Away From Home (One Direction...

By Niall_makes_us_Smile

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When Bianca gets on the wrong plane, she finds herself in London, and rooming with a psychotic, obsessed One... More

Away From Home (One Direction Fanfiction)
Chapter 2 It's Liam's Way or the Highway
Chapter 3 I Do Not Appreciate That Type of Language
Chapter 4 Holy Bromance!
Chapter 5 It Smells Like Heaven
Chapter 6 She Slobbered On Me
Chapter 7 Louis Those Are My Cookies
Chapter 8 You're So Beautiful When You Eat Oatmeal
Chapter 9 He Shall Be My Squishy
Chapter 10 Kick Some Arse
Chapter 11 Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 12 Don't Get In His Van Even If He Has Candy
Chapter 13 Mommy Pet Bianca
Chapter 14 Boom Shaka Laka
Chapter 15 I Like Your Pants
Chapter 16 We Killed Him
Chapter 17 I Am Your Candy Girl
Chapter 18 We Need Some Chicken Wings On The Fly
Chapter 19 I Could Sell This On eBay
Chapter 20 Have Some Decency
Chapter 21 He's My Woman Friend
Chapter 22 Be Gone Witch
Chapter 23 For Narnia and for Aslan
Chapter 24 What the Fudge
Chapter 25 Touchy-Feely
Chapter 27 My Precious
Chapter 28 The End

Chapter 26 BATMAN

1.7K 31 6
By Niall_makes_us_Smile

Chapter 26

The boys all went to grab their jackets and wallets from their rooms, so I stayed in the living room. I patted Squishy's head and he climbed into my lap.

"Boys are scum, Squishy. It's a good thing you're not a girl so you never have to have your heart broken by a gay guy. Unless you turn out like Oliver. That would suck." I said and he licked my hand.

"Okay, Bianca, let's go." Liam said.

He wheeled my chair into the elevator and then through the hotel. The other boys grumbled behind me as we walked.

Liam and Zayn both lifted me into the car while Niall took the wheelchair and put it in the trunk. Or the "boot" if you want to get all britishy about it.

We sat in the car with Louis driving, Liam in the passenger seat, Niall and I in the middle row, and Zayn and Harry in the back. The ride was mainly silent, which gave me too much time to think.

Nasty, stupid boy, using me to get to my friends. I hated this, so much. I wanted to punch a wall or scream or something. I didn't realize I was gripping the seat belt in my hands until Niall tapped me on the shoulder.

"You're going to make your hands bleed." he said, pointing to my hands that were clenched around the belt. I let go and looked at my palms. There were red crescent marks from my nails.

"Don't be sad, Bianca. He's not worth it." Zayn said from the back, ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, he was stupid." Louis added.

"Maybe we should go get that bat Zayn mentioned a while back." Harry said.

I smiled weakly. "Thanks guys, but I don't think it would be good for you to go to jail. Orange isn't your color," I said to Liam, who was looking back at me with a concerned expression.

"I look good in anything," he replied. Which he was right, obviously. This is Liam Payne we're talking about here.

Louis pulled the car into the parking lot of the mall. Luckily, it wasn't too crowded, so we wouldn't have too much trouble with crowds of fans.

Liam got my wheelchair out of back and wheeled it over to my side so I could awkwardly get in it. We walked- and rolled- into the mall, glancing at some of the windows of stores trying to decide which one to go in.

"I think we should go to the food court first, I'm hungry." Niall said. The other boys agreed and I found myself being wheeled towards the nearly empty food court. The only people there were an elderly couple and some mothers with their babies. Louis and Harry went to get the food while the rest of sat at a table. Or at least they sat at the table, I was stuck at the end in my chair. I was really starting to regret getting a wheelchair.

After a while the boys came back with some pizza, which was devoured immediately. I picked at mine half-heartedly. Liam looked at me, concerned.

"You need to eat," was what he said.

"I'm not hungry." I replied. Louis stood up and declared,

"I know exactly what you need." he then trotted off to a nearby candy stand and came back with some gummy bears and Pixie Stix. "Eat up." he said, placing the candy in front of me.

"What?" I asked. Was he really giving me candy after what happened last time?

"Eat the candy," Harry told me. I shrugged and started eating the candy. I still couldn't believe they were letting me have any of this stuff after everything I put them through last time.

After the bag of gummy bears and three Pixie Stix, I was getting giggly.

We left the food court and wheeled along some other stores. I stopped them in front of a store that was showcasing a mannequin wearing red skinny jeans and a striped shirt.

"Let's go in here," I said.

"Why is it that more girls wear my type of clothes than guys?" Louis said. Instead of answering, I made Liam push me into the store.

It turned out the store was really big supporter of the boys because they had several racks of t-shirts and the radio in the store was blaring Live While We're Young.

I bobbed my head along to the music until the end of the chorus, because I had never heard this song before.

"Tonight let's what? What did it just say?" I asked, kind of disbelieving that those were the words.

"Let's get some, are you deaf or something?" Zayn asked jokingly.

"Get some what?" was all I asked

"Food." was apparently the right answer, coming from Niall. I rolled my eyes and went back

to shopping. I could still feel the sugar.

We continued looking around the store until I spotted some bras in the back. I told Liam to roll me back there and he reluctantly did.

"These would make really nice sun glasses." I said, holding a black bra up to my face so it covered my eyes.

"Put it away," Louis said.

"No. I'm a bra fly! Bzzzzz" I said and shook my head around a little with the bra still over my face.

"Please don't be weird," Niall pleaded.

I took the bra off my face. "Fine, no bra fly. But I know what you will like."

I giggled and tied the bra around the top of my head so the two cup parts were sticking up like ears.

"Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!"

"Oh my gosh," Liam said and face-palmed.

"Take it off!" Zayn yelled.

"There's a place down town, where the freaks all come around, it a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free for all. When they, turn me on, when they take it off. Everybody take it off!" I sang. I actually don't even know how I know the words to that song.

"Stop the music!" Harry said, covering his ears.

I did a little dance in my chair and started singing again. "Please don't stop the music! I wanna take you away, let's escape into the music DJ let it play!" I would've sang the rest of it, but Louis slapped a hand over my mouth.

"People are staring!" he whisper-yelled. He dropped his hand and I took advantage of the situation.

"Your stare was holding, ripped jeans skin was showing, hot night night wind was blowing," I sang and he started walking away. "Where you think you're going, baby?"

"Bianca, shut up!" Niall said.

I looked at him in surprise. "Do not tell a lady to shut up, Niall. It is very rude."

"I can't believe we had enough faith in you to give you Pixie Stix again," Liam said.

"Well I guess it would be nice, if I could touch your body!" I sang and stuck out my arm to run my had down Harry's stomach. "Because I gotta have faith! I gotta have faith, the faith, the faith! I gotta have faith, the faith, the faith!" I finished.

"We're leaving," Zayn said, leading the boys towards the door.

"Wait! At least let me get a t-shirt with your faces on it!" I pleaded.

They all grumbled and complained, but still agreed, so I snapped my fingers and pointed to the t-shirt racks. Liam grabbed the back of my chair and rolled me to the shirts. I spent a few minutes looking through them until I found the perfect shirt.

It really wasn't all that special, it just had each of them together on it, but it looked really awesome.

I grabbed the shirt and directed Liam towards the cashier's desk, snagging a huge white bra off one of the racks on the way. I paid for my stuff and left the store.

Since my leg was in a cast and I could try almost nothing on, we just decided to go home after we went to a pet store to get Squishy a few toys and some food and treats.


New chapter!! I'm SOOOO sorry for not updating in forever!! We've been really busy with school and stuff. And I definitely care about school. -_-

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I kinda ran out of ideas...

My inspiration just kinda went dry...

That's just what's been going on...

Holy crap

I'm torn

This is the greatest moment of my life.


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