This Love of Ours

By tottiesx

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Avery Summers was your ordinary popular girl. She wasn't bitchy and mean like some of her fellow cheerleaders... More

This Love of Ours
I was Trying to Make a Dramatic Entrance
You Gotta Stick Wit Cho Bae
Honey You Look Like a Hot Mess
It's the Asian Invasion that's Sweeping the Nation
My Singing is a Gift Given to Me by Angels
A Hooded Man Saved Her
My Little Ty-ger
I Sense Some Sexual Tension
Vanilla is So Girly
Deny Deny Deny
What in the Name of Blackberry Flavored Lollipops!
Poor Dude
I promise
Today Was A Good Day
Sincerely, Your Secret Admirer
Mission S.A.
Something Special
It's for the Best
This Could Work
Group Hug!!
A Week of Waiting
So Who Is It?
You Gotta Give It Time
Realizing The Truth
Playing Matchmaker
Feelings In Check
This Love of Ours

I Totally Ship Them Together!

419 17 15
By tottiesx

~Chapter 22~ (NOT EDITED)

"So you said the notes in your locker were typed and printed on binder paper?" Will asked.

"Yea." I nodded in confirmation. Although I don't know how that was going to help the situation at all.

"Well there's this hidden computer lab I'm pretty sure you all haven't heard about."

We all looked at each other with confused looks. What computer lab? Our school has a computer lab?

"And about the hidden fourth floor?"

WHAT?! What fourth floor?!

Will looked at our confused faces and shook his head. "Just as I thought."

"How do you know about it?" Hailey asked.

"I have some friends that are computer nerds and really good hackers." Will explained. "They usually hang in the computer lab and they blend into the shadows."

I was scared. There were people we don't know about and a secret floor in the school? Wow, you learn something new everyday.

"So tomorrow at school, I'll take a few of you guys to the computer lab and we can look for some evidence there." We nodded. "I can only take a few of you because it's a secret floor and I don't want to risk it's identity."

"I'll go," I suggested. "Hailey and Danielle can come with me while the boys watch guard in case someone follows us."

We all nodded agreement. "So it's a plan."


"We are going to be having a new seating arrangement today! After I assign your seats, you will have the rest of the period to get to know your table partner." Mrs. Marshall announced.

After our little kinda "bonding time" over my grades, she's been much nicer to me and I realized that she wasn't a bad person. People just misunderstand her. She just likes to share her experiences with others. There's no crime in that.

"Okay I'll start with the seats near the door and we'll go from there." She walked to the first table and pointed to the first table.

"Ainsley Arnold and Jayden Carter."

You see, the tables in Mrs. Marshall's class were set up into pairs so it was easier to work with your partner. Mrs. Marshall is all about teamwork and helping each other so we would have to consult with our partners if we needed help before going to her.

"Next table will be Allison Bates and Jett Brantley."

She just kept going down the list and when she finally reached my name I sighed in relief because I seriously thought she had forgotten me.

"Avery Summers-"

I walked to my seat and plopped down. My chair tilted a little from the sudden contact and I almost fell off the chair if it wasn't for my "quick reflexes." Well, I basically just held the table.

People that were watching me snickered and I just shot them a glare in return that made them shut up and turn away.

"Are you ok Ms. Summers?" Mrs. Marshall asked her face was filled with amusement that she was trying to hide, but a small smile was threatening to expose itself.

"I'm fine." I assured and ducked my head, my face probably tinted pink in embarrassment.

"Oh and Tyler Jenkins. You will be sitting next to Avery. Okay now that that's settled everyone turn to your table mate and start talking!" She clapped her hands together and sat at her desk probably going to grade some papers.

I watched as Tyler slowly made his way over to me. He had a blank expression. Once he reached our table he took a seat next to me and just stared forward.

I took quick glances at him. I attempted to make conversation with him but everytime I tried, nothing came out. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. Once I've mustered enough courage, I decided to try again.

"So... Hey." I winced at my lame excuse of a conversation starter. He just stayed silent. He probably hadn't heard me.

"Hey Tyler!" I tried again. This time in a louder tone. "TYLER!" He still hadn't answered. By now it was pretty obvious that he was ignoring me. I huffed.

"Sooo.... how's the hubba dub dub?" I decided to say something weird to get his attention. His head immediately snapped to look at me. He had the what-the-hell look on his face directed to me.

Ha... nailed it!

"What?" He questioned.

"Huh?" I acted innocently and started looking around the room.

He rolled his eyes. "Nevermind."

I turned back to him. "Sooo... how's life."


"How's your mom doing?"


"How are your grades?"


"Wanna hangout sometime?"

"Fine." He suddenly realized what he just said and froze.

I chuckled. "Wait!! I meant no thanks." He tried correcting himself.

"Ah ah ah! You said fine so you have to stick to your word!" I said, a big smile on my face.

Haha... I'm so smart.

He glared at me. I returned to gesture by smiling sweetly at him.

After about five minutes of sitting in silence, the bell rang. Everyone became packing their bags and when I finished I looked back at Tyler. "I'll text you the deets for our hangout!!" I chirped and walked out of the classroom before looking at his expression.


Once I got the the cafeteria, I spotted my friends sitting at our usual table. I quickly walked over to the table and sat down. I took out my lunch from my backpack and set it on the table.

"So when are you taking us to the 'place'?" I inquired to WIll.

"I'll take you guys after school." He replied.

I nodded.

"I asked my friends and they said that Liam and Tony can go to the 'place' with us as well. They found a way to lock the place up so that no one could enter." Will explained.

I saw Liam secretly fist pump the air. Haha. That's my very mature brother for you.

"After school we should all meet up at the stairs that head up to the second and third floor. Kapeesh?"

"Kapeesh." We all said in unison.

I felt like I was in one of those mystery/spy movies. I felt so mischievious and badass.

Watch out world! Here comes captain Hubba Bubba!


After lunch, I went to my locker and started to take the materials I needed for my next classes. I packed all my homework from my previous classes so I didn't have to go back to my locker after school.


I whipped my head around. I closed my eyes from the diziness because of how fast I turned my head.

Once I opened my eyes, I saw Casey standing in front of me, amusement was in her eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. You've been a great friend to me throughout the years and I had to let something like jealousy get between us." She started. "I know that we'll never be as close as we used to be but I'm just asking for your forgiveness."

I just stared at her. She sounded sincere. Her eyes held an emotion that I recgonized as desperate. I realized that everyone made mistakes including myself. I've made a huge mistake in letting my stalker get to me that I ignored Tyler and look where that got me.

I gave her a small smile. "I forgive you."

Her face lit up and she gave me a smile. "But I don't think we can be friends anymore."

She nodded and smiled sadly. "I understand. That's going to take time. I'm just glad that you forgave me, now I can live with less guilt than I already have."

I nodded and we said our goodbyes. I began to walk to my class.

If it wasn't for Casey, I probably wouldn't have gone out with Tyler. If she hadn't gone out with Will, he'd probably eventually ask me out and I'd say yes. I probably wouldn't even continue hanging out with Tyler after our project was finished. I realized that sometimes you have to give up something good to receive something better. And that's just what happened. If everything that had happened, didn't happen, I'd be still stuck with something good instead of something great.

Some mistakes were good mistakes. You just have to take risks in your life to discover something greater. And I was thankful that I had taken the risk and have experienced something better.

Even if it didn't last too long.


The thing that I've been waiting for finally rolled around. You guessed it, the end of the day where I would finally get to see the secret deserted fourth floor!

After my last class, I quickly dashed to the stairs. I looked around but couldn't find anyone there yet. I guess I'm too early.

I looked at the walls when something caught my eye. I walked toward it and saw a pink sparkly piece of paper neatly taped onto the wall.

It read:

PROM! in big pink block letters

Where: Starrymont High School Gym

When: March 18

Once I finished looking at the paper, I turned back around and walked toward the stairs. The paper got me thinking that I had no one to go with but I hoped a certain someone would ask me. Maybe a certain nerd...

I was snapped out my daydream when I saw Liam, Hailey, Danielle, Tony, and Will approaching me.

"You guys are late." I said, putting my hands on my hips for more effect.

"Actually you're just early." Tony said. I huffed and stuck my nose in the air. He just rolled his eyes in response.

"Okay guys follow me." Will said as he led us to the back of the stairs. Once we all were behind the stairs we saw a secret door that blended well into the wall.

Will pushed the door slightly and it opened. We all rushed in and stood in the cramped room. Will closed to door that led us to the first floor of the school and turned on the lights.

Now that the lights were on I realized that we were in an elevator.

"There's an elevator in this school?" Liam asked. "I'll never had to walk up those stairs ever again!"

We all just rolled our eyes. "But these buttons only go up to three." Hailey pointed out.

Will pushed his way toward the buttons and used his thumb to wipe something off on top of the third floor button and suddenly the number four appeared. He pressed the button and I felt the elevator rising.

We all had our mouths wide open. Will rolled his eyes and the elevator stopped. The door opened and we all stepped out of the elevator one by one.

"Ow." We all turned around to see Liam and Hailey stuck in the elevator door.

I rolled my eyes. "Idiots."

"I was just exitting and he just had to go before me so like the mature person I am I was like NO! I'm going first and then here we are stuck in the elevator door." Hailey explained.

I rolled my eyes and pulled on Hailey's arms and finally got them both out of the door.

"Ok let's try to stay mature guys." Liam said. We all stared at him with the are-you-serious face and began following Will into a room.

He turned on the lights and we were greeted by, indeed, a computer lab.

Once we all got in, Will locked the door and signalled us to gather around him.

"Okay guys. I want all of you to look at each computer and printer to see if there are any clues or evidence on who the stalker could be. Got it?" Will said.

"Well of course what's the use of the explanation?" Danielle said rolling her eyes.

"I felt the need to explain because of some 'very mature people'." Will said air quoting 'very mature people' as he stared at Liam. Liam just shrugged. "Ok guys let's go."

I checked the first computer near the door but saw no evidence or anything suspicious on it. I moved on to the next computer but could not find anything as well.

"I think I found something!" Tony said and we all rushed to where he was at and gathered around him.

"This printer next to the computer has binder paper in it and check this out." He put his hand on the computer mouse and clicked on a document. "Is this a note that you've received?" He directed his question at me.

I leaned closer to take a better look at it. My eyes widened as I nodded. It was an exact copy of a note that I had received not too long ago. Same wording, font, and everything.

"So there's your answer. The stalker clearly used this computer." Tony said as he opened up a folder and there in the folder were a collection of documents that had a note written on each of them.

"So the stalker only used this computer huh?" Will said as he tapped his chin. "Lemme ask my friends to come." He took out his phone and sent a quick text to someone.

"You mean the computer geniuses and hackers?" Danielle asked.

Will nodded. "They should be here any minute."

"You know I'd never take you as a secret geek." Hailey said, voicing her thoughts.

"There's a lot about me that you guys don't know." Will replied. "Everyone has secrets."

That made me think of Tyler and his secret. The secret that he wanted to hide and the past that he desperately wanted to forget. And now Isabella wanted him to revert back to his old ways. Just thinking about that made me furious.

Just then there were a series on knocks on the door. Will started walking to the door. "What if it's not them?" I asked.

"That was our secret code." Will assured. I nodded.

Once he opened the door, there were two people dressed in all black. One girl and one boy. The girl had red highlights and had on a black jacket, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. She had really dark red lipsticks and mascara on. All in all, she looked totally badass.

The guy had on a black beanie that covered part of his black hair, he had on black skinny jeans and a pair of black converses.

"Hey guys these are my friends Avery, Liam, Danielle, Hailey, and Tony." Will introduced as he pointed to each one of us.

"Hey I'm Harry," The boy apparently named Harry spoke up. "And that's Leila." Once he said her named I saw a slight blush that tinged her cheeks, it was gone as quick as it came but I happen to catch it. Aww, even badass hackers have romantic feelings!

One look at Leila, I immediately wanted to be her friend. She had that flamy spark to her and might I add looked extremely badass. The same went for Harry. Plus, they looked really good together. I totally ship them together!

Will explained to them about my situation and about the evidence that we found today as I was having a little daydream about my new OTP. (One True Pairing)

Once Will finished explaining everything to them, Harry and Leila were whispering to each other in private which made me squeal in the inside.

It was like I was watching a movie or reading a Wattpad book when I come across two people that I ship together except that this was live and in 3D!

They nodded to each other and turned back to us. "It will probably take us a week to examine everything in this room. We'll get back at you once we find out more information." Leila spoke up.

We all nodded.

All we have to wait for is one week.

Just one long week.


Hey guys!! What do you think of this chapter? I tried making it longer. Heh. I decided to give you guys an early post because it was Thanksgiving yesterday so here you go. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Ooooh HARRY AND LEILA! What do you think of them? Haha. Thanks and Bye!

Oh wait! Before I forget, I've started a new book called Do Opposites Really Attract! Be sure to check it out! You'll find some familiar scenes in that book!





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