When Death Comes Knocking

By TheRealReaper

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You are an Ex-SAS and Nato operative. whilst working at NATO you were in command of a squad named 'Misfits'... More

Chapter 1: Bio's
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: First Mission
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: First Solo Mission
Chapter 7: Rescue mission
Chapter 8: The Past
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11: NATO's Distrust
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12:

56 1 0
By TheRealReaper

(Death PoV)

I finished my new armour, looked a lot like my old one, standard SAS outfit, Gasmask ext. But I also had a backpack which is EMP shielded and armoured, that's where I keep Anna whilst on missions. I've also taken the Flash light of my Gasmask in favour of a Night Vision mode. As well as an upgraded rebreather and oxygen supply, which I secured in the bag. I have about an hour of oxygen which automatically turns on when I am in an environment that is toxic or lacks Oxygen. It also refills automatically when I am in a none-toxic environment.

I was packing up my stuff and decided to go out for a walk. Ela caught up to me and walked with me. We walked out of the base and walked down towards the stream. It was peaceful. Again. Nature always was.

I don't know why but I always felt happy around Ela, maybe Meghan was right. We sat down and started talking again. We sat there for what could have been hours, but it only felt like 30 Minutes. It was soon Dark again, when Ela cuddled up to me again.

"I don't know why but I always feel safe around you Y/n." she said, this took me by surprise. "Do you? I am a cold-blooded murderer with a shit tone of PTSD and distrust to a lot of people." This earned a little chuckle from her, "Yet you are my Cold-Blooded Murderer." She said, staring deep into my eyes. Her Blue eyes staring deeply into mine.

This was when she moved forwards slowly, pressing her lips against mine, we stayed there a bit as we melted into the kiss. We stopped after some time and just stared at each other. She then smiled, "I wanted to do that for a while." She said, I smiled too, "I wanted too as well, but I didn't know how you felt about me." I said, she quickly shushed me and kissed me again. "Is that a good answer?" she asked, "yeah, I think it is." I chuckled. We stayed there for a bit, till it started getting Darker. We decided to head back to base when Zofia jumped us. Thankfully Reaper was nearby.

"What are you doing with my sister?" she asked, like she was interrogating me, I kept calm and said we went for a walk, went to chill in the woods for a bit. Reaper stepped in and pulled Zofia away from me.

"Zofia, if Ela loves him then let her. She isn't a little girl anymore." Reaper said, Zofia stared at her, looked a bit sad, but nodded. "If I find out you hurt her I will kill you." She said, "Not if I kill myself first." I joked. Before she left Zofia spoke up about a family reunion, and that they both should join her.

"What do you think Ela, since half the family thinks I'm dead anyway." Reaper asked, Ela looked at me. "If you had the chance to see your family again, what would you do?" She asked, "Well if It was my parents, it would be a no. but if it was my cousins, I would probably say yes." I said, Ela nodded. "I say sure why not." She said, Zofia smiled. Reaper still hadn't decided. "On one condition, If Y/n can come." Ela finished. Reaper smiled under her balaclava, "Same, I'll come if Marius can join us."

Zofia looked ecstatic. "Yeah, of course they can come. I'll go sort it out with Six." She said, running away.

"I feel like I'm going to be interrogated by Zofia." I said as a joke, reaper and Ela chuckled. "I need to go and ask Marius to join us." Reaper added before walking away. "One thing Zofia didn't say was when it is." I added, Ela sighed a bit, "She does this."

(Time Skip.)

We were on the way towards a Grom military base, apparently their grandfather was a commander here. Marius was flying, but he looked fucking tired. I was upfront with him being his co-pilot, since I did get Flight training whilst in the SAS. We was just talking about random stuff, Planes, Guns, Cars even video games. Just normal talk. Till we got a warning. And it was entirely in Polish, so I could understand But Marius couldn't.

"[Zakazane przestrzeń powietrzną, wprowadź swoje dane lub zmienić trajektorię lotu. (Forbidden airspace, enter your data or change the flight path.)]"

"[Możemy porozmawiać z dowódcą bazy? Będziemy trzymać pozycję. (Can we talk to the Base Commander? We will hold position.)] Marius, stop moving ZOFIA, CAN YOU GET UP HERE PLEASE." I shouted towards the back. She came up.

"What seems to be the problem?" she asked, that's when I handed her a spare headset.

"[To komandor Bosak, z kim rozmawiam? (This is commander Bosak, who am I talking to?)]"

"[Dowódca, jestem Zofia Bosak. Niech wylądujemy. (Commander, I am Zofia Bosak. Let us land.)]"

"[Przepraszam, że przeszkadzam, ale helikoptera mało paliwa. (Sorry to interrupt, but the helicopter is low on fuel.)]" I butted in, we got the green light to land. So we moved in and started the landing procedure.

"I didn't know you could speak Polish." Zofia said, "Yeah, I can speak Polish, French, german, Russian and English. You had to be like this when you're the only translater in your team." I responded before helping Marius turn everything off.

Me and Marius walked out of the Helicopter, we stepped off the Helipad to join the Others. "So, who was the one here I was speaking too?" The commander said, I stepped forwards, "It was I sir." I said shaking his hand. "I am Operator Black Death, Or Y/n. this is Operator Jager, Or Marius." I said, Marius stepped up to shake his hand. "Pleasure to meet you sir." He said. The Commander laughed a bit, "The pleasures all mine, I'm glad you stopped moving, the AA gunners are a bit jumpy recently." The Commander said.

We stepped into the back of a military truck. I saw two other people already there. "Hi, my name is Jake, I am Zofia's husband. And this is Anna, our daughter." He said, I shook his hand and waved at Anna, that's when Anna (AI) spoke up, "[Aw she looks so cute.]" The fact me and Marius had our Comms still on meant we were the only ones that heard.

"Anna? Want to show yourself?" I asked, I pulled out a tablet, not many people had seen Anna (AI), but Zofia and Jake looked confused. That's when Anna popped up on the tablets screen. "Hello, I am Anna, I help Y/n here on missions." She said, Little Anna looked a bit scared at first, but soon warmed up to Anna (AI). I found it quite Cute. It was a long-ish trip towards the reunion, only me, Jake and Marius were awake. Anna (AI) had gone into hibernation mode.

"So how is the life at rainbow?" Jake asked, "Eh, it's ok. A lot more fun than NATO and SAS." I answered, "What about you Marius?"

"It's pretty good, having the Geneva convention say you can't use an attachment." He said with a bit of anger. "They tried to ban my DMR, I just laughed in their face then ended up saving them with said DMR." I said.

We suddenly stopped, this stop woke Ela up who got off my shoulder. "We here?" she asked, "I have no clue." I said, until the Commander came around the corner and in fact said we were here. We woke up the other three and started getting off. I helped them off. That's when Elena tried to put her balaclava, but Ela quickly took it off her. "Ela you b...not nice person." Which made us laugh and Zofia say "Nice save."

We walked into the house, it was fucking massive. The entire family stopped what they were doing and stared at us. Mainly me, Ela, Marius and Elena. Which was fucking awkward.

After introductions we went outside, Elena joined us 30 minutes later. "Jesus Christ that was horrible, Paul was giving me a death stare the entire time. remember when I kicked him in the balls for slapping Ela ass?" she said to Zofia and Ela, who burst out laughing.

"I remembered when someone cat called Meghan, yeah they didn't cat call anyone again. Then again they didn't speak to anyone again." I said, "I didn't mute him purposefully. But he went to grab her ass and that shit can't slide."

That's when someone started walking up to us, "Oh here comes Paul." Elena said.

"Why are you still alive, Elena, it was better without you." He said, Marius then stood up. and I knew what was about to happen. Marius just straight up punched him in the face, which Paul fell backwards holding his nose, ". (Fuck off before I invade you again.)"

I just started pissing myself laughing, Elena had a little giggle. "I can not believe you just said that Marius." I said in between breaths. He started laughing, "I hope no-one else heard me." He said with a chuckle. "What did he say?" Zofia asked, "Not for young ears." I said.

We stayed there, talking with some Family members and with each other. Simply talking about our past's, somethings I kept hidden from the others. Ela knew but I'm sure she is the only one here that does.

We went to a nearby Hotel, getting ready to head back to Hereford tomorrow. Me and Ela shared a room and Marius and Elena shared another. It was quite cold in Poland that night, so Ela was cuddling up close to me.

We woke up the next day and I could feel her cuddling close. I smiled and she was still fast asleep. I stayed there cuddling her closer. It was actually quite cold. I ended up falling back to sleep. Until I got a call from someone which also woke Ela up.

I answered the phone and I could here Ghost on the other side.




"Hello Death, we have some news. There is an attack that is going to happen in Poland, I'll send you the co-ordinates. I am on my way over with Mute and Hibana."


"Ok Ghost, I'll tell the others."

He hung up and I walked over to Ela, "Who was that?" she asked, "It was Ghost, there's going to be an attack here in Poland and we have been tasked to help stop it. Ghost, Hibana and Mute are on their way here now." I explained, I sent a quick message to the others and we were ready in the helicopter which was graciously refuelled for us within an hour. We flew off towards the location where Marius Parked the Helicopter in an opening where the others were waiting. 

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