A game, or real life? (Ezio x...

Autorstwa BlueAngel161

44.8K 1.5K 696

You've been having weird dreams of him. He's always been on your mind, even though you've never seen him befo... Więcej

the Beginning of a long Journey
Requiescat in Pace, Giovanni
A tense confession
It's me, Mario!
Back to Firenze
I'm so confused...
Actions speak louder than words
The truth comes forth
Special preparations
A bright future filled with setbacks
Nature's way of unfolding
We are Assassins
Fabled security
The end of our journey?
Farewell, Monteriggioni...
A Teacher? Me?
Tumultuous years
Mentor, Master Assassin, responsibilities
Long-deserved peace
A journey back to what once was
All set for travelling
A perilous homecoming
Troubled winds; Resilient eagle
Friends far from home
New weapons; New friends; New clues
Familiar faces, familiar sights
Hate can only last so long
The price of truth
The end of our journey
Life moves on
There cannot be happiness without grief
Don't leave me...
Even roses wither away...
New beginnings...

Unsolved mysteries; Untold secrets

314 18 0
Autorstwa BlueAngel161

Galata Den

Constantinopoli, Turchia

XXV Giugno MDXI (June 25th, 1511)

My dearest Aurora, my dearest Leandro,

Things have been going pretty alright here in Constantinopoli. Forgive the lateness of this letter, for your father and I have simply not been able to get any rest. Things here are getting more difficult than they seem. In our search for the Masyaf keys, we fell upon an intricate, mysterious conspiracy that has been going on here for several years. What remains of the Byzantine empire has allied with the Templars, in hopes of overthrowing the Sultan and restoring the Byzantine Empire to its former glory. In exchange for their support, Byzantine thugs have been in search for the Masyaf keys, and we have every right to believe that the one found beneath Topkapi Palace was found by them.

But alas, this isn't the most troublesome detail we've come across. Now with two keys in our possession, we realized this wasn't by chance. Altaïr imbued these artifacts with a message. Memories of his life. The first one showed us a time before the events of 1191, before the failure at Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. And the other, it was right after he murdered Al Mualim. We saw how he was left to rule over a divided army. People who believed in his cause, that Al Mualim was truly a traitor, against Assassins too blind to see the truth. Altaïr is trying to tell us something through this. This wasn't by chance, I know it. And we fear that the Templars have realized this as well. We fear the Templars were given information they weren't supposed to know. We fear to what extent that possible knowledge may ruin our next move.

Summer has finally settled in here in Turchia. It is only a shame that your father and I are unable to rest and appreciate it. Alongside the Den Leader I told you about in my previous letter, Yusuf, your father and I have been recruiting and training new Assassins. Constantinople was in dire need of numerous warriors. In a way, things haven't changed much between our roles in Roma and here. Your father is still treated with the highest of respect, while I stand next to him to help in any way I can. Your father's birthday was just yesterday, and the Assassins decided to throw him a small surprise by dressing up as minstrels, having kept the outfits they had used in a previous mission. Needless to say, your father wasn't really pleased. But he accepted the joke. It is only sad that we might be too busy to celebrate even our own wedding anniversary. Alas, time isn't something we are able to waste right now.

I hope to write very soon. God, I miss you both so much.


(y/n) Auditore

I couldn't prevent the soft sigh from escaping my lips as I placed my quill down. Time was of the essence. Even now, Assassins walked in from their most recent missions all over the Mediterranean. And not only that, but according to Sofia, she was almost done with deciphering the location of yet another book. A book that would, hopefully, lead us to another Masyaf key. I lightly rubbed my tired eyes, sighing. God, this sucked. Not only have I been deprived of any sleep lately due to work, visions of Altaïr have been clouding my thoughts. Sometimes they were new, but by now, most of them repeated themselves. It was honestly like beating a dead horse. Over and over again, I heard his soft voice against Maria's ear, softly whispering her name as if it were a prayer. The worst part was that, like before, I could feel everything she was feeling. It made her feel the same way Ezio makes me feel. And it was driving me nuts. Fuck it!, I thought as I slammed my fists into the wooden desk and stood up, startling some of the Assassins who were chilling about. Without another word, I grabbed my sword and walked out of the Den.

Where was I headed? For what purpose? I myself did not know for sure. For a while, I found myself wandering along the streets, past the Galata tower, down to the docks. Up on a boat, disembarked on the other side, and found myself headed to the Great Bazaar. Spices, tapestries, fruits and vegetables, fish... all these different smells and sights invaded my senses like a tsunami. I walked with light steps through the thick crowd like a salmon swimming against the current. But eventually, I found myself on the other side of the market. I handed a couple of coins to a begging child, to a group of Romanies, before I continued walking. I wandered about aimlessly. But was it truly aimless? Because before I realized it, I stood before Sofia's book shop. I cracked a smile. Of course I'd end up here. Of course I'd end up by her doorstep. And who knows, she might even be able to help me out. So, with a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped right in.

Sofia looked extremely busy, pacing back and forth with armfuls of books. I looked at her curiously. "Salve (Hi), Sofia." I greeted with a soft smile as I lowered my hood.

"(y/n)! Salve." She greeted with a bright smile, before heading over to her desk so she could put her books down. I was then met with a hug, of which I returned with a light giggle. "What brings you here?"

"I was just passing by." I shrugged, smiling. "You look busy."

"Oh, I have not been able to stop." She sighed out. Only then, did I notice that the carpet was littered with glass. My gaze swiftly shifted over to the windows, only to find them broken. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Sofia, what happened here?"

"It happens from time to time..." she shrugged. "Thieves break in hoping to find money or valuable goods. I have not yet been able to deduce whether something went missing."

"Do you need help?" I asked. "I could go ahead and deal with those windows while you finish cleaning up here."

"Is it really alright?" her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Am I not bothering?"

"Not at all." I shook my head with a soft smile. "I'll just need a hammer and a few planks. But first, I need a broom. Taking care of this glass should be a priority."

"Right away." She nodded before heading away and further into the shop. And so, here I was up on the roof, hammering a few planks on the window frames to cover them until she could buy new windows to replace them. Within, I could see Sofia storing away what remained of the books. I didn't mind doing this. Not at all. I spent so much time up on rooftops that being up here just felt...natural. Mere walking just felt boring at this point.

For a few moments, the repeated sounds of the hammer hitting the nails were the only sounds that surrounded me. Until... "(y/n)..." A soft whisper, coming from behind me. I immediately stopped hammering. Who was calling out for me?

"Ezio?" I called out, turning around. But no one was there. I looked around for a few moments, but I was clearly alone up here. I sighed, thinking someone was playing a nasty little joke on me. But I hadn't expected the sight presented before me as I turned back to the window. There stood Altaïr, right in front of me. I honestly had been caught so off-guard that I stumbled back in surprise and ended up falling on my butt. But the semi-transparent figure didn't move. I could only feel his piercing gaze against my own.

"(y/n)? Stai bene (Are you alright)?" Sofia called out from inside the library, causing me to snap out of it.

"Y-Yes Sofia! I'm alright. I just tripped over something." I replied, gazing back at the window for a few moments. I was about to focus my attention on Altaïr once more, but he had vanished. I looked around in surprise, hoping I'd still catch the sight of his figure running away, but he was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh. Why do you haunt me so, Altaïr?! What is it you want to tell me?!

"Oh, dear. Please be careful!" she called out with a worried tone.

"I-I...." I sighed. "Don't worry. I'm done here already." I finally replied, bending down to grab the hammer that I had dropped. As I stood straight and headed back into the shop, I found myself expecting to see Altaïr around the corner, but it never happened. Fuck, what was going on...? I finally pushed the door open, earning Sofia's attention as I walked in and lowered my hood. "Here...thanks for the hammer." I told her, holding the hammer out to her.

"(y/n)...are you alright?" Sofia asked then, her voice dripping with concern. "You look pale."...do I? Huh. My hand instinctively flew up to my apparently pale cheek, sighing.

"Look, Sofia, it's....I'm alright." I shook my head. "I just....thought I saw something."

"What did you se-" Sofia was about to ask, but I interrupted her.

"Please, Sofia, no more questions." I sighed. "I need to catch some air." I finally said, before walking out to the back of the shop and into her small courtyard. I could feel her eyes on me the whole way, but I paid no mind to it as I sat on a bunch of pillows and rested my head against the wall, sighing. I closed my eyes, hoping my thoughts would drift back to Ezio, but instead, all I saw was Altaïr. Altaïr. Altaïr. Altaïr. It was driving me mad. Why you, Altaïr?! Why do you haunt my dreams?!, I internally screamed.

I slowly cracked my eyes open at the feeling of someone caressing my hair. Hmm...it felt good... I leaned into that gentle hand, and it didn't take long for me to recognize who it belonged to. "Ehi (Hey), (y/n)..." I heard Ezio's soothing voice lightly whispering against my ear.

"Ezio..." I breathed out in reply, trying to curl closer to him. "Is...is he here....?"

"He? Who, amore mio (my love)?" his confused tone reached my ears, causing me to sigh.

"Altaïr." I replied softly. "I came by earlier today, only to find Sofia's windows broken. I offered to hammer a few planks, and just as I was done, I....I heard someone call out my name. I thought it was you, but....it was Altaïr..." I sighed out. "He called out my name, Ezio...not Maria's..."

"(y/n)..." Ezio breathed out, and looking over into his eyes, I was overwhelmed by the raw concern written all over his expression. "Sofia asked of me to come...she was worried about you."

"Sofia?" I questioned, frowning in confusion. "How was she able to contact you?"

"We met by the Bazaar. She had a few errands to take care of, while I tried to find a portrait the thieves got away with. We agreed to meet up here." He explained, and just as he finished his sentence, I heard Sofia's heeled shoes by the entrance of the courtyard. Looking over, I watched as she walked towards us, cup of caffè (coffee) in hand.

"Here, (y/n)....you might feel better..." she said, holding the cup out to me. With a soft thank you, I took the steaming cup from her hands and took a small sip from the deliciously bitter beverage. "(y/n), Ezio told me about your dreams." Sofia said then, sitting down beside me. "He did not tell me much, only enough for me to understand the situation. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be haunted by the thoughts of a man who was so important to you. If you ever need someone to talk to..." she trailed off, but I already knew full well what she meant by that.

"You told her?" I asked Ezio, surprised.

"She was worried, (y/n)." Ezio shook his head. "She deserved to know."

"I-I..." I tried speaking, but I was unable to. I glanced back and forth between Sofia and Ezio. Of course she deserved to know. She helped us so much throughout this entire trip. Though we only knew each other for pretty much two months, she was always there for me, to welcome me with open arms. I sighed. "Look, I....I'd love to explain things properly, but I don't even know what's going on. All I know is that for the past 30 years, I've been haunted by the thoughts of this...man. And now, he appears before me. Before us." I explained, looking over at Ezio. "He appeared before me up on the roof. That's why I fell..."

"(y/n)..." Sofia breathed out in surprise. I could tell she wanted to say more, but once I gulped down the coffee, I stood from the pillows.

"I need to get going. Clear my thoughts a bit." I shook my head.

"(y/n)...-" Ezio began, but I interrupted him once more.

"Meet me back in our place, Ezio. Tonight..." I glanced down into his worried expression for a few moments before I began walking away.

"Does she always do this when she is distressed...?" I heard Sofia ask Ezio just as I opened the front door. Ezio's deep "Tutto il tempo (All the time)", accompanied by a small sigh was all I heard before I stepped out of the book shop, and closed the door behind me.

Up from the Galata tower, I watched thoughtfully as the sun began to set. Such a peaceful, golden hue that somehow perfectly contrasted with my inner turmoil. I couldn't stop thinking about Altaïr. Though for the past 30 years, I've been hearing him say Maria's name, to hear him say my name was completely new. Different. Terrifying. And I didn't know what to think of it. Heck, what was I even supposed to think of it? That somehow, Altaïr knew me? That somehow, he's been around long enough to know my name? "I thought I'd see you here!" a cheerful voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Whipping my head to the sound, I soon relaxed when I saw Yusuf's smiling face.

"What are you doing here...?" I cracked a smile as I watched him walk towards me, before proceeding to sit by my side.

"A little bird told me what happened." His gaze softened. "How do you feel...?"

"I don't even know what to feel..." I shook my head. With a sigh, I allowed myself to lean back to lie on the pale surface of the tower, still warm from the sun's summer rays. Gazing up at the ocean of pink and orange colors, I continued. "Altaïr appeared out of nowhere. He said my name, then vanished into thin air. How would you feel if the same happened to you...?"

"I'd probably be doing the same thing as you." I could tell he was smiling, just by the tone of his voice. I closed my eyes. "(y/n), I wish I could be that kind of friend that has answers for everything. But I'm not. I honestly haven't even been in or heard of a situation like yours before."

"I figured as much..." I cracked my eyes open. "Sometimes, I hear the Apple whisper in my head, filling my brain with poisonous, tempting ideas. I could just grab it, and demand answers. And all this would be over."

"But you haven't done it. You're scared of what the Apple might show you, aren't you?" With a light rustle, Yusuf was lying by my side.

"Is it that obvious...?" I tried laughing, but it sounded so...empty, so...void. "For years, the Apple has been right by my side, urging me to just take it and use it. But Altaïr held me back every single time. Every time I'd even consider it, his words flow into my mind like a tsunami. "Those subjected to its glow are promised all that they desire. It asks only one thing in return: complete and total obedience. And who can truly refuse? It is temptation incarnate." I guess, after all this time, I haven't used it because I feared what it'd show me. I feared... I fear what might happen should I know."

"You know, I've heard many stories about you both, growing up." Yusuf said suddenly, and turning my head to the side, I saw him smiling softly. "Stories of how two fearless angels of death were powerful enough to stop entire armies. How strong their love was to be able to bloom in a field of death. How their children follow in their footsteps. How they're the most respected and feared family not only in Italy, but in our big family of Assassins." His gaze met mine, his soft smile unfaltering. "It almost sounded impossible, surreal even, to think that people like that were leading us. To believe in the fact that mere humans were able to accomplish such superhuman feats. Yet, here you are." I suddenly felt his hand on mine. Gently, his hold unfaltering. I couldn't prevent a shiver from running down my spine at the power of his gaze. "Now I see. People respect you not because you're able to accomplish superhuman feats. They respect you because you're compassionate. Because you're afraid. Never before have the both of you appeared so human to my eyes."

"Yusuf..." I could only breath out in response.

"And I know how much Ezio loves you." He nodded. "Don't waste time up here all by yourself. You should be down there, by his side. Just like he never left yours." He smiled tenderly. "Go to him. He has already gone home. He found the third key."

"The third one...? Really...?" My eyes widened in surprise.

"Evet (Yes). He's probably waiting for you to view the message it contains. Go." He urged, before rising up and onto his feet. I sat up, watching him head out to the platform. "Tell me all about the message later, okay?" he asked happily.

"I will." I cracked a smile. "Yusuf!" I called out just as he was about to jump. And once his eyes met mine, I continued. "Teşekkür ederim, kardeşim (Thank you, (my) brother)."

"Anytime." His smile widened, and with that, he finally performed his Leap of Faith. My gaze lingered on where he once stood for a few moments, before letting out a soft sigh. I knew he was right. I needed Ezio, just as much – if not more – than he needed me. And so, I forced myself up onto my feet, before I too, leaped down from the platform. I felt the soothing, exciting rush of the wind whipping against my hood, before my back hit the safety of the hay. Once I landed, I didn't even hesitate to rush back home, to where Ezio awaited. To where I belonged.

In less than a minute, I was back home. I walked in, still lightly panting from the sudden exertion. And as I expected, I found Ezio sitting on the bed, precursor disk in hand. His gaze swiftly locked onto mine in surprise. Perhaps, even...shock? "Ezio?" I asked as I stepped forward, inching closer to him. "Were you waiting for me...?" But instead of answering, he stood up and stored the disk in his bag. I froze in surprise. "Ezio....?"

"Get some rest, amore mio (my love)...I will return soon." He said swiftly, and after a much too brief kiss, he was out the door. Oh God...what did that disk show him...? What did he know that I didn't...? I wanted to run after him so bad, but...for some reason, I couldn't. My legs weren't obeying me, and before I realized it, I was sitting down on our bed. What...what was going on....?

My dearest diary,

I grow scared. Night has long settled in and Ezio still hasn't returned to the warmth of our bed. What could he have possibly seen to make him so wary...? It's so unlike him to shut himself out. That was my thing, and I always had him to open up to. But for the first time, our roles are reversed. What should I do...? Run after him, even though I'm completely unaware of his whereabouts? Should I stay here a few more hours, hoping to see him walk through that door? God, what should I do...? What should I do...?

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