Gravity - An Ashton Irwin Fan...

By irwinxx5sos

9.1K 174 23

Maddison Higgins is an 11 year old girl who moves to Sydney, Australia from Denver. She is in the same grade... More

Chapter 2 - Recruiting Ashton
Chapter 3 - Tour?
Chapter 4 - Starting the Tour
Chapter 5 - Getting to Know One Direction
Chapter 6 - The First Date
Chapter 7 - Suspicions
Chapter 8 - Lazy Day
Chapter 9 - Tour Bus
Chapter 10 - Now They Know..
Chapter 11 - Naked
Chapter 12 - Pregnant?
Chapter 13 - Cheating?!
Chapter 14 - Please Forgive Me
Chapter 15 - Going Home
Chapter 16 - Positive
Chapter 17 - Surprise
Chapter 18 - Problems
Chapter 19 - Fallen
Chapter 20 - Baby Problems
Chapter 21 - Gravity
Chapter 22 - Promise
Chapter 23 - Christmas
Chapter 24 - New Years Eve
Chapter 25 - Leaving
Chapter 26 - The Baby
Chapter 27 - Hospital
Chapter 28 - Nursery
Chapter 29 - Coming Home
Chapter 30 - Tests and Fights
Chapter 31 - Through the Dark
Chapter 32 - Teling Again

Chapter 1 - Meeting the Band

353 8 6
By irwinxx5sos

February 20, 2008

Age 11

"Logan! Maddison! Danielle! Come downstairs!! I have some news!!" My mom yelled.

Mom saying she had news was never good. That is what she had said every time we moved.

"Coming!" I heard Danielle and Logan yell, so I yelled it too, "Coming, mom!"

I heard 2 sets of feet run down the steps before me. Danielle, Logan and I then gathered around the dinner table where my mom was seated.

"Kids, we are moving again," Mom explained.

"Where to?" I wondered.

"Sydney, Australia.." She looked at us kids with a smile.

Before I knew it, I was packing up everything I had.

Because we were moving to Australia, I broke up with Walker. It just wouldn't work. I had to leave Saige too. I thought it was terrible at the time.


It was now July 27, and I was 12.

"Smell that air, kids. This is where we'll be living for the next while," Mom breathed in the Australia air as we were getting off of the plane.

We took a car to our new house and started unpacking immediately.

Later that evening, I had all of my things unpacked. I didn't have a lot of things because I'd had to pack up and leave so much.

The next day was our first day of school. I was going into 7th grade in Australia. I was to the end of the school year of 6th grade in Denver, but here, I had to start in the middle of 7th grade since I'm 12. In Australia, 7th grade was called "year 7".

"Have fun!!! Be safe!!!" My mom yelled as we got onto the bus.

"We will!" We all responded.


"Hi. I'm Maddison Higgins, and I'm new here. I just moved here from Denver, Colorado, USA. I've been through 6th grade, or year 6, but I've never been in year seven. I'm happy to be here, and I hope to make friends with a lot of you!" I explained to my classmates. I told them about traveling, and I even talked in Spanish, French, and Japanese. That's what they did every time a new kid came in.

My first period, math, I was introduced once again.

My math teacher motioned me to sit next to a boy with straight, floppy, blonde hair and kind blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm Luke," he introduced himself in his Australian accent which I thought was so cute. Wait, is this who I think it is? Hemmo96 from YouTube? I wondered.

"I'm Maddison, and do you have a YouTube channel called Hemmo96?" I asked, curious if this was him.

"Umm, yeah. You watch my videos?" He questioned

"Yeah, and you're a really good singer," I complimented.

"Well, not really," he shrugged.

"Don't think any less of yourself, Luke. You're a great singer."

"Thanks Maddie. Can I call you Maddie?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course," I nodded.


"So did you guys have a good day at school?" My mom questioned as she drove us home instead of having us ride the bus.

"Mom, you'll never guess what happened today!" I exclaimed, excited to tell her about Luke.

"What did you do today?" She asked.

"I met Luke from YouTube! He's in my maths class!"

"Oh really? Good for you!"

The next day, I was in maths class sitting next to Luke, and we were doing a partner activity. Luke and I, of course, were partners.

"So, Maddie, do you want to come to my house this afternoon with my friends?" He asked randomly.

"Um, yeah! I guess, if my mom will let me," I nodded.

"Good! Their names are Calum and Michael, and we're starting a band,"

"Cool! Calum and Michael? They're in this class, right?"

"Yeah they are. They're right over there," He pointed to Calum Hood and Michael Clifford across the room.

"Awesome! What's your band's name?"

"We aren't sure yet."

"Oh, okay," I looked down at my worksheet.

We continued working on our worksheet for the rest of the class period.


That afternoon, I got on the bus with Luke and went to his house.

"Luke, did you bring another girl home?" His mom asked when we got off the bus.

"Mum, this is Maddison, the girl I told you about. She's in my maths class," he introduced me.

"Oh, Maddison!! Nice to meet you! I'm Liz," she introduced herself, jutting her hand towards mine.

"Nice to meet you, Liz," I smiled while shaking her hand.

We walked into the house, and I met Luke's dad, Andrew, before we went into his basement.

They started to play a song, and I was blown away.

"You guys were great!" I complimented.

"Thanks, Maddie. But we need a drummer," Luke said sadly.


Sorry it's not the best first chapter, but I'm just trying to get it started, and once it's started, It'll have longer chapters!! Hope you liked it short anyways!!

-Lizzie xx

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