Father and Son (Dadmight AU)

By BNHACinnamonRoll

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This is an AU where Inko Midoriya marries Toshinori Yagi or better known as All Might. Izuku Yagi is All Migh... More

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By BNHACinnamonRoll

Class 1-A

The Next Day

Izuku's POV

    I was sitting at my desk a little bored as we waited for our final teacher of the day to come in. I saw a blonde, muscular man burst into the room as we all picked our heads up, smiling. He announced loudly. "I am...coming through the door like a normal person!" My classmates seemed to become very excited as I heard one shout out, "It's All Might!" I looked over to Kirishima as he yelled, "Wow! He really is a teacher!" I smiled and waved, "Hi Dad!" I then immediately shut my mouth covering it as Dad just sighed heavily. Kacchan facepalmed as Ochako and the rest of the class had dropped their jaws.

    Kacchan turned around and hit me in the head, "Idiot! You couldn't keep quiet for THREE SECONDS?!" I rubbed my head in pain as Dad scolded Kacchan. "Katsuki don't hit other-" He stopped as he realized he had said his first name instead of last. "D-Dammit.." The entire class exploded all at once. "YOUR DAD IS ALL MIGHT?!" I sat my head down in shame, "Sorry..Dad.."

After 10 Minutes of Explaining

    "So, you all cannot say a word. Alright? For Izuku's safety, I'd rather not have my family targeted by villains." The class nodded, not wanting to disappoint their idol. Ochako piped up, "So that's why Aizawa-Sensei called you 'mini-might' I thought it was cause of your quirk." I nodded, "Pretty much every pro I know personally, knows All Might is my Dad." She nodded and we turned our attention toward Dad. "So today is your first day in Basic Hero Training! Your first lesson today will be Indoor Combat Training!" Kacchan smirked evilly and I just died a little on the inside, knowing he would want to fight me. Dad pressed a button on a remote and a section of the wall opened up with some metal suitcases. "In these are the hero costumes that you requested be made based on your Quirk registrations. Go to the locker rooms and put these on. Afterward, go to Ground Beta!" 

    In the locker rooms, we're changing into our suits and we were all examining our suits. Iida approached me as I put my own Gamma Suit on. "Yagi, isn't that the costume you wore at the Entrance Exams?" I nodded at him, "Yeah. It's my hero costume, took a lot of time to get one that wouldn't be vaporized by my strength." I chuckled nervously after saying it as Kirishima approached me, "It looks manly dude! How about mine?" I examined his suit and noticed Kacchan blushing a little, "Well it's well-suited for your quirk. But it exposes quite a bit of your body that could be struck." Kirishima nodded, "Thanks I'll try to make it more protective!" I turned to Kacchan and whispered to him, "I saw that blush." He blushed more and began chasing me out of the locker room, "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU, DEKU!!" I ran away with him in pursuit, "K-KACCHAN NO! I'M SORRY!"

Ground Beta

Third-Person POV

    Once Kacchan had lost Izuku, he ran off to Ground Beta with everyone else where he had found Izuku waiting. "They say the clothes make the man, ladies and gentlemen. Be fully aware, from now on. You are heroes!" He looked at all of the students as the entered Ground Beta. "That's great, everyone. You all look cool! Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?" "Deku-kun!" Izuku looked to see Ochako in a skin-tight hero suit and he blushed profusely, "O-Ochako-san!" She chuckled nervously, "I should of written what I wanted. Mine ended up being a skintight bodysuit. It's embarrassing.." They were called over and they all lined up in front of All Might, "Now, it's time for Combat Training!" Iida stuck his hand in the air, "Sir! This is a battle center from the Entrance Exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?"

    "No, we're going to move two steps ahead!" All Might stated, showing off two fingers. "Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrests, backroom deals. In this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!" All Might looked back to the students in front of him. "For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles." The frog-girl that All Might knew from the roster as Tsuyu Asui rose her hand and spoke, "Without basic training?" All Might quickly responded to the teen, "This is a real battle to understand those basics! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up." A black-haired girl named Momo Yaoyorozu questioned him, "How will wins and losses be determined?" Katsuki spoke up, "Can we beat them up anyway?" Ochako voiced her own concerns to him, "Will the punishment be expulsion like with Aizawa-Sensei?" More and more questions were lobbed at All Might like bullets until it overwhelmed him.

    "I-I'll answer all of your questions!" All Might pulled out a paper and began reading from it as Izuku thought to himself, 'D-Dad wrote a script?!' "The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that." 

    "The heroes need to catch the villains to get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes." Someone comments as he explains, "This situation feels very American!" All Might pulls out a small yellow box, "Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!" Iida quickly judged the new teacher's decision, "They're being decided so haphazardly?" Izuku quickly attempted to change his mind, "Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so maybe that's why?" This seemed to ease Iida's mind, "I see. The discernment to look ahead...Please excuse my rudeness!" Iida exclaimed the last part as he bent over respectfully. All Might nodded and turned around, "It's fine. Let's do this quickly!"

"Team A, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Yagi!"

"Team B, Mezo Shoji, and Shoto Todoroki!"

"Team C, Minoru Mineta, and Momo Yaoyorozu!"

"Team D, Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida!"

"Team E, Mina Ashido and Yuga Aoyama!"

"Team F, Koji Koda, and Rikido Sato!"

"Team G, Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jirou!"

"Team H, Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui!"

"Team I, Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure!"

"And finally, Team J, Hanta Sero, and Ejiro Kirishima!" 

    Ochako squealed and smiled while Izuku blushed madly under his mask and respirator, "Wow, it must be fate! I'm counting on you, Deku-kun!" Izuku panicked in his nervous mind, 'Seriously?! I have to speak properly, o-or else..'  Izuku was interrupted by All Might digging around in two boxes to decide teams. "The first teams to fight will be...these guys!" All Might held a black ball up that read, 'D' in white and a white ball that read, 'A' in black. "Team A will be the heroes, and Team D will be the villains! Everyone else, head to the monitor room." Everyone but, Katsuki, Izuku, Ochako, and Iida responded, "Yes, sir!" as they walked away. 

    Izuku had a nervous look and looked to Katsuki, "S-So..." Katsuki smiled and snarled at the same time, "Looks like I get to destroy Mr. and Mrs. Yagi." Izuku blushed profusely when he referred to Ochako as 'Mrs. Yagi'. "W-Why would you say that, Kacchan?!" Izuku whispered to him and Katsuki only responded with a smirk and, "Revenge." Izuku smiled and clenched his fist, "Then I guess I'll be putting up my best fight!" All Might called out to the villain team, "Villain team, go in first and set up! If the fight goes too far, I'll stop it." Katsuki smirked and gave Izuku a fist bump. "We'll see then, Deku." Katsuki walked off toward the designated building. 

Inside the Training Building

    Iida walked up to the fake nuclear weapon, "Even if this is just training, it pains me to become the villain. So our job is to protect this?" He knocked on the side of it and came to a conclusion, "It's papier-mache." Katsuki called out to him, "Hey! Deku is pretty strong, right?" "You saw that extraordinary strength didn't you? It seems to be a big risk to us to charge him head-on we shou" Katsuki interrupted him, "Shut your trap. I'll deal with Deku, just stay here and don't be an idiot."

Outside the Training Building

    "It's a lot of work to memorize the building's floor plan," Izuku mumbled out as Ochako began talking. "All Might is just how he is on television! Unlike Aizawa-Sensei, he doesn't seem to punish his students, so we can just relax and...." Ochako turns her head to see an extremely nervous Izuku, "Y-You're not relaxed at all!" Izuku sighed, "Well...we're up against Kacchan and you know how competitive he can become and Iida too..so I feel like I need to be on my guard." Ochako chuckled nervously, "I mean...yeah. He won't go so far, right?" Izuku said bluntly, "Wrong. He'll try his best to dominate us, he's amazing. He's a piece of work, but his goal, his confidence, his physical strength, and his Quirk are way more amazing than mine. But that's why right now...I don't want..to lose."

    Ochako smirked at Izuku, "So. A fated battle between men, huh?" Izuku immediately blushed and turned to her, "Oh, sorry, this isn't your problem, Ochako-san." She refuted this claim immediately, "It is! We're a team, aren't we? Let's do our best!" The earpieces they wore to communicate with All Might crackled to life with his voice, "Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team D!" Ochako hugged Izuku and smiled, "Yay! Let's do our best, Deku-kun!" Izuku's face was VERY red as they walked into the building. Inside of the monitoring room All Might spoke to the rest of the students, "Okay, everyone, you should all think as well." All Might then thought to himself in his own mind, 'Young Izuku. Here, you are no more than a single student. I'll grade you strictly, without playing favorites.'  

    Izuku and Ochako with the assistance of her quirk crawled up the side of the building, slipping into a window as to not be completely obvious about their entry into the building. Ochako smiled, looking around, "We've infiltrated successfully!" Izuku nodded, standing up as she deactivated her quirk, "There are a lot of blindspots, so let's be careful." The duo walked through the lengthy, and desolate hallways of the building. Looking around the area and at the towering walls and high ceilings. It was eerily quiet as they walked through the halls. Their footsteps echoing through the area, the sound going down each corridor. Their opponents, if they were on that floor at all, not being able to tell where they were. 

    Izuku thought to himself as they walked through the silent hallway, 'I can't use any powerful attacks in this building, only as a last resort. I'll have to just be quick, and rely on my telekinesis and Ochako's Zero Gravity.'  The two were about to hit and turn a corner when Katsuki flew out from the other side, targeting the two. He charged and Izuku pushed Ochako out of the way as Katsuki missed with his attack, his exploding punch hitting the wall. Cracking it and leaving a sizeable dent. Izuku and Ochako hit the ground together, the greenhead got up and off of her. "Ochako, are you alright?" "Y-Yeah, thanks." The smoke cleared for the two to see Katsuki standing in front of them with a snarl. "Come on, Deku. Don't dodge you, coward."

    "I figured you'd come for me, Kacchan." From the monitor room, Kirishima complained, "A surprise attack from the start? Bakugo, that's cheating! A surprise attack isn't manly at all!" All Might cared to disagree with Kirishima, "A surprise attack is a strategy too, Young Kirishima. They're in a real battle right now." Mina exclaimed, "Yagi avoided it!" Back on the scene, Katsuki was charging Izuku. "I won't do so much damage as to get the fight stopped, but I'm gonna get damn close!" Katsuki went with a right hook punch and Izuku dodged it, grabbing the taller male's arm. Ochako exclaimed, "Wow! It's like he's a martial arts master!" Izuku turned and lifted Katsuki as the blonde thought to himself, 'What's with Deku? Did he read my moves?' Katsuki's hand crackled with small explosions as he readied himself to counter-attack. 

    Suddenly, Izuku threw Katsuki over his own body. Slamming him into the ground on his back. Katsuki's eyes widened as he had the wind knocked out of him. "Kacchan...you usually start with a big right swing. How much do you think I've been watching you? I wrote an analysis for every hero or person I admired in a journal. Journals you made fun of." Katsuki rose to his feet, "You've always been the weaker one, Izuku...the scaredy-cat, the less brave, the more anxious. Even though you tried anyway...that's what I like about you. You never stay down."

"Let's tango."

(A/N: Ooh, what's gonna happen? How will this fated battle between men end? Let's see next time, on Father and Son right here on Wattpad!

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