seesaw || y.k

By asracore

52.9K 2.3K 391

❝alright, a repeating seesaw game it's about time we put an end to it❞ yoongi feels like he is on a seesaw. f... More

• 십일•
•the end!•


1.2K 57 16
By asracore

jungkook went to go after yoongi swiftly, but was stopped by namjoon's deep voice; "leave him for a bit, kook. he needs some time alone."

jungkook swivelled around, face sombre and almost enraged. "he cut this morning, hyung, he can't be alone!"
"he'll be fine, i can just feel it."
jungkook sighed, exasperated, starting to pace back and forth.

the boys watched him, eyes following his every move, all of their faces concerned for both him and yoongi. "he loves someone." jungkook muttered, hand coming up to his mouth and starting to nibble on the skin around his nails.

"yeah, he does."
jungkook looked saddened, almost, by the confirmation of the feeling. he sat down between taehyung and jimin again, taking the remote off of jin before doing so and unpausing the film and molding into the couch cushions.

he started to think.

forty minutes later the film was over and jungkook sprang to his feet, ignoring the calls of the others and making his way up to his- their- room. he knocked gently on the door, the sound resonating in the silence that filled the house.

jungkook waited there, feet shuffling and fingers fiddling, until he heard movement from inside and the door opened to reveal a fragile-looking yoongi.

his eyes were tinted red, the skin around and underneath them puffy. his hoodie swallowed up his body and made him look even smaller than usual. he kept his eyes to the floor as he muttered, "what do you want."

you, jungkook wanted to reply, i want to be able to kiss you and hug you until all of this is over, hold you close to me and comfort you when you cry. he didn't say any of this, instead saying, "i sleep in here too hyung."

yoongi nodded, hood drawn over his head, stepping to the side and letting jungkook walk slowly inside. the familiar room was coated in a warm glow, one lamp on next to yoongi's bed.

the shortest shut the door with a gentle click, walking over to the window and standing motionless in front of it. jungkook watched him do this with careful eyes, stepping forward silently and back hugging the elder.

his body and yoongi's combined felt right, as if a part of him had been missing before. the elder just let him cuddle up to him, feeling jungkook's chin rest on his shoulder and press a little kiss to the side of his neck; his lips lingered for a moment before pulling away.

jungkook still said nothing, feeling yoongi's body loosen against him and melt into his touch. after a while of this yoongi shrugged him off, the warmth of their combined body heat dissipating immediately afterwards.

jungkook grabbed his hand carefully and spun him around slowly, seeing the tears gathering in his eyes too late. "oh, honey..."
the taller, without any hesitation, brought yoongi into his arms and backed up onto one of the beds, until yoongi was curled in his lap and crying ever so feebly into his buff shoulders.

jungkook rubbed up and down his back, hands coming to rest on the small of his back just above his tailbone. yoongi eventually pulled his face out of his grip, giving him a shaky smile and wiping his eyes.

"thank y-you." his voice was husky and scratchy from crying, nose stuffy.

yoongi sniffed, locking eyes with jungkook and blinking a few times, "i really needed that."
"i know." jungkook murmured peacefully, trying to keep his voice level as not to disturb yoongi any more.

the elder's smile faltered, drops of regret bleeding into his expression. "you shouldn't be here right now. i yelled at you and you don't deserve that..."
"no, hyung, i'm here because you need me."

yoongi nodded, noticing jungkook lean down the smallest amount and close a tiny distance between their faces. "you need me, and that's okay. i'll always be here for you, hyungie, always, because i care so so so much about you."

the shortest noticed the sincerity in his words, opening his mouth to speak but being rendered speechless. "i know that you can be really hard on yourself and your work, but i'm here to tell you you're good enough."

jungkook blew out a tiny puff of air; was he really doing this now? confessing to yoongi now, of all times, when he could have planned better?

fuck it, he thought.

"i want you to know that... i care about you. a whole fucking ton, and i don't want anything bad to ever happen to you."
yoongi was slightly shocked; jungkook rarely expressed his emotions in this much detail, but he didn't know what the youngest was getting at.

jungkook rubbed his face quickly, locking his hands back around yoongi's waist. "i don't know why i'm doing this now. probably the worst timing ever, but that's fine..."

jungkook inhaled sharply, hand running through his hair, "hyung, i know that you're probably mad at me from earlier because of my comment, but i have to say this."

yoongi watched curiously.

"yoongi-hyung, the reason i care so much is because i like you."

jungkook's nerves were on fire, his cheeks flushed as he waited for yoongi's reaction. when he saw the elder hadnt moved he started to panic, ranting, "i know you probably don't feel the same but i just wanted you to know that i'm here if yo-"

he was cut off by the feel of yoongi's soft lips pressing hard against his own.

his hands pulled yoongi in closer, eyes sliding shut as yoongi started to move their lips together; slowly, rhythmically, emotions flowing through their bodies. yoongi's stomach was on fire with butterflies, jungkook feeling almost the exact same way.

yoongi's hand went to lock around his neck, moving slightly to bring himself in closer.

they had to separate for breath, both of them flushed and chests heaving. yoongi gazed up at jungkook with the biggest grin on his face.

"you don't know how long i've been waiting."

then he was being dragged in again, lips fitting into his as if they were a missing puzzle piece.

it felt right.

yoongi miraculously didn't feel so alone anymore.

a.n: yayyyy they finally kissseddddd WOOOO AND AAAHHHH 700 READSSS

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