Kidnapped By My Alpha Mate

By kiara_vr

2.8M 76.4K 10.7K

Family problems were something Sasha had become accustomed to. An Alpha werewolf mate was something she was... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 42

24.5K 676 68
By kiara_vr


I open my eyes to see a dreary dark cell made of stone with torch lights providing light and I try go forward but I can't move, my wrists and ankles are bound to a wall by metal cuffs with silver coating them.

My head hurts like anything just like my wrists and ankles burn worse than anything I have ever felt in my life as I struggle.

The last thing I can remember is the wedding and then the rogue attack. I must have been kidnapped, this is definitely not fun when all I want is to go to my beautiful wife who is probably wondering where I am or panicking.

I hope she is safe. I really really hope she is safe.

"Hello Dylan, so nice to see you awake," a voice says.

"Daren," I growl out angrily.

"Yep. I have been waiting to have you here to torture. It's a shame all my attempts to get your pretty little mate failed as well," he says.

"Don't you dare touch Sasha!" I growl pulling at the chains ignoring the sizzling of my skin and the burning agony and pain the silver inflicts on me.

"Why would I listen to you? I even have a pretty little bird cage ready for her to be locked up in," he says.

"I won't allow you to!"

"I'd love to see you try stop me besides she'll be more than willing to when she sees the surprise I have in store for her. Right Alexander?" Daren says.

"Absolutely Alpha," a boy of about twenty or twenty one says walking into the cell.

"If you're her boyfriend I'd like you to know that we just got married and are already happily mated," I tell him.

"I'm not her boyfriend but trust me when I say she will do anything for me the moment she sees me. She'd choose me over you any day, and I mean it, as long as she can see me I'm sure she would happily sit like a pretty little bird in a cage," Alexander says and I am confused.

Who would she love more than her mate but have no romantic relationship with.

He looks like her but-

"Her brother is supposed to be dead!"

"I know I am. I got quite injured in that crash and little Sasha almost died being a human. Alpha Daren found me and took me into his pack and when I healed I became the pack's Beta, I see you've heard about me. That means she probably feels guilty, the crash came about because of an argument about her boyfriend, a boyfriend who was cruel and abusive and not only that but he was manipulative and lazy. She would do anything for me. She would likely get on her knees and surrender on a battlefield if she saw me alive and well," he says.

"Sasha loves you but you left her. You left her to be abused and hated. She loves and loved you just like she loves her abusive parents! They blame her for your death which never happened. She blames herself and allowed them to beat her for years and you didn't go back! You could have stopped that!" I shout at the moronic brother.

"But I was so busy besides they wouldn't have stopped. They have always hated her. You haven't even stopped to notice that I'm a werewolf and she's not. She was born human and was considered a disgrace but they couldn't disown her, no wolf can bear to disown their pup so we left this pack to move into a human town," he says.

"They couldn't bear to disown her so they beat her! She would have been better in an orphanage and Sasha is the furthest thing from a disgrace! She is a strong and smart girl who deserved to have been loved by her own parents. Your family is seriously messed up and you did not bother to do anything about it!" I shout at him, my chains beginning to pull from the wall as a result of my blind rage.

Usually the pain stops us from fighting back but when something like our mate is threatened and we feel so much anger, frustration and rage we sometimes forget the pain and only think of attacking whoever dares to threaten, insult, mock or whatever else our mate.

"Don't worry Dylan, we won't kill you. Seeing as you're the mate of my Beta's dear little sister. You'll just be tortured whilst she is kept in a gilded cage for the high ranked members to look at. Maybe she'll get a replacement for you from one of them," Daren smirks.

"Sasha is not a pet. She's a girl with feelings and emotions which her own brother doesn't seem to even care for!" I growl.

The image of my beautiful Sasha being locked up in a bird cage in fine dresses feeling scared and overwhelmed, wanting her freedom and to be free to wear her favourite shorts and t-shirts instead of flowing silk dresses, fancy stiletto heels and jewellery that makes her look like a jewellery shop.

I know Sasha. She prefers simple things. If she wears a dress it'll be short and pretty but nothing fancy. She likes her freedom, I learnt that from experience, from her trying everything in her power to be a free woman when all I wanted was to keep her locked up in the house. The result of that was her resenting me completely. She likes walks through the forest and freedom to go where she wants, not being kept like a bird.

"She'll hate you! She may feel guilty whenever she thinks of you but I assure you keeping her locked up and ripping her freedom from her will make her loathe you. I made the same mistake when I met her only the room was bigger than a cage. If she can't stand being kept locked up in a large room with a bathroom where she can move freely, how will she react to a gilded cage? Why would you cage a girl who spends everyday of her life believing you leaving her was her fault. You have no idea what you did to her. She refused to fall in love. She had trust issues," I shout at him hating how the only man my mate loved more than me could think to betray her in such a cruel way.

"I'm keeping her locked up because I'm sure she loves you just as much as you love her. I can't have her trying to help you escape besides it's great having two mates captive. If the one mate acts out, you threaten the other. Trust me if I know my sister she looks even more beautiful now than the day I left her. Once I have her, if you act out I can simply threaten to give her to another man-" Alexander laughs as if hurting his sister who loves him so much is something amusing.

"She won't love him though! She'll fight back with everything she's got!" I growl.

"A human fighting against a wolf. There's a reason my parents hated her, humans are weak and inferior. What human could fight a wolf. She'll likely be weakened with her spirit breaking inside the cage. She'll hate it but she won't be able to stop it and you'll feel your heart breaking in pain-"

"You'd put your own sister through that. You'd put her through all of this just to get back at me! She doesn't deserve to be hurt like that! The past few years have been nothing but pain for her. She's been abused and hurt and you want her to spend even more of her life like that. She hated herself! She honestly believed she deserved to be abused! She thought she was not worthy of being loved! She couldn't trust anyone! She wouldn't go get help because she loved her messed up family too much! She suffered because of you and now you want her to suffer even more. She loved you, whenever she thought of memories with you she would remember happiness and then blame herself for being the cause of your death! Can't you just let her be happy?!" I ask.

"Not when she poses a threat as your mate," Daren replies.

I suddenly feel my wrists able to freely move, the same with my legs and I glare at the two who dared to try come between me and my mate I break the shackles and I shift and attack them.

The guards enter the cell and they outnumber me but I don't stop fighting.

They threatened my mate. They threatened to ruin her life again, to hurt her and lock her up like a bird.

The image of her pleading to be set free is in my head. I can imagine her locked up and crying and begging for them to let her go.

My poor little mate does not deserve that. She deserves to be cuddled and loved and shown affection and even more love. They plan on hurting my sweet little mate who wants nothing more than to be loved.

They didn't see how much she hated herself and how much she chastised herself and hurt herself. He doesn't deserve to be related to her, none of her family does and when I get out of here Sasha and I can someday create our own family, one where she is loved and accepted for the true queen she is instead of being treated like dirt or a pawn.

I feel a needle in me and I fall to the ground as the wolfsbane floods through my system. No wonder they were not worried about provoking me, they had wolfsbane on hand to use to tranquilize me.


So Sasha's parents are secretly werewolves, her family is even more messed up than it was at chapter 1 and well her brother kidnapped her mate.

This chapter was going to be chapter 43 but then I saw that I had hit 6K votes and decided to let you see where on earth Dylan ended up. So two updates in one day and three in a little over twenty four hours.

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