David and Natalie Oneshots

By 93fivey

31K 483 211

This will be updated pretty sporadically as I'm pretty meh at writing. I take suggestions but there are no gu... More

New Home
David! (Part III)
"Im sorry"
Track Day
Action ;) (Foam Experiment Vlog)
Marriage (Part II)
"Thank you"
"I thought I lost you!"
Jealousy (Part II)
Sharing a Table
Magic 8 Ball
Natalie is Sick
What will it take?
Natalie's Dream About David
Natalie's Dream About David (Part II)
"Don't you think I'm sexy?"
I told you so
I told you so (Part II)
Please forgive me
Please forgive me (Part II)
"1, 2, 3..." "Yes."
"Now I'll never lose you."

David! (Part II)

1.4K 16 3
By 93fivey

David's POV —————

I just finished editing and posting the vlog when I realized that me and Nat haven't eaten dinner yet. "Natalie!" I called, intending to tell her to order food for the both of us.
I didn't hear a response.

Suddenly I heard the front door slam shut, only to hear it being violently opened again. I curiously got up and moved to my bedroom door. Just as I got to the door, I heard a thud. "Natalie must be carrying stuff" I thought to myself. I knew the house was still a mess from the bit me and the guys filmed earlier today.
I felt guilty making her clean up everything all by herself, with it being so late. "I should go give her a hand." I thought.

I pushed the door open and walked towards the living room, only to hear a voice I didn't recognize. "I'm sorry. But I can't have any witnesses." Sorry? Witnesses? What was going on?

I walked into the living room and my blood ran cold. I saw a man standing in my living room, a knife raised over his head, Natalie laying on the floor below him.

It was almost in slow motion. As the knife fell, I ran forward and threw myself onto Natalie's body.
I felt a searing pain in my side, close to my back, but I was too focused on protecting Natalie to care; that and the adrenaline in my system was doing its job well.

3rd PERSON POV—————

David threw his arm back and managed to elbow the intruder in the face, causing the knife to clatter to the floor. Now it was a race to see who would recover first.  It was Natalie.

She quickly grabbed the knife, and reaching around David's body, stabbed the intruder in the leg.  The man roared in pain and dropped to the floor, the knife embedded in his left thigh.

David was next to react. He quickly got off Natalie and staggered past the screaming man and into the kitchen. Natalie knew that he wasn't leaving her. He was going for the gun.

David and Natalie both hated guns, but after a few too many close calls with nosy fans and the break in earlier last year, Heath had convinced them to buy one. It was, of course, in Natalie's name since David couldn't legally buy or own a gun. Although Natalie wasn't too happy about suddenly being a registered gun owner, she would be lying if she said it didn't make her feel just a little bit safer knowing there was a gun in the house. They weren't idiots though. The gun was safely tucked away inside a small safe, which was itself, inside a cabinet that nobody ever opened. They, of course, never told the fans about it.

Natalie was quickly brought back to reality by a hiss of pain from the intruder. He had torn the knife from his thigh and was now staggering towards her; his mask doing little to conceal his fury. "You'll pay for that you BITCH!" He growled at her. Natalie quickly began to crawl her way backward, tears streaming down her face. "Please don't!" she begged.

Just as the man was within striking distance, Natalie heard a pop and the man fell on top of her. She quickly pushed him off of her and scampered into the nearest corner, where she curled up into a ball and began crying.

Her whimpers were cut short by the sound of something hitting the floor. She peeked over her arms just in time to see David fall to the floor next to the gun, groaning in pain and holding his side.

That's when Natalie got a good look at his wound...

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