My Unrequited Love

By Asterial_melina

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By Asterial_melina

Tum Nadi, Main Ek Jharna
Main Girti Rahi, Tum Sambhalte Rahe.


Days passed and her love grew stronger for him. Her days passed gazing at him and nights revolved around his thoughts. She felt peace gazing at him, noticing little things about him, like how his adams apple bobbled whenever he drank water, his veiny arms, his eyes which were dark brown in color but appeared hazel in sunlight, the tiny mole on his eyelid which could be seen only when noticed properly. She knew she was doing wrong but no matter how much she tried she wasn't able to control her heart.

She knew he didn't harboured any feelings for her. She was sure he didn't. He was protective of her but he did not loved her. Hell would break loose in Ahwaan villa if someone came to know about her feelings. Hassan's feelings towards her was making her feel guilty for loving Mustafa.

Having no choice she decided to spend less time with him and ignore him as much as she can so that she will be able to convince her heart to stop loving him.

"Hey! Where are you lost ?"

Osama interupted seeing her lost somewhere. He was noticing her from sometime where she was busy gazing her empty plate not eating anything. She gained her senses hearing Osama's voice

" said something ?"

Confusion marred her face seeing him looking at her weirdly.

"Eat something as you won't be able to fill your empty stomach only by gazing at your plate."

Mustafa who was sitting beside her joked and filled her plate with food, gesturing her to eat.

"Are you going to eat or do I have to feed you, birdie ?"

He again asked, making her look at him in awe for his care towards her.


Filling his spoon with rice he placed it towards her asking her to open her mouth. She ate from his spoon quietly not able to decline him.

When he again brought his spoon towards her she smiled lightly without looking at him and replied

"I can eat myself, hero. You don't have to trouble yourself after me."

"Then be a good girl and eat properly otherwise I'll feed you myself and won't let you go till you are done."

He smiled, making osama laugh agreeing with him.

She was sitting inside her room, lost in her thoughts when someone entered her room. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realized anyone's presence beside her.


Osama shouted, making her scream loudly in fear. Her heart was beating loudly at a very fast rate, her face red, eyes filled with tears.

" look funny."

Osama rolled down on floor laughing heartily seeing her horrified expressions and cried in pain the next moment when he got smacked on his head.

"Are you mad monkey ? I could have died."

She glared at him, her hand placed on her heart which was beating ferociously.

" Sorry but no sorry."

He grinned getting up from floor, dusting his pants of imaginary dirt.

"Then get out of my room, you idiot."

She screamed, smacking him again and again on his shoulder, pushing him out of her room. Before she could close her door he turned towards her making a cute apologetic face melting her anger.

"I am sooo sorrrrryyy."

"Okay... You are forgiven. Now, leave me alone."

She huffed pointing towards the door.

"No. I came here to ask you for a movie night and you are not going to say NO."

He said more like commanded her, and held her hands taking her towards the theatre room.

"Wait, let me grab something to eat."

"Don't worry everything is there."

Together they both sat beside each other and started watching Captain Marvel when in the middle of the movie lights went off.

"Ughhh...let's go and see what happened."

Switching on her phone's torchlight she followed Osama downstairs. Someone grabbed her from back and kept his hand on her eyes to prevent her from looking forward.


"Shhhh.... Hold my hand quietly."

Hassan's voice interupted her, she kept quiet and complied to his demand.

After walking for few seconds he withdrew his hand from her eyes making her gasp in shock.

Her family was standing in the dinning room with a big cake kept in the centre of the table.

"Happy birthday fatty."

Giving her a side hug Osama wished, kissing her cheeks, gesturing her to cut the cake. This the first time she was celebrating her birthday in years.
She stopped celebrating her birthday after the death of her parents and now was the first time in so many years she saw her birthday cake.

"What are you waiting for princess, cut the cake."

"But hero...."

She wasn't ready to cut cake without him. It was her birthday and she wanted to celebrate it with him.

"An urgent meeting came up so he left but don't feel bad we all are here for you so please do the honors, Taya Abba's princess."

Osama joked to which she smiled half heartedly feeling sad for he was not there to celebrate her birthday.

He has life and other commitments. Do you really think you are that special that he will leave his work for you ?

Her mind mocked, making her feel sad. Truth is bitter and it always hurt but it is better than lies. It is better to get hurt with truth than to get fed with beautiful lies.

"We are waiting for you to cut the cake, princess."

Her Taya Abba encouraged her to cut the cake to which she nodded happily and walked towards it. Cutting the cake she fed the first piece to dado who kissed her cheeks and blessed her, giving her gold earrings as a birthday gift. She then fed her Taya Abba and Tayi Ammi who got emotional and hugged her remembering his deceased brother and his wife.

"Happy birthday my princess. May Allah give you whatever you wished for. May you get all the happiness of this world and hereafter."

"Thank you Taya Abba."

"Here your birthday gift."

He handed her a paper asking her to open it. Her eyes widened seeing what it was.

"I can't accept it Taya Abba. It's too much for me."

Handing him the papers back she declined his gift. He gave her the ownership of ten percent share of their business, forty percent of which was named under Mustafa for he was the heir of Ahwaan's, twenty percent for Hassan and Osama each. The rest twenty percent was with Aaqib Ahwaan who divided it between Aamina and Maria. Aamina declined her share so the remaining ten percent was with Aaqib Ahwaan himself.

"It's not too much. Abba didn't gave Ali his share as he was angry with him but I won't do that. I know you should be given more but I can't change the will. I am giving you my share and as my daughter you have to accept it. It's your right."


"No... I won't listen to you. You can keep it or give it to charity. It's all yours now and I won't take it back."

He feignedly glared at her giving her papers back which she accepted reluctantly.

"Thank you Taya Abba."

She thanked, giving him her bright cute dimpled smile.

At last she fed Osama and Hassan who gifted her a vintage watch and a diamond bracelet respectively.

"Thank you guys."

Whole day went by but Mustafa never came to wish her. She was hurt by him but now she got a reason to unlove him. That he doesn't care for her and now she can convince her heart to undo her love. Only if she knew that it's not possible to undo love so easily. The love she did happens once in a lifetime and there's no way to undo love.

She was lying on her bed when someone knocked on the door twice. Knowing who it was she covered herself with a blanket pretending to sleep. She knew it was Mustafa as he was the only one who knocks her door twice before entering her room.

Her suspicions got confirmed when she sensed him with his signature perfume knowing he was sitting beside her, calling her name softy


She kept quiet pretending to be in deep sleep

"I know you are awake so stop acting otherwise I'll tickle you hard....."

Her eyes shot open immediately hearing his threat to tickle her. She sat up quickly but turned her face towards the other direction to ignore him telling him she was naraaz with him.

"I am so sorry little birdie. Forgive me."

From the corner of her eyes she saw him holding his ears, showing his innocent face asking for her apology.

"I don't know who are you ? Do you know me Mr.... ?"

She turned glaring, questioning as if she doesn't know him.

"Mr. Mir Mustafa Ahwaan that's who I am. And yes, I know you very well. You are my most favorite girl on this whole universe."

He grinned pinching her nose, earning a small slap on his hand for pinching her nose. She rubbed her nose while glaring at him.

"What ? Don't look at me like that. You were looking so adorable with your nose red in anger and those cute little puffed cheeks that I wasn't able to control myself."

He smiled sheepishly and this time he pinched her cheeks.

"Keep your hands to yourself Mister. And go back to your room."

Narrowing her eyes at him she pointed towards the door asking him to go back.

"Not before I do what I came here for."

Holding her hand he made her stand up and took her towards the dressing table turning her towards the mirror. She was standing before the mirror and him at the back. They both were looking perfect like made for each other.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I say you can."

Before she could say anything he placed his hands on her eyes, turning them shut. Few seconds later she felt something cold on her neck and then she heard him

"Open your eyes."

She did what she was told. Opening her eyes she saw a beautiful pendent resting on her neck. It was rose gold diamond pendent in oval shape.

"Happy birthday little birdie. May your every wish come true."

"Thank you so much."

He wished looking at her in the mirror, making her smile too. Turning her towards him he made her sit on the bed and kept a small cake in front of her and lit one candle asking her to cut the cake.

"Close your eyes, make a wish and then cut the cake."

Ya Allah, bless him with a long life. Grant him happiness of the world and hereafter. Aameen.

Opening her eyes she blowed off the candle and cut the cake and feeding him a big piece of cake intentionally irking him and he took his revenge by smearing cake on her nose after feeding her.

Laughing at her for few minutes he told her to get ready as he was taking everybody out on a dinner.

She came out of her room wearing a dark green coloured anarkali suit, pairing it with her black embroided shawl, looking mesmerising in her outfit.

Hassan forgot to blink his eyes looking at her whereas Mustafa forgot to breathe looking at her breathtaking self. She was looking like an enchantress in green.

Mustafa was the first one to avert his eyes, gaining his senses asked everyone to sit inside the car.

Dinner was a busy affair as the whole family was talking and laughing enjoying their time together.

In the end Hassan stayed back with Maria as she was craving for ice cream and everyone was outside waiting for them to come.

"You wait here, I'll bring your ice cream."

"Okay. Please bring cookies and cream flavor for me."

Telling him her choice she saw him going, to get her ice cream. He was giving her order when she saw a girl tapping his shoulder and he looked surprised to see her. Her back was turned so Maria wasn't able to see her face. After talking with her for few minutes Hassan bid her goodbye and came out with her ice cream.


Talking her ice cream from his hand she thanked, smiling at him.

"No problem."

"Who was the girl you were talking with ?"

Unable to control the curious cat inside her she asked, walking with him towards the parking area.

"Asmara Ahmed. She is the neice of Bashar uncle's wife who is dad's business partner."

He informed smiling at her.

"Oh... You mean to say she is Tabassum Aunty's neice. The same Tabassum Aunty who bad mouths everybody."

She recalled the time she met Tabassum Aunty. The same woman who never left any chance to insult her for being an orphan. Who accused her for living off lavishly under the Ahwaan's and sucking off their wealth.

"Yeah the one and only. But as much as I know Asmara I can say she is a good person. I think she is."

Shrugging her shoulders she continued eating her ice cream sitting inside the car happy with the way her birthday went, unaware of the strom that had entered her peaceful life.

The strom named ASMARA AHMED.

How is it going ?

So finally Asamara has entered their lives.... Who is exited for the next part ?

Please comment guys, i really need to know if you are liking the story or not.

Till next time,
Allah Hafiz ❤️

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