Bad Intentions {TVD}

By SammyjVega

101K 1.9K 271

Alina Gilbert is one of those people that you can't tell is hurting, but her twin sister, Elena? She basks in... More

{Season 1}
I. The beginning
II. The Falls
IV. Brother Salvatore
V. Young love
VI. Dinner parties suck.
VII. Football and Fights
VIII. Wrong
IX. Not afraid
X. Death
XI. Mistakes
XII. Okay
XIII. Ruin Me
XIV. All i can do is grieve
XV. Hear me
XVI. Adopted.
XVII. It'll be alright
XVIII. No rest for the wicked
XIX. What trickery
XX. The Bachelors
XXI. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
XXII. Open Doors
XXIII. Who is in control
XXIV. Pageant queens
XXV. Family
XXVI. The she-devil
XXVII.Founders Day
-- Season 2 --
XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back
XXIX. Survival of the fittest
XXX. A full moon
XXXI. All the good times
XXXII. Kill or Be Killed
XXXIII. Always have a backup
XXXIV. Hide and Seek
XXXV. A flower
XXXVI. The Evil Doppel-bitch
XXXVII. Till death do we part
XXXVIII. A Full Moon
XXXIX. And All Hell Broke Loose
XL. Daddy Issues
XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
XLII. Family Dinner
XLIII. The Unwelcomed Guest
XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
XLV. A dance to remember
XLVI. Klaus
XLVII. Last Chance
XLVIII. A new dawn
XLIX. A new day
L. If i lay here
~Season 3~
LI. Blow out your candles
LII. The hybrid dick
LIII. The moral of the story
LIV. Temper tantrums
LV. And the truth comes out
LVI. Teenage dream
LVII. The other side
LVIII. Day to Daylife
LIX. Another Dance
LX. Read the Fine Print
LXI. This Town
LXII. Bonds will be broken
LXIII. The Living Dead
LXIV. Danger Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
LXV. The Mikaelsons
LXVI. 1912
LXVII. Come on in
LXVIII. Murder for one
LXIX. Jar of Hearts
LXX. Don't be so Soft
LXXI. And the Sun Sets
LXXII. Dearly Departed
-- Season 4 --
LXXIII. Out With the Old, in With the New
LXXIV. In Loving Memory
LXXV. Back from the Dead
LXXVI. The Brotherhood of the Five
LXXVII. Murder was the Case That They Gave Me
LXXVIII. As Crazy as the Mad Hatter
LXXIX. The Keeper of Keys
LXXX. New Orleans
LXXXI. Faith and Hope Suck
LXXXII. Detention
LXXXIII. Run, Run as Fast as You Can
LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence
LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are
LXXXVI. Way down we go
LXXXVII. Please Stay
LXXXIX. Cheerleader
XC. Nightfall
XCI. A second chance
XCII. Photographs
XCIII. Humanity for the win
XCIV. A game of survival
XCV. Cap n' Gown
!!New Book!!

III. Okay?

2.2K 49 0
By SammyjVega

    ----  Alina's POV ----

       I sigh as we watch Vicki being put into the back of the ambulance. Elena and I stood together, my head leaning on her shoulder. I haven't really done or said anything since the paramedics took her off the table. How did this even happen? What even happened? What bit her? 
    Questions were just running through my head and i had no idea how to answer them. 

   "Hey," Bonnie said softly, walking up to us. "We're gonna go mainline coffee, wait for news." I picked my head up off Elena's shoulder and she nodded, turning to Bonnie. 

     "We gotta get Jeremy home." Elena sighed looking over to him. 

    "Guys, there's no way I'm psychic. I know that. But whatever i saw," She's talking about what happened with the bottle, i want to know what happened with the bottle and why i felt that way, why i still feel that way. "Or i think i saw, I have this feeling..." 
   I looked down to the ground, inhaling sharply. I feel Elena and Bonnie's eyes on me. 


"This is just the beginning." Bonnie and I say in sync. "It's no where near the end..." I added. 

---- 3rd Persons POV ----

     "They took my breath away." Damon hummed, referring to the Gilbert Twins. "Both of them. But Alina... she's a dead ringer for Katherine. But Elena will do i guess, you're too boring for her. But is it working, Stefan? Does it make you feel alive?" 

     "They're not Katherine." Stefan gritted out. 

"Elena? Oh of course not. She's too boring, But Alina? Katherine might as well be her name." Damon smirked. "But let's hope she doesn't turn out like her, we both know how that ended." Damon said, stopping in front of his brother. "Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?"

    "I know what you're doing Damon. It's not going to work."

   Damon slapped his brothers chest, making Stefan look to him. "Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?" 

   "Stop it." 

Shove. "Let's do it. Together. I saw a couple girls out there." Stefan looked to his brother with narrowed eyes. Damon raised his hand to smack the side of Stefan's head. "Or just, let's just cut to the chase and go straight for the twins. One each!" Damon hit Stefan's head again. 

     Stefan growled, shoving Damon back. "Stop it!"

     "Imagine what their blood tasted like!" Damon shouted. The veins under Stefan's eyes started to show. "I can." Stefan turned away, his eyes read and the veins showing, his fangs out. 

    "I said stop!" He growled, rushing towards Damon, tackling him through the window, the brothers hurdling through the window. But only Stefan hit the floor. He groaned, sitting up. 

    "I was impressed." Damon nodded, leaning against the bush. "I give it a six. Missing style but i was pleasantly surprised." Stefan stood up all the way, glaring at him older brother. 
    "Very good with the whole face--" Damon started to growl, making fun of the way Stefan looked. "thing. It was good."

    "You know, it's all fun and games, Damon, huh?" Stefan asked, moving closer to his brother. "But wherever you go, people die." 

   "That's a given." Damon scoffed. 

 "Not here. I won't allow it." 

     "I take that as an invitation." 

"Damon, please." Stefan begged. "After all these years, can't we just give it a rest?" 

     "I promised you an eternity of misery, so i'm just keeping my word." Damon smirked. 

    "Just stay away from them."

Damon tilted his head, looking down to Stefan's hand. "Where's your ring?" Stefan looked down to his hand, his eyes widening at the loss of his Daylight ring. "Oh, yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes." 
    Damon noticed the distraught look on his brothers face and chuckled. 

    "Relax. it's right here." He said, holding it out in his palm. Stefan looked at his brother wearily, slowly taking the ring from his hand and sliding it onto his finger. Damon's playful smile fades away and his hand shoots out, wrapping itself around Stefan's neck. 
    Stefan looked up, Damon's face matching his face from moments ago, throwing Stefan into the garage. 

    Stefan groaned once again, rolling into his back, Damon standing over him. "You should know better than to think you're strong than me. You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people. I wouldn't try it again." Damon glared. He looked up for second, standing in silence. "I think we my Zach up." He smirked, "Sorry Zach." He said, walking back to house. 

---- Alina's POV ----

    Elena and I slowly walk over to Jeremy who was sitting on the wooden rails, drinking while  police officer stood probably only ten feet away. "Hey." I smile, he gives me a small smile as i hop onto the railing leaning my head on his shoulder, and he leans his head on top of my head. 

    "Are you okay?" Elena asks, looking at him expectantly. I can tell he isn't going to answer her because he just sighs and doesn't say anything. "I called Jenna, she's on her way." She informs us. 
    After a moment of silence, Elena speaks up again. "You know those people in the uniforms? They're called police officers." She points out, but Jeremy just takes another drink if his beer, and then tosses it over his other shoulder and into the bushes. 

    "People are gonna stop giving you breaks, Jer." Elena sighs. I sigh, closing my eyes. "They just don't care anymore. They don't remember our parents are dead, they've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world moved on, we should should try too."
  I lift my head up to look at Elena with wide eyes, she's really doing this now?

    "Don't think i haven't seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary, Elena. Is that supposed to be you moving on?" Jeremy glares. 

   Elena frowns looking to the ground. 

"Are you guys kidding me?" I scoff. "Right now? Here, you decide to do this? First of all, he's fifteen, let him live we did stupid things when we were fifteen, if he wants to get high, let him get high, if he wants to drink in front of a cop, let him. He'll make his own choices okay?" I scold, and then turn to Jeremy. "And let her write? She isn't killing anybody. Do you think mom and dad would of wanted this?" I ask, Jeremy frowns and i sigh, turning round.

  When did things get so messed up?


       I don't know what to do. I'll admit that. I'll tell myself i'm fine so people don't worry, but am i too good at hiding it? Or do people just not care? There were two things, no three things i could do. Take Elena's route, and write everything down and let my emotions be out in the open. 
     Take peoples sympathy instead of saying I'm okay and that they didn't need to worry about me. At first that didn't work and people still would check up on me, until it stopped and Elena got all the sympathy, and Jer and I were just add ons. 

     Or i could go Jeremy's route, act out and become someone i'm not. Party all day and night long and not give a crap. But i tried that too, and i was miserable,  more miserable than i am now. But it got annoying, people trying to help me left and right, saying that it wasn't me. 
    And it wasn't. That's why i want to help him, but he won't let me. Not yet, and that hurts, it hurts to know that he's hurting. 

     And i could keep going the way i am now. Letting everything build up until it all explodes. Yeah, i'll just go with that. 

     I hear a set of footsteps coming up the stairs, two sets. I sit up, walking over to my door and slowly opening it. My eyes widen as i see Stefan and Elena entering her room... So much for time. 

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