Getting Wounded by Them

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Jeff the Killer-
I snapped my eyes open, slowly sitting up in bed staring at the dark corners of my room. " alright fuck face come out I know you're in here" sliding out of bed a knife at my side, "... first you watch me like a fucking creep, then try and kill me, now what try and kill me again... seriously get a life!" having a foul mouth,  i knew talking like this to a killer wouldnt help much, probably only make things worse... but whatever its who i am. " ... Go, To, Sleep..." I shook my head" haha very funny .... how about you go to sleep... I was fuckin trying to but no.... you had to come in and be a fucking creep again." Speaking to him in such a disgusting way once more. I turned around seeing him stepping out of the shadows chuckling,  " such a naughty mouth you have... let me carve into it.." lunging at me, knocking me down. It caused me to let out a scream. His hand went over my mouth as his knife dove into my arm. I cried out under his hand as my knee that wasnt trapped underneath him went flying up and into his dick. Hearing him grunt out in pain as i pushed him off of me taking his knife and slamming it down into his chest before running off and out of the room.

~Jeffs pov~ 
Ahh fuck! The bitch stabbed me, then goes and kicks my fucking dick. Ah God dammit woman! I yanked my knife out and stood up knowing shes long gone once again. Son of  a bitch, this womans going to piss me off. Going to have to teach her a lesson when i finally get my hands on her. Leaping out of the window and running off before the police come.

Ben Drowned-
Sitting there In my gaming chair shooting the shit out of zombies in one of my favorite games, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare- Exo Zombies. Right now I was inserting the black box into the computers to start the Easter egg of this map.. " alright you piece of shits come at me so I can kill all of you. Giggling out as I shot them all, rushing up to the computers and inserting the box. I turned around once inserted and get knocked down by a huge ass zombie. " the hell? that zombie isn't from this game... hes from..." Looking down shaking my head, " you got to be kidding me.... get your ass out of my screen so I can kick it hard!" A sadistic chuckle is heard before the words,  " you shouldn't have done that!" spreads across my tv screen, I stood up and rushed off to get some water already knowing his weakness.
Ben chuckles, " foolish human, you think im stupid!" moving through my phone and popping out of it. His hand wrapped around my throat as he pulled his body out of my phone, slamming me to the wall, " Im far from stupid unlike you... you've met with a terrible fate haven't you" chuckling as his wires wrapped around my form and a electric shock was giving to me. Crying out in such pain, trying so hard to reach my squirt gun. Ben sees this and flips me over straddling my hips and wrapping his hands around my throat strangling me. Gagging out before sucker punching him hard in the face. Pushing him hard off of me and unwrapping the wires off my form. Falling back against the wall, sliding down it right next to my squirt gun. Ben sees this and began running off down the halls towards the tv not wanting to get squirted

~Bens pov~
Fuck no! Im not getting squirted. That bitch, son of a.. she was about to die as well. I saw it, i felt it. Her eyes were slightly glazed... fuck! Darks in the lead with kills, i cant let him win. Im the best when it comes to games... this bitch is going to die sooner NOT later.

Dark Link-
Having to creep through my own home is fucking pathetic. Ive had enough of this ... guy. Coming around the corner slowly. A deep chuckle was heard from behind me. " fuck... " i didnt look, i wasnt stupid. I made a run for it down the halls.  " ah!" screaming out, falling hard to the ground. Glancing down at my feet, a strange darkness was surrounding them. Feet was in front of my gaze now before i was lifted up and slammed to a wall. I came face to face with a pair of red eyes. " ... f fuck off already!!" The being only chuckles at this, " i told you ill be back... im not done with you yet woman. " Darkness rises up and around us, the only thing i saw now was his red eyes. Fighting against his grip, not wanting to know what that darkness can do. " f fuck... fuck fuck fuck!!" cursing out right and left before managing to bring my knee up right into his dick. The darkness faded as i was released. This being falls backwards holding himself, " fucking cock!" He yells out, but before he could do anything again i was running off out of the door.

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