Bad Intentions {TVD}

By SammyjVega

97.3K 1.8K 271

Alina Gilbert is one of those people that you can't tell is hurting, but her twin sister, Elena? She basks in... More

{Season 1}
I. The beginning
II. The Falls
III. Okay?
IV. Brother Salvatore
V. Young love
VI. Dinner parties suck.
VII. Football and Fights
VIII. Wrong
IX. Not afraid
X. Death
XI. Mistakes
XII. Okay
XIII. Ruin Me
XV. Hear me
XVI. Adopted.
XVII. It'll be alright
XVIII. No rest for the wicked
XIX. What trickery
XX. The Bachelors
XXI. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
XXII. Open Doors
XXIII. Who is in control
XXIV. Pageant queens
XXV. Family
XXVI. The she-devil
XXVII.Founders Day
-- Season 2 --
XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back
XXIX. Survival of the fittest
XXX. A full moon
XXXI. All the good times
XXXII. Kill or Be Killed
XXXIII. Always have a backup
XXXIV. Hide and Seek
XXXV. A flower
XXXVI. The Evil Doppel-bitch
XXXVII. Till death do we part
XXXVIII. A Full Moon
XXXIX. And All Hell Broke Loose
XL. Daddy Issues
XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
XLII. Family Dinner
XLIII. The Unwelcomed Guest
XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
XLV. A dance to remember
XLVI. Klaus
XLVII. Last Chance
XLVIII. A new dawn
XLIX. A new day
L. If i lay here
~Season 3~
LI. Blow out your candles
LII. The hybrid dick
LIII. The moral of the story
LIV. Temper tantrums
LV. And the truth comes out
LVI. Teenage dream
LVII. The other side
LVIII. Day to Daylife
LIX. Another Dance
LX. Read the Fine Print
LXI. This Town
LXII. Bonds will be broken
LXIII. The Living Dead
LXIV. Danger Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
LXV. The Mikaelsons
LXVI. 1912
LXVII. Come on in
LXVIII. Murder for one
LXIX. Jar of Hearts
LXX. Don't be so Soft
LXXI. And the Sun Sets
LXXII. Dearly Departed
-- Season 4 --
LXXIII. Out With the Old, in With the New
LXXIV. In Loving Memory
LXXV. Back from the Dead
LXXVI. The Brotherhood of the Five
LXXVII. Murder was the Case That They Gave Me
LXXVIII. As Crazy as the Mad Hatter
LXXIX. The Keeper of Keys
LXXX. New Orleans
LXXXI. Faith and Hope Suck
LXXXII. Detention
LXXXIII. Run, Run as Fast as You Can
LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence
LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are
LXXXVI. Way down we go
LXXXVII. Please Stay
LXXXIX. Cheerleader
XC. Nightfall
XCI. A second chance
XCII. Photographs
XCIII. Humanity for the win
XCIV. A game of survival
XCV. Cap n' Gown
!!New Book!!

XIV. All i can do is grieve

1.3K 22 0
By SammyjVega

         "Have you even talked to bonnie?" I ask Caroline as we walk towards the front door of the school. 

    "No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move." Caroline shrugs. 

   "Be the bigger person." Elena sighs, looking to our blonde friend. 

    "Impossible in her presence." She grumbles. 

"Why are you so pissed at her, anyway?" Elena asks, frowning. 

     "She's a thief. That's why. I gave her my necklace. and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle." Caroline explains. Last night, at Stefan's party, Caroline asked for the necklace she gave to Bonnie as part of her Halloween costume and Bonnie said no.

    "All right. Well, i tried." I sigh and Elena nods. "We're officially out of it." 

    "Good." Caroline smiles, turning to look at Elena. "Your turn. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?"

    Elena sighs, frowning. "He's avoiding me." 


     "It's complicated." The bell rings and Elena sighs, linking her arm with mine. 

    "See you later, Care." I smile.

"Bye." She waves as we walk over to history. 

      "So today we find out who our new history teacher is. No more Mr. Hanes." I laugh, referring to the temp sub we've had. Elena laughs and nods. Elena and I walk in, taking our seats in the middle of the room. The late bell rings and Bonnie comes rushing in, her head down and who I'm presuming is our new history teacher, right after her. 

    "Good morning, Everyone." he smiles. Bonnie takes a seat in the back, not her usual seat near Elena and i. We both look to each other confused. "Alright..." He sighs, writing his name on the board.
     Elena and i turn to Bonnie, Elena mouthing the words, 'Are you okay?' but Bonnie just shrugs. We frown and look back to the board. 

'Alaric Saltzman'

"Alaric Saltzman." He says, pointing to his name. "It's a mouthful, i know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue." I look around and notice Stefan isn't here, and when i look back to Elena she already has a frown on her face. "Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to my very dead great-grandfather, who i will never be able to thank enough." 

    I sigh, laying my head in my palm as he keeps talking. "You'll probably want to pronounce it 'Ala-ric' but it's 'A-Lar-Ic,' okay? So you can call me Ric." He looks out at all of us and then nods. "I'm your new history teacher." 

    I lean back in my seat and smile. This guy is so much better than Tanner.


     "And then i ended up at the remains of Old Fell's church before i woke up back in the woods." Bonnie frowns.  Bonnie was being terrorized by her ancestor Emily through her dreams, which made her end up in the woods.

    "And you always see your Ancestor Emily?" Elena asks. Bonnie nods and Elena frowns. "Huh, weird."

    "Do you guys believe in ghosts?" 

"Two weeks ago, I'd say no, but now--" 

     "I think I'm being haunted." Bonnie blurts out, Elena and I furrow our brows. 

    "Okay. but why Emily?" I ask.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the civil war days and that this medallion was hers," She pulls the necklace Caroline gave to her, now i see why she can't give it back. "It's a witch's talisman." 

    "And it all started when you got the necklace?" I ask. 

    Bonnie nods. "I think she's using it to communicate with me." 

    Elena nods slowly and then sighs. "Okay, what does Grams say about this?"

    "I can't call her, she's gonna tell me to embrace it." Bonnie frowns. "I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop."

   "So... then get rid of it." I shrug. "If it's not letting others touch it, you do it yourself."


    "Come on, let's just go get food after school," I beg. Elena rolls her eyes playfully and i look around the courtyard, seeing Stefan sitting at one of the tables. "So he's a loner again?" I ask. 
    Elena looks at me confused until she follows my gaze, seeing Stefan. He looks up at us and smiles. Elena links her arm with mine, taking me with her.


"You weren't in class. I was worried." Elena tells him with a light smile. 

    "Yeah, i got your messages, and I'm sorry i didn't get back to you, but... what i wanna say shouldn't be said over the phone." 

   "Uh, I'll meet you at the car, E," I say starting to walk away. 

    "Bye Stefan." I smile, walking away. I pull out my phone, going against my better judgment. 

    Are you dead?

I sit there and wait for a response. After a minute, my phone vibrates and i smile to myself. 

   No, and i heard i have you to thank for that. So thank you. And I'm sorry, I am trying to fix things with Stefan. 

      Well, that's good. Just making sure you weren't dead

I reply. I can't think of anything else to say to him. And after a minute or two, there's no response and i know that he doesn't have anything else to say to me either.  I sigh as Elena walks up to me, mad. "What's wrong?" 

      "I think Stefan and i are officially over. But at least he didn't say it in a text." She frowns. She looks at me and smiles. "But, who needs boys anyway, right?" 

    "Right." I laugh, linking my arm with hers as we walk to Bonnie's car, who is impatiently waiting there for us. 


     "He's bad news, Guys. He scared me." Bonnie says as she drives us to our house. 

     "You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible," Elena warns. But I'm still caught up on the fact that he was at the school and he didn't come talk to me. But I'm mad at him, why am i this upset?

     "I'm trying. He just keeps showing up." Bonnie complains. 

     "He was there, at school?" I ask and Bonnie nods quickly. Elena sighs and looks to me, then Bonnie.

   "I don't want you to be alone. You're sleeping at our place tonight." Elena tells her. "We can make a whole night of it, right A?" I nod from the backseat a frown still on my face. 
   I look to Bonnie as she starts to play with the necklace, She then pulls off the road and into the grass causing Elena and i to gasp. 

    We both look to Bonnie confused as she gets out of the car. "Where are you going?" I ask.

   "Doing what Alina said, getting rid of it myself." She says, yanking the necklace off and throwing it into the field and stomping back to the car. 

    "Are you okay?" Elena asks 

"Now i am. All my problems are because of that thing. I can't believe i didn't do it as soon as A told me to get rid of it." 

    "I am always right," I smirk from the back seat. "What's your grams gonna say?" I ask. 

    "She's not the one being haunted by a 150-year-old ghost, is she?" Bonnie retorts. 

    "Okay, then, the power to you. Carry on." I say, sitting back. Bonnie smiles and starts the car and pulls onto the road again. 


    I was sitting at the table, doing my homework when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I say, getting up and jogging over to the door. I opened the door and my eyes widened, seeing Stefan. "Come in." I smile, opening the door wider. 
    Elena sees him and smiles as i walk back over next to Bonnie. 

    "Hey, thanks for coming." Bonnie looks over to Stefan as i lead her back to the kitchen. We hear the door close and i sigh. 

     "Why does she run to Stefan for help?" 

"Because she can, they'll never be able to stay away from each other," I tell her, sitting back down to start my homework again. Bonnie sighs and nods. "Stop stressing, trust me, Damon's gonna start leaving you alone." 

     "How do you know?" 

"Because i do," I smirk.


    Now, i am a good person. I swear. And i hate when my friends fight because there is a division, like the parting of the red sea. So that's why i did what i did. So you're probably wondering what i did, well I'll tell you. I invited Caroline over. And i prayed to god that they'll make up. 
     So as we all stood there awkwardly, Caroline was taking food out of the to-go bag and being surprisingly quiet, which if you haven't noticed isn't Caroline at all. 

     Bonnie walks in, giving Caroline a small smile but she just looks down at the bag. I clear my throat, looking at Caroline, telling her to say something to make this less awkward. 

   Caroline takes a deep breath and then looks up to Bonnie. "I'm sorry, there i said it. If you want the ugly necklace, keep it, it's yours." Caroline huffs out. My face falls slightly as i remember that Bonnie threw it into a field. 

    "Will you hate me if i tell you that i threw it away?" Bonnie asks shyly. 

    "Oh no..." 

"You threw it away!" Caroline exclaims. 

      "I know it sounds crazy but the necklace was giving me nightmares. I had to get rid of it." Bonnie explains. 

    "You could have just given it back to me." 

"Why? So you could give it back to Damon?" Elena asks. Caroline just glances at her but then looks down with a frown. 

   "Screw Damon." She looks to each one of us and then huffs. "Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?" 

    "You three are doing manicures, i have bio homework to catch up on, but i will gladly watch." I smile. The girls laugh and shake their heads. 

    "Mines in my bag." Bonnie smiles. 

"Be back." Caroline smiles, going to get the bag. 

     "So, Elena..." Caroline asks from over at the table, Elena humming in response. "How long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is it like a permanent thing?"

    "I don't know, Caroline." Elena sighed, taking a bite of a fry. Everything is quiet for a second before Caroline lets out a sarcastic laugh. 

    "Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?" She asks, turning around. 



I look to her hand to see the necklace in hand and my eyes widen. Elena, Bonnie and I all share a look and then look back at the necklace. Caroline walks over, slamming the necklace on the island. 

     "I tossed it, i swear." 

"It's true. I watched her throw it into a field." Elena says. Caroline looks to me and i nod. 

      "I swear, Care. She threw it." 

Caroline looks back at Bonnie and sighs. "Well, then explain it." 

    "Emily," Bonnie says, looking to Elena.

"Whos' Emily?"

     "The ghost," Bonnie explains. 

"Oh, the ghost has a name now?" Caroline scoffs. 

     "Caroline, please." Elena sighs. 

"I wonder why she won't leave me alone," Bonnie complains. 

    "Okay, what's going on?" Caroline asks with a frown, feeling left out. "Why am i not a part of this conversation?" Bonnie and Elena look to each other and sigh. "You guys do this to me all the time." 

     "That's not true," Elena argues. 

"Yes, it is." Bonnie corrects, looking to Elena. "I can't talk to you. You don't listen." 

    "That's not true." Caroline Argues. 

"I'm a witch." 

    "And don't we all know it?" Caroline sasses. 

"Care," I say giving her a knowing look. 

     "See? That's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it." Bonnie storms off to the other room and Caroline turns to look at us. 

    "I listen. When do i not listen?" 

"Okay, so then why don't you listen right now and go apologize to her," I say, leaning against the counter. Caroline huffs and i give her a look and she walks out of the room. 

    "You have such a way with words," Elena says sarcastically. 

     "It's a gift." I shrug.  After a few minutes, Caroline calls out to us. 

     "Okay guys, you can come! We're done!" Elena and i peek around the wall and smile, seeing our two best friends smiling. Elena walks over sitting on the couch as i lay across them, making the girls laugh.

    "Well, there's too much drama in the room." Caroline sighs. "So what do you guys wanna do?" 
 Elena shrugs and then Caroline gasps, sitting straight up, causing me to almost fall off. 

   "Sorry." Caroline laughs, sitting back. "Why don't we have a seance?" 

    "I don't think that's a good idea." Bonnie frowns. I sit up and Caroline jumps off, and i take her original spot. 

   "Come on. Let's summon some spirits." Caroline prompts. "This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do. 

   "I say we do it."


     I don't want to do this anymore. We were sitting in Elena's room, the lights out and three candles in the middle with the necklace in the middle of them and we were all holding hands. 

    "What are we doing?" Bonnie asks.

"I don't know." Elena sighs. 

     Caroline shushes us, making us all look over to her. "Be quiet and concentrate." She waits a minute for all of us to stop talking and then sighs, "Okay, close your eyes." We all do as she says. "Now take a deep breath." Once again, we all do as she says. "Bonnie, call to her."

     "Emily... you there?" She asks. We all open our eyes, looking at Bonnie questioningly. "Really? 'You there' that's all you got? Come on." 

    "Fine, Jeez." Bonnie huffs. We all close our eyes again and Bonnie takes a deep breath again. "Emily... I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen." 
     We sit in silence until we were a crackle and see the light from the candles get brighter. We all open our eyes and break apart. 

   "Did that just-" 

"Yeah. That just happened." I say shakily. A breeze goes through the room and Caroline gasps, holding herself. 

    "It's just the air conditioning." Bonnie excuses. The flames spark up again and we all gasp, moving back slightly.  

    "Ask her to show you a sign." Caroling prompts. "Ask her." Bonnie shakes her head and Caroline sighs. "Emily, if you're among us, show us another sign," Caroline asks as we all stare at the high flames. 

    "See? It's not working." Bonnie says, wanting to be done with the seance. The window behind Bonnie flies open and i gasp, pushing myself back. "No. I can't. I'm done." Bonnie says, shaking her head. 
    The light goes out and i whimper, holding onto Elena. 

    "Get the light!" Bonnie calls out. "Please get the light."

    "Hold on. Hold on. I got it." Elena says, standing up and running towards the light switch. Elena turns it on. Bonnie looks down and frowns. 

    "You guys, the necklace, it's gone." We all look to see the necklace is gone and i gulp. 


    We start to look around the room for the necklace. "Okay, funs over Caroline, you made your point. Now give it back." Elena says. 

   "What? I didn't take it." Caroline says honestly. Elena scoffs, looking around the room again. She jolts slightly, looking out into the hall. 

    "What?" I ask. "What happened?"

"I don't know. Nothing." Elena says, shaking her head. "Jeremy, are you home?" She looks out into the hall, looking down towards Jeremy's room. 
    I look over to the carpet in front of Elena's bathroom and sigh. 

    "Hey, over here," I say, walking over to it. Bonnie comes over behind me as we both walk into the bathroom. She bends over picking up the necklace. I go to turn around and walk out of the bathroom when it closes. 

   I scream, jumping slightly. "Oh, my god!" Bonnie screams, scared too.  I go to pull the door open but it doesn't budge. 

    "Elena, open the door!" I yell. 

"Bonnie! Alina! What's going on!" Elena yells, concerned. Caroline and Elena's voices mix as they keep asking us to open the door. 

    "Bonnie do something!" I cry. The lights start to flicker and i scream again, falling to the floor and putting my head between my knees and my hands over my ears. 
    Everything falls silent but i don't look up until i feel Elena's arms wrap around me. 

    "Hey, hey, breathe," Elena says quietly. I look up and doors open, Bonnie's sitting on the bathtub, her face in her hands. "What happened? Are you guys okay?" 
   I slowly stand up, stumbling towards Caroline who's now holding onto me. Bonnie slowly looks up, but she doesn't look as afraid as she was a minute ago. 

    "I'm fine." She says in a monotone voice. 

Caroline shakes her head and scoffs. "Unbelievable, you were faking it, and you scared the shit out of Alina, I'm surprised she didn't have a panic attack."
    There is no way any of that was fake. 

"Caroline, come on." Elena sighs. 

     "No, you scared the hell out of me. She could of had an anxiety attack, Elena, Your sister." Caroline glared. Caroline leads me over to the bed, sitting me down. "Are you okay?" I nod and she sighs. 


"I'm fine." She says again in the same tone, but she's looking right at me. "Everything's fine." Bonnie walks out of Elena's bathroom and towards the door to the hall, passing by Elena's mirror, but it wasn't Bonnie's reflection. My eyes widen as Bonnie looks back over to me. 

    "I can't believe i fell for it." Caroline groans as we follow Bonnie out. 

     "I must go," Bonnie says, walking towards the stairs. 

   "Are you okay?" 

"She's leaving, I'm leaving." Caroline shrugs. 

     "You guys can't leave." Elena tries. 

  "Oh, i can." Caroline grits out. "I've had enough freak fake witch stuff for one night."

    "Thank you for having me," Bonnie says, looking to Elena and I. "I'll take it from here."

    "Where are you going?" I ask. 

"Back to where it all began." She tells us, walking down the steps. 

    "Bonnie," Elena calls out. But she doesn't respond. "Bonnie!"

  "Oh my god..." I realize what's going on and look to Elena and then 'Bonnie'. "Emily!" She turns around, looking to me. 

    "I won't let him have it." 'Bonnie' says. "It must be destroyed." I run down the stairs, Elena following behind me. 

    "Wait!" Elena calls down as i run down the stairs. "Alina, stop!" The door slams shut and i try to pull it open and groan.

    "Damnit," I say, hitting the door. 

"What's happening?" Caroline asks. Elena tried to open the door herself, but it doesn't open.

    "I don't know. The door, It's not--"

The door bursts open and Jeremy steps in but we still all scream in reflex. 

    "What the hell?" He asks. He looks at all of us confused before going upstairs. 

    "I'm outta here," Caroline says, shaking her head. Elena looks to me and then turns around, grabbing her phone. 

    "Who are you calling?" I ask. 

"Stefan." She says, putting the phone on speaker. 

    "What's wrong?" He asks as soon as he picks up. 

"It's Bonnie, Emily is possessing her. She said something." 

    "What did she say?" 

"Um... Uh, Alina, what did she say?" She asks, looking to me. 

     "She said, 'I won't let him have it.' and then 'It must be destroyed'," I tell him. "And then she just left." 

    "Okay... where do you think she went?" 

Elena sighs, shaking her head. "I don't know." 

     "Fell's church, that's where she woke up," I say. "By the old cemetery. That's where she took Bonnie in her dreams." 

    "We have to help her, Stefan." Elena pleads. 

"All right, all right. You guys stay there, I'm gonna go find her." Stefan promises, hanging up. 

    "We're not staying, are we?" Elena asks. 

"Nope," I say, grabbing my leather jacket and my phone. 


       "Bonnie!" Elena and i call out as we see her in a ring of fire. In an instant, Stefan is in front of us, holding us back.  I look over to Damon who looks sad and angry all at the same time, what's even going on?
    'Bonnie' rips the necklace off and throws it into the air and it explodes into a bunch of pieces, looking like a firework going on. "No!" Damon cries the pain in his voice breaks my heart... he sounds so broken. 

    All the fire around 'Bonnie' disappears and i can tell that it's no longer Emily in Bonnie's body, it's just Bonnie because she looks so confused. Damon growls, rushing towards Bonnie and sinking his fangs into her neck. Bonnie lets out a terrified scream. 

    "Damon! Stop it!" I cry, but Stefan is still holding me back. "Stefan! Let me go!" He doesn't move and i shove him. "At least help her then!" 
    Stefan rushes over, pushing Damon off of her. Bonnie falls to the floor and Elena and i run over to her. Thank god she's just unconscious but not dead. 

    "She's alive but barely." 

"Then save her," I tell him, the tears fresh on my face. Stefan bites into his wrist and puts it to Bonnie's lips, forcing her to drink. Elena looks over to Damon with a glare and i just glance over to Damon with a frown. 
    I can't help but feel bad for him, I'm supposed to hate him with every bone in my body, but i just can't. I look back over to Bonnie. She gasps and sits up, resting against Elena. 

     "Her neck, it's healing." Elena sighs in relief. I look over to Stefan and give him a smile. I'm so glad Bonnie's okay. 


     I walk back through the trees to see Damon sitting on the ground against a tree. Stefan had told us all about Katherine and the tomb of vampires. Elena left with Bonnie and Stefan to explain everything to Bonnie. 
     "How come you're still here?" I hear Damon croak out. 

    "I was worried about you," I say softly, starting to walk over to him. 

    "I know what you think..." Damon sighs. "Katherine never compelled me, i knew everything she was doing. It was all real for me." He whispers as a few tears falling down his face. "I'll leave you alone from now on." 

    I give a sad laugh, sitting down next to him. "God, i should hate you," I say, looking down to Damon's hand, taking it in mine. He looks to me and gives my hand a light squeeze. I can feel his body shaking beside me, i know he's crying, but i don't say anything. 
   I know just being here helps. So i just sit there while he grieves. That's all i can do. 

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