The Shy Girl ✔

By cat_lover_4life

206K 7.5K 1.8K

' "Will you still love me when I'll be broken?" I mumbled as he slowly caressed my face. "Would you stop lov... More

Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Don't judge a movie by its DVD cover.
Chapter 9- About That Night
Chapter 11 - Books and Coffee
Chapter 12- Bad boys read too.
Chapter 13- Getting punished for someone else's sins.
Chapter 14 - The Hospital
Chapter 15- Ice skating
Chapter 16- Date
Chapter 17- The Betrayal
Chapter 18 - He likes you
New Covers
Chapter 19- Happy Birthday to me
Chapter 20 - Nightmares and Cupcakes
Chapter 21 - The Anonymous
Chapter 22 - Shopping
Chapter 23 - The Winter Formal
Chapter 24- Here we go again
Chapter 25- Two strangers sharing the same memories
Chapter 26 - Confessions
Chapter 27- Messages From A Stranger
Chapter 28- Happy New Year
Chapter 29- Getting Back Home
Chapter 30 - Old Friends And Secrets Revealed
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 31- First Date As A Couple
Chapter 32- Camping
Bonus - Valentine's Day
~ Sequel ~
Chapter 33- One Hell Of A Trip
Chapter 34- Airplane mode
Chapter 35- Hola preciosa
Chapter 36- The Photo Of Truth
Chapter 37-Late Night Betrayal
Chapter 38- Unwanted Disneyland Trip
Chapter 39- Goodbye.
Sneak peak
Book 2: Chapter one- Jealousy.
Chapter 2- Forever Yours
Chapter 3- I Love You Most
Chapter 4- Skylar.

Chapter 10 - The Halloween Party

5.5K 230 34
By cat_lover_4life

Emma's POV

It has been a few weeks since me and Adam became friends. He never said anything about the night we went to the cemetery.

I'm glad because I wouldn't have known what to say to him. Sometimes you just get it, you just have to understand stuff without actually having to explain it or hear it. Sometimes you just know that what happened remains in the past and that sometimes silence is what remains after all the talking. You just can't talk anymore, cause silence took you too.

Today it's Halloween, the night everyone gets to dress as their favorite characters from tv shows or movies, their favorite artist or their favorite animal.

What do I do? I stay in bed all night, watching horror movies until I fall asleep.

Yeah, I know, it's pretty boring but I don't like going to parties or getting drunk until I can't remember my name.

That's what Alyson and Skylar usually do. They drink and then find some cute guy that probably won't even remember them the next day. But hey, I don't judge. Some people have their own way to cope with life.

Every Halloween someone has to throw a party at their place so, Emily, Adam's girlfriend, decided to throw the party at Adam's place because his mom and Anna are in Switzerland to visit their grandmother.

Emily and Adam met last week at a party and since then they have been together, or that's what everyone says. Emily tried to kiss Adam so many times but he always finds an excuse, denying her kisses. That's kind of weird because they're together, at least that's what she told me.

Three days ago she came to my locker to tell me to stay away from her boyfriend because she had seen the way I looked at him. The way I looked at him?! Then she hasn't seen the way other girls look at him. She also told me that if she will see me near him ever again I would have to deal with her. To be honest, I never understood the girls that claim a guy as 'theirs'. If a guy does that the girl starts complaining, saying that he's way to possessive but if a girl does it, then it's ok? I'll never get this world. We say we want rights but barely respect others rights sometimes.

Adam hasn't talked to me since Thursday, that was 3 days ago so I guess he had to choose between me and her, and he choose her.

I'm not gonna lie, it hurts because he had been there for me when I needed him and now he's gone. He's very annoying but, well, once there's no one to annoy you anymore you kind of start to miss it.

Since I met him my nightmares stopped but a couple of nights back I had them again and they are getting worse every night. Last night I woke up with his picture in my hands. My hands were shaking and I just went back to sleep, saying to myself that it was just a dream. This morning, his photo was on my bed, exactly where I've put it last night.

Today I will just stay home with a blanket and a hot chocolate in my bed watching Supernatural. That's all I need, chocolate and my tv shows.

I am watching the episode "Yellow fever" and I can't stop laughing.


Dean just opened the locker and a cat jumped out of it making him scream and I started laughing even harder.

No more spoilers.

Suddenly, someone entered my room. I dropped my bag of popcorn as Skylar just stood in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Why are you in your bed?" Said Skylar as she rolled her eyes and came next to me. "It's Halloween!" She said while closing my only chance at happiness. My laptop.

"So?" I asked as I reopened my laptop with a questionable look on my face.

"You promised me that if I would help you get rid of going shopping with your sister you would go with me to the Halloween party." She said while tapping her foot to the floor slowly.

"No, I didn't." I know I said that but I thought that she had forgotten. Come on, it was months back, who has such a great memory? I barely remember what I had for dinner last night.

"Yes, you did." She said proudly while looking three pockets. After a while she took out her phone, looked through it then handed it to me.

It was a video with me saying that I will go to the party with her.

"You filmed me?!" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.  Her facial expression told me that she wasn't joking around and that she really wants me to go to this party.

"Yes, now go and put this costume on." She said while handing me some clothes and a necklace. I looked at the stuff with a questionable look as I tried to think of whose outfit this is?

"Ok, what am I suppose to be?" I asked while lifting up the necklace. It was a beautiful necklace and...somehow it looks really familiar.

"You are going to be Elena from Tvd." She said, while helping to put on my necklace. I opened it and it even had vervain inside of it.

"Wow!" I explained while looking at the clothes that looked exactly like the ones Elena wore in season one.

After I was done putting my costume on, me and Skylar made our way to Adam's place.

"Do you think Adam really likes Emily?" I asked while looking down. Skylar looked at me with a look in her eyes that gave me the answer that I already knew.

"Who knows, Adam is Adam, he's...messed up, only he can know the answer to that question." She said while smiling as I just signed and put a smile on my face.

I wanted to talk more but we arrived at Adam's place and the place was packed up.

People dressed in costumes were everywhere around his house. Expensive cars and tables full of food all over the place. I looked around and grabbed a cookie that looked reasonably good. Once I took a bite I decided to just eat once I get back home.

The door to his house was opened so me and Skylar just entered his house without knocking. You could barely see anything since everyone was dancing and drinking.

I went to the kitchen and saw an orange drink, I drank it and it was really good. I took the bottle and a glass with me. I went outside and sat down on a bench. With every sip my mind just lost itself as all I could do was watch the stars as I drank what I assumed was orange juice.

"Hello." I looked up to see a guy with black hair and blue eyes. He had an accent and when he smiled you could see his dimples. He looked at me confused as I raised my bottle up, an attempt to greet him.

"Hi." I said while looking at the sky with a small smile.

"I'm Dylan." He said with a soft voice and I just shrugged. I assumed that he was waiting for an answer to that so I looked at him questionably as he motioned with head to me. Oh, my name?

"Emma." I said and after that I took another sip from my drink. It tasted amazing but it was making me a little dizzy.

"You know that this has alcohol in it, right?" He said while pointing at my drink. I shook my head slowly as I tried reading the ingredients of this bottle. Wait, does alcohol even come with ingredients? Well, I can't even read. Come on, I'm smart, why can't I read what is written on this bottle?

Must be cause it's too dark outside.

"N-No it doesn't." I stuttered, answering his statement. Now I think that this drink does have alcohol. Oh no. I drank the whole bottle. Well, it's going to be ok, I bet it didn't have that much alcohol, right?

I got up from the bench and tried  to walk but I couldn't feel my legs so I fell but I never touched the ground. I opened my eyes to see that Dylan caught me. His arms were around my waist. His blue eyes were fixed on mine and his hair became a mess cause of the wind.

"T-Thanks." I said as he released me. I brushed some dirt off my jacket and Dylan threw away the now empty bottle of alcohol.

"No problem, I can take you home if you want." He said while looking into my eyes with a small smile playing on his lips.

"No, I'll be fine." I said as I made my way inside Adam's house.

"If you say so." Said Dylan's voice as I entered the house.

The first thing I saw when I got in was Adam sitting in a corner. He looked at me as a smile plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the table next to him.

"Hey. Weird seeing you here." I said while taking another bottle of the drink that I had earlier. I know that it has alcohol but for this conversation I'm going to need it. When did I become this version of myself?

"I live here." He said while laughing and just looked at me as I took another sip from my drink. I thought of it and that's pretty much when I realized exactly how wasted I was.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked then took a sip from the bottle. He looked at me, intrigued by my actions and behavior.

"Who said that I'm avoiding you?" He questioned while looking into my eyes. His eyes never left mine as I scoffed and looked him in his eyes.

"What are you doing with this bottle?" He asked me with a mad expression  then snatched my bottle away. I took a grip of it but it slipped right through my fingers as Adam started running.

"Hey! That's mine!" I yelled while running after him to get my bottle back. People were staring at us and Adam just made fun of me.

"I paid for it so, technically, it's mine." He said while still running. I scoffed and started running faster. I didn't realize that Adam has stopped running so I kept speeding up.

"Whatever just giv-" I didn't get the chance to finish the sentence because I tripped and fell over Adam. He looked at me with a smirk knowing how embarrassing this situation was. My hair was over his face and his eyes were as usual a mystery. They held so many emotions at the time that it was impossible to tell how he was actually feeling.

"Great position to be in, but I prefer being on top." He said with a wink. I pushed myself up as I wasn't in mood for Adam's flirty mood.

I got up and as I stumbled to the door of his house I started feeling very dizzy. I moved past everyone when I heard someone yelling my name. The  voice was ringing inside my head as I closed my eyes only to be brought back to reality as someone touched my shoulder lightly.

"Emma!" I flinched but turned around and saw Dylan with a smile of pity on his lips. His eyes showed sadness as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"Y-Yeah?" I asked as my eyes started giving in to tiredness.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asked akwardly but nicely. His hands were in his front pockets and his smile exposed his dimples.

"I live next door." I said while smiling as he coughed to make the awkwardness fade away but it just didn't work.

"Ok, have a good night." He said as he took my hand and kissed it. I tilted my head to the side confused of his gesture. He let go of my hand and just stood there, watching me.

I tuned around as my cheeks got red. Wait, isn't it impolite to not say goodnight after someone wishes you goodnight?

"Hey, Dylan!" I turned around and yelled. He was still there, looking at me.

"Yes?" He asked while looking into my eyes or I think he was trying to find my eyes cause it was pitch black outside. The only lights on the street were the ones from Adam's house.

"Thanks for the offer, and have a great night." I said with a small smile as he just nodded. I shook my head with a laugh and went back inside.

I changed my clothes with comfortable pajamas and took a short shower, hoping that I'll sober up soon.

Right as I was about to fall asleep I got a text.

"Look outside." It was from Adam.

I rolled my eyes but did as the text said. I got up and turned on the lights. I opened the curtains, getting curious. I looked down and all I could see was darkness so I sighed and rolled my eyes annoyed until my eyes went to Adam's window. The lights in his bedroom were on and as I looked closely there was a piece of paper on his window.

I took a photo with my phone so that I could zoom in to see what the piece of paper had written on it.

"Wanna see some rats?" I checked twice to make sure that was exactly what it said. He wants me to watch rats with him? I really want to know how he thought of this.

I started laughing and wrote on a paper as a response: rats?

I texted Adam and in less than a minute he was at his window. His hair was all over the place but it looked perfect.

My thoughts were interrupted by Adam that changed the piece of paper with another one.

"Yes, rats." I started laughing again as Adam just motioned for me to respond. I nodded my head and mouthed 'sure' but I don't think he saw that. I went outside slowly trying to not make a noise since I'll wake everyone up. Adam had a binocular in his right hand and a blanket in the other.

"Are these for the rats?" I asked confused. He looked at me weirdly and shook his head.

"They're for us. How else do you expect us to watch the stars?" As he said that I became more confused.

"You mean rats?" I asked and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Rats? What are you talking about hoodie girl? Damn, that drink really got to you, huh?" I punched his shoulder lightly but he pretended to be in pain.

"Look at my phone." I simply stated as I showed him a photo with the piece of paper.

He started laughing as he showed me a photo with my piece of paper. Then it hit me. He wrote star backwards. And I wrote rats which means that what the word he saw was 'star'.

"Wait, how did you wrote the other words backwards but the last one wrong." I asked while laughing and in that moment Adam's eyes showed only one emotion. Happines.

He shrugged and passed me the binocular." Guess I'm too drunk." He said as I looked through the binocular.

"Why are the stars more far away now?" Adam turned the binocular to the other end as I groaned in embarrassment. Drunk me is so stupid. We stayed there the whole night and by the end of the night I wasn't that sad anymore.

"Night, hoodie girl." Said Adam as I opened the door to my home.

"Goodnight, Adam." I whispered as I stood against the door. This won't change the fact that he has been avoiding me these past few days. It's fine if he's with Emily but I don't want to get in trouble cause of him. 

I went to sleep, thinking of how messed up my life got in less than two months.


Hey guys, long chapter, I will post in 2 days.

Have a great week, vote and comment 💕

Xoxo- Cat Lover ❤

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