When Death Comes Knocking

De TheRealReaper

1.5K 25 3

You are an Ex-SAS and Nato operative. whilst working at NATO you were in command of a squad named 'Misfits'... Mais

Chapter 1: Bio's
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: First Solo Mission
Chapter 7: Rescue mission
Chapter 8: The Past
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11: NATO's Distrust
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3: First Mission

154 3 0
De TheRealReaper

(Death PoV)

I got woken up by Sarah knocking on my door, "Wake up Death, it's 1 PM." I quickly checked the clock next to my Bed, It was indeed 13:03 PM. "Ight stop the banging, I'm getting up." I responded, slowly dragging myself out of bed, I grabbed my balaclava and grabbed a towel and my spare Gear, it's changed a bit from my service, it used to be my SAS, Then NATO. Now its just Body armour of my own design with a trench coat. And obviously my Gas Mask.

I left my room getting ready to go to the bathroom and noticed that Sarah had some new 'Friends' in our room. I just quickly waved not paying too much attention and entered the bathroom. After my shower I got dressed in my Spare Gear and my Balaclava Gas Mask combo, and left the Bath Room to grab a Tea, cause even though I'm American, I love my British Tea.

I brewed up, sending a quick message to Sarah, since I'm not talking in-front of any of these new people, asking if they wanted a brew. Sarah responded with yes and I got out a tray and some paper, so I could mark who's is who's brew. One name that stroke my interest was Meghan, spelt exactly the same way my sister's name was. Can't be the same person, she left for the Navy Seals, and as far as I know Sarah is the Only Navy Seal here. I shrugged it off and finished brewing up, I walked in and placed the tray on the table, then I grabbed my Brew and entered my room, choosing not to listen to their talking.

After about an hour of tinkering with Anna's AI code, she was having memory issues, which I put up to some lousy wiring and a bit of corrupted coding. I sorted out and re-established a connection between Anna and my Gas Mask. I tapped on my wrist mounted screen and she buzzed to life, checking her main and sub systems, she was as good as ever, sometimes she is the only person I speak to, she knows my problems and almost everything about me.

"Can All Operators Report To The Meeting Room ASAP And Can Operators Alpha And Black Death Join Me In My Office."

The intercom almost scared the shit out of me, knocking me off my train of thought. I grabbed my Mask and put it back on, then grabbed my DMR, MP5K and P226. Holstered them and grabbed a few extra Ammo cartridges.

I left the room and the others was still there whilst Sarah got ready, I sort of waved again and then walked out. I waited for Sarah to join me out side, she left with her friends and I was in a small pack, not talking, not really wanting to be there to be honest, because there's this Blond-Haired Chick that looks creepily a lot like my sister, so I start to speed off. I met Sarah at the office where Six was waiting.

"Y/n, what the fuck was that for? You could have at least spoke to them." She said, responding with a bit of hostility, "I don't do talking, you know that." She shook her head but carried on walking with Six. We waited in a back room of sorts waiting for her to call us on stage.

After that very fucking horrible meet and great which I didn't participate in at all. I stood there like a stone fuckin statue because Fuck You Bitch, I Don't Speak. Or at least Alexandr made that excuse for me, to Sarah's dismay. Six called me, Sarah and Alex to her office though.

"Instead of doing a simulation, a mission just popped up in which you three are taking, but you are to wear these bodycams throughout the mission.

"Does this mean I have to speak?" I asked, "Unfortunately yes, because your team leader." "Fuck."

"Anyway here's the Mission briefing, you are expected to tell your team the information and Our German Pilot Marius will take you there, get ready you leave in 10." Six said, "And good luck." She added before we left.

(Time Skip of getting our gear and Getting onto the chopper.)

"[Right Com check.]" I said, I got three Checks back from Tachanka, Alpha and Jäger. "[Right, so here's the mission, there has been a white mask outpost spotted in northern Herefordshire. We know there are some kidnapped people there working as slaves, we are to enter, take them out, and get the Slaves to safety. Outside there will be an un marked Black Van which there will be our SAS boys in there, Operators Thatcher and Mute. Doc will be on standby but if I've taken on an army and lived I'm sure you two will be fine as you are both better than me.]" I Shouted over the Helicopter Blades, they understood, I then pulled out a Map and set it up on the little foldable table. "[We will insert from here, before we bother inserting I want someone to Drone out the Building whilst Anna breaks through their firewall and collects any and all information for us, oh and gets the camera feed for us.]" I added quickly, Jäger then spoke up, "[We have arrived, thank you flying Jäger Airlines, please recommend us to your Friends and Family.]"

We exited the Vehicle and made sure we had out equipment, Jäger then flew off quickly. We moved towards the Building, where I was able to grab a weak signal of something, Anna instantly started hacking in and collecting information and camera feeds. Tachanka Droned and found the Hostage room, it was a room without a camera. Obviously it was.

We moved in silently, Alpha using her MPX because it was her only gun with a silencer, and Tachanka carrying a PMM with silencer, because he decided bringing his DP-28 was a good idea. We moved in and I pulled out my MP5K and readied for the White Masked Bastards. I snuck into the room, not even making a sound, the big mad Russian man carrying a fucking ancient relic made quite a bit of noise, which alerted some passing White masks, they walked in and saw me and Alpha aiming at them, we quickly dispersed them and carried on, we didn't have to clear the building as getting the Slaves out was our only priority.

We started getting close to the Hostage room, barley running into any White Masks. I thought this was strange as they usually have more roamers than this, apparently.

I moved closer to the room but heard a buzzing, and instantly knew why there was barely any White masks, I moved away from the door and signalled the others away.

"Why did you not go in?" Sarah whispered, a bit pissed. "The rooms boobytrapped, and no I'm not joking, you can hear the buzzing and beeping of the Nitro Cells on the door and walls, as soon as we enter we are cooked. We need a new plan." I said, trying to think, "Anna? Quick question. Are the Nitro Cells signal detonated?"

Anna spoke up in our Comms, "[Yes, the Nitro Cells are signal detonated, why?]" she asked, kind of timidly. "Do you think you block the signal?" I asked, "[Yeah, but it will block me from communicating to anyone, so you will be on your own once we enter.]" she replied.

"Perfect, that's our new plan. Tachanka and Alpha, go to the separate entrances. I will go to the one I heard the Nitro cell at and get ready to breach, once you hear an explosion breach yourselves, since our Comms will be down. Understood?" I asked quickly, they both nodded and left to the separate entrances.

I walked to the one from earlier and waited until I could hear static on the Comms, that means Anna is jamming. I then placed a grenade near the bottom of the Barricade and it exploded the wood, it splintered everywhere. And in the confusion the White masks on the inside didn't hear the other Barricades break around them. I suffered a shot to the shoulder and Leg but I shrugged them off through the immense pain I was going through. But I freed the Hostages and started to move out of the building. Tachanka and Alpha must have seen me faltering because the next thing I know Tachanka is trying to pick me up.

"Come on comrade, the Lord will not have you walking on a wounded leg." He said, getting closer to me, to say he is wearing all that armour he is surprisingly fast when he wants to be. I was faster though and made it to the Van with the Hostages without aid. Which I do regret. As I got the hostages in the back Doc quickly checked my wounds and stopped the bleeding. Then he checked on the Hostages.

"Hey, Misfits have another Win under their belt." Alpha said, jumping into the back of the Van and closing the doors. Me and Tachanka started laughing. "I think the only we ever need is taking on an army and surviving, all three of us." Tachanka mentioned. "That army was fucked up to high hell and back. Besides it was their fault they failed to see the three AA guns aiming at a fucking building, a building they are under. And if shot would crush half of the armies foot soldiers." I said, they both laughed but Doc and the rest were confused.

"Their heavy armour fucked us up though." Sarah added, "True, but when you've got a nice 50. Cal and they have exposed explosive bits then Satan was already trying to reap their souls. Like who would have a tank and put an unarmoured Fuel tank on the outside, that is just asking to be a fire." I replied. They both started chuckling. "But hey, the Lord didn't die there though, that was all your doing Death." He responded patting my shoulder, gladly not the one that had a bullet in.

"What can I say except your welcome?" I said with a slight chuckle, "Nah be happy there was a jeep the survived the buildings fall. That was the only reason we escaped that alive, that and the army Surrendered when they thought we were more than 3 people." We made it back to base and I walked over towards the Infirmary so Doc can get this Bullet out.

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