Dream Journal

By KioriMatsu

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EDIT: No longer pregnant with my daughter, so this will be a continuation of my dreams if I have any I rememb... More

Logan Paul
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It would happen..
Long Time Ago
First Lucid Dream
Work Restrictions
The Future is Scary

Aze-The Demon ShopKeep

4 0 0
By KioriMatsu

~This dream had me feeling super weird when I woke up. The main guy, Aze (Azz) looks like Rin Okumura (right) and Staz (left) mixed with a bit of Dan from Dav VS (below). and I couldn't help but write it out with some improvised situations. I might just turn it into a fanfiction of one of the shows I don't know yet though~

"Come on Raina you can get it!" My little cousin Rolland shouted with glee as I played with an obviously rigged claw machine. My family was having a reunion in the back of this old antique shop on the division line. This line extends through three towns, it's where demons and humans can be together in peace. Some 'crossbreed' and form families. Others open shops such as this antique shop we were in.

"Look we have the coin with the birds' feet on it!" Little cousin Amelia smiled showing her treasure to her twin Saara. I started swinging the claw in the machine back and forth and it dropped down grabbing some of the small prizes then dropping them into the prize slot. Ro pulled out the candy and split it with the two girls.

"Alright Feniks' gather in." The elder of our family spoke up. "It's time we pass our heirlooms onto the next fertile generation. They will then decide what direction this family will take." His hair grayed, eyes once pure red dulled with age, he was a demon, but he had fallen in love with a human having half and half offspring. The table were I now sat squeaked a bit as I stood up. I gathered the bird coins from the five families. The bird head, the feet, right-wing, left-wing, and the body of the bird. I took them up to the elder. As I held my hand out to give them to him, he placed his hand over mine closing my fingers on the coins.

"Raina, it is now your turn to decide the fate of our clan. Do we stay as a demon human love or will you set the bloodline back to 'normal' by marrying a human?" I looked up to him.

"I don't want that responsibility. I don't even want to marry. I don't even have a boyfriend!"

"Hush child. It is your destiny. Don't be scared. Everything will work out." He embraced me in a hug. I didn't know the elder very well, I knew he was a full demon, a dangerous one at that, but his love for a human woman, my grandmother, was enough to turn the tables for all of demon and humankind. My mother is half-human and my father is a little over half-human, so, I'm pretty much human. But growing up and having a family that is part demon, they don't really scare me. I placed the coins in my pocket taking my seat again. The elder went on about or traditions and why this reunion was important. I spaced out looking at the door to the antique shop. As the festivities for the night came to a close I left the back room to wander the shop. Rolland ran passed me and left out the front door. I smirked following him.

"Ro what are you doing?" I asked as he hid the van his parents brought.

"I'm hiding from bigger demons, Tiana said they like to eat little things, and I'm quite little." He popped his head out of the back window for a second.

"Ro, we are on the Line. The demons here are trying to make peace and live a life without conflict, well for the most part anyway."

"I know but I'm still scared, we live on the demon side so it's normal, ok Raina." He stressed I gave him a small giggle, almost forgetting where I lived. I lived on the line, I didn't know how it was to live with all demons or with all humans, I headed back into the shop. I walked up to the red oak countertop peering down into the glass case. There were rings and jewelry fit for a king. On the other side was coins. Hmm. The shopkeeper walked over to me. He wasn't very tall, probably the same height as me or maybe taller. His short hair in need of a trim shimmered black, eyes green, he had a small scab right above his lip in the right side from possibly a cut or a pimple-popping gone wrong. My heart fluttered a bit. Was he a demon or a human? He certainly didn't have any demon features, horns, claws, wings, that sort of thing.

"What can I do for you, little lady?" He smiled.

"Well, I wanted to know how much I could get for these." I pulled my family heirlooms out of my pocket. I didn't really want to sell them, I just wanted to make conversation with this man. He took two coins in his fingers, the feet, and a wing. He looked them over handing me 10 dollars. He slipped the coins into the case.

"NO! I just wanted to know how much! I want those back!" I yelled.

"All sales are final. Unless you wanted to buy them. In that case." He crossed his arms and looked away. "1,200 dollars."

"That's a fucking rip off and you know it!" I slammed my hands down on the counter. His arms shot up in front of him trying to defend himself.

"Hey watch the counter."

"Raina we're leaving." Ameilia and Saara said together.

"I'll be right back we're not done yet," I growled at him. He looked at me shrugging his shoulders. I ran outside to my cousins.

"Hey, do you guys have the special family bag?" I asked them.

"The one that only opens-"

"If you're part of the family." They said holding out a small dark blue leather bag.

"Can I borrow it?" I reached for it. They smiled nodding their head yes. I snatched the bag shouting a thank you over my shoulder running back into the building. I placed the other three coins in the bag and placed it in my pocket.

"Alright I need my other coins-" I looked up to where he had stood. "Where did you go?" I questioned myself as I walked around the store.

I found myself back at the front door. I saw stairs behind a half door that read 'employees only'. Bingo. I slowly made my way up the states, as I reached the top I started to shake a little bit.

"Shopkeep?" I called. I came to a door that was slightly ajar. I slowly pushed it further open looking inside. It looked like a kitchen, alright. I slowly walked in.

"Shopkeep?" I called again.

"What are you doing in my house!?" He called walking into the kitchen.

"I'm looking for you so I can get my coins back. I shifted weight to one leg crossing my arms. He looked down texting away on his phone.

"What makes you think I'll give them back to you without proper payment?" He asked.

"Because, because." I didn't know what to say, I didn't know the man very well. "Because I'm cute and you'll be doing me a favor, therefore, I'll owe you a favor." I puffed out my chest with my arms down in front of me holding my hands together.

"He looked up at me and chuckled." If that gets you anywhere let me know human." He looked back down at his cell. "Now get out of my-dammit!" He threw his phone across the room. It landed on the floor next to my feet. He stomped into the room beside him. I picked up his phone looking at it.

'It's not you Aze it's me. I thought I could love a demon but I can't. Thanks for the sex though byeeeee' I pressed back looking at the other messages I shouldn't have, but I was curious. All of then from girlie names all said just about the same thing, sex was a mistake, I don't love you, please forget about me. Wow, the cold-hearted harlots. I clicked on the message that was showing when I picked it up and took it to him. He sat on the couch in the living room arms crossed. I held out his phone to him from behind the couch.

"Here, if it helps at all, they're probably seeing like 7 other guys and taking horse cock like its nothing. I'm sorry I came up here." He took his phone from my hand. I turned around to take my leave.

"Wait, I'm Aze." He stood up, turning to face me.

"I'm Raina." I gave him a smile over my shoulder continuing my way out of his apartment. I made it to the shop below looking once again at all the trinkets and antiques he had gathered over the years. I took one last glance at the coins in the case as another man entered the store.

"We're about to close miss." I stood up from my stooped over position to look at him. He had long dirty brown hair and eyes to match.

"Yeah, sorry. Oh and Aze just had his heartbroken." I fixed my gaze to the floor as I left. The man raised a brow as he locked the door behind me. He went upstairs to find his roommate laying on the couch.

"Woah. She was right." He laughed.

"What the hell are you laughing at Derek?" Aze yelled.

"There was a girl in the shop and she said that you just got your heartbroken and I didn't believe it until I saw it." He continued to laugh leaving the room.

"Stupid girl needs to mind her own buisness." Aze huffed.

I found myself walking by the antique shop again. I sighed as walked in the front door. There he was, Aze, sitting on a stool by the register reading a magazine feet up on the counter. He glanced up at me.

"What are you doing back?" He huffed. "Don't loiter or I'll have to call the police or something." He used a toothpick on his teeth.

"I won't." I shook my head looking away from him. I went around from isle to isle thinking of what to get. I came in to make sure my coins were still here. I found a small purse. Sure, I can give this to my aunt for the next holiday. I walked up the counter staring at my coins as Aze rang me up. He took his feet off the counter pressing a couple buttons on the register. It dinged causing me to jump turning my attention to him.

"5." He stated. I pulled out the money from my pocket giving it to him then left. He watched me leave.

"What that the girl from yesterday?" Derek joined his roommate downstairs.

"Yeah, she's really attached to the coins she accidentally sold me."

"Then just trade them back to her for as much as you gave her."

"Heuh." Aze huffed pacing his feet back on the counter pulling the magazine back to his face.

"She's kinda cute Aze, if you're to mean to her she'll just disappear and leave you on read like the others." Derek chimed as he left the shop. Aze rolled his eyes continuing to read.

"Raina we're having the family fire tomorrow please remember to bring the coins for the burning." My father said over the phone.

"Yes, dad." My face lost all color. He hung up. What the hell am I going to do? I pulled my hair up to a loose ponytail fixed my t-shirt and left the house. Back at the antique shop, I took another deep breath before entering. I saw the two men behind the counter talking to each other.

"Well, there ya go Aze." The brunette patted his friends back and left the building.

"Stupid Derek," Aze mumbled.

"Aze, please is there anything I can do to get my coins back! I'll clean the shop, I'll clean your apartment, I'll pretend to be your girlfriend!" The last option caught his attention.

"Hmm, pretend to be my girlfriend huh." He rubbed his chin slightly. "I like the sound of that. Come back 10 minutes before closing then." He tilted his head slightly down giving me a crooked smile. I nodded yes running out of the store back to my apartment. If I was gonna let him use me like this I might as well look the part. I took a quick shower washing and shaving every inch of my body. I dried my hair pulling the sides into a twist braid to be pinned up in the back. I curled the tips of the rest of my hair. Black eyeliner with blue lids made my eyes pop. I put a black tank top over my black lace bra, only to be covered by a see-through teal sweater. It wasn't really a sweater more like an overshirt. My blue jeans fit snuggly and comfortable. I took a look in the mirror, I didn't look like me, more like a sexier version of me. Maybe I should care more often. I shrugged the thoughts away, I'd care more if I had someone else to care for too. I looked at the time, great, time to go. I pulled on my sneakers locking my apartment behind me as I left.

I walked into the antique shop looking around, facing away from the counter. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe I should just go home.

"Ma'am, were closing in 10 minutes, but I might be able to stay open a little longer for you." Aze's voice almost sang in my ears. I turned to look at him. He almost jumped back when he noticed it was me.

"It's you! Raina!" His arms that were up in a defensive position settled to his sides.

"Yeah, I thought maybe you needed pictures, or to go out to do a public appearance or something like that." I blushed turning my face away.

"Yeah-yeah. Good thinking." He smiled. The other man, Derek, once again entered the shop, locking the door behind him, he looked up to us.

"Damn, Azzy you scored good. Hey baby if you don't want to do this with Aze, my room is on the left upstairs." He winked at me walking up said stairs.

"Scumbag." Aze and I said together, then looked at each other, making eye contact and giggled turning away.

"Ok, so uhm." Aze came out from behind the counter. He was taller than me.

"What do you plan on doing?" I asked him blushing.

"Well. I wanted pictures to send to those stupid girls." He scratched the back of his head looking down.

"Alright let's start with the basics." I took a deep breath. I took his phone from his hand causing him to blush. I took his hand in mine placing my head on his shoulder taking a selfie. It was super forced and didn't look very good. I giggled at the tension in the photo.

"If we can't make this work, just forget about it." Aze turned away.

"No, Aze, we can make this work ok?" I grabbed his face turned him back to me. I got my face closer placing a kiss on his cheek. His face lit up and eyes widened and a bright flash almost blinded him. I back away blushing the same shade looking at his phone. A perfect innocent first kiss picture.

"See?" I showed the man still in shock. He looked at his phone then smiled. I grabbed his hand pulling him over to the hats I saw while wandering the store. I placed one on my head tilted my head up placing a hand barely touching his shoulder. He saw what I was doing and grabbed a monocle, placing it on his eye, tilting his head up closing his eyes. I snapped a 'proper' picture causing both of us to giggle.

"You chose the next one." I smiled forgetting why we were taking pictures. He smiled big grabbing my hand pulling me into the back room that once held my family. He let go of my hand for a minute as he scanned the room. I saw the pinball machine I didn't get to play because it was occupied. I ran over to it pulling the plunger back letting the little silver ball go. Aze watched in amazement as I played the game with the biggest smile on my face. He snapped a picture quickly so he could put it in his pocket and play as soon as I lost the ball. We had made a bet to see who could get the high score. Of course, I lost, I wasn't good enough. I stood there with his hand on my head, a frown plastered across my face as he held a big smile. I snapped a picture from a low angle making it seem like Aze was a lot bigger than me. An hour later we had some decent pictures of us in a dating scene, but he wanted more, believable, pictures that we were a couple. He scratched the back of his head.

"Need actual 'couple' pictures." I did finger quotes losing almost all color from my face. He nodded. I followed him up to the apartment. We stood in his living room.

"Uh, sit on the couch, we could, uh, cuddle?" He said. I nodded yes. I patted the seat next to me motioning for him to sit. He did. I leaned my head on his shoulder, he hesitantly placed an arm around me.

"Don't be afraid to touch me, you're the demon here not me," I whispered to him. That made him loosen up slightly. He sank back into the couch a little making himself, and me, more comfortable. I held out my phone snapping a picture.

"Here use mine." He pulled his out. I giggled a bit

"Don't worry about it, I can send you them." I smiled. "Here." I sat upright patting my lap. "Sleep in my lap." I blushed a little. He nodded sharing the same blush once again. He laid his head down pulling his legs up on the couch getting comfy. I placed a hand on his face to play with his hair gently. I snapped a photo. This man was very attractive and slowly growing on me. After Aze sat up I pulled off the over shirt sitting in just my tank top. He blushed furiously at my actions. I blushed at the thought of the next picture I wanted. Wanted to do, wanted to do. I told him to lay on his back again. I slowly crawled on top of him trying not to blush. I found a comfy spot on his chest to lay my head. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe, secure. All those feelings you're supposed to feel when you're with your significant other. I snapped a picture of me looking, the happiest I've been in a long time.

"I think that's my favorite," Aze said as I got off of him. I blushed knowing exactly what he meant but wanting it to mean something else. "I think that's all I need." He said trying to adjust himself, not awkwardly.

"What if she shows up tonight? Do you want me to stay?" What was I asking! I can't stay here!

"S-sure." He said.

"Here! You can wear this to bed, Aze will like it anyway!" Derek had skipped out of his room holding an oversized t-shirt. I took it from him.

"Derek!" Aze threw a pillow at him.

"It's fine. Can you show me to the bathroom?" I asked smiling. Aze nodded showing me to my destination.

"Aze, man. If you don't want her I'll sure as spit snatch that human from your hands!" Derek said.

"Shut up!" He replied.

"Seriously man! She smoking!"

"I said shut up!" Aze let his anger rise. His ears turned pointy, little black horns appeared on his head and blue flames emerged from behind.

"Fine whatever, just don't mess things up." Derek went back into his room.

"Aze?" I called leaving the bathroom. He returned to normal.

"Over here, Raina." Aze walked into his room. I followed. He turned around looking at me. Derek was right. Aze did like the look of me in the shirt. I let my hair down and washed most of the makeup off in the bathroom.

"This is my bed, sorry for the mess." Aze picked up some dirty clothes throwing them in a hamper.

"It's alright just shows you live here." I smiled.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked sitting down on the futon, which he called his bed.

"What do you have?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Nightmare on Elf Street, Pet Graveyard, The Misty Fog, and The Hills Have Ears." He pulled out a couple of cases.


"If you say anything other then-"

"Nightmare on Elf Street." We said in unison. He smiled at me turning it on.

"Good choice. This is one of-"

"My favorites." He smiled again at me leaning back onto the makeshift couch. I snuggled into him as he placed an arm around me. I snapped a quick pic putting a caption saying 'Nightmare time with the best man ever'. Wasn't far from the truth when I posted it to social media. He was kind of the best to like this movie. Not many people opt for a scary movie about a man with knives as hands.

The credits rolled as we both got up to stretch.

"Well, I should get some sleep I have a big day tomorrow." I said, "Aze, are you really going to give me my coins back?" I asked remembering why I was here in the first place. I could see something snap in his head. He stood up converting the couch into bed form. He nodded not making eye contact with me. He left the room. I thought he would come back to cuddle. At least for a picture right. Nope, I waited a while before I got up. I made my way into the living room to find him on his phone. He was looking at the pictures of us. I could feel the anger inside of him. Ding. A message. I read his lips as he read it to himself.

"Your pathetic for sending me those. Some demon you are." My heart sank. That hurt me. I took a step back causing the floor to creak. He turned to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He snapped.

"Are you going to come to bed?" I didn't want to ask. I didn't want to say anything I just wanted to melt.

"I'm sleeping here." He huffed.

"Aze, please come cuddle." What was I saying I really didn't want to say those words or hear the rejection that would come with it.

"Fine." He stood wiping his eyes when he thought I wasn't looking. He walked back into his room pulling me by the hand. He laid down pulling the blanket over him. I scouted in beside him placing my arm around him becoming the big spoon. He was warm. I became so comfortable about to fall asleep when he turned around. He now laid on his back, arm snaking its way behind me pulling me in close. I laid my head on his chest along with my right hand. Now, this was comfortable.

I woke up to a bright flash.

"Your so cute when you sleep." Aze's voice was hushed. I moved a bit adjusting my legs. I slowly sat up looking down at him with messy hair.

"Good morning love." I smiled sleepily. I bent down placing a surprising and soft kiss on his lips. Wait a minute we weren't in a relationship. I snapped out of my sleepy state jumping out of his bed. "Oh my god. I am so sorry! I need to go." I turned away from him pulling my pants on under the big shirt. I quickly took it off throwing it at him fast enough to put my other shirts on, so he wouldn't see my bare body. I pulled on my shoes as he stood up.

"Raina wait!" Aze called as I left his room, and the apartment altogether. "She left her phone." Aze picked up my phone.

He looked at the background of the lock screen noticing it was a family photo. It was dark, they were gathered around a fire pit. He knew that pit, he used to go there and burn pictures of old girlfriends. He swiped up unlocking the phone. There was an app open, it was a picture editing app. It had the picture of Raina on top of Aze. There were hearts and kisses, and a small saying, find love in the most unlikely places. Did she fall for him? His heart almost hurt because he knew he was just using her but seeing this picture put last night's events into a different light for him. He had fun, she shared some of the same interests as him. What was going on with him. Aze shook his head placing her phone back on the table. He showered then changed he had to find her, and... return her phone.

"I'm sorry I'm late Mota, I can't find my phone." I apologized to my grandmother.

"Don't worry child, as long as you have the coins all will be forgiving." She said. Shit! I didn't get the coins back from Aze! I mentally hit myself. My family gathered around the fire as the day grew to the halfway point.

"Let us eat our lunch to remind us that we are in this together." My grandfather spoke up as we took our seats at the tables. I didn't quite understand his references or why we had a gathering then two days later have another, it must be a demon thing or something. After lunch, we hung out, played games, watched the children play, and chit-chatted with family.

The day grew to a close and it was almost time for the ceremony. When I needed all of the coins, but seem to be short TWO! I grabbed my head as I paced back and forth between two trees. This family is going to fall apart and everyone will hate me and the elder has the right to kill me off, so says this demon clan anyway. Why did I have to talk to that stupid man? Why didn't I get the coins back? Why did I pretend to be someone I'm not because now I can't stop thinking about him!

"AZE!" I shouted into the sky causing an echo.

"Raina, its time." Amelia and Saara said. I nodded wiping tears from my face. Shit, here it goes.

The hair on the back of Aze's neck stood up. She needed him. He didn't know how or even if it was really her. But that woman that has been on the mind of this demon all day needed him. Not to mention he was trying to find her to return her phone and the coins he promised. He felt her again. He turned around in the street taking off in a dead sprint.

"Feniks, we are gathered here to officially pass the clans legacy onto Raina. As the previous generation before her, and the generation before them, did this ritual, this time we have one person guarding the sacred coin. Please, Raina, throw them in." The elder pointed to the fire. I pulled out the bag that held the three that I had. I took a deep breath.

"Raina!" A voice called. I knew that voice. Aze came running down the path. I stepped out from behind the fire to embrace him in a hug when he arrived.

"Aze. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You forgot your phone at my place." He tried to catch his breath. The little kids joined in with a symphony of Ooos. As he held my phone out to me there was a message on the screen. It said that he had the coins but doesn't want to make me look bad. I nodded and told him thank you as I took my phone back. I placed it in my pocket.

"Mota, this is Aze. He's my-" I didn't really want to call him my boyfriend but also didn't want to call him my friend either.

"Boyfriend." Aze finished for me. I blushed looking at him. He smiled sweetly, his eyes soft. I didn't get to see this side of him last night he was genuinely happy. I took his hand pulling him back to my previous spot. I looked him in the eyes, mouthing, 'follow my lead.' I looked out to my family as I poured the coins into my hands. I placed my hands cupped with Aze's.

"This marks a new generation that I will watch and guide over, I will love and care for. I will do my best to live up to Fosander and make him, my Grandfather proud." I looked back at Aze who nodded. We threw the five coins into the fire. The flames rose high turning from their crimson and amber colors to a soft green. For just a second I could feel all my ancestors' approval, as the flames died down turning normal once again there was a pop and out bounced a single coin holding a figure of a Phoenix on it. I held it up as my family cheered.

I stood at the entrance to the antique store holding Azes hands in mine.

"Thank you so much, Aze. I really appreciate it." I smiled at him.

"It's the least I could do." He tugged my hands a bit pulling me into a hug. He whispered into my ear. "Will you be my girlfriend, for real?" His words warmed my entire being. I backed away still trapped in his grasp.

"What happens if I say no?" I smirked at him.

"There's no way you can say no." He started to tickle me.

"Ha! Stop, how did you know I was ticklish!" I squirmed under his fingers.

"Wild guess, just say yes!" He continued to tickle me.

"Yes! Ok yes!" I laughed. He stopped tickling me letting me stand upright. He cupped the side of my face bringing me in for a sweet kiss. It made my entire body melt. I was happy.

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