Gilgamesh's Descendant.

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a story about Gilgamesh's distant descendant who like Gilgamesh has the powers of The Gate Of Babylon... More

Prologue: Gilgamesh's Descendant.
Chapter 1: The War Begins.
Chapter 3: The War Rises.
Chapter 4: The Fuyuki War Ends.
Chapter 5: The Great Holy Grail War.
Chapter 6: The Great War Starts.
Chapter 7: The Great War's Victim
Chapter 8: The Great War's Conflict.
Chapter 9: The Great War's End.
Chapter 10: The Moon Holy Grail War.
Chapter 11: The War Of Time.
Chapter 12: A New War.
Chapter 13: The War Of The Bed.
Chapter 14: The War Of Three Kings.
Chapter 15: The War We Fight.
Chapter 16: The War's End.
Chapter 17: The War's Slave.
Chapter 18: The War Of Gelda's End.

Chapter 2: The War Rages On.

4.7K 83 30
By TeamWhiteRose100

I do not own any of the fate series or it's characters, All rights go to TYPE-MOON, A-1 Pictures, Shaft, ufotable.

A Few Minutes After The End Of Chapter 1*

Gelda's POV*

I took a seat at the small table inside Shirou's home and he handed me and Rin some tea.

I took a sip of my tea as Rin said "Okay, let's get down to business.".

I put my tea down and Rin asked "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?".

Shirou shook his head.

Rin said "To put it simply, you've been chosen to be a Master. Have you noticed a Stigmata or something on your body?".

Shirou asked "Stigmata?".

I said "Rin means Command Seals, Shirou.".

Shirou said "Oh, this." and he showed his hand.

Rin said "Yes. Those are the marks that make you a Master. They're also spells that let you control your Servant. So as long as you keep those around, you can keep Saber under control.".

Shirou asked "What do you mean?".

I said "Command Seals are inviolable orders. They can force your Servant to obey, even if it means bending them to your will.".

Rin said "You'll probably be killed if you use all three too soon.".

Shirou in shock asked "I'll be killed?".

Rin said "That's right. The Holy Grail War, a trial where Masters kill other Masters in order to claim the grail for themselves, which can grant any wish.".

Shirou asked "Why are you telling me this?".

I took a sip of tea while Rin explained the Holy Grail War.

Rin explained the part about mages killing mages and I set my cup down.

Shirou asked "Do you really expect me to believe all of this?".

Rin said "I'm simply laying out the facts. Besides, deep inside you know already.".

I looked down at the bottom of my glass.

I used Gate of Babylon to summon the gallon of tea to my hand.

I poured a glass while Rin talked about Shirou almost dying twice today and that Saber was a familiar that would be around to help him survive the war.

I put the jug back in the Gate of Babylon and began enjoying my new cup of tea while I listened to Rin talk about the heroes of the past.

I set my glass down and laid my head on the table and looked up at Rin while she looked at me confusedly.

Rin asked "Is something wrong?".

I said "No. I'm just curious why you haven't asked about me Rinny.".

Rin said "I've always known about your power Gelda. I've been able to sense it since we first met.".

I sat up and nodded and said "Well, why I'm here I guess I'll set the record straight.".

I turned to Shirou and Saber.

I said "Either of you touch or as much as hurt Rin, I will personally destroy you, Servant or not. That goes for you upstairs too big man!!".

I turned to Rin.

I said "I'm going home. Holler if you need me. Besides that, I'm only part of this war as a observer and a peacemaker.".

She nodded as I stood up and stretched.

I walked over to the door and exited the home and began heading back to my house.

On the way there a little girl with a strange hat passed by me.

She said "Please do get involved.".

I turned back but she was gone.

I mentally said "The hell's wrong with the kids these day.".

I turned and continued walking home.

After a few minutes of more walking, I felt a huge magical disturbance and looked over to see a massive explosion.

When I arrived at my home I was confronted by the hero of heroes himself Gilgamesh.

I said "Long time no see! I suspect you're here about the Holy Grail War right?".

He said "As wise as ever for one of my descendants.".

I said "Sorry, but I'm not one of the Masters of the war.".

He said "I know. But, you should flee far away from this place before the Holy Grail War ends.".

I asked "Why?".

He said "By the end of this war, the end of all things will be here.".

I was about to say something but I looked out my window to see a massive explosion.

I turned back and Gilgamesh was gone.

I was a little tired and concerned so I walked to my bathroom and took my warm bath before just heading to bed.

The Next Day*

I was at the Archery Range practicing my archery when Shirou stopped by to drop off some food to Ms. Fujimura.

I looked behind him and saw Saber in a cute prim outfit.

I walked passed Shirou in order to talk with her because something was bugging me about what she said last night.

She turned to me and I asked "You said something last night that's been bugging me. What did you mean when you said I look like him?".

She looked down.

I said "It's fine if you don't want to tell me. Just tell me later.".

I went back inside to continue with my archery training.

Later On At Night*

I was the city's finest restaurant having a medium rare steak prepared for me while my minds eye kept an eye on Rin.

It appeared she was killing Golems that were feeding off human life energy.

I almost smiled when I saw her fighting a giant crocodile golem all on her own and she killed it in one strike.

I had my steak set down in front of me and I got to work eating it while I kept an eye on Rin.

Rin explained that all the death was both a witch's ointment and that it killed love and that it was flowing to Ryudou Temple.

I finished up my steak and paid for it and decided to take a small trip up to the Temple to have a small chat with Caster.

I turned my minds eye away from Rin as I walked up the steps to Ryudou Temple.

I stopped my approach when I saw a man with a sword standing a few steps ahead of me.

I continued walking up the steps and I said "Please move. I'm here for your boss.".

He said "I cannot do that unless she orders me to do so.".

I crossed my arms and opened about 6 Gates of Babylon around him and smiled asking "Do you really want this fight, Assassin?".

He sighed then put his blade away and stepped out of the way.

He said "She's waiting for you.".

I put my hands in my pockets as I walked up the steps and stepped passed him.

I walked up until I entered Ryodou Temple.

It reeked of mana residue and other such substances.

I stopped when I realized there were thin wires around me.

I said "Nice try Caster, but..." as I opened the Gate of Babylon around me.

She took form in front of me and I was amused she didn't try to run and hide.

She said "Welcome to my Temple young one.".

I said "Pleased to be here, though this isn't a social visit. It's a warning.".

She smirked asked "Oh, are you threatening me girl?".

I opened the Gate of Babylon wider and longer and aimed some of the weapons at her.

I said "I'm warning you. If you so much as leave this place or so much as try to hurt any of the people below this place, I will personally kill you myself.".

She asked "Is that a promise?".

I said "You can bet your life on it.".

I closed the Gate of Babylon and began walking away.

As I walked down the steps I passed by Assassin again and said "Goodbye.".

I made it to the bottom and I began walking home while it was nighttime.

I made it to my house and I laid down in bed.

I closed my eyes thinking about what Saber meant.

The Next Day*

I got up and got my exercises done before I got a shower and then I just headed for school.

When I got to school I saw Rin and surprisingly Shirou without Saber around.

I smiled as I hugged Rin from behind and she was all flustered and blushing.

I asked "How's the war going?".

She said "F-Fine!".

Later in the day I met up with Shirou and asked "How ya holding up there champ?".

He said "I'm doing fine. Getting a better hang of this whole Master thing.".

I nodded and let him be as I went along with my day and with my classes until everyone besides me was going home.

I was now sitting on my roof watching as Rin was trying to kill Shirou and Shirou was running for his life protecting himself with maximum effort while Rin shot Gandr's at him.

I looked down and saw Shinji with Rider I assume but I couldn't get a good enough look at her because of my minds eye focusing in on Rin and Shirou.

I soon enough heard a scream and it drew Rin and Shirou's attention as well.

They found the girl and Rin stabilized her with her stones just before Shirou was hit in the arm with something I couldn't see at all.

Shirou split from Rin to go find what attacked the girl.

Shirou surprisingly found Rider and put up a little fight against her before she just strung him up and was about to kill him.

I summoned a random bow and arrow to my hands and stood up getting ready to fire at a moments notice.

I shot the arrow once Rider twisted Shirou's arm behind his back.

I hit the chain while Rin fired Gandr shots at Rider driving her off.

I mentally said "I never did get a good look at you, Rider. Perhaps next time.".

I stood up and watched as Rin and Shirou headed for her place.

Dematerialized the bow back into the Gate of Babylon.

I used a Gate to teleport near the Tohsaka residence where I watched over the two of them from a far with my minds eye.

Rin bandaged Shirou up and they were talking about who would do such a thing to a girl.

Rin and Shirou soon came to a truce while I turned off to another direction to look at the school.

I mentally said "Three, well four Masters at school, along with a novice level bounded field. Should be an interesting time tomorrow.".

I jumped off the roof I was on and walked home.

When I got home I crashed on the couch from overusing the minds eye just a bit.

The Next Day*

I was very tempted to kill Shinji on the spot when I saw him in class this morning and guess Shirou did to because of what happened to Mitsuzuri.

I stepped out of the room and let Shirou handle it while I mentally thought of today's events including Shinji probably dying.

Rin and Shirou went around the school looking for sigils to this bounded field while I sat in class and learned like an actual student would.

After school was concluded, I headed home to read one of my mage books in order to begin my mage training.

I was able to pick up a few spells of high caliber destruction just in case the Gate of Babylon should fail me but I also picked up another spell which would allow me to increase my mana.

I activated this mana spell and I felt like I was better then okay.

I sensed Caster nabbing Shirou and was going to take her, Shirou, Assassin, Saber, and Ryodou Temple out but Archer got Shirou out of there.

After that I went to bed because I was tired after all the training.

The Next Day*

I got up and headed to school today where I saw Rin so I almost got the jump on her but she moved out of the way before I could hug her from behind and I was laughing when I hit the floor.

Shinji was a creepy giggling fool which convinced me that he was planning to kill all of us which meant I had to put him in his place.

I was now standing in the hallway watching a very impatient Rin wait on the dunce Shirou Emiya.

Rin finally pointed at him and gestured him to follow which he did and I found it hilarious.

I mentally said "Rin likes him more then me, I know that and I'm fine with it. There's gotta be a girl for me out there somewhere.".

I smiled and walked off but stopped when the bounded field went into affect.

I generated mana in my body while everyone else was passing out all around me.

I decided to deal with Shinji and Rider once and for all because I wasn't playing around anymore.

I walked down the hallway and summoned two blades to my hands and cut down all the Golems trying to kill me while I walked along to find Shinji and Rider.

I found the chemistry room and opened the door and saw Shinji and Rider.

Shinji worriedly asked "Hey, what's the deal? How are you able to move?".

I dematerialized the swords in my hand as I stepped into the room.

I said "No matter what you do, no matter where you go, and no matter who you know, I am going to kill you.".

Shinji ran and said "Rider.".

Before she could get to me I opened the Gate of Babylon and started shooting low quality blades at her while I took a battleaxe out of the Gate of Babylon and used it to cut her in half when she wasn't looking at me.

I sighed as I dematerialized all my weapons and I headed out of the room only to see Rin and Shirou standing over a frightened Shinji who just decided to run off.

I said "Rider's dead and Shinji's out of the war. I'm going home, you guys got this, right, right...".

They almost questioned me but I said "No buts, I was just looking out for the students.".

I passed by a shimmer and said "Too late to the party Archer, better luck next time.".

I stepped outside to the nice sunset world and I headed home where I took my long warm bath before I went to bed.

The Next Day*

I woke up sore as all hell for some reason but I had things to do so I got up and did my morning routine and shower before heading out to school which was miraculously not cancelled.

I looked up at Ryodou Temple and mentally said "Yeah, just stay there Caster. I'll be visiting you sooner or later depending on my mood.".

I got to class on time and we began the day.

I had a few tests today and I aced them all with ease because of my perfect mindset.

After class was over for the day I decided to head home and keep an eye on Rin and Shirou with my minds eye as I sat in my homes hot tub outside.

I started laughing when I saw Rin twisting Shirou's arm behind his back and she was forcing him up against the wall and Shirou was complaining about her boobs.

I soon looked nearby and I saw Gilgamesh there.

I stopped my laughing and focused in but he looked at me and said "No peaking granddaughter." and I was forced out of my minds eye.

I stood up in my hot tub and said "Dammit!".

I sat back down in my hot tub and reenacted my minds eye only to see Rin and Shirou talking about Gilgamesh then about Issei being in the clear of not being the fourth Master at our school.

After that they went their separate ways and went home.

I sighed and got out of my hot tub and got my robe on.

I mentally said "If grandfather's participating in this war, then I must get involved.".

I laid down in bed and said "I don't want to win but if the end is near then I must win.".

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