Bechloe Oneshots

By yellowbagpackgirl

4.1K 133 27

Oneshots that will usually be based off from a song so if you have a song in mind, do not hesitate to let me... More

Song 2 You
That Should Be Me
Secret Love Song
Break Up in a Small Town
Break Up In A Small Town II
Valentines day
Author's Note
I Quit Drinking
My Last Will
Roll over, baby..

Ex to See

264 10 7
By yellowbagpackgirl

Beca and Chloe grew up in a small town in Georgia. They were next-door neighbors. Beca's family moved from New York when her parents decided to open their own vet clinic.
The two girls met when Chloe went into the clinic with her parents because her dog, Billie, got stung by a bee.
After learning that they were neighbors, the two girls were inseparable until they went to highschool.

Chloe became one of the popular girls at school because she joined the cheerleading squad.
Beca was popular too.  She was in a band that her cousin Jesse started. She played the guitar and did vocals as well.

They had the same classes but did not really hang out with each other anymore..
The occasional smiles and glances would often remind them how close they used to be.

It was a few months before prom and Chloe broke up with her boyfriend - well, ex- boyfriend now, Tyler and the whole school knew about it.
Word got out that Tyler cheated on Chloe with another girl from the cheer squad, Julia.
Chloe's best friend, Aubrey, was about to kick Julia out of the squad but Chloe managed to calm her down.

Beca heard the break up too and was sorry for Chloe. She had always hated Tyler. She found him to be way too cocky and arrogant.

One night, Beca got home from their band rehearsal as the school asked them if they could play a couple or more songs during prom, in which Jesse, Luke, the band's drummer and Emily, Jesse's twin sister and the band's keyboardist agreed on much to Beca's dismay..

"It's time for Chloe to hear your songs about her, dude.." Emily said as she nudged Beca's side..

"Shut up!" Beca said and gave Emily a smack in the head.

The band knew about Beca's feelings about Chloe. She discovered her feelings for the redhead when they were in eighth grade. That's when Beca finally came to terms with her sexuality. She kept quiet about it with the fear of Chloe leaving her and being disgusted with her. Beca managed to hide it when they started high school. She kept telling herself that her feelings did not exist. Now, she wished that she said something about it to Chloe. Since they started high school, Chloe became different.

Beca was about to go to her room upstairs when she heard the doorbell. It was around seven at night and she was pretty sure her parents are still in the clinic. And she's pretty sure that they each have a key to the house and would never ring the door bell.

Sighing, Beca walked towards the door and opened it and was surprised to see the person waiting for her..

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" she asked, raising both her eyebrows. It's been a long time since Chloe came over to the brunette's house.

"Hi, Beca.. Umm. I was wondering if I could hang out here for a bit? I forgot my house key in my room and no one's home yet.." Chloe replied, her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Can't you call your brother?"

"I can't. My phone died.. I was going to ask you as well if I can borrow a charger?"

"What phone do  you have?"

"Um. I got an iPhone.."

"Sorry. I only got one for an Android.."

Chloe knew that she's pushing her luck. It's very clear that Beca does not want her to hang out in which she understands. She completely ignored her during high school just because they have different interests and their friends run in completely different circles.

"Oh.. Okay. Never mind then.. Thanks.." Chloe said, her shoulders slumped. She turned her back to Beca and started to go back to her porch.

Beca saw this and cursed herself for what she's about to do. She saw the disappointment in the red head's eyes and that crushed her. And also the fact that it's cold outside and the image of Chloe waiting at their porch killed her.

"Chloe, wait!" she yelled.

The redhead turned and saw Beca motioning her to come inside. She smiled and hurriedly went back to Beca's.

"Thanks.." Chloe said when she entered Beca's house. She took off her jacket and set it on top of her bagpack that she carefully put down beside the couch.

"You hungry?" Beca asked as she was headed into the kitchen.

"Not really, but I'll have what youre having, Becs.." Chloe replies as she followed the brunette.

Hearing Chloe call her name gave her butterflies but she decided to put her walls up. She can't have Chloe know her feelings for her.

"Please. Don't call me that, Chloe.." she responded after an awkward air of silence.

"So-sorry, Beca.."

Beca turned her back to Chloe and opened the fridge pulling out slices of cheese on one hand and butter on the other.

"Grilled cheese sounds good?" Beca asked.

"Yeah sure.. thank you" Chloe responded with a small smile..

There was an awkward silence.
Beca can handle it but not Chloe.

"So..." Chloe started. "You going to prom?"

"Uh yeah. The band's playing so I have no choice.. you?"

"Probably not..."

"You're not going? But you've been nominated for prom queen?" Beca replied.

"Well.. the thing is, Tyler and I were going together.. um. You probably heard what happened..."

Beca nodded but didnt say anything. There was silence to which Beca was okay with but not Chloe.
Trying to end the awkwardness, Chloe decided to ask Beca something that's been bugging her since she went inside the Mitchell's house..

"Hey Becs?.."


"Do you wanna go to prom with me?" she mumbled..

Beca turned so she can face Chloe. She's not sure what she heard was right..

"What?" Beca's eyebrows furrowed..

"I said, do you wanna-.."

"Yeah I get that.. Umm. I, ah... why?"

Chloe was not sure either why she asked the brunette that.

"Why? Umm.. Never mind. Just forget that I asked.. it was stupid of me to do that.." Chloe said as she shook her head. She got up from the chair and went to the bathroom..
Locking the door, she rest her back on the door and took deep breathes..

"What were you thinking?" Chloe muttered to herself.
"Chloe. Open the door please" a muffled voice came from the outside.
Chloe took a deep breath and opened the door revealing a shocked but concerned Beca.

"I'm so sorry, Beca. I didnt mean to be that bold"
"Its okay, Chlo.."
Hearing her nickname again from the brunette made Chloe smile a bit and had her hopes a bit up.
"I was just shocked is all.. you know me" Beca said shyly.
"I know. I'm really sorry.. we can just go as friends you know? Just like the old times?" Chloe offered.
Beca raised her eyevbrows. Thinking this will be her only chance to ask Chloe to the prom, she pushed herself..
"I was thinking, Chloe.. would you go to prom with me?" Beca said, looking down.
Chloe find this funny. Beca still has her old habits
Beca was about to turn her back when Chloe spoke up again.
"No until you look me into my eyes, Becs"
"Wtf dude. You freakin' scared me. But fine.."
Beca made eye contact with Chloe. God she could stare at those bright blue eyes for days and never get tired of it.
"Chloe Anne Beale, would you go to prom with me?" Beca said, smiling shyly.
Chloe smiled widely and raised her right eyebrow.
"I would love to go to prom with you, Rebecca Mitchell"
"Oh man. Not my whole name!"
"Well you started it. You said my full name"
"Yeah yeah whatever, Beale. I'm assuming you have your dress already and want me to coordinate with you? Since the band's playing, I might go with a pantsuit. you know? So I dont have to  feel restricted?"
"As always, Becs. Well.. i have a black and burgundy dress"
"I'm sure I can find something"
"Good.. um. Shall we eat the grilled cheese thats been sitting on the counter for a long time now?" Chloe asked while giggling.
"Of course! I'm starving!" Beca said as she made her way to the kitchen..

Beca knocked on Chloe's and Mrs. Beale opened the door.
"Wow Beca. You look stunning" Mrs. Beale said.
Beca was wearing a burgundy pantsuit that just radiates power and her  badass-ness (*a.n: is this even a word? Lol)
She had her long hair in a wavy form and was pulled to one side. Her makeup of course was simple but she cant forget her signature dark eyeliner.
"Aw thanks, Mrs. Beale" trying to hide her blush
"Chloe! Your date's here!" Mrs. Beale yelled, calling Chloe from upstairs.
"You want anything ro drink, Beca? That girl still takes her time getting ready so might as well just relax" Said Mrs. Beale.
"I guess some things never change" Beca said which made Mrs. Beale nod and laugh in agreement. 

Beca was sipping on some non-alcoholic fruity champagne when Chloe came down, and as soon as Beca saw Chloe, her jaw dropped. 

Chloe was wearing a long burgundy and black dress that hugged her body. It also had a pretty long slit on the side which made Beca thought of Mrs. Beale allowing her daughter to wear that. Chloe had her red locks curled to perfection, and her eyes, wow. They were bluer than before if that was even possible. 

Chloe saw Beca's mouth still open and laughed and shooked her head. 

"You might want to close that mouth of yours, Mitchell. Don't want any flies to go in there" she said as she reached out her finger to close it. 

Beca, still in awe of Chloe, shook her head. "Right. Whatever, Beale" she said as she rolled her eyes. 

"Picture time!" Mrs. Beale said. The two posed like those from a cliché movies that Beca always hated but Chloe was having fun so she just went with it. Seeing Chloe laugh gave her butterflies. 


Beca and Chloe made their way to the venue of their prom which is considered to be one of the top hotels in Georgia. Beca pulled up her Jeep Wrangler onto the entrance of the hotel and gave the valet her keys. "Treat her well, dude" she said to the valet guy and in return, saluted which made Chloe giggle. 

"You really love her huh?" Chloe asked as they made their way to the hall. 

Beca was caught off guard. A million thoughts running in her head. "why would she asked that?" "Does she know my feelings for her?" she thought. 

"love who?" she inquired. "I'm not inlove with anyone" she said as Beca gave a nervous laugh. 

"uh. Your Jeep, silly" 

"oh. haha. yeah. I love her. She's the best thing that I got" Beca said out of relief. 

They were approaching the doors to the hall when Chloe suddenly pushed Beca into the corner wall. 

"woah Chloe. what's wrong?" 

"I, um. Becs.." 

"you good? you okay? Are you having second thoughts going here with me?" Beca asked with a laugh. 

"No. I mean yes. No. I mean yes I'm good and no, I am not having second thoughts. I just want to umm.."

Beca raised an eyebrow, waiting for Chloe to gather her thoughts. 

"Chloe, you look beautiful, okay?" 

Chloe smiled shyly as she tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"you're nervous?" Beca asked.

"A little, yeah" Chloe mumbled. 

"well, here's what we can do, we need to shake all those nervousness away and then-" 

Beca was cut off by with Chloe's soft lips right onto hers. Beca was shocked but at the same time, it felt really good, so she kissed her back. 

It was supposed to be a gentle kiss but Beca's hands automatically went to hold Chloe's hips and pulled her closer. Their little makeout session was put to a halt when they both hear someone cleared their throat. 

"I see you're finally together?" Jesse asked. Behind him was Emily and Luke smiling. 

"Uh. No. were not together.." Beca replied as she scratched the back of her head. 
"Whatever you say, but we saw what we saw" Luke said as he raised his eyebrows twice. 
"shut up, Luke" Beca jokingly said. "You guys might want to go ahead and check our instruments" she said 
"yes boss!" Emily said, dragging Jesse and Luke with her. 

"I'm sorry Beca" Chloe said as soon as the brunette turned to her. 
"Chloe. stop. if you're going to say that it was a mistake a spur of the moment, then dont say it" Beca said looking away from Chloe. 
"it's not a mistake.. i.. I like you, Beca.." Chloe confessed. 

Hearing this, Beca felt like she was on cloud nine. For years, she'd been waiting for Chloe to say. 

"rea-really?" Beca stuttered. 
"Yes, really.." Chloe said shyly, feeling her cheeks go warm
"Why didnt you say something?" Beca asked
"Because.. I'm not sure if you'll still talk to me.. " Chloe confessed.. "after I broke up with Tyler, I realized that I was not that hurting compared to when we stopped talking to each other. I always compare my boyfriends to you, but I didnt say anything to them. I was scared that  when they find out, they'll hurt you bad..." 
"Oh Chloe.. You have no idea how much it hurt me too when we stopped talking and hanging out.." Beca responded. "The truth is, I like you.. Ever since eight grade.. But I was scared that you'd be disgusted coz I know you're straight and I-..." 

Chloe cut off Beca by kissing her again. This time, it was soft and gentle. The kind of kiss that would give you butterflies and goosebumps at the same time. 

Chloe broke off the kiss. "You still think I'm straight?" she asked raising one eyebrow.
"Hmm. I dont know.. Maybe I need another kiss" Beca said teasingly. Chloe leaned in and kissed her again. 
"How about now?" Chloe asked again and laughed. 
"Maybe..." Beca said smiling.. "we should go in, Chlo. Prom's about to start.." 
"Okay. Let's enjoy our prom. But after this, were going to talk okay?" Chloe said. 
"Yes m'lady!" Beca said while saluting. 


The night is still young and all of the senior students are having the time of their lives. The prom committee did an excellent job organizing the event. After a few remarks from the principal, Beca's band played and the crowd was wild. There's a lot of dancing, jumping and singing. When it was time for the slow dance, Beca asked Jesse if she can leave and ask Chloe to dance. Of course, Jesse being the supportive friend, agreed. After all, the slow song only needs the piano which Emily took care of. 

Beca walked towards Chloe and asked her to dance with her which the redhead happily agreed. Beca did notice though that Chloe was all touchy and clingy. She would give her a quick kiss on the lips here and there, or sometimes would giver her a very deep kiss making everyone do wolf whistles or cheer them on. Beca could not be any happier, but in her gut, she thinks something is off. 

They danced and jumped and cheered. Making them a little sweaty but they didnt not care. Chloe was still being showy of her affection to Beca. They were dancing in the middle when Chloe excused herself to go to the bathroom. Beca wanted to stay and dance since Luke and Jesse  joined her while the DJ played music the rest of the night. 

"I'll be right back" Chloe said while giving a kiss to Beca. She winked then she strut her way to the bathroom. 
LEaving Beca with the two guys, Luke asked "So, what's going on between you and Chloe?" 
"I'm not sure yet. She told me she likes me and were going to talk about it after this.." Beca answered.
"But?.." Jesse followed..
"but nothing" Beca defensively said. 
"Come on, Mitchell. We've known you since eight grade. Something is bothering you.." Jesse said. 
"it's just that, Chloe seems very clingy and showy and I've never seen her like this.. Maybe I'm overthinking it.." Beca replied. 
"Just go and talk to her after. Who knows what she'll say right? After all, love is about taking risks, right? Luke encourage the small brunette. 
"Yeah, I guess you're right.. I should take risks.." Beca said.. 

*Meanwhile in the bathroom.. 

Chloe entered the bathroom so she can fix her hair and makeup. Upon entering, she saw Aubrey waiting for her. 

"So?" Aubrey asked. 
"Well, everything is going according to plan.." Chloe said as she looks herself into the mirror and fix her hair. "She thinks I like her.. I've gone the extra mile to be clingy and showy.." 
"Good. In no time, Tyler will come to you and beg you to take him back.." Aubrey replied. 
"I feel bad tho. I'm using my old bestfriend to get back to Tyler..." Chloe said. 
"Don't be. Unless you do have feelings for her?" Aubrey inquired. 
"Ugh. As if. I'm straight as fuck. You know that. Although she kisses nice.." Chloe said.
"we'll see.. just go with the plan, okay?" Aubrey said. 
"I will. Don't you worry.. I need to get back. Beca's waiting.." Chloe said
"I'll go with you. Brad's waiting for me too.." 
And with that, the two cheerleaders exit the bathroom, and with that, in the last stall, Emily goes out with shock and anger and disbelief. 
"How can they do that to Beca?" she thought. SHe hurriedly washed her hands and went out to talk to Beca. She can't stand seeing her friend get hurt really bad this time. 

Emily was walking towards Beca when she saw them making out. Emily's heart sank as she plans to tell Beca what she heard. 

"Hey, Beca. Can you help with something?" She asked. 
"what's that, EMily? Beca said, breaking away from the kiss leaving Chloe all whiny. 
"I, uh. Need help with the keyboard.." she said
"can't Luke or Jesse help you?"
"I can't find them. They probably snuck somewhere to drink their alcohol.." 
"aww. Okay. I'll help you.." she finally agreed. "Chlo, I'll be right back okay?"
"Hurry back, babe.." Chloe said seductively then walk away towards Aubrey and the other cheerleaders. 

Once they were in backstage, Emily decided that it's now or never. 
"hey Beca. I need to tell you something.." 
"okay. Can you tell me while we fix the keyboard?" 
"the keyboard is fine. I just need an excuse to get you away from Chloe."
"Huh? Why?" 
"Okay. Promise me you wont do anything and listen to me first?" Emily asked..
"Hmm. that depends.." Beca said
"I'm serious, Beca. Promise me you'll stay put until you hear me out"
"Fine. I promise.." Beca said, raising her hand as though she's pledging allegiance.
"okay.. good. so.. I was in the bathroom when I heard Aubrey and Chloe talk about you.." 
"okay.. how sure are you it's them" Beca asked. 
"I peeked through the little space in between the doors.. but that's not the point.. I think they're trying to use you so Chloe can get revenge to Tyler.." Emily finally said. 
"No... " all can Beca say.. "That's not true.. " Tears began to form in Beca's eyes. 
"I'm sorry Beca. I wish I was lying. But when do I ever lie to you.." Emily said, feeling sorry for her friend.
"I.. I knew something was wrong.. I can feel it in my gut.." Beca said, tears falling.. 
"I'm sorry.  I know you really like Chloe. When we saw you two earlier, i thought you're going to be happy together. I did not expect Chloe to do this to you..." Emily said as she hugged her friend. 
Beca wiped her tears and tried to gain composure. 
"it's okay, Ems. Thanks for telling me.. I knew it.." Beca said.
"what are you going to do?" Emily asked, worried that her friend might to something bad. 
"I guess this is it.. This is my sign.." Beca sighed. 
"No. Stop that. Aren't you going to wait till graduation?" Emily asked 
"They said they need an answer right away. And I was waiting for a sign. this is it..." Beca responded. 
"Well, as much as I don't want you to be away from us, I'll support your decision, Beca.." Emily said. 
"Thanks, Ems.. Now, I need to talk to Chloe.."
"Don't do anything stupid please.." 
"I won't. Dont worry.." Beca said and left. 

The prom ended and Beca took Chloe home. The redhead invited Beca to stay the night so they can talk right away in the morning.. Beca agreed. Chloe's mom was at work in the hospital anyway and Mr. Beale was in a business trip and Chloe's brother was out with friends and probably wont be home soon so they have the house to themselves. Beca called her mom saying she'll stay with Chloe since she's the only one in their house. 

They both went straight to Chloe's room and had a makeout session which was getting quite a bit heated but Beca stopped when she can't really move with her pantsuit so she borrowed clothes from Chloe and changed into something comfier. Chloe decided to do the same. 

Once they were changed, Chloe straddled Beca's lap and began to kiss the brunette's neck. Beca knew she can't do anything yet, she let Chloe do whatever she wanted. Chloe bit her ear, she grabbed Beca's hands and put it on her breasts which gave Beca the confidence to squeeze and knead and grab. Chloe began to grind but Beca pulled away. 

"Is everything okay Becs?" Chloe asked in confusion
"Uh yeah. Everything's fine.. I just feel that were going a bit fast, don't you think?" she replied while looking away.
"Oh. You're right. I'm sorry.." Chloe said as she got up from Beca's lap and sat next to her. 
"it's okay Chloe.. I know you have a high sex drive.." Beca chuckled. 
Chloe hit Beca's arm jokingly and laughed. 
"whatever Mitchell" Chloe said.  "maybe we can just cuddle then?" 
"sure sure. I'm the big spoon tho." Beca demanded. 
"Fine by me." Chloe said. 

They got into their positions, Beca cuddling Chloe. She can smell her fruity shampoo. "I'm going to miss this" Beca thought. And with that, both of them fell asleep right away. 


Chloe woke up with the sun peeking through her window. She looked at her clock and saw that it's almost noon.She turned to her side to see Beca but all she saw was an empty space and a piece of paper on the pillow. 

She stretched and finally took the piece of paper. She sat up and saw it was a letter. She began tp read: 

Dear Chloe

When you read this, I'm probably on a plane going to Los Angeles. You're probably wondering why. I got an offer from Universal Music. They like my songs that I mix and also my written ones. I was supposed to go after graduation but you gave me a sign that I should just go now.
You see, I like you ever since eight grade. That time, I knew I was gay. My parents and bandmates
know about it. I did not want to tell you because I was afraid you might be disgusted and stay away from me. We did, however, grew apart. You became the Chloe Beale that every boy wants to date. I'm just a nobody. Anyway, that night when you knocked and asked if you can stay in our house for a while coz you don't have a key, I was hesitant to let you in. Because I know I'm only hurting myself. But I did let you in because they might be a chance that you'll see me and be friends again. And we did. Then you kissed me and said that you like me. I was so ecstatic. It felt so good. You gave me hope and that I can believe in love again...

And then I learned you were only using me to get back at your ex. I know something was wrong. It was too good to be true. I knew it. You dont want me. You just want your ex to see.
It hurts me to leave like this, without us even talking. But I need time to heal myself. I wish you happiness, Chloe. Even if its not with me. I just hope you don't use someone again.
I can still be your friend. If you want to talk, ask Emily how to reach me. Depends on her if she'll give it to you. They know what you did.
All the best, Chloe, and congratulations on graduating.

Your friend,


"Shit. Why have I done..?" Chloe said as tears run down her face.. 



*AN: hi guys! Sorry I took so long to update. with the pandemic still going, I was busy juggling work and university. Also, I'm graduating and getting my degree on May! Finally. BUt tbh, I dont know what to do next, LOL. oh well. hope you guys enjoy this one-shot. It was inspired by Sam Hunt's Ex to See song. go check it out. 

Stay safe and healthy guys! 

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