Completely Accepted

By Luv__cupcake

7.9K 120 15

This story is about the struggles of High School life and real life situations that we go through.Growing up... More

Back to school Bash
Music to Boxing
Game night.
Prod's house
Open House
Just Dance
Love and Basketball
Homecoming Game
Livin'YoungWild&Free Part 1...
Livin'YoungWild&Free Part 2...
Taco Tuesday
Whose Smarter
Forever my lady
Baby Boy
How to be a man
Catt turns 17
Catt turns 17
Spring Breakers
Drama with Exams
I missed you.
Prom night
Let go
Murder was the case

Completely Accepted

3.7K 11 1
By Luv__cupcake

The first day,and It's drizzling out.My mom already left for work at the office this mornin'. I was eattin' honey nut Cheerios on the floor watchin' Spongebob.I would load up on snacks in my backpack like normal but I'm gettin' fat lately.Princeton,my best friend since pre-K says"I'm just hitting purity" but-where the hell is he?!

My door bell rung knocking me out of thought.An adorable,skinny,curly haired,guy with a black fro stood in my view. 

"Are you ready yet Katniss?"he grinned.

I smirked crossing my arms lettin' him in.I hate when he calls me that.Just because we both are fans of the Hunger Games doesn't mean you can call me Katniss.My names Catt and in high school I do ALOT of things.So basically everyone knows me and I know them.

"Well good morning to you too!"

"Good morning Catt,"He smiled grabbing my bowl of cereal."So is "The Roc" gone yet?"

I rolled my eyes taking back my cereal.

"Roc"-The Jock of high school,who looks like he could be my older brother(when everyone still thinks that ,which he's not),he's a senior,the quarterback of our champion football team and the top dog.To me he's just my goofy cousin I love so much.He looks out for me,and I look out for him that's just how it works.

"He's still sleep,went to that End of Summer jam with his crew last night."

"I think we should have went,I coulda got laid."

I laughed. 

School is important to both of us but goin' to parties isn't really our thing but him getting laid is pretty hard to imagine.I changed the subject trying not to laugh as hard.

"I see my choice was the best in first day outfits."I grinned turning off the tv.

He smirked spinning around in his leather jacket,a jean light blue button down shirt,sagging skinny jeans with a chain,and black converse.The black gages look pretty rocker on him now.I pulled his hood grabbing my jean jacket as we headed out the door.Luckily the drizzling stopped and my tight bun wouldn't fizz before I even get to school.Prince grabbed his bike,he made when we were 13,all by himself.I was proud of him but I knew it was a bandage for having his dad leave him and his mom.I guess we became closer than ever that year,telling each other secrets,or how we wished our dads were with us.Mines was killed three days after I was born but I wish I knew him.

"You ok?Your kinda mute for your first day."he chuckled.

"We're technically seniors and I already have the year planned out.It's always the same!"I dramatically sighed.

"Yeah but it doesn't feel like normal and would you rather skip 10 or 11 years of being my best friend since Pre-K."

"Awwww,never Prince."I smiled putting my arm around him. 

He's gotten much taller and has a little bit of muscle on his skinny little body.No worse like Ray Ray ,the Class Clown of high school. 

"It doesn't matter if "it's always been the same."He mocked as I hit his arm making him laugh.

"Well I'm gonna try to fit in,become popular,and start my own rockband."he grinned proudly.

"Ok Jimmy Hendrix."I giggled as we both stopped looking at the sun rise behind our High School. 

"Warren high school" 

"I have a feeling it's about to be a mindless year."He sighed locking his bike.

I giggled walking up the steps in to the cool air of the front door. 

Every morning I help out in the office until first period.Prince does the announcements with his little accent that girls go crazy for when they don't believe it's him.I smiled walking in waving at mostly everyone.I sat at the main office desk that everyone gives complaints or problems they have.

I put my iPod on listening to Chris Brown -Kiss Kiss while straightening a couple of stacks of paper. 

"Um hi,I'm new here and I didn't get my schedule yet."

I looked up to Got Damn! 

" please?"I blinked probably blushing.

He took off his shades with a smile.


He smiled.

"Real name?"I smirked.

He chuckled. 

"Craig Crippen."

I grinned typing his name in the system.Staring at the corner of my eye I could see him staring back.

5'4,thick muscles threw this tight white shirt,a chocolaty complexion,a strong but smooth jawline,and his hair was in a blond mohawk.

The printer slipped out a clean white piece of paper with his schedule on it.We both have first lunch shift and English together. 

"Here you go.....have a nice first day Prodigy."I blushed as he smiled down at me taking the paper. 

"Thank you....."



We both looked back to Roc walkin' in with his empty backpack he carries around for fun.

"Why didn't you wake me up?I could have been late just now?!"he agonized.

"We live right up the street!?"I shrugged.


I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to Prod standing up with my hand out. 

"I'm Catt and your welcome."

He grinned shaking my hand. 

"Oh and that's just my "cousin",not brother, Roc."

They did that guy-handshake thing while I sat back down. 

"I'm Craig but I go by Prodigy."

"Cool.So you play any sports?"

"Yeah Roc's the quarterback of our football team."I grinned curious to know.

"Oh,well I play a little but-"

"Good."Roc grinned something else but they we're already out the door going to first period.I sighed as more students came in the building.The glass door opened to Princeton with a cheeky grin. 

"So.....guess who's apart of the Rockers now?"He smiled with a rock star sign with his hand.

"It wasn't even been an hour yet and your almost reaching your goal for this year!"I rolled my eyes getting up for first period. 

"Katniss,It's not that bad!You could....."He grinned dancing and gesturing me to the principles office. 

"What the hek are doin'?"I giggled as he closed the door.The bell rung making me tardy,but we have P.E in the morning so I could sneak in easily. 

"Ok so read this,say it loud and don't be shy."

I laughed looking at him sit in Mr.Taylor's chair with his feet on the desk like he runs this school.

"I'm never shy cupcake."

I sassed patting his cheek as he did the pledge and a moment of silence.I grinned taking the mic as he smirked flipping on the button.I pressed play on my iPod for background music.

B.Smyth-Leggo ft.2 Chains was playin'.

"Hey y'all it's your girl Catt and here are the mornin' announcements!" 

I giggled.

"So welcome all little freshies,enjoy high school while you can!And please try not to go easy on the fresh meat Jocks!"

Prince laughed making me smile.

"Ok so football try outs for upperclassmen "new kids" is this Thursday.We really have only one new guy goin' here but I'm not going to embarrass you,Prodigy."

I heard laughter down the hall. 

"But in other news,we've got the back to school bash at OC's house tonight!No freshmans or teachers allowed,sorry!But on a huge note for seniors.Its our last year so the bigger the bill,the harder you ball,you gotta work hard play hard!"

I smiled pointed the mic to Prince. 

"Alright,so have a nice day and welcome back students!" 

He clicked off the mic and we both laughed our ways out of the principles office.I'm pretty sure that was inappropriate for the first day ,but the staff in the office were busy with students to pull us both aside. 

"I hate the fact that we have p.e first period-"

"I'm gonna lose my virginity this year." I said confidently.

He stopped dead in in his tracks staring at me like I said I was about to drive off a cliff.


"That's my goal and I'm sticking to it." 

I walked off into the gym. 

Ok,so that goal may be extreme but it's my last year in high school & you only live once,right?

"Are you just crazier than usual?" 

"It's not like I'm getting pregnant Princeton." 

I whispered in a hushed tone. 

"But you could,by who..... You know what be careful with what you wish for." He sighed.

I thought for a minute.I do think that new kids kinda hot,but then again I don't know him and half these boys around here have already lost their V-card to

"Stacia"-The girl that "gets around" in high school.She may be effin' every guy you know but on the bright inside she's a really nice girl. 

"Hey Stac."

We stopped behind the bleachers of the basketball court going outside. 

"Hey Catt and....." 

"Princeton."he reminded.

"Yeah Princeton,that's your name."

I giggled as he huffed behind me. 

"So um what are you doing behind the bleachers?"

"Well I kinda have to do something in a bit....."

I cocked my head to the side.

"Oh...I got it.Have fun?"

Prince laughed pulling me outside to so a few kids running around the track but everyone else on the bleachers were talking or messing around.The sun was out now and it was hot as ever! I don't see a teacher but I don't feel like asking.We walked high up from everyone else.

"I think I might do the same."he started.

"Do what?"I asked confused.

"Your goal for this year?"

"Why?You don't-"

I was about to say he doesn't even have a girlfriend or a crush on someone,but I know him and I know he wouldn't do a stupid thing like.... 

"Have sex with Stacia?"

He hushed me as we walked away from everyone else on the bleachers. 

"It's just a thought!"He shrugged. 

"Have you been smokin'?!"

He shrugged again.

"For all that Princeton I might as well just F you!"

He smirked shrugging his shoulders.I laughed hitting his arm. 

I hope he's not serious neither of those thoughts.I can't do it with my bestie that would be just weird.

The bell rung for second period later after we talked about homecoming.We walked down after everyone not rushing.

"See you later at lunch Prince."I grinned leaving him on the bleachers.

I had more boring classes before lunch.I was stuck in French with Ray Ray who kept making the class laugh at the way our teacher was speaking.

"Ray Ray"-The class clown of school and drug-dealer,loves girls,clowning around in school and has the record of getting put out of class in the history of our school.No one knows his real name but Ray or Ray Ray works.

"Hey Kitty Catt,go to prom with me."

He's the only one that calls me that??

He whispered as Madame Moran went over the schools handbook in French. 

"What?"I whispered.

He sighed.

"Go with me,you can be my third date of the night."

I shot him a quick look behind me.

"Is that before or after you go back to jail?" 

He laughed then stopped. 

Ray got caught selling drugs at school last year and ended up in jail with a bunch of other chargers he took for OC and Roc.We went to go visit him but I was scared to even step foot in the freakin' building.

"Oh so you got jokes."

Madame shushed him making me giggle.

"Yeah I do,cause I'm not going to prom with you,and proms not til second semester so why are you asking me?" 

"I want all the ladies to get a piece of Two Braids!"

He danced while making the class laugh.

"You know you got issues kid."I grinned rolling my eyes as our teacher coming over to us with a ruler in her hand.

"Yep and I know the routine Madamn!"

He smiled. 

"Two braids or Ray Twice my nigga!"

He shouted while out the door.I laughed as the bell rung for lunch.Prince was waiting for me by the door. 

"So how's your day going-"

"It sucks,I barely have classes with you,I know everybody,and............I think the new guys kinda cute."

I blushed waving back as he passed us on the way to lunch. 

"That's awesome,but you don't know him."he pointed out.

I stopped by the cafeteria doors. 

"So,we'll find out now.Whatever clique he chooses shows his personality."

I tried pushing open the cafeteria door.Prince stood aside chuckling. 

"Here let me help."

He pushed it open with one hand. 

"Thanks."I fake smiled walking in saying "Hey" to everyone with them replying to "Hey Catt! or What up Catt!"from most people I pass by.

"Hey Catt."

The voice was unfamiliar so I turned around to Prodigy. 


I smiled.

Well that hi turned into a really good convo which led to us sitting at lunch together and that bitch,Anewbiah. 

"New New"-the most popular girl in school.Of course she has boys bowing down to her like she a god.Its maybe the fact that she got a butt,big pushed up boobs but luckily the man she's try's to get "Roc" isn't interested. 

"You seen Roc."She asked.She didn't really ask just with an attitude. 

"No."I answered sharply. 

"I know you know where he-"

"New New ant nobody got time fa that!"

We looked over to Nellie with her hip poked out. 

"Your so called "man" is flirtin' with your "girl" Paris!"She snapped dismissing her away. 

"Thanks."I grinned as she sat across from us. 

"Don't worry bout her shes just on her period."Nellie joked making us laugh. 

"More like all the time."

We snickered. 

"I'm still tryna figure out why her momma named her Anewbiah?"

"You too?"I laughed.

"So who's the new boy?"She grinned pointing to Prod.

"Oh this is Prodigy."I grinned. 

"I'm Nellie."She smiled snapping her fingers while the bell rung for fifth period. 

"Nice meetin' you Nellie and having lunch with you Catt.Think we can do this again tomorrow?"He smiled getting up as my cheeks turned red.Minus all the distractions and I'll say Yes!

"S-sure!"I managed trying not to smile as he waved walking away. 

"He's cute."She smiled hitting my arm. 

"Of course he is and what's up!"I grinned popping the p at the end.

"My um...periods kinda late..."She smiled nervously looking down at her hands.I looked around seeing more kids leave as the cafeteria ladies came out. 

"How late?"I sighed.

"About two weeks...or more..."

She bite her lip fighting the tears.

"Hun,did you go to the doctor?"

"My appointments at four."

"Does OC know he's got football practice with Roc-"

"Catt dear!"Ms.Mabel called.

"I know Ms.Mabel, I'll have my lunch money tomorrow!"I yelled as we walked slowly out. 

"No."She cried bending down on my shoulder.Putting her red bun in my face.

"Nellie"-She plays on our schools national-champ basketball team, she's the star player,is girlfriend to OC,a little ghetto and does pretty well with school.....not until now. 

"You have my number,so call me when you get your results okay."I hugged her as she went in class.Okay maybe Prince is right maybe I should change my goal.

"Peace Red,Juliet."He smiled coolly deucin' out his new crew after school. I was waiting for Prodigy outside since we had a pretty fun time in English. 


I turned aside to him smiling. 

"Hey so how was the first day?"

"Pretty good I think I like it."He smiled walking backwards to the student parking lot waving bye.

"Bye..."I blushed bumping into Prince. 

"I don't like him."He frowned. 

"You never met him and get your arm from around my waist!He's going to think we go out!"I snapped annoyed by him.We heard a car honk twice,turning to see a yellow corvette with Prodigy ridin' in it. 

"Oh wow."I blushed as he winked speeding off. 

"Dang Catt,your boyfriends rich!" 

I turned to Ray Ray handing certain people mini bags of weed. 

"Would you stop that and he's not my boyfriend!"I said in a hushed tone watching for teachers. 

"I gotta get money somehow and you ant gotta lie gurl I see you blushin'!"He smiled pinching my cheeks.

"Stop That!It's not like you don't have the choice to stop anytime you want."I frowned crossing my arms.


We both looked up to a guy with his crew.I've never seen them around here but the look on Rays face was pretty terrified. 

"Relax Ray,we ant here to hurt you in front of school or infront such a beautiful lady."He smiled touching under my chin as I looked at him with disgust.Roc stepped in front of me knocking his hand away.

"I'm Roc,Who are you." He mugged as the guy chuckled. 

"They call me Harris,J Harris."

He went on introducing this crew.The guy next to him looked pretty young like me and Prince what was he doin' in a mess like this?

"But your son right here owes me.Well not me,Mr.Bangz is waitin' fa you."

"How much."I asked as Roc gave me that "shut up don't talk"look. 

"Four hundred."He mugged at Ray who look like he was about to piss in his pants.

"Here."Roc handed him the money. 

How'd he get-Where'd he get?! 

"Thank you Roc,you just saved yo homies balls."

He grinned putting the money in his jacket. 

"Let's go.It better not happen again Ray,remember Bangz is lookin'."He warned walking off. 

We stayed in silence for a few minutes till Roc went inside.I followed him with everyone behind me. 

"Where the hell did you get that money!"I snapped following behind him.

"Nowhere Catt."

"Fuck that,what the hell are you doing with that much of money!"

I turned him around as he brought me into the janitor closet by my arm roughly.

"You don't know a lot of things Catt!All you know is that moms workin' and tavelin' all the time!She pays everything for the house,but I'm the one who pays for everything else.Food,new clothes,my car I pay that and if I stop now I won't get your tuition for college!"

I hugged him tightly with tears in my eyes. 

"I'm sorry."I managed as he hugged back,tears falling from his eyes as well. 

"I love you like a sister Catt.....and whatever happens just know I love you alright." 

I nodded as he wiped my tears.




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