Father and Son (Dadmight AU)

By BNHACinnamonRoll

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This is an AU where Inko Midoriya marries Toshinori Yagi or better known as All Might. Izuku Yagi is All Migh... More

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By BNHACinnamonRoll

Yagi Residence, Musutafu

Third-Person POV

Early August

Age Eleven

    Izuku was in his room, drawing and writing in his journals. Adding some new debuted heroes to his books. Toshinori and Inko were talking in the other room while the fanboy wrote away. "Are you sure he's ready Toshi?" His wife looked to him, he had become a bit skinnier in his normal form. After all the damage to his body, he lost a considerable amount of weight which he had to make up for. Toshinori nodded, "I think he's old enough to at least know, the choice to start training now is entirely his."  The green-headed women nodded, "Okay. I trust you, Toshi. Just make sure Izuku doesn't hurt or over-exhaust himself." 

    "I won't. Yet if he's anything like me, he's gonna try his hardest to overdo it."  The two adults chuckled and Toshinori went to Izuku's room. Knocking on the door. "One moment!" Izuku capped his pens and put them away before closing his journal. He got up from his desk and the soon to be fifth-grader opened the door. "Yes, Dad?" Izuku looked up to his much skinnier father, a shadow of his prime. "Izuku, would you mind letting me in?" "Um...sure!" The broccoli headed boy (Had to do it to him) moved out of the way to let his father in the room. "Close the door." Izuku nodded and did as told. He sat on his bed and Toshinori sat next to him. "It's time I told you, about my Quirk." 

    This peaked Izuku's interest and the boy smiled, "Ooh..wait lemme guess. It's a secret just like how you're All Might?" The blonde patted him on the head, "Correct. You're good at catching-on, my boy." Izuku smiled and watched his father intently as he sighed. "My Quirk is called...One For All." "Sounds cool." Toshinori chuckled at his son's sense of humor, "Indeed it is. This quirk is special. Not only does it allow superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and dexterity. It has a second part to it....this Quirk can be passed down from person to person. Like a torch." Izuku gasped and almost immediately began mumbling, "AQuirkthatcanbepasseddownfrompersontopersonhowisthatevenpossibleI'veneverheardofsuchaQuirkbefor-" His rambling was ceased by Toshinori chopping him on the head. "You're mumbling again, Izuku." "O-Oh..sorry Dad.." Izuku blushed a little and chuckled nervously in embarrassment. "C-Continue." "Like I was saying before a certain vegetable headed boy interrupted m-" Izuku caught on to the joke and whined, puffing out his cheeks. "Hey! I'm not a vegetable!" Toshinori cackled at his whiny response, patting his head again. "May I finish, Izuku?" Izuku nodded and Toshinori continued.

    "This Quirk has been passed down for several centuries. I am the eighth person to hold this Quirk. The man who injured me so gravely was my arch-nemesis...All For One." Izuku scratched his head in confusion, "All For One? I thought they called him Toxic Chainsaw." "They did, the public couldn't know about a battle that has lasted centuries. This man has the ability to steal quirks for his own benefit. He can also give them to others. Somewhere back he grabbed an aging quirk and has been alive ever since. Until I finished him, but we never found his body.." Izuku absorbed all this information and nodded, "So how did One For All come to be? I assume it has something to do with this All For One guy, I mean it's the same name but reversed." Toshinori nodded and smiled, "Correct again. Glad you're so smart. Nearly 400 years ago, around the beginning of quirks. All For One rose in power because of his abilities and variety of quirks he'd stolen."

    "And?" Izuku asked his father, wanting to know more. "And..he had a quirkless brother who protested his evil acts. All For One forced a quirk into his younger brother, one that stockpiled power. Yet, All For One didn't know, but his brother indeed had a useless quirk that could pass down quirks! And that....was the creation of One For All." Izuku was ecstatic at this new information and used his quirk. Pulling his pen and journal toward him, it was stopped by Toshinori smacking the pen and journal to the floor. "Nope!" The eleven-year-old whined at his father, "Aww! That'd be the best thing I ever put into my journals!"

    "Izuku, take this seriously. You can't have this information anywhere but in your mind. Almost zero government officials even know my Quirk." Izuku looked disappointed but nodded, understanding. "So...why are you telling me this, Dad?" "You know that I'm working only part-time now and that One For All is able to be passed down.." Izuku still not understanding, tilted his head in confusion. "And?" "And... I and your Mother have talked about it since you were 4. We wanted you to be my successor. You have the golden heart of a hero, you love the work, and..as your mother says, you're adorable so you'll get a lot of fans." Izuku was frozen, unable to move. 

    "Um...Izuku?" He patted the greenhead's face a couple of times before Izuku snapped back to reality. "Y-You want me to inherit your Quirk?!" Toshinori just simply nodded, "Yes. It'll take about 10 months of training though for your body to be ready enough to handle it, but the choice is all yours." Izuku sat there for a moment, thinking about the offer and answering 30 seconds later. "I'll do it!" Toshinori was a little baffled, part of him not believing his son would accept. "O-Oh? Well then...get your shoes on Izuku, your training begins today!" Izuku was excited and quickly put on his red sneakers, All Might t-shirt and blue track pants.

    They headed out to Toshinori's truck (Because why wouldn't All Might have a truck?), once they got inside Toshinori turned to his son. "Izuku. You know what Dagobah Municipal Beach is?" "Yeah, it's that polluted beach here in town. Why do you ask?" "That's because that is where your first act of Heroism will be done!" Izuku was a little confused as they soon pulled up to the trash-filled beach. They stepped out of the car and Izuku looked around. "Wow...it's a lot bigger in person than in pictures. So, what're we doing here Dad?" Toshinori flinched a little as he turned into All Might. "Aha! That is exactly what you should ask! This beach IS your training for the next 10 months!" Izuku looked around the beach in astonishment, "W-Wait you want me to clean the ENTIRE BEACH?!" All Might nodded to his successor, "Yes indeed. The left half you will do physically, and the right half you'll use your Quirk. Three Days a week will be Quirk Training and Four will be physical." Izuku nodded, understanding. "Let's do this!" "Agreed, start on the left side son." Izuku excitedly ran off, not knowing how long this was gonna take.

    All Might led him to start on the small stuff and work his way up, soon over the next couple of weeks he moved up moving larger things with either his Quirk or Physically. *Insert Montage Here* In the first couple of weeks, Izuku ran across the beach while carrying an item. Usually a tire or small furniture. All Might made Izuku a Training Diet of which his mother gladly complied with, liking the sight of her son becoming stronger every day. On Saturdays, Izuku at first began running a quarter of the way around the beach at first. He soon increased the amount he ran, little by little, week by week. On Sundays, Izuku would work on his stamina in the water, by swimming laps right off the shore. While All Might was swarmed by girls. Soon, Izuku was lifting pretty heavy weights, and secretly using hand grips in class to work out. 

    After a couple of months, Izuku had 60% of the beach clean. He was working on his physical strength throughout the rest of his training. Sometimes if he was feeling up to it, All Might would let Izuku carry him. Muscle Form and all.

4 Months Later...

    Toshinori was out looking for Izuku around the beach, he saw his son at the top of a garbage heap, screaming his heart out. 

(A/N: Musclely boi)

    Toshinori looked at the vast, empty beach. All of the garbage and waste separated and in different piles. Toshinori watched his son fall off and he quickly turned to his Muscle Form to catch him. Only for Izuku to stop in mid-air right above All Might's arms. "Catching yourself with your Quirk?" Izuku nodded and turned it off, falling into his father's arms. The now almost twelve-year-old looked up at All Might and chuckled. "Mmm, All Might bed." All Might smirked at the comment and set Izuku on his feet. "Look at yourself, you've made such progress. As well as cleaning the beach before your time ran out. You've earned this Quirk, Izuku." Izuku smiled as All Might plucked a hair from his head, "Now. Eat this." "Um..oh." 

    "To inherit my power you must consume some of my DNA." "That's not how I imagined it...wait I do have your DN-" All Might cut his son off, "Yes, but at that time I was not intending to give you One For All. It can't be taken forcefully, only when the user wants to give it away."  "Um...." All Might tried to hurry his son, "There's no time, hurry and eat it! Your mother will kill us if we're late for dinner!" "Y-Yes! Okay!" Izuku quickly ate the hair and began coughing as he couldn't get it down, All Might quickly gave Izuku a bottle of water. Which he immediately downed and was given another one. 

    Izuku was still tired afterward and All Might carried him out to his truck, putting him into the passenger seat. He reverted back to his normal self and began driving the broccoli-headed boy home. Once there, he carried the sleeping boy inside and Inko ran over. "What happened to my baby?!" "He just over-exhausted himself and drank a lot of water." Inko bonked Toshinori on the head, "Toshi. I said don't let him over-exhaust himself!" He nodded, "I know, but he's finished with his pre-One For All training. Now it's only broken limbs and torn muscles from here on out..unless he can control it how I could as a boy."

    Inko re-appeared with a frying pan after he said 'broken limbs and torn muscles', "Put Izuku down so I can hit you in the head with this frying pan." Toshinori's eyes widen, "P-Please Inko no, It was just a joke." He set Izuku down anyway onto the couch and then began running from his wife. "Get back here, Toshi!" "Nononononononononononononononono!" Izuku soon awoke and sat up to see his mother chasing his father with a frying pan, "Um..guys?" Inko hid the frying pan behind herself and Toshinori, despite being taller than Izuku. Hid behind him, "Help me, son!"

    Izuku moved out of the way, "Nu-uh. I don't wanna face Mom's wrath." Inko walked up to Izuku and patted him on the head, "Good boy." She then moved him aside and got her whack in on Toshinori. Toshinori rubbed his head afterward in pain, "Ow..." Inko puffed her cheeks out with a huff, "Don't over-exhaust my baby boy." Izuku interjected, "M-Mom if I may...I did that, not Dad." "Oh I know, Izuku. I told him to NOT let you do that." Mother and Son both chuckled while Toshinori didn't seem to find it funny. "Why are you laughing?" 

    Izuku simply said, "Not even the strongest heroes can defeat their wives." Inko nodded, "You're absolutely right about that! Now get ready you two, we have the Bakugos over in two hours. I gotta get cooking." Izuku and Toshinori both looked at each other and said at the same time. "Did you remember?" The two laughed when they said it and both headed to their respected rooms. 

Two Hours Later...

    Later, Izuku and Toshinori were on the couch and Izuku turned to his Father. "Hey, Dad?" "Yes, Izuku?" "What am I supposed to do when Kacchan sees my new Quirk? I mean...I gotta explain that." Toshinori nodded, "For now. Tell him you inherited both I and your Mother's quirks. Except, mine developed later as is called Super Power. Not One For All, he already knows who I am, but he can know in the future." After their little conversation, there is a knock at the door. Inko rushes to answer it and there stood Mitsuki, Masaru, and Katsuki Bakugo.

    Being almost like brothers, Katsuki and Izuku ran up to each other. Doing their own little fist bump thing. The parents snickered while seeing the two boys do their usual routine before Katsuki said, "So where's the damn food?" Inko, Toshinori, and Masaru gasped, but only Mitsuki chuckled. "Ladies and Gentlemen, my son has inherited my secret quirk. Mass Profanity." Inko whispers to Mitsuki and the two women nod as Mitsuki spoke. "Katsuki, this is a warning. No swearing in the Yagi's home or Inko here gets to hit you in the head with her wooden spoon each time."  

    Katsuki shrugged and rolled his eyes, "Like hell that's gonn-" Inko hits Katsuki right in the head with the spoon and he yells, "Ow! What the fu-" He shuts himself up, right before Inko bops him again with the spoon. Mitsuki laughs, "Haha! Wow! A quick learner." Katsuki grumbles and Izuku chuckles only to be met with, "Shut up, Deku. It's not funny." Toshinori smirked at the blonde, hot-headed boy. "It's most definitely funny." "Shut up, Dad might." Toshinori just sighed and Inko led them all to the kitchen table where she had made Katsudon. Katsuki and Izuku's eyes lit up with excitement. 

    Inko pointed to a specific plate and addressed Katsuki. "Katsuki, I made a plate just for you, very spicy." He thanked her and sat down, everyone else following. Before they all dug into their food everyone but Inko said, "Itadakimasu!" (For you non-weebs, it means 'I humbly receive' and is often used to thank someone for a meal.) They ate food for a while before exchanging baby photos of both Katsuki and Izuku, much to the two boys' embarrassment and Katsuki's yelling.

It was a nice dinner.

(A/N: Hey, it's ya boi. I hope you liked this chapter! I'm noticing that this story is already doing SUPER well and I'm glad to see that! Just about 500 Reads already! This Chapter locked in at about 2,476 words! Anything you'd like to add Bakugo?

"Piss off."

Alrighty then. See you at the next chapter!)

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