Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unk...

Noonecame1212 tarafından

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Just as the title says, you are a lone robot who awakens inside a mysterious facility with no memories whatso... Daha Fazla

An Abrupt Awakening
The Same of Your Kind
You and I, We're Alike
First Night At The Orphanage
Operation Infiltration
My One Desire
An Undeniable Love
Shopping Trip Gone Wrong
An Unknown Battle
Long Cloistered Sleep
Just A Dream
A Haunting Thought
Graves Without Names
Truth or Lie? The Battle Begins
First Day Back
A School Day...Filled With Work
An Alternate World
The Culprit
When We Meet
A Story Told From A Box
An Overdue Fight
Tag Team Battle
The Fateful Encounter
It All Ends Here
Passing Time
Three More Days
A Race Against Time
This Is Snow
Loving What Is Unknown

Torn Apart

746 26 4
Noonecame1212 tarafından

Your eyes followed along the rain droplets as they dripped down the window panel, cleaning away at any impurities that were there beforehand. A soft sigh then escaped your lips and you sat there with a dull expression on your face.

"I want to go outside..." You muttered under your breath. Your father had overhead your silent request, and he watched you carefully out of the corner of his eye. He then grabbed his cane from the side of the armchair and forced himself into a standing position. You felt the sudden shift in your father's movements and looked behind you as he held his hand out to you.

"Come along, now. It's time for a change." He said. You silently observed the fake smile that always littered his face and took his hand. He then pulled you up and together, you walked towards a wooden door on the opposite side of the room. Your father leaned forwards and pushed open the door, revealing an entirely new yet sickeningly familiar world to you.

On the left side of the room, a line of buttoned shirts, dress pants, and suits were lined along the wall, hung up with protective plastic over them. On the other side of the room, a line of dresses of multiple styles were hung out on display. Below those dresses were multiple shoes of various colours. At the back of the room, a tall mirror was installed into the wall, giving you a full view of your body.

You eyed this room with dull eyes as you were nudged forwards by your father. Your mind was blank, and you felt empty inside as your father walked over to the feminine side of the room, scrolling through the multiple dresses. The pitter patter from the rain engulfed your senses, completely distracting you from your father.

"Y/n, come over here." You were knocked out of your thoughts, and obeyed your father's words. You approached him steadily and eyed the sun dress he held out for you. Did he want you to dress up for him AGAIN? "Well? Are you going to put it on?" He urged and shoved the pale blue dress into your arms. You took the dress from him reluctantly and gave him an annoyed look.

"Papa, why do you make me wear such nice clothes if you're not going to let me go outside?" You questioned him. Your father frowned at this, and turned his back to you.

"You know very well that you cannot. You will get wet from the rain." He warned. You stuck your lower lip out into a pout and slowly slid the dress over your head.

"It's been raining for two weeks." You mumbled and straightened out the dress. Your father's eye twitched and he looked back at you over his shoulder. You smiled down at the dress and twirled on the spot. "Well? Do I look pretty?" You asked him in a sing sang voice, and smiled up at him.

A frown appeared on his face, and he turned his body to the side and made a beeline for the other side of the room. Your plastic smile immediately dropped from your face and you watched him carefully.

"You look nothing like you're mother." He muttered under his breath and pulled out a simple button up long sleeved shirt and a pair of dress pants. He then walked over to you and threw the clothes into your arms. "Go on, put them on." You merely nodded and pulled the dress over your head. You then pulled your arms through the sleeves of the white button up shirt and pulled on the black dress pants. Your father watched you carefully as you did this, and he frowned with distress. You noticed this look, and cocked your head to the side.

"Father?" A look of anguish appeared on your father's face and he shook his head.

"No, you look nothing like me. Tell me, just who do you take after?" He gritted out and turned his body away from you. You stared at him nonchantly and looked down at your clothes with a vacant expression. You then turned your head towards the single window where the rain fell hard against it. Just who were you exactly...?


A drawn out sigh escaped Astro's lips as he sat with his arm holding up his chin in boredom. Standing before him was none other than his friends as they showed him multiple pictures of you for the hundredth time in the past two weeks.

"So? Do you recognise this picture?" Zane asked as he practically shoved it into Astro's face. Astro frowned and leaned back from his excited friend.

"For the last time, no! I don't recognise it. Why do you keep showing me this?" He questioned. Zane frowned and spared his friends one small glance before taking out another picture, and handing it to him.

"Here's a picture of both you and Y/n together. Do you not remember this?" He questioned. Astro rolled his eyes and took the picture from him. Honestly, he was tired of them pestering him about the same things. He looked down at the picture and his eyes widened in slight surprise for a moment. You had your arms wrapped around his neck as both you and him smiled into the camera. Astro furrowed his brows at this picture and scratched his head.

"This... What is this?" He breathed. Cora sat beside him and smiled down fondly at the picture.

"This is both you and Y/n when we went shopping together. We were getting them to try on clothes. Heh heh, Zane and I fought so much over what they should wear. This was right before they fell into their coma." She spoke. Astro felt a lump form in his throat, and he clenched the photograph in his hands tightly, creating creases in it.

"Say, where are they now?" He questioned. Cora blinked at him with a surprised look on her face. She then looked up at her friends with a hopeful look in her eyes, and turned back towards him.

"Um, we don't know, but what we do know is that they're with Dr L/n. He's the reason for your memory loss." She told. Astro's face fell at the mention of his name, and his eyes became downcast.

"Dr L/n... Why does that name....terrify me?" He wondered out loud, confusing Cora and the others. His face then flashed through his mind, making him jump in surprise. Cora rested her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her.

"Astro? Are you alright?" She asked. Astro breathed in heavily and swallowed hard.

"Y-yeah. Uh, I...need to head on home. I'll see you guys later!" He exclaimed and shot up from the couch. Everyone's eyes widened as he ran out in a hurry. Astro felt his heart pump in his chest as he raced across the junkyard. His hand then gripped at his chest, and he gritted his teeth together. 'W-what's happening to me? Why do I feel so hurried?'

"Astro! Where are you!?" A voice cried out, making him stop in his tracks. His eyes widened and he turned his head to where the voice was coming from.

"No no no, Y/n's voice is more higher, do it again!" Sparx's voice boomed from the other side of the mountain of junk. Astro furrowed his brow in confusion and activated his rockets.

"Astro, please! Save me from the mean man!" This time, the voice was higher. Astro landed on the top of the mountain and watched as Mike constantly changed his voice to match yours, which they were struggling to do. 

"Guys...?" Sparx's head immediately snapped towards Astro. His eyes then widened in delight and he held his hands out to him.

"Astro! You're here!" He exclaimed. Mike waved to Astro with gusto.

"Hey Astro!" He exclaimed, forgetting he had his voice set to yours. Astro felt a small pang in his chest, and rested his hand over it. He then shook his head and jumped down to the two.

"What are you guys doing?" He questioned and approached the two. Sparx and Mike flinched and spared a short glance between each other.

"O-oh, we were just practicing for...uh..."

"A show! A fantastic show that we want YOU to watch!" Sparx exclaimed. Astro frowned at their blatantly obvious lies. They were obviously hiding something from him. And it definitely had something to do with you.

A knowing smirk crossed Astro's face and he rested his hand on his hip as he eyed the two robots standing before him.

"Does this show have something to do with me by any chance?" He inquired in a challenging tone. Both robots froze up, and shook on the spot. Astro let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. "Come on, guys. I already know what you're up to. You're trying to imitate Y/n's voice so that I will remember them." He accused. Sparx laughed at being found out. He then quickly looked from side to side and leaned towards him.

"Did it work?" He whispered. A frown fell on Astro's lips and he shook his head.

"No, it didn't." He glumly stated and turned away from them. Sparx and Mike felt their egos deflate at their failures and slumped forwards. They then gave Astro sympathetic looks, and watched him walk towards the city.


You sat by the window once again as you watched it rain, the rain clouds obscuring the sun from your view. Behind you, your father was readying his clothes and tightened the tie on his chest. He then reached behind him and grabbed the cane from its usual spot beside the armchair. 

"Y/n, I will be going out for a while. Be a good boy/girl and stay in the house." He told you. You turned towards him and stuck your lower lip out.

"Aw, but I want to come too!" You whined. Your father narrowed his eyes at you coldly for a split second before he smiled fondly at you and ruffled your hair. On the outside, you were happy, but inwardly you felt a chill run down your spine as he did this.

"No, Y/n. I will be going on a little business trip. So you must stay here and take care of the house. Understand?" He told you gently. You opened and closed your mouth before nodding silently to him. A smirk played at Dr L/n's lips and he turned his back on you. You watched him with empty eyes as he exited the house with his coat and umbrella, before the door slammed heavily shut. 

You listened carefully to the rumble his car made and pressed your palms against the cool glass, watching as the car left the wooded drive way. Your eyes then wandered over to the front door your father left through, and you clenched your hands in anticipation. You so desperately wanted to go outside, but you knew disobeying your father came with consequences.

"I...want to go." You whispered to yourself. As if the skies had heard your wish, the rain became even heavier and more intense, obscuring your view from the outside world. Your eyes widened, and your hands clenched the fabric of your outfit. Your face then fell, and tears swelled up in your eyes.

Thunder roared in the skies, surprising you and making you scream. You slapped your hands over your ears as the rain poured even harder.

"Ngh! I-I don't like it here, somebody, save me...!" You whimpered and huddled under the coffee table. The thunder continuously flashed through the window, terrifying you. You sucked in a sharp breath, and looked up at the wooden door. You couldn't stay here. You had to leave at all costs.


Astro walked along the city streets as he dribbled a pebble with his foot, searching for a way to kill time. His eyes then wandered towards where mount Fuji was, and he noticed the odd storm clouds surrounding it.

"Huh, it's still raining over there? And it looks like it's gotten worse too." He commented. He then turned his back to it and continued to dribble the rock along the foot path. Out of nowhere, a trombone blew right in his ear, knocking him off his feet. "GAH!" He cried out in surprise and fell to the floor. Standing above him was none other than Robotski, with a very disappointed Drive standing behind him.

"Astro, check this out! I joined a band today." Robotski stated and brandished his trombone to him. Behind him, Drive rolled his eyes and snatched the instrument out of his hands.

"That doesn't give you the excuse to just go blowing it in other people's ear drums! Gimme that." Astro cleaned his ear out with his pinky and winced. Yep, something was definitely damaged in there.

"Hey guys. So, you joined a band? What about you, Drive?" Astro inquired as his eyes flickered towards him for a brief moment. Drive snorted and gave him a bland look.

"Pfft no. As if I'd join something like that. I wasn't made to play horns, kid." He mentioned. Before Astro could respond, a loud bang of thunder appeared over the mountains, making everyone jump in surprise. Astro whipped his head towards the storm covered mountains, and shivered.

"Wow, weather is definitely bad over there." He commented and turned fully towards it. Drive frowned at it and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it almost seems unnatural..." He trailed off in thought. Astro's eyes flickered towards him for a brief moment before he turned away from the horrid mountains.

"Yeah, it does. We should leave this to the scientists." He said and started walking in the opposite direction of the clouds. Robotski shrugged in response and continued to play his trombone, which he had stolen off Drive. Drive did a double take and chased after the larger robot with a raised fist.


You reached out for the door handle and flinched as another flash of lightning appeared. Could you really get out of here unscathed? You shook your head and breathed in. No, you had to get out of here. Your father couldn't keep you trapped here forever.

With a burst of courage, you ripped open the front door and dashed out into the rain. Your figure immediately became soaked from the rain as your feet splashed through the puddles, further soaking your being. Your breath hitched in your throat as you ran. A sudden lightning bolt then struck the tree to your right, making you scream and shoot back in surprise. However, this left you no room for rest as another lightning bolt struck the tree behind you, throwing you forwards.

Your body was flung into the dirt, staining your outfit with mud and wet grass. A small groan left your mouth as you pulled yourself out of the dirt and let the rain wash away the impurities on your outfit. You shook your head and immediately dashed for the city as more lightning bolts appeared. It was so hard to see the path ahead of you, were you even going the right way?

You skidded to a stop and your chest heaved with every breath you took. You then noticed something odd with the trees. They were spaced approximately five metres away from each other, creating a path wide enough for a car to go through. Your eyes widened in realisation as the trees became your guide. With a nod of satisfaction, you raced along the manmade track. You were determined to reach the city, and get out of this place. Even if you had to battle through a thunderstorm to do it.

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