Billionaire Daddy

By G3eklyChic

659K 17.6K 475

Natalia Fuller has had a difficult upbringing in her early adolescence but she has learned to come out strong... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 21

12.4K 382 8
By G3eklyChic

The dinner was extravagant because it was a 5-course meal, by the time dessert arrived I felt full. At my table, I listened and occasionally participate in the conversation with the board members because most of the time they wanted to talk to Xander about the company's future. I could tell he was getting bored because he would look my way as if to ask how to get out of the conversation. I looked at my phone and noticed it was almost time for him to give his speech. I politely interrupt the conversation to let Xander know that he has to go make his speech which he silently thanks me as he gets up to leave from the table.

One thing I have noticed throughout the evening is that Olivia has been too quiet which means her mood can instantly change. I've been told by Xander that she stopped drinking about two weeks ago and ever since he knew about her 'change' he knew it wouldn't last. Xander has mentioned before that Olivia can go up to three months without drinking but lately, she's been becoming more reckless. I hope she doesn't screw this gala up because there is alcohol served literally everywhere.

Before I can think of anything else I hear Lisa announce that the main hall will open for Xander's speech and that we are welcomed to hang out in the dining area. I decide to leave the table because I want to be there for Xander when he speaks.

Inside the main hall, the lights are dim and we follow the red carpet that leads to the entrance. Through the red velvet curtain, is a large hall full of pictures of old Hollywood actors as well as a large chandelier placed in the middle of the dance floor. As I move closer towards the stage I see the podium and Xander waiting for us to hear him speak. When everyone is in the hall and they are somewhat settled Xander decides to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I appreciate everyone who came out to our annual company Gala this evening. I want to quickly thank each employee that has worked for us day in and day out because all of you are the pillars of our successful year. I can't be certain what the next year will bring but I can be sure that many new and exciting things will happen for this company. I'm going to keep this speech short and I hope you all enjoy your evening of celebration for another successful year. Also, I hope to see you all Thursday morning ready to work!" Xander says and everyone laughs at his last comments. The second he steps away from the stage the music plays as the night begins.

When Xander gets off the stage many important executives thank him and complement his speech while I talk to Lisa for a quick second. She soon leaves and I see Xander make his way towards me.

"Thank you for getting me out of that table." He says while grabbing my hands to squeeze them. I can see that everyone is out on the dance floor and not paying us any attention.

"Well you looked bored and so was I." It was true. In my first year working with Xander, I would sit through functions and wouldn't mind the conversations but lately, it's been getting tiring.

"I was and I want to thank you again," Xander says.

"For what?" I'm confused for a moment.

"Everything, for organizing this gala, for staying, and for...our baby." He whispers the last part so no one can hear. I smile and don't say anything back just before I'm about to kiss him I see Olivia's hands tap on Xander's shoulder.

"Hey my dad is here and wanted to talk to you unless you're busy." She says while glancing my way.

"Of course. Please excuse me for a moment." I can hear the hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Natalia, are you enjoying your night? I hope you are because I heard you're resigning soon." I'm taken aback over her comment.

"How do you know that?" I ask. I only filed for my 30-days only a couple of days ago.

"I just heard from the HR." She says matter of factly. "Oh, waiter!" She says while waving down one of the wait staff servers holding a tray of champagne. The server stops and Olivia grabs two drinks from the tray before she waved the person away.

"Here." She says handing me the drink.

"Thanks but I don't drink," I say nicely.

"Oh well more for me." She says as she guzzles down her glass and the other one. Once she's done she grabs another drink off of another tray of full glasses.

"You know you shouldn't be drinking as much Olivia," I say as she looks at me in disgust.

"So? Did Xander tell you to keep watch?" She asks in between sips.

"No but you should pace yourself." I caution. I don't really care for Olivia but I do care if she causes a disruption at the gala.

"Well, you don't need to be babysitting me so just leave." She says waving me off. At this point, she's annoying me.

"Look I'm concerned for your health if you could just-" Just before I can say anything else I feel Olivia push me down on the ground.

"I believe I can do whatever I want!" She shouts at me. I look down to examine myself for any blood but I seem to be fine.

"What the hell is going on?" Xander asks as he sees me on the floor and immediately helps me up.

"She was annoying me so I pushed her," Olivia says and I'm shocked that she confessed without any remorse.

"Are you okay?" Xander asks me as he examines my body for any injuries. I just nod. "I'll be back I'm going to escort Olivia home." He says."Olivia, I think it's time we leave since your already wasted." He grabs her arm in an attempt to get her away from the glasses of champagne.

"Come on Xander I just wanted to celebrate the new year and beside I haven't had anything in 2 weeks. I deserve some celebratory drinks." She says slowly. At this point, I can see her eyes go glassy.

"You know your embarrassing yourself and you need to go home." Xander insists.

"Fine as long as you stop scolding me." She says while grabbing a glass before she walks out of the hall. Unbelievable.

"Sorry about her. I promise I'll be back." He says before he follows Olivia.

I look around and only noticed a few people look at me and the scene that just happened. I stare back challenging anyone to talk but they just return to their loud conversations and drinks so they don't pay me any mind.

The night goes on and I shake off the scene Olivia started. When it's nearly 11 I decide sitting down in one of the empty areas with a few chairs upstairs since my feet are starting to get tired. After a moment of sitting down, I then feel a hand brush my back shoulder and I look up to see Xander.

"Can I join you?" He asks.

"Of course. Where were you?" I ask while he sits down next to me.

He takes a deep breathe, "I took Olivia back to her apartment and gave her waitstaff strict orders before I left." I can sense he's tired.

"You know you shouldn't have to be held responsible for her," I say.

"I know, but her father seems to think I am." He says.

"Well he shouldn't be doing that to you." I really don't think it's right after all Olivia should be held accountable but then again I can understand that his marriage is very public and he has a reputation to keep up with. This includes Olivia's reputation and image.

"I'm sorry if your night has been ruined." He apologizes.

"Don't be and it's not ruined." I smile up at him.

"What do you mean?" He asks in confusion.

"I believe you owe me a dance." I point out and Xander smiles down at me. We both get up from our seats and head downstairs to the dancefloor to dance together.

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