Bendy and Boris in The Inky M...

By ThisAnimatedPhantom

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Bendy and Boris are humble mechanics until the day came that their lives kinda blew up. Now the pair find the... More

Book One: Quest for a Cure - Chapter 1: The Last Normal Day
Chapter 2: Who Gives a Hoot?
Chapter 3: When Peaceful Days End
Chapter 4: When Pigs Come Knocking
Chapter 5: A Q&A That Leads to More Qs Than As
Chapter 6: Detective Featherworth Learns Too Much
Chapter 7: Pack a Bag
Chapter 8: The First Step
Chapter 10: Scary Spots
Chapter 11: Following the Tracks
Chapter 12: A Busy Day
Chapter 13: They're Back
Chapter 14: It All Goes Down Tonight!
Chapter 15: Who Has The Key
Chapter 16: Things Go as Well as Expected
Chapter 17: Goodbye Warnerburg
Chapter 18: The Mess Left
Chapter 19: A Certain Casino
Chapter 20: Warners vs. Cupbros
Chapter 21: Toon Town...FINALLY!
Chapter 22: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Book Two: The Voodoo Queen - Chapter 23: A Cup Half Full
Cars and Newspapers

Chapter 9: It's Time For Animaniacs!

112 9 1
By ThisAnimatedPhantom


Hey guys, gals, and all other pals! It's your author TAP!
Wow, look at all of's so intimidating that so many of you are reading this. Heh.
Just as I feared, I didn't get any typing done this week. Bendy's yelling at me in the back of my mind to get back on track. Sadly, I don't think I'm gonna get anything typed up this coming week either. Oh well, I at least got this puppy sorta edited, and the next one in draft. After that...I might be in hot water. But! You don't have to worry cause you'll have a chapter next week!

I am introducing a couple of awesome OC's too! They are not mine!
Meet Finley and Sammy!

They are creations by steampunkseahorse over on tumblr.
Head over there and give some love and thanks! I was charmed when I saw them. They fit in perfectly with the retro cartoon world. That and they are so fun. I have to thank the creator for allowing me to bring them into Inky Mystery. They'll be real important folks.

Okay I think that's that. Enjoy the chapter!


The two brothers made their way down the street. Boris was picking twigs and leaves off Bendy as they walked. Bendy was scowling with his hands jammed into his pockets. He was in a bad mood. It had taken almost an hour for those two jabbering, insulting squirrels to get him out of the tree (none too gently either). And they still didn't have the money to get out of this place with his pack stolen. He was done with this day and the sun had only been up for a couple of hours. It was at this moment that Boris's stomach gave a growl. Boris blushed and ducked his head.

Bendy looked at him. "Best we find a spot to eat, just not under a tree," Bendy said. Boris agreed and the two found a nice little spot near a public shopping district. They stopped at a public fountain where other people were starting to mill around. In the daylight, Bendy had realized that Warnerburg was a lot bigger than he had first thought. Palm trees mixed in with trees he recognized. People dressed a bit snazzier and buildings seemed to be very square with large shilling roofs and stucco walls. Even though it was only morning, it was already starting to get hot outside.

Boris dug around in his pack and pulled out a couple of cans and a can opener along with forks. Bendy took his and ideally asked, "If we're sparse, how long we got from what's in your bag, bro?" Boris stuck his fork in his mouth and considered his bag again. Bendy watched him bob his head as he counted.

"If it's a meal a day, we got enough for two weeks, longer if we only do half meals," Boris said.

"Don't know how realistic that is. If we don't have any cash, we'll have to walk to the next town and that means we'll be starving." Bendy sighed. Boris hummed in agreement and turned back to his meal.

Bendy idly watched the locals and tourists, when a pair set themselves up right next to the fountain across from the bench Bendy and Boris occupied. One was a tall lanky cat with a nervous look on his face. His brows were creased and his ears twitched about. His button up shirt was half untucked and he wore thin looking, long slacks, and worn shoes. A paperboy hat sat between his ears, and his gloves had holes in them. The other was a Maybe a dog? Bendy wasn't really sure, he had huge ears and a long fluffy tail. His shirt's sleeves were rolled up high on his arms. His pants were also rolled up, hinting at their ill fit. He had spenders on to keep them from falling. The maybe-fox had a big tooth grin, and was placing his hat on the ground upside down.

Bendy watched with interest as the two started their routine.

"Hey Sammy," the fox said projecting his voice across the pavilion.

"What is it Finley?" the cat's voice didn't carry nearly as far.

"Know what I don't get?" he raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Sammy asked fiddling his fingers.

"What people mean when they say, they've found themselves in a hole," Finley said and put his hands on his hips and shook his head.

"Oh? If they didn't want to be there they should've stopped digging," Sammy stated. Bendy held back a snort.

"Hey, Sammy, what's the difference between a bird and a fly?" Finley asked with a smirk.

"I don't know Finley, what is the difference?" Sammy responded.

"A bird can fly, but a fly can't bird," Finley answered.

"That hardly seems fair to the fly," Sammy said. Bendy chuckled. Back and forth the two went, until it devolved (or was it evolved?) into a slap stick routine. Bendy had to admit they weren't half bad. They were certainly getting dinner tonight at least. If the brothers got desperate he and Boris might have a chance here. Bendy mentally counted the dough these two were bringing in. It wasn't bad, but it would hardly cover the train tickets they needed. Still he and Boris might be able to pull something off like this if Boris could get his hands on an instrument.

"So, what should we do now?" Boris asked.

Bendy thought for a moment. "We should probably report my bag stolen to a police station and then go from there."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Boris asked with his ears droopy.

"They won't be the bacon-brains we know, so why would they have a problem us?" Bendy shrugged. "Besides, if the cops can find my bag sooner than we can, the better. I don't wanna stick around here too long." Boris nodded scratched his ear. He found another twig and pulled it out, to toss it away.

Bendy glanced back to the performers. The fox had just fallen into a bouquet of flowers the cat held. He stood up with a crown of flowers adorning his large ears. They were doing pretty good. Boris and Bendy got up and walked by and Bendy gave them a pleasant smile as he passed. If they got his stuff back and he saw those two again he'd tip them. He paused and turned back around. Boris gave him a curious look, but followed.

"Hey." Bendy waved. They paused before their next skit and looked at the approaching demon. The cat fidgeted nervously. Finley on the other hand gave him a big grin.

Bendy spoke, "You guys are pretty good."

"Thanks! Nice to have a fan," The fox said with a slight bow.

"Do you guys know where a police station is by any chance?" Bendy got to the point.

"Sure, pal. It's just on the other side of the shopping district there. What do ya need from the cops?" Finley asked, a bit curious.

"Ah, well, my bag was stolen earlier and it had all my cash in it," Bendy admitted. "Can't exactly skip town without it."

Finley whistled. "That's rough."

"Yeah." Bendy shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I hope you get it back," Finely added.


"But Finley, with that crime thing going on now that's nearly impossible," the cat, Sammy, said with his ears pinned to his skull.

Bendy looked up to him and the cat shrunk back at his gaze. Bendy quickly looked back at the fox. "Crime thing?"

"Ah, Sammy means the rumored crime ring. They've been giving the tourists a bad run this year. Guess the cops are having a tough time with the Warners also causing havoc." Finley shrugged in a 'what can you do' kinda way. "We keep our eyes out but we haven't really seen any of them. 'Course we're not the type thieves target, so I can't say if they're around or not."

"Uh-huh," Bendy said lifting a brow with interest. "Ya know, that's the second time I've heard about the Warners. Who are they?"

"Woah, boy." Finley chuckled. "They are nuts to begin with. They are supposedly related to the founders of this town. They have a weird tie with the gated studio where some of the stars are. Ever heard of Warner Studios?" Bendy made a so-so gesture with his hand. "Well, they terrorize that place. The studio couldn't get rid of them. Rumor has it they threw the three Warner siblings into the empty water tower and locked them up there. Didn't last long. I guess they're just running amuck again." Finley smiled. "It's great seeing pro jokers, but they are insane, so I'd be careful if I were you."

"What do they look like?" Boris asked.

"Well they're dogs, I think." Finley glanced at Sammy who shrugged. "And they look a bit like you." He pointed to Bendy.

"Well, at least I know why that squirrel wouldn't shut her yap about them," he muttered, with irritation in every word. "Hey, thanks for all the help. Good luck guys." Bendy lifted a hand to shake.

"Finley the Fox, and glad to help," Finley said gripping his with torn gloves.

"Ah, so you are a fox, and the name's Bendy," he answered. Boris stepped forward too.

Finley winked. "What? Never seen a fennec fox before?" Bendy shook his head. "Well, I guess I can forgive you. I've never seen one of your kind neither."

"And I'm Boris." He smiled.

"Nice ta meet ya." Finley grinned and went to shake his hand.

Sammy seemed uncomfortable, but with an encouraging glance at his friend he also introduced himself. "Sammy, Scare D. Cat. Nice to meet you."

Boris gave him a warm smile.

"Well, we wish you the best and maybe we'll see you around," Finley said with a wave and the group parted ways.

"They were nice," Sammy commented, like he was surprised.

"Yeah, hope their luck turns around," Finley said. "Ready?"

Sammy sighed in defeat. "Yes."

Bendy and Boris easily found the station after the long walk to the other side of the shopping district. The delicious smells coming from the cafes, bakeries, and restaurants teased the boys and they couldn't help but admire the bright items, cloths in the other shops. Bendy was grateful they had eaten before going through this area. He paused outside the doors of the building. He and Boris shared a look, before straightening their spines, squaring their shoulders, and bravely entering the building.

The front office was a wash of energy and noise. Cops, office workers, and civilians hurried this way and that. Bendy had to jump back to save himself from being run over. When they finally reached the front desk Bendy to realized it was at his eye level. Who the hell used such a tall desk!

"Excuse me?" Bendy asked. The older woman, sitting there, didn't answer. Bendy could barely see her, leaning over on the other side of her cubical, talking to an officer. "Excuse me?" Bendy said a little louder. He was tempted to stand on his tip-toes to actually see, but his pride firmly held him flat-footed to the ground. Boris was using all his might not to chuckle at the expression Bendy had on his face.

"Ma'am?" Bendy said a bit louder. Bendy sighed, when no response came. Boris reached and rang a bell on the countertop that Bendy (of course) couldn't see. Boris had to turn his face away to hide his grin. Bendy glared at the back of Boris' head in less-than-serious frustration. "You having a good time over there, bro? Something funny?"

"No!" he squeaked quickly, which only made him chuckle more.

"You sure? If there's a joke I'd love to be involved," Bendy said flatly. He raised a hand gesture for Boris to speak. "I like a good laugh."

"Nope! Nothing funny at all Bendy," Boris said with a large and innocent smile.

"Can I help you?" Bendy flinched and snapped his head up. The older woman was leaning over to gaze down at him with boredom. She had a rather nasally voice that clawed at his ears.

"Ah, uh, yes! Um, you see my backpack was stolen this morning and it had everything in it. I can't even buy breakfast." Bendy explained in a rush. The woman stared at him like she expected more. When he didn't respond, she sighed and leaned back. Bendy blinked. Had he said something wrong?

"Fill this out and we'll give you a call when we find it," she said, handing him a clipboard and a pen. She sounded like his issue was the biggest waste of her time.

"But, I don't have a phone," Bendy said, a little worried.

"Your hotel number will work," she said.

"I don't have a hotel number either. I can't afford a hotel room. How will ya tell me if you found it?" he asked getting a little irritated.

She sighed like he was the most burdensome thing she had ever dealt with. "Then, stop by tomorrow to see if we have it. Fill out the information as best you can."

She then dismissed him and turned to Boris. "How can I help you?"

Boris blinked. "Ah, no, I'm with him." Boris gestured to Bendy. She made some sound of acknowledgement and turned away from them. The demon heard the roller chair move away and she disappeared from his limited sight. Bendy grumbled and took a bench after dodging to the side of the room. He looked through the papers. His address? Didn't have one. Birthday? He had picked one for himself, but he doubted there was any record with his name on it. After scarcely filling out the personal information, he described his backpack and the contents in it. He recounted where he lost it and how it disappeared.

Boris watched people flying back and forth. Cops escorting criminals and witnesses, civilians asking questions, giving thanks or being frustrated. It was interesting. Boris watched as a weasel was dragged by. He was arguing with the officer taking him into the back. He didn't have any effect on the officer with his excuses.

Boris wondered idly how things were in Sillyvision. Did Ms. Featherworth and Ms. Ringtail find his note? Were they worried? Was Hogsmen angry? And what about Pete? Did people know they were gone? Were people bothering Sasha about them since she was the closest thing they had to a friend?

His ears drooped just a bit. He hoped people were treating her decently. Sasha could take care of herself, but still.

Bendy hopped up and headed back to the too tall counter. He lifted the clipboard and slide it across the top as far as he could. The woman came back and picked it up. She glanced over it and the annoyance and disappointment multiplied with a drop in the corner of her mouth and the wrinkles in her forehead. It was a show of utter disapproval that overcame her long features. Boris felt his ears drop to his skull completely. If this was what it was like to turn in a school paper, he was glad he had never gone.

"Is this all the information you have for us?" she asked in her painful voice.

"Yeah," Bendy answered flatly. Boris could see the anger burning in his brother's eyes.

"There isn't a lot to work with here. I don't know if we will be able to help you much sir. If we do find it, we will hold it for you," she said and started writing something behind the desk.

"Gee thanks," Bendy said in the same flat tone. He spun on his heels and headed toward the door. He almost got to the door when someone stepped on his tail. He yelped and yanked his tail free, almost tripping the man that had stepped on it.

"Hey!" the man barked in surprise.

"Watch where you're stepping!" Bendy snapped, cradling his tail close to his chest.

"Brother, are you alright?" Boris rested a hand on Bendy's shoulder.

"Yeah, I will be once we're out of here," he grumbled, glaring at the guy and exiting the busy space. Back out on the street the two wandered back up the district silently. Neither was in the mood to ogle the stores anymore, as their situation took on a new layer of reality.

"They aren't going to find it, are they?" Boris muttered quietly.

Bendy sighed through his nose. "Prolly not. That desk lady didn't sound very excited for it. I think it's up to us, bro. Stars, what is it with cops?"

"What if we can't find it?" Boris asked a little worried.

"Then we do what those two guys were doing. Dig up an instrument for you and start saving up to get those tickets outta here," Bendy said, then had an afterthought. "Or I guess we could start walking, but I'm not sure about our directional skills without a map and compass. We'd still need to save up for those, but I'm sure they're cheaper than train tickets."

"That sounds like it'll take a long time," Boris commented. Bendy shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothin' we can do about that," Bendy said. "Doesn't really matter. We'll get there soon enough. As long as we stay ahead of that trouble we had back in Sillyvision we'll be fine." Boris fell silent and stared at the sidewalk. He shot a glance at Bendy and back down again. Sure, they'd be okay staying ahead of the bad guys, but what about Bendy's illness? Boris didn't know how much time they had. He couldn't help but worry.

It was at this distracted moment that neither brother noticed the shouting ahead of them. No, it wasn't until someone bumped into Boris, fleeing past him that Boris noticed. He looked up in time to see three dark blurs pass him and Bendy. Cops and a familiar guard ran after the blurs shouting. "Stop! In the name of the law!" one officer said.

"Freeze!" another demanded as they continued their pursuit. Bendy shot the guard a cold glare, but the fat man didn't notice.

Bendy and Boris shared a confused look and watched them disappear in the distance. It wasn't until the uniforms were gone that three individuals appeared. One popped up from a plant pot. The bush sitting on his head. "Law? Never heard of 'im," he said in a lazy tone.

"Yeah." Another, with a hat, appeared from behind a flagpole that was far too thin for him to hide behind. "How are we supposed to freeze? It's like, a hundred degrees out here." He pulled out a slushy from nowhere and slurped. In a second he was encased in a block of ice.

A girl one, in a skirt and wearing a flower on her head, drifted down from seemingly nowhere using an umbrella to sit on the block of ice. "I guess that's how," she said in a high-pitched voice. She tapped the ice making a 'tink-tink' sound. Bendy and Boris stared at them, completely floored. Who were these guys? The one in the pot climbed out and observed the one in the ice with interest. He was the tallest out of the three and wore trousers.

"Brain freeze. A classic," he said. The girl nodded solemnly.

"D-do you guys need some help?" Boris asked hesitantly. Both unfrozen heads snapped towards him and his brother.

"Help? Sure!" The guy strolled over to them. He pulled out a letter and a card with a WB printed on it. "Could ya deliver this to the water tower in the studio pronto?"

Boris blinked. He meant about the one in the ice, not, uh, holding onto a letter.

"What do we look like? Mailmen?" Bendy asked. The guy looked down at Bendy and blinked twice. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"Well, yeah, what do you think you look like?" he said and shoved the two items in Bendy's hands.

"Hey!" Bendy barked.

"What? You said you'd help." He shrugged.

"This doesn't help at all!" Bendy said.

"I don' know, helps us." The guy grew thoughtful. "Hey!" He snapped his fingers as an idea struck him. "The guys you take that letter to will help you out too. You two could use a favor, right?"

"Yeah!" Boris spoke up. "We had a pack stolen."

"Tsk, tsk." He brushed his fingers together in disappointment. "People these days. But, great! I'm sure they'll be able to help ya." His tone quickly changed to be upbeat.

Bendy gave him a disbelieving look. "How in the worl—."

"THERE THEY ARE!" All looked over to see one of the cops pointing at the three accusingly.

"Well, that's our cue," the tall one said and ran over to the ice, giving it a shove. It had started melting and slid easily down the street. The girl pulled him up and the two rode the ice cube as they slid away from the cops. The cops again zipped past Bendy and Boris in pursuit. After everything quieted the brothers shared a baffled look.

"Ah, what just happened?" Boris asked. Bendy shrugged and shook his head. It wasn't like he had any idea. "What are we gonna do with that?" the wolf pointed to Bendy's hand.

"Open it?" he suggested.

"I think opening other people's mail is illegal," Boris said frowning at the elder brother. "And the other thing?"

"I guess it's a pass onto the studio." Bendy sighed and stuffed it into his pocket. "Guess we have to deliver it then. What a pain. Who do those shmucks think they are? And what kinda help could friends of those weirdos do for us?" Boris just shook his head. There weren't words to explain what just happened.

The two found themselves back at the car entrance and wall they were at earlier in the day. The guard looked frazzled and exhausted while he let vehicles in and out of the lot. When he spotted the brothers approaching, he scowled. Bendy's glare reflected the guard's.

"Be nice, bro," Boris asked, well begged, to be honest. The last few days had pushed them quite a bit, but Boris didn't think the poor guard should suffer all Bendy's frustrations.

"What chu talkin' about, Boris? I'm the poster boy of chivalry," Bendy said through clenched teeth. Boris gulped and pitied the guard.

By now the boys were at his gate.

"You twos were kicked out earlier," the guard said.

"Hey, nice to see ya again too, pal." Bendy said with a strained smile that was a little too big. "Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot and I can tell you're berries, so why not let bygones be bygones and say you let us on by," Bendy said.

The guard blinked, confused, then shook his head. "Can't let no one by unless they're workin' here or have a a pass."

"A pass? Like this one?" Bendy flicked his fingers making it seem like the WB pass appeared from nowhere. It was one of Bendy's favorite tricks. The guard again looked surprised.

"Hey, where'd ya get that?" he demanded pointed at the card.

"Well, if you had let us explain, we woulda told you that we were here to deliver a letter to the Big Cheese here, personally, but no you gave us the boot first, didn't ya?" Bendy glared at him. The guard started to sweat.

"The boss didn't say nothin' about no one comin' for a visit," he said.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but ya know what? I think I'm gonna tell him exactly how we were treated by one of his employees this morning. He should know that he has a flat tire running his security here," Bendy grilled him. The guy looked like he was sweating bullets now.

"No! No! I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean nothin' by it! I thought yous were a couple of bums on the crib, honest. With the way yous are dressed and everythin' I had no idea that you guys were here for the boss."

"Oh, yeah? Well, next time you're gonna check before you find yourself up a creek with no paddle," Bendy stated harshly. "Now move it, I gotta make a run."

The guard scrabbled back. "Y-yes sir, so sorry again. I won't do anything like that again. And if yous need anything—."

"Yeah, yeah." Bendy waved him off impatiently. "As long as you keep your nose clean from now on. I hear about you bootin' others, I'll show you what a real boot looks like."

Bendy and Boris made it around a corner and Boris let out a sigh.

"See? I was nice." Bendy pointed. "Didn't even touch 'im."

"He probably thinks he's gonna lose his job any minute now," Boris said giving his brother an unimpressed look.

Bendy shrugged and muttered. "Teach 'im to treat people nicer. Who kicks a couple of sleepin' folks in a cussing tree? Who does that?" He huffed and shook off that train of thought. "Any idea where this water tower is supposed to be?"

"Oh gee, I wonder," Boris said sarcastically and pointed to the tall tower peaking over all the other buildings in the immediate area. "Do you ever look up?"

Bendy looked up with half lidded eyes. He looked forward and refused to make eye contact with the smug, amused smile on the wolf's muzzle. "Shut up." This only made Boris laugh. It took a moment for the two to get to the base of the tower. Bendy looked back and forth to only find a rickety metal staircase. He and Boris shared a nervous look before Bendy sighed and started climbing. The higher they went, the windier it got. Soon, the whole studio was sprawled out before them. Bendy let out an impressed whistle. "Check out that view."

"Yeah, that's really beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen this far before. Hey, look! It's the train station!" Boris pointed. "And there's the shopping district."

"Wow, bro, you're right. Good eyes." Bendy squinted his eyes and spotted the two locations in the distance. It wasn't much longer before they hit the top. "Wonder what the pay would be for a view like this," he muttered. They spent a few minutes looking for a door. They circled the tower three times, but only came to the huge WB sign at the front.

Boris gave Bendy a confused look. "What'd we do with the letter?" Bendy responded with an exasperated sigh and a shrug. Honestly, he had no idea why he was doing this. Well, besides the fact Boris would pout about it for hours.

Boris tapped a little beat on the tower distractedly. Suddenly, it flew up knocking Boris to the railing with a yep and tittering him over the edge.

"Boris!" Bendy dove for the wolf and snagged his hand before he could fall, and with a strong yank he had Boris safely back on the platform side. The wolf collapsed to his knees in relief. "Are you okay?"

Boris was shaking but nodded. "Y-yeah, that was close."

"Hello?" Bendy turned his head to glare at the person that opened the door. To his surprise, it was the guy in the hat that had frozen himself back at the shopping district. For some odd reason his tongue was sticking out of the corner of his mouth like he was in deep thought.

"What the hell is wrong with you! You almost killed my brother!" Bendy snapped glaring daggers at him.

The individual turned to look at the brothers. "No, I didn't. We installed the trampoline there!" Without missing a beat, the fella bounced over to them and lightly hopped over the railing. He grabbed both his feet in each of his hands and plunged tail first out of sight. The boys gasped and lunged to the railing, neither wanting to see the fate of the individual, but both powerless to do anything else. As they gazed down, to their utter disbelief, they witnessed the crazy guy hit a dark circle and rocketed back up to them. Both brothers had their jaws drop as the strange fella straightened and at the crest of his ascent, took a single step forward on to the railing and hopped back down onto the platform. "See? Woulda been fine. It's actually kinda fun."

"Who's at the door, Wakko?" A voice called from the open sign-door of the tower.

"Don't know," Wakko shrugged and walked back toward the tower. "Might be mailmen. They look like mailmen."

Boris leaned toward Bendy and whispered, "That wasn't there when we were climbing up here, was it?"

Bendy shook his head. "I didn't see anythin' like a trampoline climbing up here."

"Then where did it come from?" Boris asked in disbelief, as his eyes widened.

"I have no cussing clue," Bendy said. The brothers shared a look and Bendy wondered what star forsaken thing they had gotten themselves into this time. Bendy saw the tall guy in the pants step out and give them a curious look.

"Hellooooo mailman!" Bendy suddenly felt a yank on his arm. He looked over to see the girl with the flower in her hair, er, ears. It was pinning her ears up in a mock ponytail. Something else was weird with her, she had hearts in her eyes.

"But, I'm not a mailman," Bendy said.

She suddenly leaned into him and brought a hand up to his cheek. She smiled suggestively and with half lidded eyes asked. "Wanna be one?" Bendy felt a shudder of something like disgust or dread run down his spine. Bendy asked himself how the cuss was he going to getting away from these nutcases?

The tall fella put his hand to his mouth. "Mmmmmuah!" he threw his hand out with a grin blowing a kiss. "Good night everybody!"

Boris stared at him then turned to where he was looking. "Who are you talking to?"

"Why our Readers of course!" Yakko gasped. "Don't be rude. Say hello or goodbye now, I guess."

"Readers?" Boris asked, sounding extremely unsure. His ears fell to his skull.

"Well them and TAP. But, they're pretty tapped out right now, if ya know what I'm saying," Wakko chuckled with a raised brow.

Boris pulled back a step. "No clue."

The Warners shared a look and shrugged. "He must be mental," Wakko said.

"Completely nuts," Yakko agreed.

"Could you just stop?" Bendy growled trying to push the girl off him.

"Yeah, sure. The writer wants us to stop here anyway." Yakko shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Bendy demanded.

"Them." Dot pointed.

"Who?" Bendy glanced over and back.

"The Readers," she said.

"Who?" Bendy growled as his patience burned thin.

"Geez, it's like talking to an owl," Yakko said, shaking his head with disappointment.

"No, no! That was back in chapter two." Wakko pointed out to Yakko.

"Oh yeah." Yakko put his hand on his chin. "What was that guy's name again? Willy? Wilby?"

"Henry?" Wakko offered with a grin.

"No, that's not it." Yakko hummed and thought. "Whyborn?"

"Boys." Dot's tone held annoyance. "Ending the chapter," she suggested, still clinging to Bendy.

"Alright, alright." Yakko waved her words away.

"What the cuss is going on? What are you loons talking about?" Bendy demanded, feeling so lost his head was spinning.

"Ah, we'll probably never tell you. You don't see the fourth wall here obviously," Yakko said, gesturing out.

"Fourth—," Boris started to ask, still looking completely out of sorts.

"See ya next chapter folks!" Yakko and Wakko waved. Dot was busy making doe eyes at Bendy. Bendy regretted this day. Completely regretted it.  

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