High school Dxd:The Dragon Go...

By Volmatriax

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Terror and agony could be seen,the plead of mercy fell on death ears as the blood and flesh he smell and tast... More

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By Volmatriax

(A/N:all the image I use goes to there respective owners)
Real Name:?
Fake Name:Leo Avalon
Gender:none(but prefers male)

His Appearance can be seen above.

Title: The One True God,Ruler of All,Eternal Nightmare Devourer,Darkness Outside,The Infinite Madness,The Unknown One,The One True Grand Sovereign Dragon God Emperor,The One True Grand Sovereign Chaos Beast God Emperor,The Devourer Of Creation,The Devouring Terror,The Evolving Dragon God etc.

(A/N:I will leave all of you to find out his real name in the story).

Powers and Abilities:

True Omnipotence

Bio-weapon Creation:can create different kinds of bio-weapon the user wants it the of example it are bombs that has organic,chemical, disease substances and many more.

Eldritch Magic:can summon and create multiple powerful abomination.

Dragon Gate:can summon any Dragon to aid you.

Chaos Beast Gate:can summon any Chaos Beast to aid you.

Eternal Evolution: the user power grows and causes it's Dragon God Form and Chaos Beast God Emperor Form to constantly become stronger and more power this also affect his other Forms and gives him also immunity to everything and can absorb others t gain their powers and ability.

Grand Sovereign True Dragon God Form:Transform into the most powerful and first Dragon God and it multiply the user power by 999,999,999,999,999 every second and the power the user gains overtime will be permanent even if the form has not been used.

Grand Sovereign Chaos Beast God Emperor Form:Transform the user into the most strongest Chaos Beast God and I also multiply the users power by 999,999,999,999,999 every second and the power the user gains will be permanent even if the form has not been used.

Apocalypse Dragon Slaying Magic
Water Dragon Slayer Magic

Earth Dragon Slayer Magic

Fire Dragon Slaying Magic
Ice Dragon Slaying Magic
Holy Dragon Slaying Magic
Shadow Slaying Magic
Iron Dragon Slaying Magic
Lightning Dragon Slaying Magic
Poison Dragon Slaying Magic
Sky Dragon Slaying Magic



Cyber Mind
Computer Interaction
Electronic Communication Hacking
Mechanical Intuition
Scanner Vision
Technological Possession
Technology Generation
Data Generation
Mechanical Constructs
Technological Constructs
Technomagical Constructs
Technology Imitation

Techno-Spell Casting (replicate technological effects)Energy Blast
Force-Field Generation
Missile Generation
Nano Magic
Physical Restoration
Bionic Physiology
Gun Limbs
High-Tech Enchanted Exoskeleton
Machine Morphing
Nanite Mimicry
Wish Granting machine, complete with intent decryption programs.
Enhanced Crafting
Impossibility Inducement
Rule Bending

Advanced Level

Techno-Magic Enhancements
Evolution: auto-upgrade once new technology becomes available.
Extrasensory Perception: enhance detection and analysis via ESP.
Infinite Supply: unlimited ammo and energy for weapons and devices.
Infusion: enhanced weapons with supernatural effects.
Invulnerability: strengthen materials against physical damage.
Energy Resistance: strengthen materials against energy damage.
Supernatural Resistance: strengthen materials against supernatural effects.
Mode Switching: change form and weapons to fight different enemies.
Paradox Inducement: defy the rules of logic multiplying the unit's power and speed, notably projectile attacks.
Reactive Adaptation: spontaneously adapt to enemies/situations.
Regenerative Healing Factor: fast self-repairs after taking damage.
Reforming: self-reconstruction when destroyed.
Replication: self-duplication.Sequenced 
Teleportation: automatic retreat to safety after taking too much damage.
Flash Step: instant move from on point to another on the battlefield.
Targeting: correct the trajectory of projectiles to always hit their targets.
Transformation: temporarily upgrade into better versions of itself.
Weapon Proficiency: automatic mastery of the weapons.
Adaptive Replication: assimilation of exotic effects. technologies/supernatural
Superior Adaptation: automatic adaptation to fit any purpose.
Adaptive Energy
Adaptive Magic
Limitation Transcendence: overcome the limitations of technology and magic.
Magitek Physiology: physically and conceptually personify mystical technology.
Enchanted Symbiotic Exoskeleton
Technomagical Symbiotic
Omnifabrication: creation of any construct with any properties/effects:Develop a Miracle Machine that'll grant any and every possible desire.
Erasing weapons.Mass Power Erasure generators.Reality Rewriting via Interfaces.Technomagical Object TechnomagicalWeaponry
Omnifarious: Have a body made up of technomagical shape-shifting nanites with infinite possibilities.
Possibility Reconstruction: via law altering mechanization.
Potential Creation: via infusion of technomagic nanites.
Rule Transcendence: bypass the inhibitions of machine or mysticism.
Tetralogy: able to master and perfect all the known laws of logic and nature.
Science-Magic Ascendancy
Magic Destruction
Magic Immunity
Magic Negation
Ley Line Manipulation
Magical Energy Manipulation Magic
Magic Creation
Spell Casting
Spell Creation
Magically Enhanced Physiology
Magic Intuition
Almighty Magic - Wield magic that is undefeated.
Meta Magic - Be free from all the limitations of magic.
Magically Enhanced Physiology - Be physically empowered by magical energies.
Omni-Magic - Wield all forms of magic.
Adaptive Magic - Use a special type of adaptive magic.
Elemental Magic - Master all the elements.
Logic Manipulation - Break the laws of nature and common sense.
Magic Aura - Surround oneself in any type of magical energy.
Magic Combat - Infuse magic with physical attacks.
Magic Empowerment - Gain strength from magical forces.
Magic Immunity - Be immune to the magic powers of others.
Magic Negation - Negate the magical abilities of other with ease.
Mana Manipulation - Control sentient mystical energies that are present throughout the universe.
Meta Summoning - Summon virtually anything.
Meta Teleportation - Teleport oneself to any time and location.
Spell Casting - Cast as many spells as one wishes.
Lunar Manipulation
Solar Manipulation
Universal Manipulation
Vacuum Adaptation
Chaos Inducement
Chaos Manipulation
Madness Manipulation
Probability Manipulation
Cosmic Creation
Creator Deity Physiology
Reality Warping
Death-Force Manipulation
Death Aspect Manifestation
Death Inducement
Death Sense
Lifeline Sight
Grim Reaper Physiology
Nether Manipulation
Pain Suppression/Pain Inducement
Destroyer Deity Physiology
Explosion Manipulation
Nothingness Manipulation
Disease Manipulation
Healing Factor Nullification
Pestilence Manipulation
Pollution Manipulation
All Dragon-based Powers
Environmental Adaptation
Cosmic Manipulation
Cosmic Awareness
Divine Force Manipulation/Demonic Force Manipulation
Draconic Element Manipulation
Conceptual Element Manipulation
Elemental Breath
Elemental Manipulation
Draconic Energy Manipulation
Dragon Creation
Flight/Wing Manifestation
Immortality/Absolute Immortality
Invulnerability/Absolute Invulnerability
Primordial Force Manipulation
Primordial Reality Manipulation

Omniarch - Rule all things.
Omnifarious - Take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.
Omnificence - Create anything and everything from nothing.
Almighty Object Manifestation- Create artifacts of nigh limitless power.
Omnireplication - Duplicate anything.
Omnilock - Exist outside of everything.
Absolute Immortality - Total, absolute immortality.
Freedom - Be absolute free of any boundaries, even from destiny.
Omnipresence - Be everywhere in existence at once.
Omniscience - Know everything and anything.
Absolute Senses - Possess senses enhanced to omniversal scale.
Enlightenment - Possess full comprehension of the omniverse.

Complete Arsenal - Have every power.
Absolute Change - Change anything.
Absolute Condition - Have the ultimate levels of strength, speed, intellect, etc.
Absolute Destruction - Destroy anything and everything.
Apocalyptic Force Manipulation - Control the final force.
Ultimate Erasure - Annihilate/wipe out anything/everything on any/all levels.
Absolute Existence - Total control over their own existence.
Absolute Force Manipulation - Control, create, shape and destroy all forces.
Absolute Fusion - Connect/Fuse Everything.
Absolute Life-Force - Control infinite amounts of spiritual force.
Absolute Restoration - Restore everything back to their natural state.
Absolute Will - The power to control/manipulate anything and be totally unstoppable.
Almighty Magic - The power to use magic that is able to accomplish anything.
Almighty Law Creation - Create and control the law that is unbreakable and is the Alpha law.
Almighty Replication - Replicate all powers.
Almighty Science - Control almighty/omnipotent science.
Alpha Reality - Rewrite the laws of reality without limit.
Amortality - The user is beyond life and death.
Boundary Manipulation - Complete control of all boundaries.
Causality Manipulation - Complete control of the cause/effect relation.
Concept Manipulation - Create/manipulate/erase all Concepts.
Cycle Manipulation - Manipulate the cycles of existence (creation, existence, destruction).
Definition Manipulation - Manipulate how anything/everything is defined.
Existence Manipulation - Manipulate the entirety of existence itself.
Primordial Force Manipulation - Manipulate the prime force.
Existential Plane Manipulation - Manipulate all planes of existence.
Grand Design Construction - Creating, sorting, preserving the universe.
Logic Manipulation - Control and defy logic without limit and achieve any impossible feat.
Meta-Existence - Induce any kind of existence.
Meta Miracle Manipulation - Use powerful of miracles.
Meta Perspective Manipulation- Manipulate all perspectives.
Meta Power Manipulation - Create, control and delete powers on an infinite level.
Meta Ability Creation - Can create whatever power one wants with no limits.
Meta Power Destruction - Can destroy whatever power one wants with no limits.
Meta Power Immunity - Be immune to all powers.
Meta Immunity Bypassing - Bypass all immunities.
Power Augmentation - Can increase and amplify special abilities to infinite power-levels.
Meta Probability Manipulation - Control all possibilities.
Metaphysics Manipulation - Control the aspects of metaphysics.
Nonexistence - Completely erase any kind of existence.
Omega Reality - Decide the end fate of of all realities.
Omni-Absorption - Absorb Everything.
Omni-Detection - Detect Everything.
Omni-Embodiment - Be embodiment of Everything.
Omni-Negation - Negate and nullify everything.
Omnicide - Kill all life at once.
Omnicompetence - Handle all situations or matters.
Hypercompetence - Be absolutely skilled in every possible field.
Omnifabricating - Invent anything with varying capabilities.
Omnilingualism - Decipher and speak any language.
Omniverse Manipulation - Control all universes.
Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of all that is.
Paradox Manipulation - Override the laws of reality, logic and common sense.
Pataphysics Manipulation - Control the aspects of pataphysics.
Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate the Perspective.
Perfection (Existential Perfection/Perfection Embodiment) - User is absolutely flawless, perfection itself.
Flawless Indestructibility - Possess no internal or external weakness.
Physical Godhood - Break and bend all scientific laws and concepts.
Power Anchoring - User's powers are immune to all alterations.
Preservation - Preserve Everything.
Prime Being - Be the beginning of everything and every species.
Separation - Separate/Divide Everything.
Singularity - Absolutely one of a kind.
Supernatural Manipulation - Control everything supernatural.
Totality Manipulation - Rule/Control/Preserve/Create/Destroy all Totality.
Ultimate Invincibility - Be absolutely invincible.
Unimind - Be one with all minds.
Unity - Be one with all and be everything.
Universal Irreversibility - Actions cannot be stopped or reversed.
Absolute Existence
Absolute Force Manipulation
Absolute Wish
Almighty Ascension
Almighty Link
Almighty Mind
Almighty Object Fusion
Alpha Reality
Author Authority
Boundary Manipulation
Causality Manipulation
Causa Sui Physiology
Complete Arsenal
Existential Perfection
Logic Manipulation
Meta Power Manipulation
Monotheistic Deity Physiology
Omniverse Manipulation
Origin Transcendence
Origin Manipulation
Prime Source
Principle Manipulation
Reality Dreaming
Self Origin
Totality Manipulation
True Dragon God Form:

True Chaos Beast God Form:

Explosion Inducement by creating flammable gases.
Fire Negation by manipulating oxygen gases required to make fire.
Gas Attacks
Gas Constructs
Gas Generation
Gas Solidification
Gaseous Current Defiance
Manipulate the properties of a gas.
Miasma Emission
Chlorine Gas Generation
Nerve Gas Generation
Move/lift gas.
Elemental Flight
Matter Surfing by riding gas.
Poison Generation
Benzinikinetic Combat
Gas Aura
Gas Merging
Gas Mimicry
Gas Transmutation
Air Manipulation
Chlorine Manipulation
Dark Gas Manipulation
Gas Magic
Helium Manipulation
Hydrogen Manipulation
Neon Manipulation
Nitrogen Manipulation
Oxygen Manipulation
Pure Gas Manipulation
Smoke Manipulation
Vapor Manipulation
Bodily Gas Manipulation
Digestive Manipulation
Elemental Manipulation
Fragrance Manipulation
Matter Manipulation
Particulate Manipulation
Plasma Manipulation
Poison Manipulation
Sense Manipulation
Foreign Chemical Immunity

Acceleration:by increasing the magnitude and the direction of force vectors.
Attack Reversal:by reflecting the vectors of any attack or opposing force.
Deflection:by inverting/reversing the direction of momentum vectors.
Inertia Negation:by nullifying all vectors that are related to inertia.
Motion Reversal: by reversing the direction of vectors in movement.
Vector Creation: by creating any kind of vector to be used.

Advanced Level

Directional Manipulation by manipulating the directional properties of vectors.
Flight by decreasing the magnitude of gravitational vectors or by using wind vectors as self-propulsion.
Inertia Manipulation by controlling the vectors of inertia/resistance.
Location Manipulation by manipulating positional vectors.
Magnitude Manipulation by manipulating the magnitude properties of vectors.
Momentum Manipulation by manipulating the magnitude and direction of momentum vectors.
Sound Manipulation by manipulating the magnitude of molecular vibrations.
Tactile Telekinesis by manipulating the vectors of oneself.
Velocity Manipulation by altering the speed and direction of kinetic vectors.
Vibration Emission by increasing the vibration rate of subatomic vectors.
Air Manipulation by manipulating the vectors of air molecules.
Plasma Generation by increasing the vibration rate of atoms and molecules.
Razor Wind by concentration the vectors of air molecules into a blade.
Centrifugal Force Manipulation by controlling the magnitude and direction of centrifugal forces.
Rotational Energy Manipulation by controlling angular momentum/rotation vectors.
Centripetal Force Manipulation by controlling the vectors of centripetal force.
Orbital Force Manipulation by controlling the vectors of orbital force and motion.
Gravity Manipulation by manipulating weight (gravitational force/pull) vectors.
Kinetic Energy Manipulation by manipulating the kinetic properties of vectors.
Reflection Manipulation by controlling the directional vectors of reflection.
Invisibility by manipulating light and water reflections.
Telekinetic Regeneration by continue the normal flow of blood despite injuries and closing open wounds.
Vector Defiance by defying vectors and how they combine.
Absolute Constant Velocity by manipulating velocity vectors into maintaining their state.
Absolute Defense by preventing vectors from being able to access the space surrounding the user.
Aversion Field by reflecting every oncoming vector away from them.
Power Reflection by reflecting the vectors of all powers or supernatural attacks.
Spatial-Temporal Lock by redirecting teleportation and time flow vectors.
Bio-Energy Manipulation by manipulating the energy carried by the bio-electric vectors of an organism.
Bio-Electricity Manipulation by manipulating vectors relating to bio-electricity.
Electrical Signal Manipulation by altering vectors that carry signals in electronic or living systems.
Quantum Manipulation by manipulating quantum state vectors and the rules that define their behavior.
Absolute Force Manipulation by manipulating every force vectors.
Information Manipulation by manipulating vectorial information.
Particle Manipulation by manipulating the vectors of subatomic particles.
Probability Manipulation by actualizing a possibility in relation to the state of vectors
Space-Time Distortion/Rift by using vectors to distort the space-time continuum.
Teleportation by instantaneously rearranging a physical system by modifying related position vectors.

Aura Manipulation

There are 7 auras, each with their attributes and colors.

Red (Muladhara): Deals with the physical nature of the body.
Orange (Swadhisthana): Deals with emotions.
Yellow (Manipura): Deals with self-energy and willpower.
Green (Anahata): Deals with healing.
Blue (Vishuddha): Deals with intelligence.
Indigo (Anja): Deals with mental communication.
Violet (Sahasrara): Deals with awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness.

Aura Generation: The user can generate aura.
Etheric Cord Manipulation: The user has control over etheric cords.
Self-Aura Manipulation: The user has control over their own aura.
Aura Concealment: The user can conceal their aura.
Aura Detection: The user can detect the presence of auras in their vicinity.
Aura Absorption: The user can see and absorb the auras of others, taking their life-force, memories, and powers.
Aura Attacks: The user can release/use aura for various attacks.
Aura Combat: The user can combine aura control with physical combat skill.
Aura Constructs: The user can create weapons and other materials made of aura.
Aura Flight: The user can use aura control for flight.
Aura Infusion: The user can infuse an aura in a body or an object.
Aura Mimicry: The user can mimic the auras of others, understanding their feelings and mimicking their powers.
Aura Solidification: The user can solidify aura into a tangible physical form.
Aura Trapping: The user can trap others in their own aura.
Expanded Presence: The user can expand their own aura.
Life-Force Conversion: The user can transmute their own aura into other substances.
Life-Force Infusion: The user can infuse their own aura into an object or body, enhancing it greatly.

The Seven Auras

Red (Muladhara)

Physical Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to increase their physical aspects.
Bodily Attribute Augmentation: The user can use their aura to enhance specific bodily attributes of their body.
Optimal Finesse: The user can use their aura to enhance their finesse to the highest potential.

Orange (Swadhisthana)

Empathy: The user can empathize with others for better understanding.
Animal Empathy: The user can empathize with any kind of animal.
Combat Perception: The user can predict the foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses.
Ecological Empathy: The user can empathize with the surrounding ecosystem.
Emotional Consistency: The user power is dependent on certain emotions.
Emotion Aura: The user can turn their emotions into pure aura.
Emotion Empowerment: The more of an emotion the user feels, the stronger they become.
Emotional Trigger: The user can activate and utilize powers based on emotions

Yellow (Manipura)

Aura Generation: The user is able to generate their own unique aura.
Aura Constructs: The user can form their aura into solid constructs.
Life-Force Blade Construction: The user is able to solidify their aura and shape it into bladed weaponry.
Spiritual Armor: The user can form their aura into durable armor.
Energetic Pressure: The user can destroy an entire surrounding area with nothing but the force of their aura.
Energy Duplication: The user can duplicate themselves by using their aura.
Ergokinetic Combat: The user can channel their aura into their arms and/or legs to create power energy enhanced strikes.
Ergo-Telekinesis: The user can use their aura to manipulate matter.
Indomitable Will: The user possesses a strong force of will.
Life-Force Beam Emission: The user can project their aura in the form of a destructive beam.
Spiritual Energy Conversion: The user can convert their aura into a form of energy or matter.
Aura Infusion: The user can infuse their aura into an object and/or person.
Power Mixture: The user are able to mix their aura with the aura of others.

Green (Anahata)

Disease Detection: The user can use their aura to sense the pain, disease, etc, from others and themselves.
Healing: The user can heal or regenerate themselves or another.
Empathic Healing: The user can heal the emotional and traumatic pains.
Healing Aura: The user can generate a healing aura.
Mental Healing: The user can heal the minds of themselves or another
.Internal Bodily Cleansing: The user can cleanse the body from any foreign impurities.

Blue (Vishuddha)

Intelligence Enhancement: The user can channel their aura to gain a higher level of enlightenment which enhances their intelligence.
Causality Perception: The user with this aura can deduce cause and effect relations and create appropriate and effective countermeasures.
Hypercognition: The user can utilize their aura as a medium to perform complex mental operations beyond those of a normal human mind.

Indigo (Anja)

Spiritual Meditation: The user can be at one with their aura in order to keep control of their abilities.
Astral Projection: The user can separate themselves from their physical form.
Dowsing: The user can use their aura to track and locate objects, resources, and people.
Mind's Eye: The user can use the indigo aura to access the third eye.
Telepathy: In a meditative state, the user can mentally communicate with others.
Tranquil State: The user can quiet and clear their mind, allowing them to focus on only the task at hand.

Violet (Sahasrara)

Aura Reading: The user can read the aura of another and gain information of one's emotion, health, and gain information of the special abilities of others.
Higher Consciousness: At a higher level, The user can spiritually ascend into a developed state of awareness.
Inner Power: The user is able to awaken the hidden potential that has slept within them.
True-Self Recognition: The user is able to connect with their true higher selves within themselves.
Illusion Awareness: The user can become aware of false realities and break free of the Illusion.
Elemental Manipulation
Elemental Aura
Elemental Generation
Elemental Attacks
Elemental Constructs
Elemental Infusion
Elemental Pressure
Elemental Mixture
Cryo-Electricity Manipulation
Electric-Fire Manipulation
Electric-Water Manipulation
Electro-Earth Manipulation
Ice-Fire Manipulation
Light-Darkness Manipulation
Shadow-Metal Manipulation

Red (Muladhara)

Earth Manipulation
CrushingEarth Attacks
Earth Aura
Earth Earthquake Generation
Terrakinetic Constructs
Metal Manipulation
Ferrokinetic Constructs
Metal Attacks
Metal Aura
Plant Manipulation
Chlorokinetic Constructs
Plant Attacks
Plant Aura

Orange (Swadhisthana)

Ice Manipulation
Cryokinetic Constructs
Ice Attacks
Ice Aura
Ice Infusion
Ice Storm Creation
Snow Manipulation
Blizzard Creation
Frigokinetic Constructs
Steam Manipulation
Geyser Creation
Water Manipulation
Hydrokinetic Constructs
Tidal Wave Generation
Water Attacks
Water Aura
Water Infusion

Yellow (Manipura)

Fire Manipulation
BurningFire Attacks
Fire Aura
Fire Infusion
Firestorm Creation
Pyrokinetic Constructs
Heat Manipulation
Heat Attacks
Heat Aura
Heat Constructs
Heat Generation

Green (Anahata)

Air Manipulation
Air Attacks
Air Aura
Aerokinetic Constructs
Air Infusion
Tornado Creation
Sound Manipulation
Sonokinetic Constructs
Sound Aura
Sound Infusion
Sound Wave Generation

Blue (Vishuddhi)

Electricity Manipulation
Electrical Constructs
Electrical Telekinesis
Electricity Attacks
Electric Aura
Electricity Infusion
Electromagnetism/Magnetism Manipulation
Attraction & Repulsion
Electromagnetic/Magnetic Attacks
Magnetic Aura
Magnetic Infusion
Lightning Bolt Projection
Light Manipulation
Light Attacks
Light Aura
Light Infusion
Photokinetic Constructs

Indigo (Anja)

Darkness Manipulation
Darkness Attacks
Darkness Aura
Darkness Infusion
Shadow Generation
Umbrakinetic Constructs

Violet (Sahasrara)

Space-Time Manipulation
Space-Time Attacks
Space-Time Slicing
Spatial Manipulation
Spatial Attacks
Spatial Constructs
Spatial Infusion
Spatial Tuning
Spatial Telekinesis


Aura Magic
Dark Aura Manipulation: One's aura can be corrupted by negative emotions.
Pure Aura Manipulation: One's aura can be purified of all negative emotions.
Transcendent Aura Manipulation: Should the user experience of sort of fundamental change, they will become able to spiritually and mentally grow, allowing them to manipulate all of the seven auras to a powerful degree.

CuringDeath Inducement - from fatal diseases.Disease Acceleration - Alter speed at which pathogens reproduce.Disease DetectionDisease Generation - Create a new disease, such as by mixing many illnesses together.Disease InducementDisease SolidificationDisease SuppressionDisease TransferalInfectionInfectious AttacksNosokinetic ConstructsAlter means by which pathogens are transferred (communicable, noncommunicable, contagious, airborne, waterborne, blood-borne, sexually-transmitted, genetic, etc)Stop the incubation of pathogens.Kill existing pathogens (including the worst, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc).Induce, prevent and withstand the contraction of illness.


Cellular Disintegration – Using diseases to destroy cells.
Disease Mimicry - Mimic the traits of any sort of disease.
Genetic Disintegration – Using diseases to rend asunder life-giving inherent chains.
Hypnotic Pathogen - Create pathogens which influence other peoples minds.
Healing Factor Nullification - Manipulate infections to negate and erase regenerative properties.
Infection Empowerment - Strengthen oneself via personal affliction or through contagion spreading.
Microbial Communication - Gain a better handle of controlling and understanding various infections.
Mutation Inducement - Cause biological abnormalities to occur via virus/bacteria.
Sickness Infusion - Supplement attacks by channeling erosive bacterial aspects through it.
Demonic Disease Manipulation
Disease Magic
Divine Disease Manipulation
Epidemic Creation
Esoteric Disease Manipulation
Life Disease Manipulation
Spiritual Disease Manipulation
Ontopathogenesis - Infect existence.
Pathogen Manipulation
Prion Manipulation
Psychic Disease Manipulation
Supernatural Disease Manipulation
Biological Manipulation
Filth Manipulation
Health Manipulation
Immune System Manipulation
Organic Manipulation
Pestilence Manipulation
Poison Manipulation
Undead Conversion

Energized Body
Energy Absorption
Energy Amplification
Energy Assimilation
Energy Attacks
Energy Aura

Energy Concentration
Energy Constructs
Energy Containment
Energy Conversion
Energy Current Defiance
Energy Defiance

Energy Detection
Energy Dilution
Energy Drain
Energy-Field Manipulation
Energy Generation
Energy Healing
Energy Manifestation
Energy Metabolization

Energy Negation
Energy Perception
Energy Propulsion
Energy Solidification
Energy Source Selection
Energy Telepathy
Energy Transduction
Energy Transferal
Energy Transmutation
Entity Aura
Ergo-TelekinesisErgokinetic SurfingRay/Beam Manipulation

Absent Energy Manipulation
Alternate Energy Conduction
Energizing Field Creation
Energy Augmentation
Energy Channeling
Energy Contact
Energy Defense
Energy Empowerment
Energy Emulation
Energy Physiology
Energy Regeneration
Energy Portal Creation
Energy Scattering
Ergokinetic Combat
Ergokinetic Invisibility

Activation Energy Manipulation
Adaptive Energy
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Natural Energy Manipulation
Fauna Energy Manipulation
Flora Energy Manipulation
Angelic Energy Manipulation

Astral Manipulation
Ectoplasm Manipulation
Augmentation Energy Manipulation
Aura Manipulation
Binding Energy Manipulation
Bio-Energy Manipulation
Blood Energy Manipulation
Calorie Manipulation
Caustic Energy Manipulation

Chaos Energy Manipulation
Chemical Energy Manipulation
Chi Manipulation
Conceptual Energy Manipulation
Cosmic Energy Manipulation
Creative Energy Manipulation
Damaging Energy Manipulation
Dark Energy Manipulation

Demonic Energy Manipulation
Destructive Energy Manipulation
Digital Energy Manipulation
Divine Energy Manipulation
Draconic Energy Manipulation
Elastic Energy Manipulation
Eldritch Energy Manipulation
Elemental Energy Manipulation

Energy Magic
EM Spectrum Manipulation
Corona/Solar Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Fire Manipulation
Heat Manipulation
Light Manipulation
Ionic Manipulation
Plasma Manipulation
Radiation Manipulation
Spark Manipulation

Emotional Energy Manipulation
Empathic Energy Manipulation
Energy Embodiment
Entropy Manipulation
Esoteric Energy Manipulation
Evolution Energy Manipulation
Extra-Dimensional Energy Manipulation
Foreign Energy Manipulation
Geothermal Manipulation

Gravitational Energy Manipulation
Healing Energy Manipulation
Hypnotic Energy Manipulation
Illusion Energy Manipulation
Imprisonment Energy Manipulation
Infectious Energy Manipulation
Internal Energy Manipulation
Invisible Energy Manipulation

Kinetic Energy Manipulation
Light Energy Manipulation
Luck Energy Manipulation
Lunar Energy Manipulation
Magical Energy Manipulation
Mana Manipulation
Magnetic Energy Manipulation
Marine Energy Manipulation
Mechanical Energy Manipulation
Mythic Energy Manipulation
Nuclear Manipulation

Null Energy Manipulation
Omni-Energy Manipulation
Oneiric Energy Manipulation
Order Energy Manipulation
Parasitic Energy Manipulation
Particle Energy Manipulation
Physical Energy Manipulation
Planetary Energy Manipulation
Portal Energy Manipulation
Potential Energy Manipulation

Primordial Energy Manipulation
Psi-Leech Energy Manipulation
Psychic Energy Manipulation
Pulse Manipulation
Quantum Energy Manipulation
Rainbow Energy Manipulation
Reality Energy Manipulation
Remote Energy Manipulation
Rotational Energy Manipulation
Sealing Energy Manipulation
Sentient Energy Manipulation

Solar Energy Manipulation
Stellar Energy Manipulation
Sound Manipulation
Ultrasound Manipulation
Space Energy Manipulation
Spiritual Force Manipulation
Summon Energy Manipulation
Surface Energy Manipulation
Symbiotic Energy Manipulation
Tachyon Manipulation
Tantric Manipulation

Telekinetic Force Manipulation
Telepathic Force Manipulation
Teleportation Energy Manipulation
Thermal Manipulation
Time Energy Manipulation
Toxic Energy Manipulation
Transcendent Energy Manipulation
Transformation Energy Manipulation
Volatile Force Manipulation
Warp Energy Manipulation
Zero-Point Energy Manipulation
Zodiac Energy Manipulation

True Mystical Terror Dragon God of the Unknown Form:?

(A/N:you will all see it in the story later on).

True Eternal Darkness Dragon God Form:

True Celestial Light Dragon God Form:

True Demon Dragon God Form:

(A/N:it's other half body inside the vortex is the same as Giratina.)

(A/n: you created your own sacred gear).

Balance Breaker:Devouring Creation

Juggernaut Drive:

Juggernaut chant:

I am the Unknown you fear.

The Nightmare forgotten in the passage of time.

The Mystery covered in darkness.

The End of Infinite and the Devourer of dreams.

I am always be Unknown and those who try to uncover the secret I hold will only be trap in an endless void of mystery.



A/N:well folks that all for now.

Continue Reading

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