KNB Scenarios [EDITING]

By Hiiimeeee

837K 17.9K 8K

KNB Scenarios x Reader © Fujimaki Tadatoshi Started: May 23, 2015 Ended: May 03, 2020 Thank you, everyone... More

He Catches You Staring
You Lost The Gift He Gave You
You Got Jealous/Mad
He Got Jealous
You Two Had A Fight + Himuro
Where Do Babies Come From
You Were Sick
Notice me senpai~!
Senpai Noticed Me!
Aomine x Reader
He Caught You Singing
Kise x Reader
Concert Tickets
When You Wake Up And He's Beside You
Kise x Reader
Knock Knock!!!
Akashi x Reader
You're On Your Period
Random ._.
You Saw Them Kissing Someone
They Saw Someone Trying To Kiss You
They Saw You Fangirling
They Noticed Your Stain
New Look
You Caught Them Cheating On You
He Wants You Back
They Made You Breakfast (Seirin)
You Had Amnesia
He Saw Your Weakness
You Saw His Weakness
You Told Them You're Pregnant
He Wants You Back pt.2
You Like Them But They Like Someone Else
They Realized They Like You
They Try To Kiss You But Fails
You Accidentally Kissed
You Sneezed
You Saw Their Baby Pictures
You Play Basketball Together + Takao
A Kiss In The Rain
Happy Valentines Day!
You Told Them You Want To Break Up
There Was Suddenly A Power Outage
You Watch Horror Movies Together
Sleepover With Them
They Mistook You For Someone Else
He Caught You Dancing
They Help You Exercise (at the Gym)
They Help You Exercise pt. 2
You're Giving Birth
You Kissed
They Make You Feel Better
They Forgot Your Birthday
They Suddenly Got Mad
They Tutored You
You Went To The Beach
You Accidentally Told Them "I Love You"
He 'Waved' At You
Random Fluff(?)
Yandere Version
Reader Yandere Version
You Snapped At Them
You Snapped At Them pt.2

You Feel Down

4.7K 77 33
By Hiiimeeee


"(First name)-san."

"Oh! Tetsu~ since when were you here? I didn't notice you at all." you said surprised when Kuroko suddenly called you out, snapping you out from your thoughts.

"I've been here for a while. Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Mm." you nodded in agreement.

You went to a nearby cafe to eat. He ordered his usual favorite, vanilla milkshake while yours is (your fave drink and dessert)

"(First name)-san." he called out once again making you jolt up.

"H-hai? (Y-yes?)" you asked confused.

"What happened?" he asked out of nowhere.

"E-eh?" ?__?

"I've been observing you the whole day at class and your mind seemed to be drifting somewhere. Are you okay?" he asked looking directly into your eyes. Knowing how he studied human body language and of course as his girlfriend, he knows more about you than you do yourself.

You sighed, "It's just that it feels like everything I do sucks. You know? Like, I'm a pig teammate. I mess up everything. There was this report we had and I was one of the reporters but in the end, I didn't even get to discuss it properly in front because I was too scared, I ended up reading what's in the slide and no further discussions." your eyes began to water as you relay your feelings to Kuroko.

"Of course because of that, we had a bad comment from the teacher saying, 'when you present, you should know what your report is', and 'you can't read what's already in the slide since everyone already sees it'. I was so embarrassed because of that we had a 5 points deduction from our score. I know, it's not a big deal.. I feel like I'm too sensitive? I don't know." you continued and Kuroko wiped your tears away with a tissue.

"(First name)-san. Don't lie to me. It's a big deal because it greatly impacted you. I can't just say that it's going to be okay because I know how badly you felt. But I just want to remind you that, we all have our bad days and yours just, unfortunately, fell on that day. You messed up, but so what? That doesn't dictate your future. Take this as a lesson to yourself and remember what you should do before reporting and that is to calm down and think that 'I can do this'. I know you're nervous presenting in front but that's how it is in some subjects and we have no choice but to do it since you have to deal with it, give your best shot. If it doesn't work, don't look at them in the eye and just stare at their foreheads or don't think of them as people. Imagine that your presenting it to someone you want to be there, to see you shine in front." you stared at him shocked with his words as stream of tears fell again.

"Thank you, Tetsu! You're the best! I knew you'd understand me the most!" you stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Well, at least the people watching you present aren't shocked after realizing you've been talking for a long time only to find out that they didn't notice you at all." he said which made you laugh knowing how he wants you to lighten up a bit.


"(First name)-cchi?"

"Ah!" you jumped up in shock when someone suddenly called out your name. You've been sitting on the bench waiting for Kise to finish his practice, but after a while, you started spacing out.

"You're done with practice?" you asked seeing how he already changed his clothes.

He nodded then suddenly pouting, "I was making a lot of cool shots and you didn't notice them at all! You've been spacing out! I already called you many times before I was going to shoot-ssu. Hmph."

You clasped your hands together as you said, "I'm so sorry, Ryo-chan. I just have a lot in mind."

He stopped sulking and looked at you with a serious face, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Ryo-chan." he stared at your eyes, verifying if you're lying or not. After a while, he frowned.

"(First name)-cchi doesn't trust me and now, she starts lying to me..." he said in a depressed tone as he starts to collect his things and was about to go.

"Hey! I didn't mean it like that.." you grabbed him by the elbow to stop him.

"Then tell me, (First name)-cchi. I'm your boyfriend, you can tell me everything-ssu!" he said with eyes full of determination like he'd conquer everything just for you.

"Well, you friend..ended our friendship. Because I didn't let her copy my homework. I told her I can't because it's an essay and only she can answer it since it's a reflection of what happened during her summer break. How can I let her copy mine? We weren't together and did everything the entire break. I'm just sad."

He pats your shoulders and said, "Then she's not a real friend at all! Why be sad on some idiot?! Be happy that she's gone in your life now. At least you get to know her real color earlier than be stuck with her for your whole life knowing that she just suck up to you because you'll let her take advantage of you. Let her be. She's just using you. I know that may sound harsh but it's the truth (First name)-cchi."

You sighed heavily as your head looked down, "I know.."

"It's not your loss, it's hers. Plus, you still have more friends! You got me, not only as a friend but a boyfriend who will love you~ Kurokocchi and the others are your friends too~~ You don't even need to worry about your studying, I can just drag Midorimacchi to help you study! Oh and in the future, I can beg Akashicchi to give you a job!" you don't know whether to laugh or cry at his sudden words so you just looked at him helplessly.

"Anyway, forget about her. You have us," he said as he put his hands over your shoulder pulling you closer to him, "and most especially, you have me." he smiled as he nuzzled his nose with yours before giving you a peck on the lips.


"Go on!" Takao said as he pushed Midorima inside the classroom. You message him earlier that you'll just be waiting in the room because you're one of the assigned cleaners for today so you had to stay for a while.

"Takao!" he scolded, glaring at him.

"Tsk. Just go you tsundere!" he stuck out his tongue as he ran away with his other teammates.

He pushed up his glasses and walked towards you.

"(First name)."

"Eh? Shin-chan? You guys already finished practicing? Where are the others?" you looked surprised at first but you tried to hide it or else he'll notice you've been spacing out.

"They already left." he said pulling out a chair sitting across you.

"(First name)," his voice sounded serious which made you sat up straight and you stared at him, waiting for his next line. "What's the matter? nanodayo."

"What do you mean?" you asked tilting your head a bit sidewards.

"I noticed y-you've b-been spacing o-out. A while a-ago, the sensei called you and you only responded on his third call of your n-name." he said a bit stuttering as if he's too shy to admit that he's been staring at you in class.

"It's nothing~" you said forcing out a smile.

"Don't lie nodayo." he stared at you with a look that he won't let you go unless you tell him.

"Alright, I've been feeling down lately because I feel like such a failure. I've been doing everything I can but why doesn't it always ends up the way I want? You see, I only wanted to help my friend with her project but I end up ruining it. In the end, she had to redo it. I felt bad about it because her deadline is one week from now and she's been doing it for a while now. I feel like she's mad at me because she hasn't been talking to me after that incident." you said with teary eyes.

"(First name). It's good that you always want to help others but due to your clumsy nature, I do recommend it's best not to pursue this anymore."

"Hey!! I'm just being kind and she's my friend you know! She looks stressed and I wanted to help her." you retorted.

"If you really want to help, then be more extra careful next time. It's not that you ruined everything, think back and remember what went wrong that day. And if you're thinking that she's ignoring you, didn't you just say that she had to redo the project? Her deadline is near right? Maybe she might not have time for you nor with anyone else because she has to finish her project. Go and try to talk to her or visit her at home and bring her favorite foods to help lessen her stress. You don't have to actually help with her project directly but you can lessen her burden just by being there for her and trying to lighten up her mood when she's on the verge of breaking down. Visit her and give her some food or something. Remember, there are always other ways to help people. Nodayo." he said as he gently pats your head while you cry.

"Mm. Thanks, Shin-chan. You're the best. I'll do that tomorrow and give her a surprise." you said with a smile.

"Good. Let's go home." you nodded taking your bag but he suddenly took it from you as he walked out of the room pretending as if nothing happened. You giggled and followed him out.


"Yo, why are you here cutting classes, huh?" Aomine said as he walked towards you.

"Heh. You're one to talk. Don't you have a class right now, too?" you turned your head to him and smirked.

"We do have a class and you suddenly told the sensei that you weren't feeling well so you wanted to go to the clinic. I went there and guess what?" he said while lying beside you.

"You saw another me?" you scoffed.

"Yes and I wanted to ask if she wanted to have a three--"

"DAIKI!!!" you interrupted him and smack his head. Feeling unsatisfied, you started hitting him everywhere.

"Ow. Hey! That hurts!"



"Cut it out!" he said clutching on both of your hands tightly as he stared at you.

"W-what?" you suddenly felt panicked with his looks.

"Hey, (First name). Tell me. What's the wrong?" he said lazily but his stares were like seeing right through you.

You sighed and said, "Well, you know (subject) right?"

"Oh, yes. The subject the failed you for the first time it shocked me through the core." he teased but you glared at him and you started tearing up, whispering his name 'Ahomine, Ahomine, Aho.' 

"Oi, oi, oi. I didn't mean it like that...shit. Why are you crying? Fuck." he said with a trace of panic in his face.

"You know how I prepared for that exam? I studied hard and I ended up failing it! I was so depressed, okay?" you said turning your body on the other side, making him face your back.

"Then, don't study from now on so you won't regret later. At least when you failed, you won't feel sad because you know from yourself you didn't study." Aomine said casually.

"Ugh! I hate you!" you faced him just to say that and planned to make him face your back again but he stopped you from doing so as he held your face.

"Alright (First name). I don't understand how you feel, okay? You know me, I don't study seriously so I don't know that feeling. But all I know is that you did your best. Yes, you failed but that doesn't mean you can't do better next time. We will still have another exam from him, right? Then this time, you already know what to do. You can't always have what you want just because you worked hard to get it. Just think of it as a challenge, like, maybe you have to do something to overcome it. Ugh. Fuck it, I'm not good with this kind of situation so just kiss me." he said as he moves his face closer.

You pushed his face away, "Aho."

"Hey-" he stopped seeing your smile as he secretly heaved a sigh of relief knowing that you're finally smiling.

"Come on. These lips miss yours." he said moving closer once more, attempting for a kiss.

You hit him first before moving your head closer and kissing him. You only planned to give him a peck but he suddenly held the back of your head as he deepened the kiss.


"(First name)-chin."

"Y-yes?" you asked snapping out of your thoughts.

"You don't like that (fav snack) anymore? Should I go buy something else?" he asked worriedly.

"Oh no, no! I really liked it!" you said forcing out a smile.

"Then why did you only took a bite? You would usually eat more than one of those. Something's bugging you?" he asked observing you, his lips forming into a frown.

You sighed and decided to just tell him, "You see, I feel like I don't like (your course) anymore. I don't feel any passion or a sense of fulfillment in doing it. It's like I just do it because I have to? I don't know ugh."

"(First name)-chin. Are you having a hard time? You find it difficult? You don't want to do it anymore?" he kept on bombarding you with questions and all you answered was a nod.

"(First name)-chin. Go back from the beginning, the time when you chose this course. Why did you pick it? You know that all the courses are hard. You have to put a lot of effort to pass. You have to sacrifice for long-term happiness. You invested your time and money for this course, it means that you're willing to learn and pass this. But just because of a hard topic or subject or just because things didn't go your way you decided to give up? That should not be the case, yes? All of us have to experience difficulties before attaining that title we always wanted. I know it's hard, I know it's annoying but that's the thing with education right? They will keep on crushing you until you become an indestructible person. So that in the real world, you'll learn how to deal with it because you've been crushed many times and it's just a small problem, you know you can fix it. You get what I mean right? We are being trained and some would even say that it's only the tip of the iceberg we're facing now and that there are more worst-case scenarios that we might encounter in the real world but because of what we are facing right now, we are getting stronger and better." he said then looks down on his half-eaten food. "Well, you get it. I'm now hungry~" he drawled and resumed eating it.

"Yes! Thank you, Sushi-kun~~" you said happily.

"You eat a lot (First name)-chin. Don't stress too much. You're just starting your college life and you shouldn't just focus on academics, have some time to have fun. Just text or call me and I'll accompany you." he said with a smile as he saw your face brightened up.

"Yes. This (fave snack) is the best! Waaaah! So yummy!" he looked at you with an expression like that's my girl. My (First name)-chin.


"(First name). What's the matter?" Akashi asked staring at you with a hint of worry on his face.

"It's nothing." you looked down to avoid eye contact. You're currently at their house to do a project and you're paired with him. You were halfway through the project and Akashi decided to have a break. He asked their servants to prepare a light snack for you.

You're currently seated beside him and both your chairs are turned to the side, facing each other.

He raised your chin and stared at you, "Don't lie to me, my love. I know you're not okay. Tell me."

You started frowning and your eyes turned red as tears streams down your face. He wiped those tears away with his thumbs but they just keep on falling. He let you cry for a while, so you could calm down and tell him the matter.

"You see, I feel like I'm not needed. You know? Like, even if I'm not there, it doesn't matter, it's not such a great loss. I feel like an unreliable person. It's like I'm not someone you can trust an important matter with. I don't have a talent, I'm not smart, I'm dull and boring, and I'm just an average person. Why am I like this? I'm so annoying. Ugh. I don't know, I feel so sad." your tears kept on flowing down as you complain about yourself to Akashi.

He chuckled. "Hey! What's so funny?" you interrupted him before he could speak when you heard that light chuckle of his.

"My love, you are very much needed. I need you and it would be a really great loss for me, your family and friends if you're not here. Do you understand? Don't think of yourself like that. You are a reliable person, remember the time when your group leader was absent and the other members started panicking? You stood up for them and calmly solved the problem. You have a bed. Y--"

"Hey!! What are you saying!" you blushed. Seeing your pitiful watery eyes with a hint of blush on your face made Akashi's Adam's apple bobbed.

"(First name), behave." his voice sounded different so you let him be, as he continued. "You are smart in your own way. You are not dull nor boring and most importantly, you are not just an average person. You got me, how is that average? My love, you are you and no one can change that. They just have to put up with it and if not, see how I'll deal with them." he said with a dangerous tone.

"Just remember this, you are special. You're my girl. Yes, you are annoying at times, but I still love you. You're not perfect, hell, nobody is. But, you are perfectly imperfect for me and I don't mind it the slightest bit. There are times when things aren't within our control and we have no choice but to ask for help or if worse comes to worst, just let it happen and fix it later." you nodded as he finished up with his words.

He smiled and opened his arms, "Come here."

You immediately attacked him and went towards him as you feel his warm and tight embrace, his hands softly caressing your hair. "My love, accept and love yourself more as I feel towards you." you nodded and he gently placed a kiss on the top of your head.

Remembering something, you looked up at him, "What about our project? We have to pass this by Monday and even if we finished half of it, there's still a lot to do..." you panicked feeling like you wasted your time with your drama instead of doing the project.

"I'll deal with it." he said assuring you.

"Hm. Alright." you said then continued to rub your face on his chest.

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀


I hope their pieces of advice helped(and made sense lol. Idk what I'm saying at this hour anymore. forgive me pls) with whatever you are feeling right now, though, the cases here might not be the same with what's going on with your situation but we(the guys and me~) knows you'll get through with it~~ Understand? Fighting!!

Oh and, wow. It's been so long right? HEHE

*author quietly fades away....*

*only the sound of the wind is heard...*

*author will come back....soon...when she feels like it...*


Anyway, I hope you liked it and it cheered you up~~

I love you all my dear readers~~


I was supposed to do the Yandere Reader version that was requested by

Look!! It's been so long and I haven't posted it!! Hello, you~ I'm so sorry I haven't done your request yet. *cries* Please forgive me. I only got to do up to Kise's part only. It didn't feel right so I stopped doing it. I'll come back to it feels right. LOL. I'm such a lazy ass.

Anyway, that's all~~

*author will fade away once again for a while now....whoooosh*

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