her mane gently aside as if in a daze. Her eyes widened in anticipation and she knew what was coming her way. Her arms started thrashing in a frantic movement. For a moment he didn't react, merely inhaling her scent that aroused him right where it mattered but then sensing her fright, he raised his head to peer down at her with concern.

Once she got his attention, she didn't know what to do or say. She suddenly felt embarrassed and guilty at the concerned face and if she muttered anything foolish he might think she is crazy.

Her lashes lowered down making his groan in displeasure and she stiffened immediately trying to quickly form some coherent words to make sense of the situation and justify her denial," y-you didn't t-tell me what happened." She whispered looking past his shoulder at the door, not daring to look at him.

Something inside his twisted and a grin threatened to erupt from his lips and he exhaled shaking his head at this fragile beauty in his arms that gave him immense comfort. He looked down at their attached bodies and stiffened at the beautiful sight that this lady has no idea what was doing to his manly nature. Blood rushed to his lower body indicating the intensity of desire that needed satiating.

"Hm," he hummed playfully, instantly gaining her reaction as her eyes flew up,"let's see what we can do about that." He mused to himself making a frown appear on her face at sudden change in his demeanor.

He rounded her body and stood right behind her as he brought his lips near her ears forcing her to clench her nerves at the impact he had over her.

"I have a deal,my beautiful goddess. " the way he whispered the last part warned her that he was upto no good. She pursed her lips. But as long as he was not doing what he was going to do,  it was okay with her. Better than what was going to happen.

He turned her around, holding her shoulders and the amusement was clearly dancing inside his grey eyes," what do you say, milady?" His mischievous voice purred.

A blush crept over her cheeks and she wished for floor to open up and swallow her whole,"I-what is that?" She muttered in silently.

He took a hold of her chin and raised it to level his scorching gaze with hers, his eyes stayed locked to her lips and for a moment she thought he was going to kiss him. The thought sent butterflies inside her stomach leaving her surprised but then his gaze met hers,"will you give me what I want if I give you what you want?"

It wasn't hard to detect what he wanted from hers and the question she asked was the very reason of stopping from doing exactly that. She knew he had skillfully trapped her inside the shackles of his clever tactics. She simply had no choice but to accept because she knew even if she refused, he was still going to have his way with her then why not get some benefit in easing up the growing tension that successfully clawed at her chest the entire night.

But before she could answer his question, a knock resounded at the door, relieving her of the trap and she sucked in a breath but the look on his face was of utter displeasure as he begrudgingly advances towards the door and swung it open with enough force to let the other person know of his disapproval at the unexpexted interruption.

"You better have a right reason to disturb me in my chambers at this early hour of the dawn." He hissed at the guard who stood wary under the dominating scrutiny of prince's gaze and without wasting a beat he answered.

But what he answered snatched the ground from under her feet leaving her out cold and breathless as a shell standing on the ground without a soul inhabiting it.

Commander Leon had been exiled in Hermione state, milord.


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