Bendy and Boris in The Inky M...

By ThisAnimatedPhantom

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Bendy and Boris are humble mechanics until the day came that their lives kinda blew up. Now the pair find the... More

Book One: Quest for a Cure - Chapter 1: The Last Normal Day
Chapter 2: Who Gives a Hoot?
Chapter 3: When Peaceful Days End
Chapter 4: When Pigs Come Knocking
Chapter 5: A Q&A That Leads to More Qs Than As
Chapter 6: Detective Featherworth Learns Too Much
Chapter 7: Pack a Bag
Chapter 8: The First Step
Chapter 9: It's Time For Animaniacs!
Chapter 10: Scary Spots
Chapter 11: Following the Tracks
Chapter 12: A Busy Day
Chapter 13: They're Back
Chapter 14: It All Goes Down Tonight!
Chapter 15: Who Has The Key
Chapter 17: Goodbye Warnerburg
Chapter 18: The Mess Left
Chapter 19: A Certain Casino
Chapter 20: Warners vs. Cupbros
Chapter 21: Toon Town...FINALLY!
Chapter 22: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Book Two: The Voodoo Queen - Chapter 23: A Cup Half Full
Cars and Newspapers

Chapter 16: Things Go as Well as Expected

88 4 4
By ThisAnimatedPhantom


Hiya! I loved typing the chapter! It was too much fun. I hope you enjoy it too! Thank you everyone that fed the Ego Eagle. Your comments give me life!...I should hold the Warners at gunpoint more often. It's nice to have my note box to myself. And I'm sorry Mercowe! I am not making your life easy! I'm the worst.
Still, it's a little longer then usual so all of you can enjoy! I'll see ya at the end.


Bendy clenched his teeth. This was bad. He didn't know if he would be able to act fast enough to stop all of them. The men took aim. Ice entered Bendy's veins and his heart jumped into overdrive. Was this really how he was gonna meet his maker?

"Woah, woah fellas! No need to burn powder on us," Yakko said lifting his arms up and waving them in a surrendering motion. Half the guns turned on him.

"How are there so many of you? This isn't what he told us," Dot complained with her jeweled hands on her hips.

A couple of guys froze in the lineup. The middle goon growled. "What was that?"

"Yeah, no kidding," Wakko said. "He must have chiseled us, had us distract these boys so he could go off doin' whatever."

"Uh," one of the other guys said, uncertainly. "What they talkin' about Monday?"

The guy in the middle clenched his hand around the tommy he had. "It seems we had a squealer." He turned from his group to the Warners. "Who was it? Come 'ere and tell us!"

Yakko straightened up and walked casually toward the group, Wakko following shortly. "Well. Eh, his name was." He stopped and thought. "Cheese and crackers. What was it?" Yakko turned to Wakko. "Do you remember?"

Wakko stuck his tongue out further in thought. The boys passed Bendy and Boris. Bendy hissed quietly. "What are you guys doing? You're gonna get yourselves killed!" Neither acted as if they heard him. Yakko put his hands behind his back.

"Wasn't it Bippy?" Wakko asked.

"No that's not right." Yakko waved him off. "Bobby?"

"No, no. That isn't it either," Wakko denied. The goons lowered their guns to follow the Warners.

"Stop there and spit it out!" Monday ordered.

What were these nuthouses doing now? If they angered these guys they were all dead! Bendy felt sweat run down the side of his face. What could he do? How could he save them? "Psst!" Bendy glanced over his shoulder. Finley and Sammy were carefully backing away toward the corner of the shelf aisle. If they got around the corner they would be safer from bullets. Bendy looked back to the Warners.

"We're trying! Seems the bimbo's name has slipped our minds. What if we described him to ya?" Yakko suggested. He waved one of his hands clasped behind his back. It was hidden from the men with guns, but the message to Boris and Bendy was clear. Go.

The middle guy hesitated.

"C'mon. I'm sure ya fellas can't have a squealer in your little party goin' on here, right? Help us help you palm" Yakko said lightly.

"Alright," the guy said. "Wha' did he look like?" Boris gave Bendy a worried glance as the demon grabbed his arm and slowly stepped back.

"Uh." Wakko bobbed his head back and forth. "Kinda tall." He lifted a hand way above his head to show the height, but was too short for it to be accurate. "Big palooka."

Bendy slowly continued back, Boris followed, but stared at the Warners with worry in his dark eyes.

"He had a smart mouth too," Yakko added thoughtfully. "A real yapper. What was he again? A panda?"

"No way. He was some kinda cat," Wakko argued, looking at his taller brother.

"What? Like a puma?" Yakko shook his head. "Nah, bro. He had to have been a bear."

"Oh, yeah!" Wakko snapped his fingers. "That dancin' bear! You're right." Wakko nodded.

"A bear?" One of the men asked. "Think it could have been Scotty?" He asked his pals.

"Shut your head!" The middle guy whacked the one that spoke. "Don't go droppin' names."

The guy groaned and looked up. His eyes made contact with Bendy's. The demon's breath stopped and the world froze in that moment. Bendy watched pain and surprise shift to cold understanding. It was the first time he'd faced pure murderous intent. By instinct he used his Talent. "They're making a break for it!"

"Bendy!" Boris gasped. The guns were up in a second. That same moment Bendy wrapped himself and Boris in shadows and threw them back and around the corner. The shadows were still in their overexcited state. Bendy barely realized what was happening until he and Boris were slammed into the shelves. Bendy felt something hit his side at a sharp angle. The darkness dropped them to the floor. Bendy let out a grunt of pain. Gunfire deafened him. The shadows twisted grotesquely at the sounds of violence. Adrenaline had him back on his feet, and he pushed the horrible throbbing pain in his ribs aside. The shadows tried to twine around his legs. He tried to force them away, but that seemed to only excitement them more. Fear spiked in his heart. They had never acted like this before. Sure, he had struggled in the past with his Talent, but never to this degree. What was this?

He pulled his legs free and rushed to Boris. The wolf was trying to sit up. He had a long cut above his left eye that was bleeding profusely. "Boris!" Bendy shouted in worry. He grabbed onto his bro's arm to help him up.

"Bendy! Stars! Are you okay?" Boris tried to wipe the blood out of his eye with his free arm, but to no avail.

"What the hell was that?" The gruff voice on one of the goons shouted around the corner. "Hurry! They're getting away!"

"We've gotta run!" Bendy yanked the wolf to his feet and moved as fast as he could. He could already hear the goons' footsteps coming.

"Wa-wait! The Warners!" Boris exclaimed with panic in his voice. "We can't leave them!" Bendy bit his lip and kept running. "Bendy!" Boris shrieked.

"There's nothing we can do for 'em! Run!" Bendy shouted. The shadows around them were going nuts. Bendy tried to dismiss them, pull back, anything! It was no use, he had lost complete control. The darkness pushed items and threw crates off shelves. He heard cursing and shouts of surprise behind them, but didn't dare look behind them. He had to jump to the side to dodge a huge mirror that shattered as it hit the ground with vigor. Boris choked out a sound of surprise and stumbled, but Bendy refused to let him fall. Gunshots started up behind them. "Move! Move! Move!" Bendy shouted over the sounds of gunfire, crashing, and shouting.

"Bendy, what are you doing?" Boris demanded, still half blind and scared out of his wits.

Bendy grit his teeth. "It's not me!" He admitted like the words physically hurt him. The boys had to dive forward to avoid a crate that cracked open on impact, spilling it contents everywhere.

"Wh-what do ya' mean, it's not you?" Boris shouted as they got back up and start running again. They took another turn, but it seemed the chaos continued to spread.

"I'm not doing this, okay!" Bendy snapped, hitting a purse that had been sent flying at him.

"Then who is?" Boris sounded panicked. Bendy glanced back at him with a look of distress. He had never really explained his Talent to Boris or anyone. How could he explain that shadows were like living creatures? That it didn't really come from him, but that it was more like the shadows responded to his call. No. That was nightmare jazz and he didn't want to scare his brother like that.

"I don't know, so keep running!" He shouted instead and took another turn.

"What about Finley and Sammy?" Boris reminded him.

"They were ahead of us. Hopefully they got away." Bendy began gasping for breath.

"Duck!" Boris shouted. Bendy did and a lamp flew over his head and smashed against a shelf. It was a few more minutes of running before they spotted a familiar line of cars. A familiar pair of ears was sticking out one of them. "Finley!" Boris shouted. The ear perked and out appeared the fox.

"Bendy! Boris! What in sam-hill is going on? Things are flying around like fireworks on New Year's!" Finley shouted.

"We don't—."

"It's me!" Bendy cut Boris off. The two finally reached them, panting, sweating, and gasping for breath. Boris gave him a questioning look.

"What!" Finley barked. Bendy could feel Boris' eye on the back of his head.

"I-I've lost control," he said. It was the closest to the truth he was willing to come. Sammy was suddenly next to Finley and hopping out of the vehicle. All the fear was gone from the surprisingly calm cat.

"Ya gotta breath, Bendy. Calm down and focus on breathing," Sammy said, resting a hand on Bendy's heaving shoulders. The cat looked him in the eye and Bendy was sure his eyes were glowing full force. Still, there was no nervousness from Sammy. "I'm guessin' you can't focus or somethin'. You gotta breathe. I'll count and you follow me, okay Bendy?" Sammy said in a soothing voice. Bendy just nodded. He followed Sammy. As this was going on Boris was approached by Finley.

"Pal! Your face! Are you okay?" Finley's eyes widened when he saw all the blood.

"Ye-yeah. It's just a cut," he answered. "Duck!"

The two dropped and a picture flew over them and skidded across the top of the vehicle. They stood again and looked around. The items-shadows were slowing down.

"Here. Lemme take care of that." Finley pulled out a worn handkerchief and started dabbing gingerly at the half dry wound and mess on his face. Soon, Boris could open his other eye again.

"Thanks. What were you guys doing in the car?" Boris asked.

Finley flushed, but focused on the wound instead of looking Boris in the eye. "We were gonna use it to drive by and save ya guys from those goons. Headed to it the moment we got outta sight. Figured it was the best way to save everyone from getting full of lead."

Boris couldn't help blinking in wonder. "You two were gonna come save us?"

"Well, of course!" Finley stated until his ears fell again. He glanced to Boris' eyes and away quickly. "That is, uh, we were, 'til we figured we had no clue how to jump a car." Boris stared at him silently as the fox tied the handkerchief around his head. Boris couldn't help it, he burst into giggles.

"You don't know how to hotwire a car?" he laughed. "What? Were you hoping the keys were in the glovebox?" Finley flushed again and stepped back now that the wound was taken care of.

"Look, I don't know kid. I can count on my hand how many times I've ridden a car. Never drove one neither. It was a stupid idea, but I couldn't think of anything else. It sounded pretty good at the time," Finley said, flushed. Boris only chuckled more. "What? You saying you could do better?"

"Bendy and I are mechanics, 'course I know how to jump a car." Boris smiled innocently.

"O-hoh!" Finley mock laughed. "Well, look at the briches on you! Watch that high horse, ya might fall off it." The fox grinned. "At least one of us is good in a getaway. Hey, speakin' of which, where's the Warners?"

The wolf's demeanor fell immediately. The fox's ears reflected Boris' drooped ears as the wolf sighed. "Yakko and Wakko were distracting them when they noticed—and Bendy acted so fast! I don't know what happened! They were between us and those goons when the shooting started!"

"Oh stars," Finley murmured. He put a hand on Boris' shoulder. Sure, the Warners were annoying and unhinged, but they didn't deserve to be bumped off. They were just kids! "W-what about Dot?"

Boris' head jerked up. His eyes grew huge. "Dot! We left Dot! I didn't see her anywhere! We have to go back an' get her!" Boris made to turn around, but Finley stopped him by tightening the hand on his shoulder.

"Wait! You can't go runnin' back there," Finley said.

"We can't leave her! We already let down Wakko and Yakko. I can't leave Dot!" Boris pleaded.

"You said you know how to hotwire a cab?" Finley flicked his thumb over his shoulder to the car. Boris looked up with a determined gleam in his eye. With a nod, he got to work.

At the same time, Bendy was finally able to wrest his Talent away from shadows. The crates, boxes, and stolen goods dropped and stilled. The shadows, still withering, were forced to stop their physical interaction with the world, and instead were pushed back to their regular state. Bendy felt the heat in his eyes cool and gave Sammy a small smile. "Thanks, Sam. I didn't know you could be so reliable in an emergency."

The cat flushed and fiddled with his gloves. "It wasn't 'nything," he muttered and looked down.

"How'd ya know what to do?" Bendy asked as they walked closer to Finley and Boris.

"Fin says it's my Talent. Something about bein' calming and makin' others happy. I don't think so though," Finely said with a nervous shrug. "I just knew you were in trouble and I wanted ta help somehow."

"My friend, it is definitely your Talent. Most people don't run toward me when I'm using my-." Bendy cleared his throat uncomfortable. "Uh, when I do that." Sammy flushed again.

"'S no problem," Sammy said.

"Hey! Do any of you hear that?" Finley's head suddenly shot out of the car as he looked around.

"Yeah, Sammy was able to—."

"No! Not that. There's no more shouting. It's quiet," Finley said. Sammy and Bendy stopped and listened. Finley was right, there wasn't a single sound besides their breathing and Boris' shifting in the car.

"Ma-maybe they're bad at dodging?" Sammy offered weakly.

"Then we'd at least hear them cursing over their injuries," Finley said. "I wonder what 'appened."

"Prolly the Warners," Bendy stated flatly.

"We're gonna go check," Boris said from inside the car.

"What!" Bendy barked. "But the exit is right there!" He pointed to the door in the wall they had come through. It was just a few rows away from them. "It's dangerous. We gotta go."

"We can't leave 'em bro! They helped us," Boris argued. "A lot. They could be hurt too." Bendy sighed. "It'd be our fault, Bendy. We brought them down here."

"I told 'em they didn't have ta come! They could've stayed home," Bendy weakly said.

"Bendy," Boris said with disappointment coloring his tone. Bendy knew he was right. He couldn't just leave the Warners to those bimbos.

"Fine. But we don't all have to go back there. You, Finley, and Sammy should get outta here. I'll go get 'em and meet ya outside," Bendy said.

"Now, hold it there, pal. You can't snag all three on your own and drive. I should come too and Sam and the kid should escape," Finley huffed.

"But Fin," the cat tried to argue.

"This isn't up for debate. Boris is right. If I hadn't gotten my pack stolen or been so bent on getting' it back none of you would be here in danger. I don't want anyone else gettin' hurt," Bendy said.

"But bro," Boris stuck his head out of the car to glare at Bendy. Suddenly there was a loud clank behind the group. They all jumped and looked over to the source of the sound.

"Oops!" a guy said and stepped from around a corner. He didn't seem to notice them. He chuckled. "I think I busted it Cups!" He was a strange lookin' guy. Bendy couldn't help staring. He wore a simple shirt and gloves, and a there was a scarf wrapped around his neck that was so long it nearly touched the ground. His pants were tied high, at the waist, with a string to keep them up. But the oddest thing about him, though, was that his head was a cup. He even had a twisty striped straw sticking outta the top of his head. On his face he had a large round nose and a goofy smile.

"You moron," another, rougher, voice chuckled. A second person stepped out holding a dented device that Bendy couldn't quite make out. This guy also had a cup for a head. His eyes were larger and his nose was smaller. He also had a straw sticking outta his head, but unlike the first guy this guy's straw was bent. He also had hair that came over the edge of the cup and acted as bangs, nearly covering one of his eyes. Except, the hair was fluffy like foam or whip cream on hot chocolate....So was it foam or hair? Bendy wasn't really sure. He had on a coat with the collar turned up. He wore a turtle neck under that and long pants.

"I can't help it. There is so much stuff here. It's like we found buried treasure," the first guy said.

"Yeah. Those schmucks' skimmed on some details 'bout this basement. Maybe this is the warehouse? Stars, this isn't just a small sting, that's fer sure," the second said.

"Whatever. It's berries, Cuphead. We should take some of this with us," the first said.

'Cuphead' scoffed. "Don't forget why we're down here, idjit. We're on a job." He tossed the device behind him and outta sight. Bendy heard it crash into the ground. "If ya do. Take small stuff that'll fit in your pockets, Mugs."

"Alright. Think we'll really be able to find the backpack in all this?" Mugs asked, turning towards his brother, with his back to the group.

"Ya kiddin' me? In all this junk? Nah, we're just screwin' around now," Cuphead said with a relaxed frown on his face and his eyelids half closed. "We hit a dead-." He cut himself off when his eyes hit the group staring at him and Mugs. Bendy felt himself tense when the man's surprise changed to a predatory grin. "Well, look at what we've here," he chuckled. "Today must be our lucky day." The other turned around and grinned a huge grin too. Though his seemed more...innocent, Bendy decided.

"Uh." Finley cleared his throat. "Hiya, boys. Need help 'r something?" Sammy was inching behind him and toward the car that Boris was hanging out of. Cuphead's smile became a sneer.

"Yeah. You and your cat can scram. We got business with the other two," he said.

Finley raised a brow. He shot a look to Bendy, but the demon seemed just as confused as him. "Strange place for business," the fox commented.

The one in the scarf scoffed. "You know how hard it is to track those two down?"

"Sorry? Do we know you?" Boris asked. Bendy narrowed his eyes.

"Us?" Cuphead put his hands in his coat pockets. "Nah, but we know you pretty well. Had a lotta fun at that little club of yours back in Sillyvision. That skirt who owns it is a real looker," he chuckled. Bendy and Boris shared a look.

"Are you guys cops? Did Featherworth send you?" Bendy said, alarms ringing in his head. These guys looked like bad news to him. The one with the scarf chuckled.

"No way!" Mugs said. "The name's Mugman and this is my big bro, Cuphead. Cups and Mugs for short. Not that it really matters." Cuphead suddenly whacked him on the back of the head.

"The heck you tell them our names for?" Cups demanded.

Mugs rubbed the back of his head. "What did I do wrong?"

"You idiot," Cups muttered.

"Boris, is that car ready?" Bendy murmured quietly.

"Not quite," Boris answered, just as quiet.

"Get back to it. I gotta bad feeling about these guys," Bendy said.

Boris quietly did what he was told. "Well," said Cups. "Doesn't really matter, I guess. Not where you're headed."

"Now wait a second. What are you plannin' to do with Bendy and Boris?" Finley demanded, making sure he was between the two strangers and his friends.

"Oh nothin', we just want to take them to their good pal, Wilson the birdbrain." Cups smirked. Bendy gave a start. His eyes widened.

"You knew Wilson?" he asked before he thought. The two laughed.

"You could say that. The bird really gave us a run for our money, but in the end we didn't even need to lift a finger." Mugs laughed.

"Yeah, who knew that not looking both ways before crossing de street would be what did him in!" Cups added. Bendy felt his teeth clench.

"Are you the people that were after him?" Bendy scowled.

Cups sensed his anger and stopped laughing. He straightened himself up. "Yeah, what of it?"

"That owl was terrified! He was a nervous wreck when I met him and it was all because of you!" Bendy pointed at them accusingly. They both smiled.

"Good. He shoulda been," Cups said.

"Why? Why were you chasing him? What did you want?" Bendy demanded. Finley looked between Bendy and the two. This wasn't good.

"Why don't I show you what we want?" Cups pulled one of his hands out of his pocket and pointed it at Bendy. Bendy's brow furrowed in confusion. It looked like the guy was giving him a finger gun. Weirdo. Then Bendy's instinct screamed. The shadows twisted double time too. Bendy dropped down that same instant. He heard a bang behind him and heard Finley and Sammy shout in surprise. He glanced behind him to see a burning hole in the box his head had been in front of.

He heard a whistle and looked at the two cup brothers again. "You're fast!" Mugs said like it was a compliment. The end of Cups finger...was smoking. What?

Cups sneered. "Won't do him good for long." The villian's eyes flashed red.

"Move!" Bendy shouted and jumped back to his feet. He grabbed Finley by his shirt and yanked him into the back of the car. Boris and Sammy were already in the front. There was a flash of blue and Bendy heard another bang right as he shut the door. "Is this thing ready!" Bendy turned to his brother. Boris flicked his wrist and the car roared to life. Another flash of blue had everyone duck. The windshield shattered.

"Everyone, hang on!" Boris floored it and the car lurched forward toward the two attackers. The tires screech as the vehicle lunged. The two dove out of the way and Boris twisted the wheel to take a sharp turn away from the strange blue blasts that their enemies shot at them.

"Boris, the exit is the other way!" Bendy called out from the back seat.

"We still have to go back for Dot!" Boris said as he took another sharp turn to head back toward the place they had been ambushed. The way wasn't smooth, items were thrown all around from the earlier chaos. The car pushed them aside or ran them over, causing the ride to be bumpy and for Boris to scrape the car against shelves to try and maneuver around the worst of it.

"Why are those guys after you?" Finley asked. Sammy was clinging to the seat in front of him, his claws sinking into the expensive leather.

"It'd take too long ta explain!" Bendy said as Boris took a turn so sharply that the tires screamed. There was barely enough room for the car to move through the aisles of stolen goods. "There!" Bendy pointed to the shot-up crate of bags. Several bozos were laying around it, hopefully unconscious. Boris hit the brakes and Bendy and Finley were out in a flash.

"Yakko! Wakko! Dot!" Bendy called out. He didn't see them amongst the fallen. He tried kicking away cloths and bags, trying to find them, but to no avail. "C'mon! Where are ya Warners? We need to get outta here!" Boris and Sammy jumped out of the car to help them look for the missing trio. Desperation began to climb as the minutes ticked by.

"Wh-what if they got thrown?" Sammy suggested when they couldn't find them anywhere near the crate or goons.

"Good idea. Spread out," Finley said.

"I don't know how long we have until those guys catch up to us," Bendy said. He looked around with a dark sick feeling sinking into his stomach. The others moved out in different directions. Would the shadows have done something to them? Was this his fault? Maybe he could have reached them in time, dragged them around the corner with him and Boris. Bendy clenched his fist. Now was not the time to second guess himself. He had to get them outta here fast. "C'mon Warners. We're all in danger. You guys have to be alright. I...." Bendy groaned. "Just, please, be alright. You guys drive me nuts, but that doesn't mean I wanna see ya hurt!"

"Aww," Dot coed. "He cares about us! Did you hear that? He really cares!" Bendy whipped around to see the three grinning at him.

"Nice to see ya missed us, pal." Yakko winked.

"Yeah, a real friend you. You even brought the cavalry." Wakko grinned and threw a thumb toward the car. "Can I drive?"

"Don't know if that's the best idea for someone who's been shot," Dot said nonchalantly.

"He's what!" Bendy barked with his eyes widening. Bendy came closer to the trio.

"She's being a drama queen. It's just a flesh wound." Wakko waved a hand like it was no problem. Bendy saw the blood. It was a scrap across his shoulder.

Bendy sighed in relief. "Of course an idiot like you would just brush it off like a papercut."

Wakko straighten himself out proudly. "Spiffy aren't I?"

Dot rolled her eyes.

"Look guys. We don't have time for your wisecracks. We have some trouble boys after us and we gotta fly." Bendy said, a relieved smile still on his face.

Yakko gasped. "Wisecracks? Us? Never!" Dot and Wakko chuckled. Bendy rolled his eyes.

He turned away from the Warners and called out. "Hey! I got 'em. Let's scram!" Finley, Sammy and Boris came rushing, all looking happy and relieved to see the three mostly unhurt.

"The reunion is great, but we gotta go," Bendy said from the car.

"Okay. But seriously, can I drive?" Wakko asked.

"No," Bendy stated flatly. Wakko pouted.

"C'mon. We better patch you up in the back," Finley said, patting the hat wearing Warner on the back. Wakko winced. "Sorry," Finley said sheepishly.

Everyone piled in and it was a tight squeeze. Wakko, Yakko, Sammy and Finley were crammed in the back. Boris, Bendy and Dot shared the front. Boris, behind the wheel again, pulled away from the crate.

"I'm so happy we're so close my sweet mailman." Dot smiled and leaned more into Bendy.

"Try anything like earlier and your walking." Bendy frowned and leaned as far away as possible in the small confines of the front seat. Sadly, that wasn't very far and Dot sighed in contentment as she rested her head on his shoulder. Boris was about to turn toward the exit they had entered in when a blast hit the side of the vehicle.

"There you wimps are! Come out and play Bendy!" Cups shouted and started running toward them, shooting more blasts. Boris turned the opposite way and hit the gas again.

"Are these new friends of yours?" Yakko asked.

"No!" Bendy barked.

"Funny. They look like they wanna play ball with ya," Yakko said turning to look behind them. They all ducked as a blast hit the end of the car.

"Then they're asking the wrong guy." Bendy glared at the figures.

"I'll play them!" Dot announced and crawled over Bendy.

"What?" Bendy gasped.

"Keep the car over there, sugar!" Dot ordered Boris as she hung half her body out the window. She pulled out a bat and stuck out her tongue.

Wakko pouted. "I wanted to do that."

"Tough luck," Yakko said in sympathy. "Peanut?" He offered a bucket of them and Wakko took a hand full.

A blast sailed toward the car again. Dot readied her bat and took a swing. The bat was destroyed in a flash of blue light, leaving only the burned end and the handle in Dot's hand. She blinked a couple of times, climbed back in, and took her seat between the brothers again.

Yakko whistled. "I think that's a foul."

"They don't really play fair, do they?" Wakko asked.

"Oh, like you do?" Bendy rasied a brow at him, which caused all the Warners to chuckle. Boris got to the end of the aisles and took another turn. The two villains disappeared from view again. Finley sighed in relief.

"C-c-can we leave now? I've had enough adventure for one li-life time," Sammy asked.

"But it's fun!" Wakko said.

"You're bleeding! Don't argue about staying!" Finley snapped.

"They gotta point there," Yakko said.

"We can't go back that way," Boris said.

Dot sighed. "Well, if we must. There is a garage exit on the opposite side of room from the door we came from. It should be that way." She pointed with the burned stump of a bat. "Turn here." Boris did as directed. As the group spotted the doors off to the side of them, they saw that the doors were slowly lowering. There was a small huddle of thugs around the doors shooting outside.

"Oh boy," Bendy muttered. "Everyone duck!" The moment the thugs spotted them, bullets started pinging off the vehicle. Boris sat low and pushed the pedal to the floor.

"You're gonna hit the door!" Sammy squeaked.

"No, I'm not!" Boris turned the wheel and the tires screamed their protest. Everyone screamed as the car fishtailed and thugs dove out of the way. The car straightened out and the roof of the vehicle scraped across the edge of the door. Sparks flew off the metal and then they were through.

The car skidded, then Boris kept going. Bendy nearly sat up when he heard gunfire again. Boris gasped and he turned the wheel, throwing everyone to the side before he swiveled the other way. "Hey! What the heck Boris?" Bendy demanded.

"Cops!" Boris shouted as he maneuvered as best he could. He was going too fast to stop hitting the blockade. Boris hoped he didn't hit anyone as the car smashed through and continued upward. Bendy pulled himself up to see they were in a sloping tunnel that went upward. He looked back to see cops were scattered everywhere along the blockade.

"Head out, bro!" Bendy ordered.

"But!" Boris began to slow.

"They'll just arrest us if we stop!" Bendy barked and the wolf sped up again. Bendy looked back again. His eyes widened in surprise when he made eye contact with a familiar crow and raccoon. The two female detectives stared at him in shock. He couldn't help giving them a sheepish smile and shrug. Then they disappeared from his view.

"Those cops are gonna be on us in a second," Finley said grimly.

"Don't worry, we got some tricks when it comes to the coppers," Yakko said, leaning back in his seat.

"I don't wanna know," Bendy said.


I know Bendy! The Warners are nuts but they are good at it!
"Yeah, we are," Dot said.
And you are back in my notes.
"We missed you too," Yakko said.
"Why did I get shot?" Wakko demanded. "I wanted to swing the bat!"
Sorry, man. It happens when you stare down a group of thugs with guns!
But-but! Cupbros! Finally! They are finally named! HAHAHAHA!
"Yeah. It only took you sixteen chapters too," Yakko said.
Shut your face! I'm happy with this chapter. Leave me to my good mood.
"But it isn't even edited!" Dot said, dramatically.
Mercowe will be on it and I'll go back and fix things. I just really wanna share it now!
"So impatient," Wakko tisked.
"Don't worry," Mercowe commented from the sidelines. "I just finished editing it." :D
Whatever, you three. See? Mercowe has my back!...and is also in my notes. It's becoming a party in here, huh? Either way, you're my hero, Mercowe! The boys are leaving for Toon Town next time, so I won't have to deal with you Warners anymore. Ha!
The Warners share mischievous smiles.
...You're not leaving are you?
Oh, stars...
Help me.

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