Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenari...

By JasmineMills6

4.5K 48 51

This one isn't going to be like the others. THERE WILL BE NO ROMANCE due to it being Obvious.... WARNING... More

Being Watched
Getting Wounded by Them
Are the Killers Gone?( shitty title but whatever)
Kidnapped and Tortured
Mind Games
They Come Back To Find You Gone
Captured Again
They Kill Your Family In Front Of You
All Hopes Gone
The Final Fight
WOW thank you guys!

First Meeting

338 5 0
By JasmineMills6

Jeff the Killer-
Approaching my bedroom for the night with a glass of coco in my hands. Just got done with spending time with a family that hates me. I don't know why i even try to get another with them anymore. Turning the door knob as i slipped inside, closing the door behind me. I set the glass down and began making my bed.
Once made, i slipped into the bed, covering myself up, closing my eyes. A silent room, perfect to go to sleep in.( no pun intended) The only thing I heard was a raspy voice, "GO, TO, SLEEP" my eyes snapped open. I sat up quickly and looked around the room. There in the darkness was a being, standing there eyeing me with wide never blinking eyes. I quickly slid from bed, slowly moving towards the door. My eyes never left their frame, before I ran towards the door. " oh they always run!" laughing out, he dashed towards me and tackled me down to the ground before i was able to reach the door. Squirming around underneath him, trying to get him the fuck off of me. I screamed out,  " Get the fuck off of me you piece of trash!!" Reaching over, trying to reach anything i could use against this... crazed mother fucker. Spotting my glass of coco on my nightstand, I reached out the best i could, managing to grab it. I slammed it against his face. He cried out falling back and off of me. I quickly stood up and ran out of the room. Rushing down the halls and towards the front door. Hoping that i make it in time and that he wasnt following me. That i wounded his face too much. The door slammed open as i was rushing towards it. Someone must have heard my screams as Officers poured inside. I pointed back towards my room. Watching them rush back, entering the room, only to find nothing but a note, " .... this isnt over bitch... ill make you pay for what you have done."

~Jeffs pov~

Damn that woman hurt my beautiful face! FUCKING BITCH it burned! Having the nerve to do such things to me. Ill cut into that face of hers, stab her repeatedly. Hearing her beg for me to stop, only for me to end her pathetic life. Now i gotta hide out from these pathetic morons. God pigs are annoying.

Ben Drowned- 

Enjoying myself in a zombie game today. My tongue is slightly hanging out. " alright Boss time." the big mother fucker steps out and into the open. Taking out my best gun as the game begins to glitch and be a dick again,  "oh no not again." Pausing it so I wouldn't die, BUT it unpaused by itself and I died, "Son of a bitch! What the hell, come on, that was hard as fuck!" Screaming out at the TV. Fed up with it, i turned it off. Standing up and sighing out. I turned around to leave and cool off, but stopped when the TV turned back on by itself. The screen turned blank and words spread across it, " You shouldn't have done that.." Blinking, slightly confused by what it meant. " umm... done what? What did i do? Who the hells doing this?!" Startled, I cocked my head. A hand began to come out of the screen causing my eyes to widened and for me to back up. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. When i saw that it was in fact real, I turned dashing out of the room and down the halls. " Oh fuck me .. my God i'm dreaming, that's it.. i'm dreaming. Ok ___, it would be a good time to wake the fuck up now!" Screaming out at myself.
 I slipped into my living room, heading towards the kitchen for a knife to use. Approaching the kitchen, only to stop and stare. He looks up at me only to grin" You met with a terrible fate haven't you?" Unable to speak, i just stared at this... being. Black eyes with a red middle. Red... umm.. tears? Yeah they had to be tears, streaming down his face, stopping at his cheeks. Blonde locks, elf ears. Dressed in a green tunic with a green hat on his head. I began backing away from this, being. Watching his head cocked to the side. I had a feeling i wasnt going to get away from him cause apparently it can teleport or do something, i dont know man. I left the room before him but somehow hes out here before me( dumbass ). Not thinking, I dashed up towards the being and tackled him down. It caused him to slam into a table leg. There was some water in a tub on the table, some of the water splashed out and landed on him. He cried out and pushed me off roughly and dashed off diving into the TV. I sat there wide eyed, frightened to my core. I was unable to process what the hell just happened. 

~Bens pov~

Soaked and glitching. The woman tackled me. SHE TACKLED ME!! Water... water..... everywhere. She... no... I can't believe she tackled me into a table that had water WATER on it. Finally able to get my words out, damn woman making me glitch and unable to speak properly. Oh when i get my hands on her, shes going to suffer, shes going to pay dearly. 

Dark Link- 

Folding laundry, humming out a tune. Reaching into the basket of clothing before stopping due to hearing something from my tv. I didn't have the damn thing on, it shouldn't be making any sounds. I turned towards it, but saw nothing. Shrugging, i turned back to my folding. 

I glanced behind me, slightly paranoid. My eyes widened, i quickly turned fully around and stared at this. You sure as hell don't see this everyday. A person coming out of your tv. I didn't waste any time as i was running off to get something to defend myself with. I wasn't a stupid person who would just stand there and stare at it. Slipping into my room and into my closet taking out my baseball bat. I quickly turned around to see if it came up from behind me. A deep chuckle was heard before a hand wrapped around my mouth and another around my waist, being pulled back into that person's embrace. Slamming my elbow into the beings gut, before slamming back my fist into the persons face, prying myself out of their hold. I moved back and away from the darkness. It finally came out from the shadows, staring at me with intense hate. My eyes widened once again, " holy shit...." grayish skin, fiery crimson eyes, white average long hair, elf like ears. Dressed in a black tunic like outfit, and a hat over his white locks. I knew this being from one of the video games i play, Dark Link. One of the bosses you have to beat. Holding tightly onto my bat, eyeing this being. " i advise you just leave, ill beat the shit out of you if you don't." He chuckles at that before raising his hands up, " very well, but this isn't over. You'll be seeing me soon my dear. " a smirk spreads across his lips before he fades into the shadows and back out  to the tv in the living room leaving through it. 

~Darks Pov~ 

She was cute, i honestly didn't want to kill her just yet. It would have been to boring, to easy. The way she studied me was... whats the word... arousing. Yes arousing. Shes interesting. Oh man, when the time comes, ill take my time destroying her. Ill destroy this woman's very soul, ill corrupt it with eternal darkness.

Eyeless Jack-

Staring out of the window as i brushed my teeth getting ready for bed. Finishing up, I walked back to the bathroom and entered it, spitting out that nasty shit in my mouth, rinsing my mouth out with some water, then placing my belongings away. I walked over, shutting off the lights. Slipping out of the room and back into my bedroom, sliding into my bed.

Laying there, feeling a gaze on me. I didn't dare to look just yet. I wanted that person to come out and try something. I had my pocket knife with me, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The bed began to slowly sink under the persons weight. Blankets slowly sliding off of my form. I hid the knife in my hands, slowly and quietly taking the blade out. When i felt my shirt begin to lift, i quickly turn towards the being. The blade to its throat," Who the fuck are you! What are you doing in my house!" Staring at this... this being. Blue mask with black tar like substance coming out from the eye holes. I looked into the eye holes, but..... i didn't see no freaking eyes! Just ..... nothing. The creature just stared down at me before backing up and off of the bed, " ... hmm, just empty black sockets." Speaking out to me before turning, leaping out of the window and into the night. I blinked rapidly at that responds, my head cocked confused on it. " what the hell kind of answer is that!! Who the hell says something like that to a question like that!?" Standing up quickly, rushing over to the window, closing and locking it. I stared off into the direction i assumed he ran off in. I didn't go to sleep that night, frightened, thinking he would come and try again. 

~ Jacks pov~  

I honestly don't know why i responded to her question like that. Seeing her stare intensely at me, it was the first thing that came to mind. Not sure why. Whatever. A brave woman indeed, no other victim of mine was awake when i did my thing. I was slightly startled, surprised. Ill try again when the time is right. Catching this woman off guard may be tricky. For now, ill go to other peoples home to gather more food, hers will have to wait. 


Slipping from the shower after my daily routine. Exercising. Dressing myself and making my way out of the room and down the halls towards the kitchen for something to eat. My stomach wouldn't shut up the entire time i was in the shower. Stopping by my window, staring out it. What the hell was that guy doing. Staring at..... fuck. A crowbar in his hand, making his way towards my door. I quickly make my way towards the backdoor as my front door was kicked in. Hearing him dashing towards me, " holy shit.... no no no" approaching the door and prying it open slipping outside. I didnt get very far as i yelped out, my hair was yanked back and i was dragged back into the house. The door slammed shut and locked. He tossed me down to the ground. "fuck off!" yelling at him as i kicked him hard in his dick then in his gut. It caused him to double over and fall to his knees. By that time i was up and onto my feet running off and out of the door. 

~Maskys pov~

Why is it always the fucking dick. Every time when someone fights back, they always kick my fucking dick!! Growling to myself i as stood up and left. Slender the fucking cock sucker is going to be pissed but whatever its not nothing new. The fucking bastard hates me i can never impress him, don't care either. 

Jason the Toymaker-

Sitting on my bed, staring intensely at my doll my grandmother gave me before she passed. I wasn't a big fan of it. I grabbed it and turned it away from me. It was giving me the creeps, felt like it was literally staring at me. " Stop staring at me!" growling out at it before walking out of my bedroom. 

Entering the kitchen to get something to drink, filling the glass up with water. Turning around, yelping out, dropping the glass of water. I froze, I saw a black mouse on the ground. " f fuck" Turning around and yelping once more as i slammed into a chest." .. aww you frightened Licorice.." Moving around me and picking up the mouse in his hand. " who the hell are you" staring at the man in front of me, he had mahogany red hair with a black flock in the back, golden beautiful charming looking eyes, dressed in.. well.. weird out of date clothing, and black boots. " .. hmm..." was his response, walking towards me his eyes flashed a pale green color before going to normal again, " ... you frightened my friend my dear, now... for your punishment, Let me fix you up" he lunged at me, I moved away in time and made a dash towards the door. Approaching my door. I reached down to grasp the door handle but stopped as it vanished. A blue door appeared in replace of my own. Its handle turned and the door was pushed opened, he stepped out of it, "... defiantly going to fix you up now" He was raging at this point his form changed completely, his eyes were pale light clear green, his teeth were sharp as fuck looking, his arms were black, which looked like, rotten flesh, his nails were longer and sharper. He made his way towards me. I began backing up and away from this being. Growling out at me, as  he moved quicker then normal. Catching me by surprised by it, yanking me towards him. He began dragging me towards his blue door. Yanking and pulling at his grasp on me. His nails digging into my wrist. " Let me go! You stupid son of a ..." growling out at him as i brought my foot back and flung it forwards. Kicking his dick causing him to release his hold on me. I rubbed my wrist before pushing him back and away from me. Turning and climbing out of my window, running off down the street.

~Jasons pov~

OH SHE DID NOT JUST DO THAT!!!! OH MY DIIIIIIIICK!!!!!! Holding my lower region. This woman will... oh my fucking dick. She will die!! ill destroy her!! ILL TEAR HER APART... MY FUCKING DICK!! Managing to pull myself together after a good long while. Departing from her home, i went to search for her. To DESTROY her. 

Candy Pop-

Laying in bed, unable to sleep once again. I swear, this... this thing is haunting my dreams. Groaning out i sat up and swung my legs up and out of bed. The dream was on a loop, repeating itself, annoying me greatly. Approaching my door, opening it. I came face to face with a tall jester like being with long blue hair parted in 3 sections that had bells at the ends. Holding out a purple balloon to me, i cocked my head eyeing it before looking up at the being. " ... what you doing in my house?" I didn't give a shit about the balloon. " whatever, move it." Moving around him and down the halls. Blinking once it appeared before me again," the fuck do you want." Studying the outline of this... being. My eyes widened, " no way.... YOU!! You mother fucker you were in my dreams! You creepy....." I was cut off by his chuckle and a huge hammer swinging at my head. My eyes go fucking huge as i barely dodged in time. " Damn dude! Get offended easily?!" Rolling away and standing up eyeing him intensely, " almost knocked my head off my shoulders you fucktard!! Whats the matter with you!!" Watching his face go sadistic, " .. fuck me.." backing away from him. Watching his palish skin turn purplish. " oh ill gladly fuck you my dear...." Wings formed from his back, his blue hair turned black. Purplish pink eyes turned red. I reverted my gaze moving back and away. " fuck off!!" Once again its formed changed back to the other. " FUCK OFF DAMMIT LET ME HANDLE THIS!!!" it shouted at itself. I just stood there confused as all hell. " what the hells going on?" His eyes are now glued on me, " .. oh my arent you the confused kitten. Hehe, thats adorable. Ah Hell, you are in luck. I just lost my blood lust." smirking sinisterly at me before vanishing off. I blinked going even more confused, " THE FUCKS GOING ON!!!!!"

~Candys pov~

Dammit! Missed my chance to kill that bitch. It was a good time as well. Tired of having to fight for control against this mother fucker inside of me. I might just let him out to take the glory. He might enjoy himself more. Cracking a grin at the thoughts that came to mind.

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