Yellow {BTS Taehyung FF}

By taehyungsyoonbum

176 0 0

Reader x Taehyung Y/n is faced with a life changing event bringing back an old friend and unknown feelings... More

Authors Note
The Guy at the Bar
A Dull Room
It's a Date!
Amusement Park
Park Jinyoung
Kim Taehyung
Moving On
Winter Project
Return to Neverland
First Night
The Notebook

Forgive and Forget?

7 0 0
By taehyungsyoonbum

The thought of being around Taehyung made me upset. Deep down inside i'm still hurt but i can't show it.

I sat in the front middle of class for the next week trying to avoid Tahyung. But it didn't take long for him to appear next to me while i read. I could see him look at me and turn back to the front of the class from the corner of my eye. I don't even have to look at him to see the dull look in his eyes. He used to have the brightest eyes i'd ever seen but that light's gone.

Neither of us spoke the whole class and when the bell rang i left as quick as i could. I could tell he was trying to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. Half way down the hall he ran to me and grabbed my shoulder, "Hey Y/n." I looked at him and smiled slightly still walking forward. He walked beside me in silence for a while. "Why're you avoiding me?" i stopped and looked to him, "I'm not avoiding you, who said i was avoiding you." His posture dropped and he tilted his head slightly, "I kno- It's obvious." I started walking again. "We talked one day and suddenly I have to talk to you every day?" My heart hurt as i walked away, I'm losing my used to be best friend again.

He ran up to my and stood in front of my door so i couldn't get in the car. "Y/n, I like talking to you," he looked in up and then back at me, "you're...interesting." I crossed my arms, "Are you calling me weird?" He stood straight and waved his hands. "No, no i don't mean it like that." I smiled slightly and his still posture relaxed.

"Can I get in my car now?" He looked like he was thinking about it for a minute. "No." I questioned, "No?" he firmly stated again, "No." I looked at him, "Why not?" He looked down to me, "Tell me why you're avoiding me." I tried changing the subject, "You talk more than I thought." But he ignored me and stood there. I just stood there too. But i broke after a couple seconds, "Why do you think I'm avoiding you?" He signed, "I already told you." I played dumb, "I don't remember." he looked kind of annoyed but tried to hide it. "I'm not repeating myself." he leaned on the car door.

"Fine." i pulled out my phone and called Chani. "What're you doing?" I put the phone to my ear, "Getting a ride." He quickly grabbed my phone and ended he call. "I don't think so." He had a look of victory on his face so i walked away. "Where are you going now." He said still at the car. "Getting a taxi." i could hear him sigh, "Okay fine. But you have to come here." I'm not even sure if i want to know so much to go back. But...I did.

"Why do you think I'm avoiding you?" I will do anything to get what I want. "Because it's obvious." He stated once more. "Hmm...I don't think that's what you were going to say earlier." He furrowed his brows and looked confused for a minute then look back at me, "I thought you didn't remember." I shrugged, "Maybe i did, maybe i didn't." He stared at me for a little. "hah you blinked!" I yelled. "What?" he looked confused. "Staring contest, I won. You owe me...nothing. I can't think." His eyes softened and he smiled looking in the other direction. "Still." he murmured. "what?" I asked.

He shook his head. I think he finally forgot why he's standing there. "So, can i get in my car now?" I asked. He stood firm, "You still haven't told me." I grumbled and crossed my arms. "I'm not avoiding you." He still didn't buy it and stood still. "You still haven't told me what you were gonna say." He looked at me with a sparkle of regret and hope in his eyes. "...I was going to say..." He looked at the floor and kicked a rock. "because i know you."

My whole world stopped and my heart dropped. I don't know if i wanted him to remember. I couldn't feel anything around me, not even the bag on my back. It was as if i disconnected from the world and was just floating in my own space.

"C-can I go now?" He hesistated. "Can you just talk to me, I know you remember." I took a deep breath and let it out, "What is there to talk about?" He looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry Y/n. I know i hurt you when you needed a friend the most. Please forgive me." He got a little closer. "There's nothing to forgive," He looked happy for a second, "I don't want you back in my life." It hurt me more than it hurt him, but i can't open myself to pain like that again. He moved to the side so i could get in the car. Before getting in I stopped, "tell Jiwoo I said hi, please."

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