The Final Fight

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( i had changed my mind on this chapter, i know i said before to a certain reader that i was going to have in some of them the reader kill the killer or have the reader become one of them... but nah. I changed my mind. Sorry if i disappointed you )

Jeff the Killer- 
Knowing my time was about up, i had to do something. I stood up from my spot in the room he kept me in. I walked over to the door and turned the knob, and to my surprise. It was unlocked, this didnt feel right, but i didnt care. I wasnt going to sit around anymore, i was going to fight. If i was going to die, i was going to go down fighting. Who knows, i might be able to kill him instead. I slipped from the room, making my way down the halls quietly. Coming around the corner, not seeing him in the kitchen. I glanced over at the front door, seeing locks on them. Shrugging at that as i entered the kitchen and took out a knife. I might as well, its the only thing in here that i can use as a weapon. I nodded to myself, " here i go, ive had enough.. its time i do something, live or die... here i go." muttering to myself. I turned around, knife down at my side, slowly raising it up. Time to go find that sadistic bastard. 
Finding him in his room, he was sitting in his chair sharpening his knife. I was quiet, i made sure of it. Creeping up behind him, my knife raised up. Its time i end this son of a bitch, to get revenge for myself and my family. Hell for EVERYONE he has killed. As i was bringing it down towards his head, he turns around in a quick motion, catching my wrist that held the knife. Standing up from his spot, moving around the chair. My eyes held terror. This was it.... no... i couldnt think that. I can still fight back. I mentally nodded and moved forward, tackling him down to the ground. Catching him off guard, which caused him to release my wrist." You bastard! Its time i take back my life, to get revenge for all of the lives you took!!" Placing my other hand on the handle of the knife and was bringing it down towards his chest. A quick punch to my face distracted me and made me miss my target. In that instant, he was on top of me, taking out his own knife and slamming it down into my chest. My eyes widened as blood poured out of my mouth. I stared up at his crazed, huge, blue eyes. Slowly, closing my eyes. I knew this was going to be the end of me, the last thing i heard was " .... Go. To. Sleep"

~Jeffs pov~
Sitting in my room, sharpening my knife. A sigh leaves my lips, thinking about using my sharpened knife to do some carving. A smirk rose to my lips. Sliding the blade up and down the sharpener i stole. At the corner of my eye at the mirror, i saw her creeping up on me, knife in hand. Oh my, shes attempting to kill me. Cute..... but dumb. Watching her raise it up and over her head as i slipped my knife into my pocket, turning and catching her wrist in my hand. I stood up from my spot, moving around the chair. Her eyes held it all, the terror. She knew she fucked up. Next thing i knew, i was flying through the air, being tackled by her. She fucking tackled me.... the bitch grew a pair and was tackling me. " You bastard! Its time i take back my life, to get revenge for all of the lives you took!!" hearing her scream down at me as she was bringing down her knife towards my chest, i quickly punched her hard in the face, distracting her as she missed me... fuck.. that was close. I quickly swapped, i was now on top. This bitch was done for, i had enough. Its time to end her. I take out my knife from my hoodie and slam it down into her chest, just like she did to me when i felt encountered her... but for me... i know how to fucking aim. I watched as the light from her eyes began to disappeared as i whispered out, " ... Go. To. Sleep"

Ben Drowned- 
I knew this day would come. Slamming my hands on the glass, crying out loudly. " D dammit... no it cant end like this... dont do this... you can still change... " I watched him, seeing his lips form into a smirk as he responds, " .. foolish human, stop wasting your breath. You should know that words wont get you out of this. Its time for your life to parish... feel what i felt all of those years ago. Now Drown...." his voice as he finished his sentence was distorted. The room began to fill up with water, rapidly. I moved quickly to the highest spot in there. Tears were pouring out of my eyes as i sat there knees up to my chest as my arms were wrapped around them. 
Underneath the water, trying to hold my breath for as long as i could. But i couldnt.... it was all to much... i couldnt breath. The water began to pour inside of me, drowning me. It filled my lungs... this was it for me... it knew it..... i.........

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