Gilgamesh's Descendant.

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a story about Gilgamesh's distant descendant who like Gilgamesh has the powers of The Gate Of Babylon... More

Prologue: Gilgamesh's Descendant.
Chapter 1: The War Begins.
Chapter 2: The War Rages On.
Chapter 3: The War Rises.
Chapter 4: The Fuyuki War Ends.
Chapter 5: The Great Holy Grail War.
Chapter 6: The Great War Starts.
Chapter 7: The Great War's Victim
Chapter 8: The Great War's Conflict.
Chapter 9: The Great War's End.
Chapter 10: The Moon Holy Grail War.
Chapter 11: The War Of Time.
Chapter 12: A New War.
Chapter 13: The War Of The Bed.
Chapter 15: The War We Fight.
Chapter 16: The War's End.
Chapter 17: The War's Slave.
Chapter 18: The War Of Gelda's End.

Chapter 14: The War Of Three Kings.

1.8K 37 10
By TeamWhiteRose100

I don't own any of the fate series or it's characters, All rights go to TYPE-MOON, A-1 Pictures, Shaft, Netflix, and unfotable.

A Few Seconds After Chapter 13*

Gelda's POV*

After my long day of rest after my time with Artoria I got up and got dressed and headed out.

Later At Night*

I was laying down on a couch in the church the overseer stayed in and I was going through their stash of wine.

Kirei entered the room and looked at me and asked "Archer?".

I was sipping a bottle of wine when I then said "There are fewer bottles here than in Tokiomi's room, but of higher quality. Some apprentice he has.".

Kirei asked "What do you want?".

I said "Apparently, there were those, ...other than myself, with time on their hands.".

Kirei asked "Time on their hands?".

I said "Otherwise, a Master under Church protection... would hardly need wander about.".

Kirei asked "What are you talking about? Are you dissatisfied with your contract, Gelda?".

I said "Tokiomi invited me to this world, and he maintains my form here. And his greeting was worthy even of my Big Brother's station. I had to respond to that. But I never thought he'd be so boring a person...".

Kirei asked "So, you are unhappy with him as your Master?".

I asked "To reach the Vortex of the Root? It's a bit of a tedious plan but not without it's merits.".

Kirei said "The desire for the Root... is unique to mages. It's not for outsiders to comment upon. In a sense, the path to the Root... is the path to an escape from this world. For us who are only interested only in the world itself, may well be a tedious plan.".

I said "Is that so... True, I have a curiosity for the universe that is my playground. I have great interest in realms that lie outside of my domain. This Root of yours may concern me when I care to concern myself with it.".

Kirei said "Perhaps, but the Grail is not a device specifically designed to seek the Root. When we say that it is omnipotent, ...we mean that it has limitless potential to alter even the material world.". 

I asked "So you're saying that the other Masters... have motives other than Tokiomi's for wanting the Grail?".

Kirei said "Tokiomi is an archetypal mage, and at the same time, ultra right wing. What the other Masters seek is success in the material world. Prestige. Desires. Power.".

I said "That suits a few people I know fine. My prestige is the title of Queen of Heroes. My power is my abilities you've seen already. And my desires are with the wish I want granted. But my question is what motivates you, Kirei?".

I took a sip from my glass of wine and then asked "What do you want of the Grail, Kirei?".

Kirei asked "Me?"

Kirei then got all defensive and said "I have no real desire for it.".

I said "I doubt that. Doesn't the Grail call only those who are worthy of it?".

Kirei said "So they say. But I do not understand. I have no ideal or other desire, so why choose me for this battle?".

I said "No ideal or other desire... Then why not wish for Joy?".

Kirei got agitated and asked "Ridiculous. Joy? You'd ask me to long for something that blasphemous and sinful?".

I asked "Blasphemous? Sinful? That's going a little far. Why draw a connection between joy and sin?".

Kirei said "I...".

I said "True, joy gained by evil means it could be a sin. But joy may be attained through good deeds, as well. What kind of philosophy calls joy itself a sin?".

Kirei said "Joy is another quality I lack. I seek it, but never find it.".

I mentally said "Now I just feel bad for the guy.".

I said "Kirei Kotomine... I actually find myself taking an interest in you.".

Kirei asked "What do you mean?".

I sat up and said "Just what I said. Be seated please.".

I set my glass of wine on the table as Kirei took a seat in the chair nearby.

I said "Joy, you see, might be thought of as a form of the soul. The question isn't whether it exists, but whether you know it. Kirei, you have yet to see what form your soul has taken. That's what it means when you claim you lack joy.".

Kirei asked "A mere Servant means to lectures me?".

I said "Don't get cocky, Kirei. These are words of a immortal who has seen all the pleasures and luxuries of the world has to offer. Hold your tongue and mark my words. Kirei, you ought to learn what pleasure is. Look first to the outside. I know... Why not begin by joining me in my entertainment?".

I poured some wine into my glass of wine.

Kirei said "I have no time to waste on trivialities.".

I poured Kirei a glass of wine and said "Don't be like that. You can do it between jobs Tokiomi assigns you. To begin with, Kirei, ...your task is to watch the five other Masters, yes?".

Kirei asked "What of it?".

I said "You should learn not only their plans but their strategies, ...but their motivations, as well. Then tell them to me.".

Kirei said "That would be possible if I asked the Assassins. But, Archer, what does it matter to you?".

I said "I told you. I have a wish. Besides that, I'm just curious about my opponents and their motivations for fighting a pointless battle against me.".

I downed my entire glass of wine and Kirei said "Very well, Archer. I accept. But it will take some time."

I said "That's fine. I shall be patient. And avail myself of these drinks...".

I dematerialized myself and teleported away leaving Kirei with a lot to think about.

1 Day Later At Night*

The Grail War was put on hold to go out and kill Caster which seemed unhonorable to go six on one.

1 Day Later At Night*

Diarmuid and Artoria were facing Caster while Diarmuid's Master attempted to go and take out Artoria's Master but Diarmuid's Master's Magic Circuits begun going out of control from what I could sense and they both had to retreat.

1 Day After That At Night*

Iskandar stopped by and invited me to his banquet he was going to have with Artoria.

I was in my golden armor watching Iskandar and Artoria discuss rank of Heroic Spirits through drinking.

I appeared and said "I have arrived for your banquet Iskandar and am still willing to converse." as I walked over to them.

Artoria asked "What's your business here, Archer?".

I smiled down at her as Iskandar said "Ah, I saw her in town, I figured I might as well invite her.".

Iskandar looked up at me and said "You're late, Goldie. Well, I suppose it stands to reason. You travel by foot, unlike myself.".

I turned to Iskandar and asked "You chose to hold a banquet of kings and queens in this depressing place?".

Iskandar said "Lighten up. Here, start with a drink.".

I took the cup from him and smelled it.

I said "This is not ale fit for Kings or Queens. Allow me to assist in this endeavor.".

I opened a Gate of Babylon and aimed it at the ground.

One of the golden jugs landed on the ground then I used a Gate of Babylon to summon 3 golden cups and I levitated them over to Iskandar.

I said "This is the true drink of a King or Queen.".

Iskandar said "A fine treasure indeed.".

I took a seat as Iskandar handed me and Artoria our drinks and then poured himself one.

Iskandar and Artoria took a drink from the golden cups.

Iskandar said "Magnificent!".

Artoria was speechless as I said "My treasury houses the finest drink and the finest of swords." as I then took a drink from my golden chalice.

I then held my drink close as I said "This alone should indicate which among us is the greatest of Kings or Queens.".

Iskandar said "Archer. Your finest drink is, indeed, worthy of the finest vessel. Unfortunately, the Holy Grail is not a drinking cup. First, we must hear what wish you would have the Grail grant.".

I said "You are not ruler here, Iskandar. Already, you violate the rules... dictating that we must fight for the Grail. To begin with, the Grail already belongs to me and my Big Brother. Before my Big Brother's death he showed me the Grail when a goddess wanted it for herself. According to my brother, all of the world's treasures, without exception, belong to him and me since they all remain within our shared treasury.".

Artoria said "Your words are of someone who sounds like she's lost a lot of people in her life.".

I looked down in sadness remebering Gilgamesh's death along with Enkidu's and then remembered Ozymandias's death and then Artoria's demise.

Iskandar said "Now let's not go that far... However, I believe I've got a clue to what Goldie's real name is. So, Archer... You suggest that if we desire the Grail, we should have your permission first?".

I said "You are correct and incorrect. My Big Brother would make you ask permission. Me on the other hand, I'll make you fight me for it.".

Iskandar said "You sound like a true warrior ready to do combat for what's hers and her brother's alone.".

I smiled and Iskandar asked "But, Archer, surely you have no special interest in the Grail itself, do you?".

I said "Of course I do. I need it to grant my heart felt wish.".

Iskandar finished his drink and set it down on the ground.

Iskandar asked "So then, Archer... what is your wish?".

I looked down in sadness remembering all the ones I cherished as I walked about the millennia's.

I mentally said "Gilgamesh, my first friend in this world where I had no memories. You showed me a place in this world that I never thought about before. You took me on adventures with you and Enkidu and we challenged gods just for the heck of it and we had the greatest of times that I'll never ever forget  .".

I mentally said "Ozymandias, Besides reminding me so much of Big Brother Gilgamesh, you had goals and wants of the world that were beyond your limitations and I respected you for that knowing that you'd have to face the world alone, but I knew you would just smile and fight, all of that made me think of you as a big brother like Gilgamesh was to me.".

I mentally said "Enkidu, being the only person I could ever confide in, you were wise and blessed to have understood me and Gilgamesh better then we knew ourselves. You also were the only person I genuinely thought Gilgamesh cared about besides me.".

I mentally said "Artoria, The only woman I ever loved in the 3200 years I walked this earth. You were as strong as you were beautiful. Strong willed and blessed with a sword that you used to carve your destiny. When I met you and got to know you, you ended up stealing my heart.".

Iskandar poured me another drink and I said "Of my 3200 years walking about this world, I encountered many individuals whom I came to love and respect as both friends and family. My wish would be to wish those 4 back to life along with myself so that we could all be together.".

Iskandar poured himself a drink and said "A noble wish indeed.".

Artoria looked at my sad face then turned to Iskandar and asked "King of Conquerors... You agreed that the Grail rightful ownership belongs to others, ...and yet you would take it by force? What makes the Holy Grail so important to you? What is your wish of the Grail?".

I turned to look at Iskandar with Artoria.

Iskandar drank his entire drink to get the courage and then said "Reincarnation.".

Artoria's expression lightened up and I was a bit confused.

Waver said "WHAT?!"

Waver ran over and said "Hey, wasn't your goal supposed to be world conquest--".

Waver was interrupted when Iskandar flicked him away.

Iskandar said "Idiot. As if I'd leave the conquering to some mere cup! Conquering the world is my dream to make true! The wish I would ask of the Holy Grail is but the first step towards that goal.".

I said "I understand your wish and desire for it. When I encountered you it was when you were alive conquering the known world. To want to conquer the whole world as it is now, I understand and would like to bare witness to it.".

Iskandar said "I am happy to hear it.".

Iskandar then took his drink up and chugged it.

I said "The matter is settled then, Iskandar. I shall await our fight with great patience.".

Iskandar giggled and said "Surely you don't have to remind me of the obvious at this point. I have every intention of plundering your storehouse bare, so get ready.".

Artoria close eyed said "That is hardly fitting of how a king should be.".

Iskandar sighed in confidence and said "Then let us hear what you would ask of the Grail.". 

I was curious about that myself.

Artoria said "I wish for my homeland's salvation. With the omnipotent wish granting device, ...I shall avert Britain's fate of destruction.".

I mentally sighed and said "It's to be expected that she'd put her people before anyone else. But it still stung a little when she said that.".

Iskandar put his cup down and asked "Hey, King of Knights. Did you just say you would change fate? Does that mean you wish to change the past?".

Artoria said "Indeed. Even if it is a wish that a miracle alone cannot fulfill, ...if the Holy Grail is truly omnipotent, then surely...".

Iskandar interrupted her and asked "Um, Saber... Just so I am clear on this... It was during your time that this country Britain fell? When it was under your rule?".

Artoria said "Indeed. That is why I cannot allow it. That is why I regret it. I want to alter that outcome! For it was I who was to blame, and no other!".

I had a flashback of the plains of corpses, Mordred dying by Artoria's lance and soon enough me clinging onto Artoria's dead body.

Iskandar asked "Saber. Surely you do not mean... that you would erase the marks you yourself have left on history?".

Artoria got all uppity and defensive and said "I do! Why should that bother you? Why do you question it? The country that gave me my blade, to which I devoted my life, was destroyed. Why should it be strange for me to find that sad? Why is it questionable?! To ensure their country's prosperity, a king should be willing to make any sacrifice.".

Iskandar said "No. The king does not devote himself. It is his nation and the people who devote themselves to the king. Not the reverse.".

Artoria said "What? Those are a tyrants words!".

I said "It is true of what Iskandar says. Of the few Kings and Queens I've known, their countries devoted themselves to their respective leaders and they had long reigning prosperity.".

Iskandar said "My words may be that of a tyrant. But we are heroes because we are tyrants. However, Saber, ...if a King or Queen regrets his or rule or it's end, ...that King or Queen is nothing but a fool. Even worse then a tyrant.".

Artoria said "Iskandar, your reign ended with your heirs slain, ...and your empire dissolved into three parts. You have no regrets of that end?".

Iskandar said "None. Not if it came to pass by my judgement and my retainer's sacrifices... It's destruction was inevitable. I shall mourn it. And shed tears over it. But I shall never regret.".

Artoria said "You...".

Iskandar said "Let alone undo it! Such an act would be an insult to all who fought alongside me!".

Artoria said "Only warriors can find glory in destruction!".

I said "Not true. I found glory in the midst of combat with people who's ideals guided them. I found glory in the conquering of the known world back in certain times. I found glory in helping the people of the kingdoms I aided.".

Artoria looked down at me and asked "But of what is a King or a Queen who fails to protect the powerless? A just rule, with just laws... Those are the true duties of a king!".

Iskandar asked "So you, the King, are a slave to what is right?".

Artoria said "That is acceptable. A King is the martyr to their ideals.".

I said "That is not how a person should live.".

Artoria said "If I rule the nation as king, I cannot expect to live as a person. King of Conquerors, seek the Grail merely for your own benefit. You could never understand... You who became a ruler only to satisfy your endless greed.".

Iskandar set his drink down and angrily said "A king without greed is even worse than a figurehead!".

Iskandar calmed down a bit and said "Saber. You said you would martyr yourself for your ideals. In life, you must have been a pure saint. A proud and noble figure, certainly. But who can truly admire the martyr's thorny path? Who dreams of such an ending? A King... The King must be greedier than any other. He or she must laugh more loudly and rage for longer. He must embody the extreme of all things, good and evil. That is why his retainers envy and adore him. And why the flames of aspiration, to be as the King is, ...can burn within his people.".

There was a brief silence until Iskandar said "Proud King of chivalry... the righteousness and ideals you embraced... may indeed have saved your nation and her people once. However, ...surely you must know what became of those... who were saved by you, but left to fend for themselves.".

Artoria asked "What are you saying?".

Iskandar said "You saved them, but you never led them. You never showed them what a King should be. You abandoned your men when they lost their way. Then, alone and troubled, followed your own pretty little ideals. Thus, you are not a true King. You are only a little girl, ...enraptured by a false idol of a King who serves others, ...but not themselves.".

Artoria on the brink of tears said "I... I...".

Artoria soon grabbed Excalibur as we all sensed the approaching threat.

All one hundred faces of Hassan soon appeared all around us.

Artoria's and Iskandar's Master's hid behind them.

Iskandar asked "Is this your doing, Golden Girl?".

I said "Tokiomi humiliates himself.".

Waver asked "Why are there so many Assassin's?".

I stood up and said "The one hundred faces of Hassan. Hassan-i Sabbāh or Hassan as-Sabbāh was the founder of the Nizari Ismaili state and its fedayeen military group known as Order of Assassins. Hassan-i Sabbāh was a missionary who converted the people of the Alborz Mountains of northern Iran to Nizari Isma'ilism in the late 11th century. Hassan, the founder of Nizari Ismailis in Persia, was designated by Marco Polo using a Syrian equivalent term known in Europe at that time, as Elder or Old Man of the Mountain.".

Hassan said "We are the one, become many. A Servant who is many and also one. But a Servant who is one, with many... shadows.".

Iskandar said "Even those rude enough to interrupt our banquet... may yet show us which is the greatest king.".

I asked "So I suppose you'll invite them to your banquet, Iskandar?".

Iskandar cheerfully said "Of course. The king's words are for all to hear. If they have come to listen, matters not if they are friend or foe.".

Iskandar held up the cup of ale and said "Now, don't hold back! Any who would speak with us, come forth and take a cup. This drink is as your blood!".

A knife was chucked at Iskandar and the ale spilled on his shirt.

I opened two Gates of Babylon and pulled my unamed Gáe Buide and Gáe Derg out.

Artoria said "Those are Lancer's spears.".

I opened two other Gate's of Babylon and had my unamed Gáe Assail and Gáe Bulg at the ready.

I said "Such insolence in the face of us Kings and Queens. You must all be punished.".

Iskandar stood up and said "I agree with that statement as well. As I said, this drink is as your blood. If you insist on spilling it... then so be it.".

There was a massive wind and Iskandar suited up in his armor.

Iskandar said "Saber! Archer! Here is our banquet's final question. Does a king stand alone?".

Artoria said "The king must indeed be alone!".

Iskandar said "No, you don't understand at all. I suppose I'll have to show you... exactly what a real King is. Archer, leave this fight to me.".

I smiled and said "Very well then." as I dematerialized my four unamed Celtic spears.

We were enveloped in a light and we soon enough appeared in a sandy desert.

I looked at Artoria who was holding her adorable Master close to her.

Her cute Master asked "A Reality Marble? That's impossible. A mental image materialized into the real world?".

I turned to Iskandar as he said "My armies once rode across these sands. The place all the heroes who stood with me, ...through joy and sorrow, will never forget. I can make this world real... because it all exists within our hearts!".

I turned and saw an army approaching us.

I took this chance to gaze into Artoria's memory and her cute little Master's with a little ability of mine.

A Few Weeks Prior In The Snowy Castle*

Artoria's POV*

Shadows crept through the gap under the great wooden doors of Irisviel's reading room, square blocks bobbing rhythmically into the felt-covered floor, like someone was inside the room walking back and forth. 

I hugged the wall, and on silent feet padded my way to the doors. 

The burnished oak, ruddy and ancient, warmed to my touch and, as I cracked one door open, I was given way to a sliver of flickering light, through which I could make out just barely, in the throng of shadows, a fuzzy silhouette kneeling before the flaming mouth of a fireplace.

I said "Irisviel?".

Irisviel chimed "Oh, Saber?" in a pleasant voice. 

Irisviel pleasantly said "Close the door, won't you?"

I still lingering at the doorway said "You're not sleeping,".

Irisviel, without turning around, gestured to me and said "Come here. Sit."

I hesitated, glancing at the stagnant shadow on Irisviel's back, its outlines flicked by the firelight, before taking a seat at the edge of the floral Prussian carpet, where clumps of shimmering golden threads furled into thick knots. 

Irisviel smiled playfully and kept patting the gilded sepals of a hand-stitched lotus until, with dignified awkwardness, I scooted close enough for our knees to touch.

The blizzard picked up outside, splattering snow on the windows, but the room remained insulated by the large fireplace. 

It was the only Hellenic artifact in the room: a granite hearth, from which white fluted legs rose tall to shoulder a solemn turntable, A choir of angels emblazoned the frieze with fire lit eyes, spreading their several wings across the marble band to cast proud shadows that, with each flicker, dipped into bordering ridges to form tears.

But many other things were old here. I—my name, for one. Knowing that I chose to lead a man's life under the prophetic weight of Britain's crown, the last person to call me Artoria had taken it to the grave alongside me, as if my name was a secret meant to be chiseled away from the rest of the world. Which might as well be true; I had not been Artoria in a long time, not after I lost Gelda.

If Gelda was dead in her history, then Irisviel was timeless in the now. 

Even to a Servant Irisviel looked out of this world. 

To me, she looked like the human reincarnation of an albino rabbit I had once caught hiding between two apple stalls, where it surreptitiously nibbled on any shiny strays that rolled down the box. Its ruby eyes glimmered in the dark and I was compelled, as if by divine hand, to set it free in the neighboring rain forest. 

Later, when I'd stopped setting things free, I learned that animals that raised themselves around humans did not fare well in the wild, as though straying too close to humanity tainted something precious inside them—no longer could they return to their origins, not their home and not the soil and clay that bore them.

Irisviel murmured "Sorry I'm not much of a conversational partner today. Is this what they call 'a case of the winter blue's?". 

Snow white hands tossed in a log of firewood. On its crackling bark, fresh embers sputtered to life and splayed gold streaks that jolted on Irisviels cheeks as Irisviel yawned.

I said "You are tired. I suggest you get some more sleep. We still have a few hours until first light.". 

Irisviel glanced at me with a devious smile. "Yes... I should rest, shouldn't I?"

Before I could react, Irisviel plopped her face onto my lap.

I nervously questioned "I-Irisviel?".

Irisviel said "Let me rest, Saber. We only have a few more hours left to us, as you said." as she shifted until she was gazing wistfully at the fire, her hands curling around my knees.

I was rendered silent by the warm weight on my lap, all I could do was nothing but sit still. 

Our time here was reaching the end, and I too was seized by the need to indulge. 

Something stirred inside me, beneath thick cobwebs cloaking the annals of my mind, a foggy memory of Gelda and Guinevere, who had also once laid atop me, warm with wine and heavy with desire.

I heard Irisviel say "Saber?"

I snapped down to Irisviel's face. 

Her face, a marble landscape graced by solar hues, her silver white hair glimmering like the sea at the cusp of dawn, her wine-red eyes mirroring bare, raw wants. 

I looked at her—earnestly.

Irisviel asked "Are you tired?".

I smiled and said "No, my lady.".

Irisviel said "Good." as her palm cradled my cheek and I was compelled, as if by divine hand, to lean in. 

Irisviel smiled back, and closed the distance and kissed me but I could not pull away.

Back To Present*

Gelda's POV*

I was deeply hurt and saddened by the acts I bore witness to.

We were back in the real world after Iskandar and his army devastated the Hassan's. 

I said "I must take my leave. I'm sorry Iskandar but I've been betrayed and now I must take my leave to sooth my broken heart.".

Artoria was about to say something but I dematerialized and teleported away.

I appeared in my room and I drenched over to a wall where I sat down and begun crying.

My heart is broken and drenched in sorrow yet my wish will not change.

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