Bendy and Boris in The Inky M...

By ThisAnimatedPhantom

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Bendy and Boris are humble mechanics until the day came that their lives kinda blew up. Now the pair find the... More

Book One: Quest for a Cure - Chapter 1: The Last Normal Day
Chapter 2: Who Gives a Hoot?
Chapter 3: When Peaceful Days End
Chapter 4: When Pigs Come Knocking
Chapter 5: A Q&A That Leads to More Qs Than As
Chapter 6: Detective Featherworth Learns Too Much
Chapter 7: Pack a Bag
Chapter 8: The First Step
Chapter 9: It's Time For Animaniacs!
Chapter 10: Scary Spots
Chapter 11: Following the Tracks
Chapter 12: A Busy Day
Chapter 13: They're Back
Chapter 14: It All Goes Down Tonight!
Chapter 15: Who Has The Key
Chapter 16: Things Go as Well as Expected
Chapter 17: Goodbye Warnerburg
Chapter 19: A Certain Casino
Chapter 20: Warners vs. Cupbros
Chapter 21: Toon Town...FINALLY!
Chapter 22: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Book Two: The Voodoo Queen - Chapter 23: A Cup Half Full
Cars and Newspapers

Chapter 18: The Mess Left

95 6 0
By ThisAnimatedPhantom


Oh my stars. T-T
The Warners laugh madly. They can't breathe it's so funny.
Well everyone, the vote is in. And it was close.
"It was a tie!" Yakko laughed.
It was broken just before I posted this!
"Y-you." Wakko fights to breathe. "You were looking for a quarter to flip."
Shuddup! It was broken! A choice was made. Geez.
Thank you, everyone that voted and commented. Just like the morons said, it was dead even until just a little while ago. I thought the universe was out to mock me again.
"No just us." Dot smiled.
So, looks like Alice won by the skin of her teeth. It's still not gonna be the chapter anyone is expecting. ;3 But that's the fun of it. Don't worry, everyone that wanted to see Toon Town, we will probably still get there by the end of that chapter...prolly. Don't worry, it's not a huge come in either. It's in honor of chapter three of BATIM coming out next month, so more of a Stan Lee kinda cameo. I am so excited for that next chapter! Meaty is awesome. XD
"How about you go enjoy the chapter. The ghost is gonna go get lost in a fan freak out." Dot rolls her eyes and point down.


Featherworth groaned, her beak turned toward the ceiling and her feet propped up on the desk. Ringtail sat across from her with her head in her folded arms. Both detectives had dark circles under their eyes. They had spent the night and all morning doing the raid and then trying to find the fleeing boys. They had just returned after discovering the car abandoned in the tree house of a very livid squirrel.

"Oh, come now, you two! You helped bust one of the biggest theft rings of the century. Why in the world are you so low?" Officer Jones demanded as she placed two steaming cups of coffee on the desk.

"We didn't get our men," Ringtail's muffled voice replied.

The old woman scoffed. "That's hardly a reason to be throwing such a fit."

"How did it even get up in that tree? There were no broken branches to suggest it's launched trajectory," Featherworth muttered as she stared up at the ceiling blankly.

"Magic!" Ringtail threw her arms up. "Who cares? The point is they're gone. Again!"

Officer Jones huffed, "You two make the sorest winners I have ever seen."

Featherworth tilted her head down to see Ringtail bristle and flash her fangs. Before the raccoon could do something to get them in trouble Featherworth spoke. "This isn't a victory ma'am." She sat up and pierced the older woman with her gaze. "That is the second time they've slipped past us. They are wanted for murder and we believe they are involved in a case that has been going on for two years now. If we are correct, then the lost lives of over a dozen people can be linked to this case."

The woman raised an eyebrow and her wrinkle framed eyes widened. "But they were a couple of boys! Kids even! They hardly seemed all that dangerous."

"And yet they come smashing out of a warehouse full of stolen property in the middle of an ongoing shoot out." Ringtail swung a hand that matched her sarcastic tone. "Completely innocent, little good doers."

The officer huffed and turned away. She stopped at the door and looked back at them. "The commissioner wants you at the press release this afternoon. Apparently, a journalist has been causing problems and the commissioner wants this handled before anything else is dragged out to the public that isn't under his thumb." She shut the door before either detective could comment.

"Oh for Pete's sake!" Ringtail thunked her head back onto the table. "Can't we get a break for five minutes!"

Featherworth chuckled weakly and sipped her coffee. It was a little too sweet, but would suffice. "You're acting like a rookie after their first full night. Don't you usually have sleeping problems anyway?" She tilted her beak back up to stare at the ceiling again.

"Shaddup." Featherworth heard her muffled mutter. There was no fire behind the words. Not even a spark. "They drove right past us. That pipsqueak cussing smiled at us!"

Featherworth snorted a weak laugh. "To be fair, he looked apologetic and just as surprised seeing us as us seeing him."

"You and your stupid good bird sight," the raccoon muttered.

"Just drink your coffee." Featherworth sighed. The crow heard her partner shuffle about and take her cup.

They had a thoughtful silence. Featherworth nearly dozed off when Ringtail's voice snapped her back to reality. "Hey, you said he seemed surprised to see us?"


"So, he wasn't expecting us. Probably didn't even know we were in town," she seemed to mutter to herself more than talk to the crow. "All that stuff and he just took his bag back? Well, that and that stolen car."

Featherworth hummed. "If that stock list was honest, there were also some missing jewels, collectable coins, and a couple of knifes."

"Think it was them?"

"Probably not." Featherworth sighed. "What are the facts again?"

"It's amazing how organized it seemed. Well, until some sorta tornado went through," Ringtail said. "How did it get that trashed? Only two places were riddled in bullets; our shoot out and a spot in the middle. There should have been a ton more people in there for it to get that messed up."

Featherworth hummed 'I don't know,' and drank more of her coffee by pouring it down her beak.

"How do you do that without choking?" Featherworth could practically hear the way Ringtail scrunched up her muzzle.

"You'd need a beak to understand," Joan said with a small smirk.

"Hmph," Ringtail grumbled. "Anyway, where was I?"

"A ton of people for the warehouse to be that messed up."

"Ah, right." She cleared her throat. "Then there were circular burn marks in some places."

"And on the car. Don't forget that," Joan added.

"Right. Then the boys were being shot at, maybe, by...who?" Rachel asked. The crow groaned.

"So many questions," she lamented.

Rachel chuckled. "It seems that is what those two are good at."

"And we also found that little bit of black residue on the front seat of the car." Featherworth sighed heavily.

"Which you think is that demon's condition getting worse," Rachel said and took a big gulp of her drink.

"It looks like ink. It's called ink illness." She shrugged. "So far, it's one of the few things that make sense."

"This case is getting crazy," Ringtail murmured. "No sense crying over questions. Best get some wink of sleep before the interview."

"Then why are we drinking coffee?" Featherworth asked.

Silence answered her.

"'Cause I'm an idiot."

"We're going to go talk to that bear in the asylum," Joan reminded her.

"I don't think I can go. They will absolutely lock me up. I'm losing my mind," Rachel said.


Saying Cuphead was angry was like saying a bucket of ice water to the face is uncomfortable. Cups couldn't believe those two had escaped. They had gotten away and so easily! When he discovered they were gone he'd taken his frustrations out on some nearby lowly nobodies that were yelling something about intruders and cops and such. It was the cops that had him and Mugs bail on getting more goods. Now, here he was again at this crummy bar, eating breakfast with no clue where they went!

Still, Cups felt the jewels in his pockets, he guessed it wasn't a complete bust. These would at least keep him and his brother nice and comfy for a while. It wouldn't help with this mess though. Just like in Sillyvision, those two had slipped the cops and vanished.

Cups had to admit it was almost entertaining how unpredictable those two acted. He thought back to that night and narrowed his eyes as he stuffed a fork full of eggs into his mouth. The short one had begun to duck before Cups had fired. Bendy had sensed his blast somehow. That had never happened before. The only people that knew to dodge had been people who knew what to expect, and the only one that had kept dodging had been that owl.

Beginners mistake, he mentally shrugged to himself. Anyway, bottom dollar was if he caught 'em off guard he could waste 'em easy. No one expects a blast coming from someone's finger. They always waited for him to try and pull a stupid gun. But not this kid.

Oh well, he would have to chase them down again and next time not let them get away. It was simple enough. They were either still in town or on the run again. If he couldn't find them then he would go for their little friends and make them talk. If he couldn't find any of them then they left. He didn't want to think beyond that point.

"Hey bro!" Cups looked over to see Mugs rushing to him with a newspaper. He raised a brow at his younger sibling. Mugs had always found the paper boring. "Look! Look!" Cups lifted his drink and plate as his sibling slammed the paper on the table upsetting everything on its surface by the force. Several others looked over to them in the ruckus. Cups only gave them a quick glare before setting his things down and looking over what Mugs was pointing at excitedly.

It was the front page. The picture caught his attention first. It was the car that the squirt, wolf, and others had escaped in. It sat suspended in the branches of a large tree. Cops were standing around, looking up at it. There was a very ticked off squirrel that seemed to be yelling at them.

Cups glanced up at the headline and nearly burst into laughter. Speed Demons Escape. Oh man, that was priceless. Maybe there was something here that could help them out. Cups looked up to is little bro. "Nice find, Mugs." The other glowed at the approval. Cups went back to eating while he read through the article.

Last night a high-speed chase took off in the street of Warnerburg. The police had been hot on their tails when the individuals in the car started throwing pies, of all things.

Cups had to bite his lip again. The heck were these people he was after? This was hilarious.

The strange choice of projectile proved effective, however, in both blinding the police in pursuit and in slipping up the cars. The police lost them at a seemingly dead-end turn at the Odd Corner Way. They had, seemingly, vanished until the reappearance of the car in Miss Slappy's quiet tree house. Miss Slappy had this to say, "Mad? Of course I'ma mad! There's a car in my house! Dang Warners did this! Who else is this-this-ugh! Look, this used to be a decent enough place to live. A little too many people, sure, but there used to be a time when I didn't have to come out every morning to check the roof of my home, ya know? I didn't have to worry that some young spittins are stuck up there or a star fallen car! This is the last straw! I'm giving those Warners a piece of my mind."

The Warners Miss Slappy mentions are three local agitators, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner. They are well known in Warner Studio and throughout the city for their pranks and strange humor. There is no definite evidence of their involvement, but the police admit these events matches their m.o.. They had no further comment.

Cups skimmed through the rest. He already knew what the whole warehouse deal was, it didn't even seem to be mentioned. Excuses for the police, accusations, speculations, and blah, blah, blah. He flipped through the rest to be sure, then pushed it aside. The Warners. It was a start. Cups finished the last of his coffee and went to pay. It was a tall fella that took his money, seemed a little on the dumb side and older then Cups. He inquired after the Warners and got some more interesting information. They had caused a scene at the junction of Main and Transverse, near the train station. Cups smirked.

"And when did they do that?"

"Not too sure, sir. May been 'bout seven this mornin'," the man said. Cups grinned.

"Thanks. Oh and one more thing. Where can I find the Warners?" Cups asked lightly. The chump gave him a look like he had gone mad.

"Y-you don't want to find them, sir. They're an unstable lot," the man stuttered. That didn't really matter to Cups. He had to be sure that the schmucks weren't in on the brother's mess. Otherwise, he would get another harsh 'talking to' from the boss and have to come back here anyway. Just like that damned bird. No, better to cover all the bases now.

Cups gave the man a lazy stare. Then he dropped a bit of ice in his tone. "I'll be the judge of that. Where are they?"

"War-Warner Studios. The water tower! But you really don't want to go there, sir!" he said so quickly that he seemed to forget to breathe.

"C'mon Mugs." Mugman grinned and stood up to rush out the door. Cups was not far behind him.

"Where we headed bro?" Mugs asked.

"There are two ways we could go. We either go to the station and look at the destinations of the trains that left 'bout the time that ruckus 'appened 'r we go see these Warner characters," Cups said.

"Why the station?" Mugs tilted his head with a confused furrow in his brow and finger raised to his chin.

"I think they were causing a distraction for those schmucks to sneak on a train," Cups said.

"Ooooh." Mugs beamed. "You're so smart Cups!"

"I know. So, I was thinking of going to the Warners," Cups said putting his hands in his pockets.

Mugs grinned. "That sounds like berries to me, bro."

"I thought you'd like that choice better." Cups smirked. "Let's go."


It hadn't been hard to find. It was kinda a sore thumb in the studio. Mugs and Cups had a little problem with the flat tire of a guard. Before Cups could do anything, Mugs had broken the guy's hand and knocked him out. That's what happens when people try to grab the younger brother. Cups only shrugged and they headed to the middle of the Studio.

They paused at the bottom of the rickety looking staircase and glanced up and up. Cups gave it an impressed whistle. It was a lot taller than he had thought. He turned his half lidded look to Mugs. "Ready?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" Mugs exclaimed and went up without any more hesitation. Cups watched the view change as they climbed. He liked the far horizon and the bright sky. The buildings stunk away and the cars seemed to become toy sized. It was a relaxing view, really. Before he knew it, they had reached the top. Mugs appeared around the side, giving Cups his most confused expression. He had a brow raised and his usual smile, which turned down in a small frown. He tugged his scarf up to his round nose, but the confusion still showed through his eyes.

"What's up bro?" Cups asked, stepping up next to Mugs. He looked up to the large WB logo on the water tower.

"There's no door or window or nothin'." Mugs pointed to the logo. "How do we get in?"

Cups raised his own brow at this. "Think that bimbo at the bar was pullin' our leg?"

Mugs shrugged. "M-maybe we just knock?"

Cups rolled his eyes as Mugs walked up to the logo and knocked twice. The metal made the knocks echo loudly. "You idiot. That's not gonna—." Suddenly the sign swung open and the two jumped back so they wouldn't be hit.

"Hello?" A high pitch voice asked. Cups smirked as he made eye contact with the little minx he recognized. She had hung out the window of that car and had taken a swing at one of his blasts with a bat. It had been funny to see the shock on her face. It was just like the shock she had on now.

"Hiya kitten," Cups said straightening up. "Long time, no see."


Xedo Tiptail adjusted his metal-rimmed glasses up his snout. He pulled out his little notebook from his bag and overlooked the notes he had taken so far. The journalist felt he was on the brink of the story of the century. The fox looked up the street to pass a circle of people that were watching a couple of performers. He would have liked to watch too, but he had a conference to get to. He felt the companion he had with him slow to glimpse into the crowd.

"C'mon along Wiston. We don't want to be late," Xedo said.

Wiston made a complaining sound. "But those things are boring! Can't I stay here and watch this instead?"

Xedo gave the younger fox an unamusing glare. "And let you burn down the entire shopping district?" Wiston grinned, showing his sharp canines to the elder fox. "I don't think so pup."

"Don't call me that." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Then don't act like one," Xedo shot back. The journalist turned back to his notes. He had done a little research on the detectives that would be speaking. He had been interested since they had come from his home city, Toon Town, and it was odd for them to speak on the local affairs. He knew them of course. These two women had been a big claimer for some time until they suddenly slipped the spotlight and their big bust stories stopped a little over a year ago. He hadn't quite been able to find the reason for their sudden arrival here except possibly two criminals from a small town. What was it? Ah, there it was, Sillyvision, that's right. But once again what did that have to do with two big city detectives with reputations like theirs? No, there was definitely something going on here that the police weren't talking about. That's why he got the ticket to Warnerburg the very same day these events were presented to him.

He was equally pleased and frustrated by the facts he had been able to collect so far. It seemed that local trouble had mixed and muddled the larger affairs, which only added to confused accounts by witnesses only looking at the surface events. He had found the most recent wanted posters for the two from Sillyvision and had tried to piece together the activities of the two detectives that would link them together. Sadly, all he had found was a high-speed chase, a bear gone crazy, and a list of local muggings and robberies. The first two events were speculated to be tied into three individuals called the Warners, or as Xedo saw it, local trouble. Nothing seemed to tie together yet.

Speaking of trouble. Xedo looked up from his notes and narrowed his predator eyes. It was too quiet. He looked to his side to confirm his fear. Ah yes, the little firebrand was gone. Xedo slowly turned his head, looking for any sign of a fox tail or fire in any direction. He could see the location of the conference tantalizingly near. Xedo sighed and thought. If he were Wiston, where would he go? What would he do? Well, he could have gone back to the performers to just innocently watch their little show. Xedo looked back up at the conference location. It would be nice to think that.

The fox made his way into the conference building and showed them his identification papers. The old woman that was helping him gave him instructions to the room in a nasally and not quite pleasant voice. Xedo made his way in, but instead of entering the audience section that the reports were expected to be in he headed to the section behind the small stage and podium.

It only took him a moment to find the pointed ears of a fox standing in front of one of the stage curtains holding up a lighter. Wiston was flicking it.

Xedo cleared his throat, causing the other fox to jump and fumbled with the lighter, nearly dropping it. "Big brother! What are you doing here?" Wiston asked way too nervously to come off as innocent.

Xedo blinked with an unamused frowned on his muzzle. "Come along, you pyro. Hand it over and let's get out of here."

"I-I." The fox's ear dropped and a look of panic came across his face as his eyes widened. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

The journalist sighed and gave him an exasperated glare that practically said 'really?' as he put his hands on his hips. "The lighter, Wiston. Just give me the lighter. We don't want to be caught back here by the police, now do we?"

Wiston's shoulders dropped in defeat. "No sir." He slowly, painfully stretched out his hand. "Can't I at least flick it once? I won't light anything!"

Xedo snatched it away. "No, no. We wouldn't have any of that here. Now, let's get to the right side of this so I can ask som-."

"You! What are you doing here!" Xedo turned to see the familiar snarl of Detective Rachel Ringtail a foot from his face. He inconspicuously slipped the lighter into his pocket.

"Ah, Detective. It's so good to see you again," Xedo said, completely unfazed.

"Cut the pleasantries. Why are you here?" she demanded again.

"I heard there was a story out here. What a great surprise to find some of Toon Town's greatest out here of all places." He smiled and adjusted his glasses.

"Why you little—."

"Hello again, Mr. Tiptail," Featherworth interrupted her partner. Xedo nodded in greeting. Detective Joan Featherworth was a harder nut to crack than her partner. Ringtail's short temper was easy to stirrup and get good leads from, but the crow clammed up and was excellent at diverting a conversation or dodging questions. Xedo had forgotten how difficult it was to follow these two while they were on a case. When he had, it had been some of the more...exciting moments of his career. He felt a thrill shoot from the tip of his bushy tail to the top of his pointed ears.

"Hello, Detective Featherworth. I am glad you both seem to be doing well," Xedo said with a pleasant smile. He felt a tiny brush of his pocket.

"Very well. My partner does have a point to ask, why are you back here?" The crow gestured and Xedo felt his tail give an embarrassed flick.

"We had just taken a wrong turn. I look forward to the conference," he said. He clamped his paw down on the other furry hand that had tried to reach for the lighter within. He grinned at the two detectives as he dragged his younger sibling out of the room by the paw he had captured.

"That's not what I meant! How did that sly fox find us!" he heard Detective Ringtail snap at her partner. Sadly, the fox couldn't listen in. He had his own riffraff to deal with. He gave the younger fox a sharp glare. Wiston looked sheepish.

"Did you try to pickpocket me?" he asked.

"Uh, no?" Wiston sunk his head into his shoulders, trying to look as small as possible.

"I taught you how to do that." Xedo rolled his eyes.

"Hehe. Sorry?"

Xedo sighed and dragged the other into the conference room on the correct side. He found their seats, pleasantly near the front. He hissed to his younger brother. "Just no more of your antics until this is over. Do you hear me? Try anything and see if I ever take you out of the city again." Wiston slumped in his seat with a heavy pout.

"Hello." Another reporter sat next to Xedo. She was a pretty little canary bird. "I'm sorry. I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new?" she asked conversationally.

Xedo smiled kindly. "I've come to visit. I'm Xedo Tiptail from the Toon Town Times."



Warnerburg is a mess of questions! And it's all thanks to the boys and the Warners.
"You're welcome," the three say together.
I wanted to have more of our Cupbros, but I decided to cut it there for it's own chapter. XD Still those two are the closest to catching up to the boys if they survive the Warners!
I also brought in two new OCs. Xedo and Wiston are actually from Twinfeather. I've decided that when I need a new OC I'll ask one of you awesome people if you want to help out! Your opinions and thoughts matter here! The story thrives because of you! So, thank you for everything you give, even if it's just coming back to read. You make a little soul happy. ^^
You three are being oddly quiet.
"You're giving us an entire chapter to play with," Yakko said.
"We can be nice for a note or two." Wakko shrugged.
What have I done?
Whelp, that being said let's get back to our Bbros.
All aboard for next week!
TAP out.
(And don't be mad at Mercowe. It's my fault for being slow, so it's unedited until that majestic beta blesses it with amazing grammar and correct punctuation. Mercowe, my angel!!)

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